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Hannover Economic Papers (HEP)

From Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
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727: The optimal choice of after-tax and pre-tax performance measures in the presence of tax base risks Downloads
Jens Robert Schöndube and Alexandra Spaeth
726: Inflation Expectations and Economic Preferences Downloads
Lena Dräger, Maximilian Floto and Marina Schröder
725: Elasticity of intertemporal substitution in the euro area Downloads
Giang Nghiem and Michal Marencak
724: The Fed Speaks, but does the Press Repeat? Investigating the Communication Channel between the Fed and the Written Press Downloads
Ami Dalloul
723: Zur Überfälligkeit von Wirksamkeitsanalysen zum Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG) Downloads
Dennis H. Meier, Stephan Thomsen and Felix Wolf
722: Modeling and Forecasting the Long Memory of Cyclical Trends in Paleoclimate Data Downloads
Tomás del Barrio Castro, Alvaro Escribano and Philipp Sibbertsen
721: Can Voluntary Adult Education Reduce Unemployment? Causal Evidence from East Germany after Reunification Downloads
Li Kathrin Kaja Rupieper and Stephan Thomsen
720: The New EU Financial Facility for Ukraine: Opportunities and Controversial Issues Downloads
Valentyna Puzikova
719: Anchoring Households' Inflation Expectations when Inflation is High Downloads
Giang Nghiem, Lena Dräger and Ami Dalloul
718: Optimal Degree of Remote Work Downloads
Justus Bertram, Carsten S. Ruhnke and Jens Robert Schöndube
717: The Marginal Propensity to Consume and Household Savings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam Downloads
Dzung Bui, Lena Dräger, Bernd Hayo and Giang Nghiem
716: Restoring Ukraine: Parallels Between Visegrad Group and East Germany in the 90s Downloads
Valentyna Puzikova
715: News and Views on Public Finances: A Survey Experiment Downloads
Jan Behringer, Lena Dräger, Sebastian Dullien and Sebastian Gechert
714: Consumers' Macroeconomic Expectations Downloads
Lena Dräger and Michael J. Lamla
713: Central Bank Communication with the General Public Downloads
Lena Dräger
712: Spatial autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model Downloads
Philipp Otto and Philipp Sibbertsen
711: The Persistent Consequences of Civil Conflict: Evidence from a New Measure for Subnational Conflict Exposure Downloads
Tobias Korn
710: Adverse birth outcomes and parental labor market participation after birth Downloads
Falk A. C. Voit
709: Inflation Literacy, Inflation Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment Downloads
Lena Dräger and Giang Nghiem
708: A framework for multi-objective stochastic lot sizing with multiple decision stages Downloads
Fabian Friese and Stefan Helber
707: Differential Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy Downloads
Sebastian Eiblmeier
706: Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine Downloads
Valentyna Puzikova
705: Optimal Forecasts in the Presence of Discrete Structural Breaks under Long Memory Downloads
Mwasi Mboya and Philipp Sibbertsen
704: Estimation and Testing in a Perturbed Multivariate Long Memory Framework Downloads
Vivien Less and Philipp Sibbertsen
703: Using Recurrent Neural Networks for the Performance Analysis and Optimization of Stochastic Milkrun-Supplied Flow Lines Downloads
Insa Südbeck, Julia Mindlina, André Schnabel and Stefan Helber
702: Farmers' Knowledge and Farm Productivity in Rural Thailand and Vietnam Downloads
Huong Jaretzky, Sabine Liebenehm and Hermann Waibel
701: The Start of Yugoslavia's Disintegration: Where Borders Cut Commuting Spheres Downloads
Martin Hoffstadt
700: Roth's Theorem implies a Weakened Version of the ABC Conjecture for Special Cases Downloads
Philipp Sibbertsen, Karsten Müller, Timm Lampert and Michael Taktikos
699: Population Adjustment to Asymmetric Labour Market Shocks in India - A Comparison to Europe and the United States at Two Different Regional Levels Downloads
Franziska Braschke and Patrick Puhani
698: Your Pain, My Gain? Estimating the Trade Relocation Effects from Civil Conflict Downloads
Tobias Korn and Henry Stemmler
697: EU trade policy reform: towards reciprocal concessions with developing countries Downloads
Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan and Maximilian Volmer
696: The Financial Situation of Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Dennis H. Meier, Stephan Thomsen and Johannes Trunzer
695: The Marginal Propensity to Consume During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam Downloads
Dzung Bui, Lena Dräger, Bernd Hayo and Giang Nghiem
694: How to Limit the Spillover from an Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations? Downloads
Lena Dräger, Michael Lamla and Damjan Pfajfar
693: Promoting Agroforestry in Rwanda: the Effects of Policy Interventions Derived from the Theory of Planned Behaviour Downloads
Beatrice Noeldeke
692: Evaluating a Gamified Bystander Program: Evidence from Two Randomized Online Field Experiments Downloads
Axel Ebers and Stephan Thomsen
691: The Socioeconomic Determinants of Urban Poverty in Saudi Arabia Downloads
Miriam Al Lily and Hermann Waibel
690: Modelling Short- and Long-Term Dependencies of Clustered High-Threshold Exceedances in Significant Wave Heights Downloads
Pushpa Dissanayake, Teresa Flock, Johanna Meier and Philipp Sibbertsen
689: Different but stable - gender-specific competitive behaviour across age Downloads
Anna Katharina Pikos and Alexander Straub
688: The Impact of Population Aging on the German Statutory Pension Insurance - A Probabilistic Approach Downloads
Patrizio Vanella, Miguel Rodriguez Gonzalez and Christina B. Wilke
687: Ungleich verteilte Corona-Infektionen zwischen den Bundesländern Downloads
Olaf Hübler
686: Do algebraic numbers follow Khinchin's Law? Downloads
Philipp Sibbertsen, Timm Lampert, Karsten Müller and Michael Taktikos
685: The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Emerging Economies Downloads
Dzung Bui, Lena Dräger, Bernd Hayo and Giang Nghiem
684: Effects of Mandatory Military Service on Wages and Other Socioeconomic Outcomes Downloads
Patrick Puhani and Margret K. Sterrenberg
683: How do warnings affect retail demand for Bitcoin? Evidence from an international survey experiment Downloads
Axel Ebers and Stephan Thomsen
682: Culture as a Hiring Criterion: Systemic Discrimination in a Procedurally Fair Hiring Process Downloads
Dominique Meurs and Patrick Puhani
681: Consequences of FTA Withdrawal: Evidence from 'Uxit' Downloads
Hinnerk Gnutzmann, Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan and Tobias Korn
680: Consumer Sentiment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Others‘ Beliefs Downloads
Dzung Bui, Lena Dräger, Bernd Hayo and Giang Nghiem
679: Zur Relevanz von Ausstattungsunterschieden für Forschungsleistungsvergleiche: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Deutschland Downloads
Vitus Püttmann, Stephan Thomsen and Johannes Trunzer
678: Observing traumatic events: Indirect effects of flood shocks on well-being and preferences Downloads
Wiebke Stein and Reinhard Weisser
Page updated 2024-10-13
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