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2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C.

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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150729: From Farmers' Management Decisions to Watershed Water Quality: A Spatial Economic Model of Land Management Choices Downloads
Wendong Zhang and Elena G. Irwin
150728: National and Global Impact of Canadian Producer-Funded R&D Downloads
Zhihua Xiao
150727: Decision Frame Heterogeneity Across Intensive and Extensive Margins and Attributes Nonattendance: A Case Study in a Weight Loss Study Downloads
Yuan Yuan, Wen You and Kevin Boyle
Matthew Elliott and Harvey James
150725: Meta-Analysis and Publication Bias in the Hedonic Wage Literature Downloads
William Wheeler and Chris Dockins
150723: Perspectives for individual livestock farms in post-Soviet agriculture – Evidence from Kazakhstan Downloads
Mimako Kobayashi, Martin Petrick, Katharina Vantomme and Lovell Jarvis
150722: Farmer Demand for Soil Fertility Management Practices in Kenya’s Grain Basket Downloads
Mercy W. Kamau, Melinda Smale and Mercy Mutua
150721: The Economics of Quality in the Specialty Coffee Industry: Insights from the Cup of Excellence Auction Programs Downloads
Adam P. Wilson and Norbert Wilson
150720: Foreign aid and the quest for poverty reduction: Is aid to agriculture effective? Downloads
Oz Kaya, Ilker Kaya and Lewell Gunter
150719: Time Preference and Technology Adoption: A Single-Choice Experiment with U.S. Farmers Downloads
Eric Duquette, Nathaniel Higgins and John Horowitz
150718: Public Preferences about Agricultural Protectionism in the US Downloads
Wanki Moon and Gabriel Pino
150717: Conditional Suspension of the US Ethanol Mandate using Threshold Price inside a Competitive Storage Model Downloads
Michael Roberts and A. Nam Tran
150716: Effects of the Common Agricultural Policy on Non-Family Farm Employment in Primary and Secondary Agricultural Areas Downloads
Anna M. Klepacka, Tadeusz Sobczyński, Wojciech J. Florkowski and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
150714: A Model of West African Millet Prices in Rural Markets Downloads
Molly Brown, Nathaniel Higgins and Beat Hintermann
150712: Economic and Land Use Consequences of Biofuel Production and Policy with Application of US and EU Sustainability Criteria Downloads
Krissana Treesilvattanakul, Farzad Taheripour and Wallace Tyner
150711: Leveling with Friends: Social Networks and Indian Farmers' Demand for Agricultural Custom Hire Services Downloads
Nicholas Magnan, David Spielman, Travis Lybbert and Kajal Gulati
150709: Costs of Local Air Quality Regulation on Dairies in the San Joaquin Valley Downloads
Wei Zhang
150708: Farm Support Payments and Risk Balancing: Implications for Financial Riskiness of Canadian Farms Downloads
Florentina Nicoleta Uzeaa, Kenneth Poon, David Sparling and Alfons Weersink
150707: Factor Substitution and Technical Change in the U.S. Dairy Processing and Manufacturing Industry Downloads
Wei Zhang and Julian Alston
150706: Third Party Certification and the Effectiveness of Voluntary Pollution Abatement Programs: Evidence from Responsible Care Downloads
Martina Vidovic, Neha Khanna and Michael S. Delgado
150704: Optimal Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Size under Uncertainty Downloads
Wei Zhou
150703: The Impact of Irrigation Capital Subsidies on Common-pool Groundwater Use and Depletion: Results for Western Kansas Downloads
Nicolas E. Quintana Ashwell and Jeffrey Peterson
150702: Listen to Your Data: Econometric Model Specification through Sonification Downloads
Christopher McIntosh, Ron Mittelhammer and Jonathan N. Middleton
150701: Marketing Cooperatives' Equity Sources: An Empirical Study Downloads
Nikos Kalogeras and Joost Pennings
150700: High Food Prices and their Implications for Poverty in Uganda From Demand System Estimation to Simulation Downloads
Ole Boysen
150698: Dynamic food demand and habit forming behaviors: Bayesian approach to a Dynamic Tobit panel data model with unobserved heterogeneity Downloads
Miyoung Oh and Helen Jensen
150697: Modeling the Effects of Input Market Reforms on Fertilizer Demand and Maize Production: A Case Study of Kenya Downloads
Megan Sheahan, Joshua Ariga and Thomas Jayne
150696: Futures Prices in Supply Analysis Reconsidered Downloads
Nathan Hendricks, Joseph Janzen and Aaron Smith
150695: Tradeoff between Efficiency and Equity in the Targeting of the Conservation Reserve Program Downloads
JunJie Wu and Jialing Yu
150691: Automobile Fuel Economy: Under-valued, Over-valued, or Both? Downloads
Molly Espey
150689: Valuing Automobile Fuel Economy Over Time Downloads
Molly Espey and John E. Walker
150688: Female social networks and learning about a new technology in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India Downloads
Nicholas Magnan, David Spielman and Kajal Gulati
150683: Evaluating habitat-fishery interactions: The case of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Blue Crab fishery in the Chesapeake Bay Downloads
Nikolaos Mykoniatis and Richard Ready
150680: The Effects of Package Downsizing on Food Consumption Downloads
Metin Cakir, Joseph Balagtas and Abigail Okrent
150679: The U.S. Shrimp Demand Market Analysis: A Product Differentiated Mixed Rotterdam Demand System Downloads
Maryam Tabarestani, Keithly, Walter R., and R Wes Harrison
150678: Enforcing Regulation: The Impact of Violating Drinking Water Standards on Infant Health at Birth in the US Downloads
Matthew Harding
150677: Are Bioenergy Crops Riskier than Corn? Implications for Biomass Price Downloads
Ruiqing Miao and Madhu Khanna
150674: Market Supply Analysis: Landowner Preferences for Ecosystem Service Provision in Wyoming Downloads
Esther Duke, Kristiana Hansen and Craig A. Bond
150644: Effects of Distance and Local Food Environment on Shopping Frequency and Food Purchases Downloads
Ilya Rahkovsky and Samantha Snyder
150643: Water Banks, Markets, and Prior Appropriation: A Comparison of Water Allocation Instruments in the Eastern Snake River Plain Downloads
Sanchari Ghosh, Kelly Cobourn and Levan Elbakidze
150641: Adoption of Residential Solar Power Under Uncertainty: Implications for Renewable Energy Incentives Downloads
Christoph Bauner and Christine Crago
150640: Is Outdoor Recreation Recession-proof? An Empirical Investigation on Iowan’s Lake Recreation Behavior During 2009 Recession Downloads
Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Catherine Kling and Joseph Herriges
Amin Mugera and Michael Langemeier
150638: Off-farm Work and Fertilizer Intensification among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya: A Cross-Crop Comparison Downloads
Mary K. Mathenge, Melinda Smale and Joseph Opiyo
150637: Individualized or non-individualized IDM: What elicits consumer preferences best? Downloads
Nina Langena, Jeanette Klink and Monika Hartmann
150636: The Impact of Food Price Shocks on the Consumption and Nutritional Patterns of Mexican Households Downloads
Miriam Juarez
150635: Valuing local collective goods: the case of business improvement districts Downloads
Mark V. Miller
150634: Maintaining Public Goods: Household Valuation of New and Renovated Local Parks Downloads
Mitchell Livy and Henry Klaiber
150632: A Decomposition of EU Wine Demand Downloads
Lorraine Mitchell
150631: Stored-grain insect control costs in varying climates and levels of insects’ phosphine resistance Downloads
John Mann, Brian Adam and Frank Arthur
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