2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C.
From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 150405: Consequential Cash Choice Experiments: Provision Rules and Decision Support for Restoration of NROCs Ecosystem

- Achyut Kafle and Stephen Swallow
- 150404: Crop Prices, Agricultural Revenues, and the Local Economy of the U.S. Heartland

- Jeremy Weber, Conor Wall, Jason Brown and Tom Hertz
- 150403: Meat Demand Analysis in Urban China: To Include or Not to Include Meat Away from Home?

- Junfei Bai, James Seale, Thomas Wahl and Bryan Lohmar
- 150402: Industrial Agglomeration of Chinese Food Processing

- Miao Wang and Peter Goldsmith
- 150401: How Will Offshore Energy Production Affect Delaware Beach Visitation?

- Jacob Fooks, Kent Messer, Josh Duke, Janet Johnson and George Parsons
- 150400: What's For Lunch? Determinants of the National School Lunch Program Menu

- Janet G. Peckham
- 150399: Unconditional Quantile Estimation: An Application to the Gravity Framework

- Alexander P. Cairns and Alan Ker
- 150398: Do School Lunch Menus Influence National School Lunch Program Participation?

- Janet G. Peckham, Jaclyn D. Kropp, Thomas Mroz, Vivian Haley-Zitlin, Ellen M. Granberg and Nikki Hawthorne
- 150397: Adoption and Coexistence of GE, Conventional non-GE, and Organic Crops

- Aaron Adalja, Catherine Greene, James Hanson, Robert Ebel and Michael Barron
- 150395: The Impacts of Climate Shocks on Child Mortality in Mali

- Peter Han and Jeremy Foltz
- 150394: A Modified Rapid Assessment Method for Assessing Community Food Security

- Adam Rabinowitz and Jiff Martin
- 150393: Climate and the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Winter Wheat Yields: Evidence from the U.S. Pacific Northwest

- John Antle, Jianhong E. Mu and John Abatzoglou
- 150392: Impacts of BSE and Avian Influenza on U.S. Meat Demand

- Jianhong E. Mu, Bruce McCarl and David Bessler
- 150391: Climate Impacts on Land Allocation in the Pacific Northwest: Weather Shocks and Climate Shifts

- Jianhong E. Mu, John Antle and John Abatzoglou
- 150390: Health-Related Product Attributes and Purchasing Behavior in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Market: An Application with Household-level, Censored Data

- Jing Li, Edward Jaenicke and Tobenna D. Anekwe
- 150389: Sources of Hypothetical Bias in Public Goods Experiments: A Disaggregated Approach

- Julie I. Santos, Emi Uchida, Christopher M. Anderson and Stephen Swallow
- 150387: Testing Hicksian Separability Over Space

- John Gibson and Bonggeun Kim
- 150385: Impact of a community-based educational garden program on child and household food choices: A case study in Atlanta

- Joanna Brown, Gregory Colson and Nicholas Magnan
- 150379: A Bio-economic Model of Perennial Production with Deficit Irrigation

- Bradley Franklin, Kurt Schwabe and Keith Knapp
- 150378: Quality Incentives in Informal Markets: The Case of Ecuadorian Cocoa

- Pilar Jano and Brent Hueth

- Janelle Mann and Derek G. Brewin
- 150376: Rating the Websites of Agricultural Experiment Stations

- Jon C. Phillips and Adriana Ortega
- 150368: Is there a Global Relationship Across Crude Oil Benchmarks?

- Janelle Mann
- 150367: Economic value of crop residues in African smallholder agriculture

- Julia Berazneva
- 150366: Engaging Undergraduates in an Interdisciplinary, International Collaboration for Development

- Janelle B. Larson
- 150365: Getting the Most for Federal Dollars: Optimizing Incentives for Riparian Buffers

- James Manley and Jason Mathias
- 150364: The Chicken Wears No Skin: Ordering Effects in Elicitation of Willingness to Pay for Multiple Credence Attributes in Ethical and Novel Food Products

- Sean Cash, Peter Slade and John Cranfield
- 150363: Estimating Post-Harvest Food Losses: Developing a Consistent Global Estimation Framework

- Jaspreet Aulakh, Anita Regmi, Joan Fulton and Corinne Alexander
- 150362: Impact of Source and Quality on the Demand for Rice Imported in Cote d’Ivoire

- Jeanne Y. Coulibaly
- 150361: The Value of Access to Rural Hospitals
- James E. IV Allen, Alison Davis, Wuyang Hu and Emmanuel Owusu-Amankwah
- 150360: The pesticides we eat: pesticide health risks and EPA pesticide regulation

- Elisabeth Newcomb Sinha
- 150359: Migration Decisions within the Job Search Framework: Implications for Understanding the "Resource Curse"

- Ekaterina Niman, B. Deaton and Louise Grogan
- 150358: Retrospective Evaluation of the WIC Program Changes: Dairy Nutrient Delivery

- Eliza M. Mojduszka
- 150357: Eco-efficiency of Alternative Cropping Systems Managed in an Agricultural Watershed

- Emmanuel Yiridoe, Frederick Amon-Armah, Dale Hebb and Rob Jamieson
- 150356: Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in the U.S.: Potential Constraints to Adaptation Due to Shifting Regional Water Balances

- Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel P. Aillery, Ryan Williams, Scott A. Malcolm and Paul Heisey
- 150355: Gauging countries commitment to skills development for economic transformation

- Eugenie Maiga
- 150354: Hunger-driven food choices: An experiment to test the effect of providing pre-lunch snacks on school lunch choices

- Elena Castellari, Joshua Berning and Rui Huang
- 150353: Basis Risk and Compound-Risk Aversion: Evidence from a WTP Experiment in Mali

- Ghada Elabed and Michael Carter
- 150350: The Spatio-temporal Impact of Drought on Local and Regional Feeder Cattle Inventories

- Eric Belasco
- 150349: The Path to SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Dynamics Among Young Adults

- Erik Scherpf
- 150347: Reconsidering Post Green Revolution Food Choices: New Processing Technologies and Food Security in India

- Evan Miller-Tait, Martin Luckert, Sandeep Mohapatra and Brent Swallow
- 150345: In-Utero Rainfall Variability and Birth Weight in the Rural Philippines

- Eeshani Kandpal and Emmanuel Skoufias
- 150343: Utilizing Local Capacity to Supplement Government Health Programs: Cautionary Evidence from a Malaria Prevention RCT in India

- Ashis Kumar Das, Jed Friedman and Eeshani Kandpal
- 150341: Deer Creek Farms: Tradition into the Future

- Elizabeth Yeager and Sarah A. Stutzman
- 150340: Heterogeneous behavior, obesity and storability in soft drink consumption: A dynamic demand model

- Francesca Colantuoni and Christian Rojas
- 150339: Size, Productivity and Exit Decisions in Dairy Farms

- Fengxia Dong, David Hennessy and Helen Jensen
- 150338: Competitive Position and Price Integration of Black Sea Region Wheat

- Frayne Olson and O’Brien, Daniel M.
- 150337: Impact of Marketing Channels on Perceptions of Quality of Life and Profitability for Wisconsin’s Organic Vegetable Farmers

- Erin Silva, Fengxia Dong, Paul Mitchell and John Hendrickson
- 150336: Impact of Atrazine on the Sustainability of Weed Management in Wisconsin Corn Production

- Fengxia Dong, Paul Mitchell, Vince M. Davis and Ross Recker
- 150335: Cash versus In-Kind: Farmer Valuation of Seed Traits and Differences in Willingness-to-Pay

- Fiona Hossack and Henry An
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