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Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin

From DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
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1503: Regression Discontinuity Designs Based on Population Thresholds: Pitfalls and Solutions Downloads
Andrew C. Eggers, Ronny Freier, Veronica Grembi and Tommaso Nannicini
1502: The Top Tail of the Wealth Distribution in Germany, France, Spain, and Greece Downloads
Stefan Bach, Andreas Thiemann and Aline Zucco
1501: The Power of Opinion: More Evidence of a GIPS-Markup in Sovereign Ratings During the Euro Crisis Downloads
Steffen Nauhaus
1500: Long-Term Care Reform and the Labor Supply of Household Members: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment Downloads
Johannes Geyer and Thorben Korfhage
1499: Pension Wealth and Maternal Employment: Evidence from a Reform of the German Child Care Pension Benefit Downloads
Andreas Thiemann
1498: Local Consequences of Global Uncertainty: Capacity Development and LNG Trade under Shale Gas and Demand Uncertainty and Disruption Risk Downloads
Rudolf Egging-Bratseth and Franziska Holz
1497: Firm's Evaluation of Location Quality: Evidence from East Germany Downloads
Alexander Eickelpasch, Georg Hirte and Andreas Stephan
1496: The Real-Time Predictive Content of Asset Price Bubbles for Macro Forecasts Downloads
Benjamin Beckers
1495: A Coordinated Strategic Reserve to Safeguard the European Energy Transition Downloads
Karsten Neuhoff, Jochen Diekmann, Friedrich Kunz, Sophia Rüster, Wolf-Peter Schill and Sebastian Schwenen
1494: Flexible Short-Term Power Trading: Gathering Experience in EU Countries Downloads
Karsten Neuhoff, Carlos Batlle, Gert Brunekreeft, Christos Vasilakos Konstantinidis, Christian Nabe, Giorgia Oggioni, Pablo Rodilla, Sebastian Schwenen, Tomasz Siewierski and Goran Strbac
1493: Compliance with Endogenous Audit Probabilities Downloads
Kai Konrad, Tim Lohse and Salmai Qari
1492: A Welfare Analysis of the Electricity Transmission Regulatory Regime in Germany Downloads
Claudia Kemfert, Friedrich Kunz and Juan Rosellon
1491: David and Goliath in the Poll Booth: Group Size, Voting Power and Voter Turnout Downloads
Peter Bönisch, Benny Geys and Claus Michelsen
1490: Asymmetric Perceptions of the Economy: Media, Firms, Consumers, and Experts Downloads
Konstantin Kholodilin, Christian Kolmer, Tobias Thomas and Dirk Ulbricht
1489: Earnings Responses to Social Security Contributions Downloads
Michael Neumann
1488: The Ruble between the Hammer and the Anvil: Oil Prices and Economic Sanctions Downloads
Christian Dreger, Jarko Fidrmuc, Konstantin Kholodilin and Dirk Ulbricht
1487: Learning from Unrealized versus Realized Prices Downloads
Kathleen Ngangoué and Georg Weizsäcker
1486: The Relationship between Healthcare Expenditure and Disposable Personal Income in the US States: A Fractional Integration and Cointegration Analysis Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Juncal Cuñado, Luis Gil-Alana and Rangan Gupta
1485: The Impact of Wind Power Support Schemes on Technology Choices Downloads
Nils May
1484: Are Ethical and Social Banks Less Risky? Evidence from a New Dataset Downloads
Marlene Karl
1483: Modelling a Market Stability Reserve in Carbon Markets Downloads
Anne Schopp, William Acworth, Daniel Huppmann and Karsten Neuhoff
1482: European-Wide Inequality in Times of the Financial Crisis Downloads
Timm Bönke and Carsten Schröder
1481: How Has the Global Financial Crisis Affected Syndicated Loan Terms in Emerging Markets? Evidence from China Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Suman Lodh and Monomita Nandy
1480: Determinants of Chinese Direct Investments in the European Union Downloads
Christian Dreger, Yun Schüler-Zhou and Margot Schüller
