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Working Papers Central Bank of Chile

From Central Bank of Chile
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1021: Análisis de redes aplicado al sistema de pagos de alto valor del BCCh Downloads
Álvaro González, Carmen López and María José Meléndez
1020: Financial advisory firms, asset reallocation and price pressure in the FOREX market Downloads
Francisco Pinto-Avalos, Michael Bowe and Stuart Hyde
1019: Through Drought and Flood: the past, present and future of Climate Migration Downloads
Elías Albagli, Pablo Garcia Silva, Gonzalo García-Trujillo and María Antonia Yung
1018: Supply Chain Uncertainty and Diversification Downloads
Ignacia Cuevas, Thomas Bourany and Gustavo González
1017: Is the Information Channel of Monetary Policy Alive in Emerging Markets? Downloads
Mariana García-Schmidt
1016: The Portfolio Choice Channel of Wealth Inequality Downloads
Mauricio Calani and Lucas Rosso
1015: Fiscal Consolidations in Commodity-Exporting Countries: A DSGE Perspective Downloads
Manuel González-Astudillo, Juan Guerra-Salas and Avi Lipton
1014: Accounting for Nature in Economic Models Downloads
Nicoletta Batini and Luigi Durand
1013: Transmission Mechanisms in HANK: an Application to Chile Downloads
Benjamin Garcia, Mario Giarda, Carlos Lizama and Ignacio Rojas
1012: Cyclical wage premia in the informal labour market: Persistent and downwardly rigid Downloads
Daniel Guzman Giron
1011: Macro Implications of Inequality-driven Political Polarization Downloads
Alvaro Aguirre
1010: Firm Shocks, Workers Earnings and the Extensive Margin Downloads
Álvaro Castillo, Ana Sofía León, Antonio Martner and Matias Tapia
1009: Trade Policy and Reallocation: Multinational vs. Single-Country Linkages in the Tire Industry Downloads
Brian Pustilnik
1008: The finances of Chilean households during the pandemic: an assessment from the 2021 Household Financial Survey Downloads
Enzo Cerletti, Magdalena Cortina, Alejandra Inzunza, Felipe Martínez and Patricio Toro
1007: UIP Deviations: Insights from Event Studies Downloads
Elias Albagli, Luis Ceballos, Sebastian Claro and Damian Romero
1006: Input price dispersion across buyers and misallocation Downloads
Ariel Burstein, Javier Cravino and Marco Rojas
1005: The Role of Parental Altruism in Parents Consumption, College Financial Support, and Outcomes in Higher Education Downloads
Agustín Díaz Casanueva
1004: Indebtedness and labor risk sorting across consumer lender types: evidence from Chile Downloads
Carlos Madeira
1003: Central Bank Independence at Low Interest Rates Downloads
Benjamin Garcia and Arsenios Skaperdas
1002: Altas temperaturas y escasez de lluvia: el impacto del cambio climático en la actividad económica de Chile Downloads
María Teresa Reszczynski Zúñiga
1001: The Effect of Cognitive Skills on Fertility Timing Downloads
Agustín Díaz Casanueva
1000: Time-Varying Expenditure Shares and Macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Benjamin Garcia, Mario Giarda, Carlos Lizama and Damian Romero
999: Relationship Lending: Characteristics and Real Effects Downloads
Miguel Acosta-Henao, Sangeeta Pratap and Manuel Taboada
998: International Sourcing during COVID-19: How did Chilean firms fare? Downloads
Jennifer Peña and Elvira Prades
997: A Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Effects of Climate Change in Chile Downloads
Felipe Beltrán, Luigi Durand, Mario González-Frugone and Javier Moreno
996: Monetary Policy Tightening and Bank Lending Standards: Evidence from the Chilean Bank Loan Survey Downloads
Helmut Franken and Alejandro Jara
995: Financial Constraints and Firm Adjustments During a Sales Disruption Downloads
Juan-Andrés Castro and Enzo A. Cerletti
994: Forward Guidance: Estimating a Behavioral DSGE Model with System Priors Downloads
Agustín Arias, Benjamin Garcia and Ignacio Rojas
993: The origins of monetary policy disagreement: the role of supply and demand shocks Downloads
Carlos Madeira, Joao Madeira and Paulo Santos Monteiro
992: The Heterogeneous Effect of Monetary Policy Shocks: Evidence for US Households Downloads
Tomás Opazo
991: The impact of the Covid Pension Fund Withdrawals in Chile on the future retirement income of the Social Security affiliates and their households Downloads
Alejandra Inzunza and Carlos Madeira
990: Financial and real effects of pandemic credit policies: an application to Chile Downloads
Felipe Garcés, Juan Francisco Martínez, Udara Peiris and Dimitrios Tsomocos
989: Hard Commodities Hit Harder: Global Financial Risk and Commodity Exporters Downloads
Gabriela Contreras
988: Precios y Holgura en el Mercado de Arriendo: Análisis de Avisos Listados Downloads
J. Felipe Córdova, Alejandra Cruces and Sergio Díaz
987: Measurement of Efficiency and its Drivers in the Chilean Banking Industry Downloads
Adriana Cobas, Alexandros Maziotis and Andrés Villegas
986: Disentangling Demand and Supply Inflation Shocks from Chilean Electronic Payment Data Downloads
Guillermo Carlomagno, Nicolas Eterovic and L. G. Hernández-Román
985: Entrepreneurship and the Efficiency Effects of Migration Downloads
Gustavo González
983: Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions: Evidence and Lessons from Chile Downloads
Jorge Arenas and Stephany Griffith-Jones
982: Freight costs and domestic prices during the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Gustavo González, Emiliano Luttini and Marco Rojas
981: Anatomy of Firms’ Margins of Adjustment: Evidence from the COVID Pandemic Downloads
Elías Albagli, Andrés Fernández, Juan Guerra-Salas, Federico Huneeus and Pablo Muñoz
980: The Impact of Monetary Policy on a Labor Market with Heterogeneous Workers: The Case of Chile Downloads
Carlos Madeira and Leonardo Salazar
979: Monetary Policy Surprises on the Banking Sector: the Role of the Information and Pure Monetary Shocks Downloads
Felipe Beltrán and David Coble
978: Startup Employment and Career Trajectories Downloads
Gonzalo García-Trujillo, Nathalie Gonzalez and Álvaro Silva
977: Commodity Price Shocks and Production Networks in Small Open Economies Downloads
Álvaro Silva, Petre Caraiani, Jorge Miranda-Pinto and Juan Olaya-Agudelo
976: Exposures to climate change’s physical risks in Chile Downloads
Magdalena Cortina and Carlos Madeira
975: Global monetary policy surprises and their transmission to emerging market economies: an external VAR analysis Downloads
Felipe Beltrán
974: Use of Financial Instruments among the Chilean households Downloads
Carlos Madeira
973: The evolution of consumption inequality and riskinsurance in Chile Downloads
Carlos Madeira
972: Government Purchases, the Labor Earnings Gap, andConsumption Dynamics Downloads
Mario Giarda
971: Spatial Production Networks Downloads
Costas Arkolakis, Federico Huneeus and Yuhei Miyauchi
Page updated 2025-01-11
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