1479: Euro Area Government Bonds: Integration and Fragmentation during the Sovereign Debt Crisis Downloads
Michael Ehrmann and Marcel Fratzscher
1478: Internationale Verflechtung der Finanzmärkte: ein Versuch zur Quantifizierung des Dominoeffekts in Anlehnung an die Input-Output-Analyse Downloads
Dieter Schumacher
1477: War, Housing Rents, and Free Market: A Case of Berlin's Rental Housing Market during the World War I Downloads
Konstantin Kholodilin
1476: An Economic Assessment of Soil Carbon Sequestration with Biochar in Germany Downloads
Isabel Teichmann
1475: An Exact Solution Method for Binary Equilibrium Problems with Compensation and the Power Market Uplift Problem Downloads
Daniel Huppmann and Sauleh Siddiqui
1474: About Attitudes and Perceptions: Finding the Proper Way to Consider Latent Variables in Discrete Choice Models Downloads
Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke, Uwe Kunert, Heike Link and Juan de Dios Ortúzar
1473: Work Creation and Rearmament in Germany 1933-1938: A Revisionist Assessment of NS-Economic Policy Based on Input-Output Analysis Downloads
Rainer Fremdling and Reiner Stäglin
1472: The Potential of Electromobility in Austria: An Analysis Based on Hybrid Choice Models Downloads
Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke and Tibor Hanappi
1471: Market Power Rents and Climate Change Mitigation: A Rationale for Coal Taxes? Downloads
Philipp Richter, Roman Mendelevitch and Frank Jotzo
1470: A Profit-Maximizing Approach for Transmission Expansion Planning Using a Revenue-Cap Incentive Mechanism Downloads
Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, Juan Rosellon and Steven A. Gabriel
1469: Distributional and Behavioral Effects of the Gender Wage Gap Downloads
Patricia Gallego-Granados and Johannes Geyer
1468: Optimal Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance in a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings Downloads
Peter Haan and Victoria Prowse
1467: Finding Your Right (or Left) Partner to Merge Downloads
Benjamin Bruns, Ronny Freier and Abel Schumann
1466: Spillovers between Food and Energy Prices and Structural Breaks Downloads
Alanoud Al-Maadid, Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Fabio Spagnolo and Nicola Spagnolo
1465: Correcting for Self-Selection Based Endogeneity in Management Research: A Review and Empirical Demonstration Downloads
Joseph Clougherty and Tomaso Duso
1464: Structural Vector Autoregressions with Heteroskedasticity: A Comparison of Different Volatility Models Downloads
Helmut Lütkepohl and Aleksei Netšunajev
1463: The Partisan Effects of Voter Turnout: How Conservatives Profit from Rainy Election Days Downloads
Felix Arnold and Ronny Freier
1462: Turnout and Closeness: Evidence from 60 Years of Bavarian Mayoral Elections Downloads
Felix Arnold
1461: The Impact of South-South Trade Agreements on FDI Downloads
Mondher Cherif and Christian Dreger
1460: What Clients Want: Choices between Lawyers' Offerings Downloads
Flóra Felsö, Sander Onderstal and Jo Seldeslachts
1459: Loan Loss Provision: Some Empirical Evidence for Italian Banks Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Matteo Alessi, Stefano Di Colli and Juan Sergio Lopez
1458: The Weekend Effect: An Exploitable Anomaly in the Ukrainian Stock Market? Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis Gil-Alana and Alex Plastun
1457: A Greenfield Model to Evaluate Long-Run Power Storage Requirements for High Shares of Renewables Downloads
Alexander Zerrahn and Wolf-Peter Schill
1456: Power Market Design beyond 2020: Time to Revisit Key Elements? Downloads
Karsten Neuhoff, Sophia Rüster and Sebastian Schwenen
1455: Testing for Identification in SVAR-GARCH Models: Reconsidering the Impact of Monetary Shocks on Exchange Rates Downloads
Helmut Lütkepohl and George Milunovich
1454: A Reputation Economy: Results from an Empirical Survey on Academic Data Sharing Downloads
Benedikt Fecher, Sascha Friesike, Marcel Hebing, Stephanie Linek and Armin Sauermann
1453: Trade Flows and Trade Specialisation: The Case of China Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Anamaria Sova and Robert Sova
1452: Renewable Energy Support in Germany: Surcharge Development and the Impact of a Decentralized Capacity Mechanism Downloads
Thure Traber and Claudia Kemfert
1451: Two Price Zones for the German Electricity Market: Market Implications and Distributional Effects Downloads
Jonas Egerer, Jens Weibezahn and Hauke Hermann
1450: Moving up a Gear: The Impact of Compressing Instructional Time into Fewer Years of Schooling Downloads
Mathias Huebener and Jan Marcus
1449: Zu wenig Einfluss des ökonomischen Sachverstands? Empirische Befunde zum Einfluss von Ökonomen und anderen Wissenschaftlern auf die Wirtschaftspolitik Downloads
Justus Haucap, Tobias Thomas and Gert Wagner
1448: Monetary Policy, Bank Bailouts and the Sovereign-Bank Risk Nexus in the Euro Area Downloads
Marcel Fratzscher and Malte Rieth
1447: Why Did Self-Employment Increase so Strongly in Germany? Downloads
Michael Fritsch, Alexander Kritikos and Alina Sorgner
1446: Public Health Insurance and Entry into Self-Employment Downloads
Frank Fossen and Johannes König
1445: Pass/Fail, A-F, or 0-100? - Optimal Grading of Eager Students Downloads
Lilo Wagner
1444: Long-Term Price Overreactions: Are Markets Inefficient? Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis Gil-Alana and Alex Plastun
1443: Reducing Binge Drinking? The Effect of a Ban on Late-Night Off-Premise Alcohol Sales on Alcohol-Related Hospital Stays in Germany Downloads
Jan Marcus and Thomas Siedler
1442: Power System Impacts of Electric Vehicles in Germany: Charging with Coal or Renewables? Downloads
Wolf-Peter Schill and Clemens Gerbaulet
1441: Financing LNG Projects and the Role of Long-Term Sales-and-Purchase Agreements Downloads
Sophia Rüster
1440: Collusive Effects of a Monopolist's Use of an Intermediary to Deliver to Retailers Downloads
Isabel Teichmann and Vanessa von Schlippenbach
1439: Would I Care if I Knew?: Image Concerns and Social Confirmation in Giving Downloads
Alexander Kritikos and Jonathan Tan
1438: Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Children's Non-cognitive Skills Downloads
Frauke Peter, Pia Schober and Katharina Spiess
1437: Trade Policy Uncertainty and the WTO Downloads
Valeria Groppo and Roberta Piermartini
1436: Sovereign Risk, Interbank Freezes, and Aggregate Fluctuations Downloads
Philipp Engler and Christoph Grosse Steffen
1435: Voting for Direct Democracy: Evidence from a Unique Popular Initiative in Bavaria Downloads
Felix Arnold, Ronny Freier, Magdalena Pallauf and David Stadelmann
1434: Increasing Block Tariffs in the Water Sector: An Interpretation in Terms of Social Preferences Downloads
Georg Meran and Christian von Hirschhausen
1433: Low-Skilled Labor Migration in Tajikistan: Determinants and Effects on Expenditure Patterns Downloads
Kristina Meier
1432: Career Prospects and Effort Incentives: Evidence from Professional Soccer Downloads
Jeanine Miklós-Thal and Hannes Ullrich
1431: The Earnings Returns to Graduating with Honors: Evidence from Law Graduates Downloads
Ronny Freier, Mathias Schumann and Thomas Siedler
1430: Defaults and Donations: Evidence from a Field Experiment Downloads
Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Paul Heidhues and Rajshri Jayaraman
1429: Overlapping Political Budget Cycles in the Legislative and the Executive Downloads
Dirk Foremny, Ronny Freier, Marc-Daniel Moessinger and Mustafa Yeter
1428: How Does Fuel Taxation Impact New Car Purchases?: An Evaluation Using French Consumer-Level Data Downloads
Pauline Givord, Celine Grislain-Letremy and Helene Naegele
1427: Comparing Wealth: Data Quality of the HFCS Downloads
Anita Tiefensee and Markus Grabka
1426: Technical Efficiency and CO2 Reduction Potentials: An Analysis of the German Electricity Generating Sector Downloads
Stefan Seifert, Astrid Cullmann and Christian von Hirschhausen
1425: Do Entrepreneurs Really Earn Less? Downloads
Alina Sorgner, Michael Fritsch and Alexander Kritikos
1424: The Tax-Rate Elasticity of Local Business Profits Downloads
Frank Fossen and Viktor Steiner
1423: Short-Term Price Overreaction: Identification, Testing, Exploitation Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis Gil-Alana and Alex Plastun
1422: Institutional Determinants of Financial Development in MENA Countries Downloads
Mondher Cherif and Christian Dreger
1421: Long-Term Care Insurance and Carers' Labor Supply: A Structural Model Downloads
Johannes Geyer and Thorben Korfhage
1420: The Impact of Displacement on Child Health: Evidence from Colombia's DHS 2010 Downloads
Nina Wald
1419: A Note on Regressions with Interval Data on a Regressor Downloads
Daniel Cerquera, Francois Laisney and Hannes Ullrich
1418: FTR Allocations to Ease Transition to Nodal Pricing: An Application to the German Power System Downloads
Friedrich Kunz, Karsten Neuhoff and Juan Rosellon
1417: Speculative Price Bubbles in Urban Housing Markets in Germany Downloads
Konstantin Kholodilin, Claus Michelsen and Dirk Ulbricht
1416: The Relevance of International Spillovers and Asymmetric Effects in the Taylor Rule Downloads
Joscha Beckmann, Ansgar Belke and Christian Dreger
1415: Liberalization of the Interurban Coach Market in Germany: Do Attitudes and Perceptions Drive the Choice between Rail and Coach? Downloads
Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke, Uwe Kunert, Heike Link and Juan de Dios Ortúzar
1414: Filtering German Economic Conditions from a Large Dataset: The New DIW Economic Barometer Downloads
Paul Viefers, Ferdinand Fichtner, Simon Junker and Maximilian Podstawski
1413: Macro News and Bond Yield Spreads in the Euro Area Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Fabio Spagnolo and Nicola Spagnolo
1412: Log versus Level in VAR Forecasting: 42 Million Empirical Answers - Expect the Unexpected Downloads
Johannes Mayr and Dirk Ulbricht
1411: Drivers of Structural Change in Cross-Border Banking since the Global Financial Crisis Downloads
Franziska Bremus and Marcel Fratzscher
1410: Small Might Be Beautiful, but Bigger Performs Better: Scale Economies in "Green" Refurbishments of Apartment Housing Downloads
Claus Michelsen, Sebastian Rosenschon and Christian Schulz
1409: Local Banking and Local Economic Growth in Italy: Some Panel Evidence Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Stefano Di Colli, Roberto Di Salvo and Juan Sergio Lopez
1408: Supplier Fixed Costs and Retail Market Monopolization Downloads
Stephane Caprice, Vanessa von Schlippenbach and Christian Wey
1407: Unobservable, but Unimportant?: The Influence of Personality Traits (and Other Usually Unobserved Variables) for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies Downloads
Marco Caliendo, Robert Mahlstedt and Oscar Mitnik
1406: Technical Greenhouse-Gas Mitigation Potentials of Biochar Soil Incorporation in Germany Downloads
Isabel Teichmann
1405: Uncertainty of Macroeconomic Forecasters and the Prediction of Stock Market Bubbles Downloads
Helmut Herwartz and Konstantin Kholodilin
1404: Is There Still a Case for Merchant Interconnectors?: Insights from an Analysis of Welfare and Distributional Aspects of Options for Network Expansion in the Baltic Sea Region Downloads
Clemens Gerbaulet and Alexander Weber
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