Working Papers
From National Institute of Economic Research National Institute of Economic Research, P.O. Box 3116, SE-103 62 Stockholm, Sweden. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sarah Hegardt Grant ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 152: Forecasting Inflation in Sweden
- Unn Lindholm, Marcus Mossfeldt and Pär Stockhammar
- 151: EU ETS emissions under the cancellation mechanism: Effects of national measures
- Björn Carlén, Anna Dahlqvist, Svante Mandell and Pelle Marklund
- 150: Assessing the Rebound Effect in Energy Intensive Industries: A Factor Demand Model Approach with Asymmetric Price Response
- Anna Dahlqvist, Tommy Lundgren and Per-Olov Marklund
- 149: Wage Flexibility in a Unionized Economy with Stable Wage Dispersion
- Iida Häkkinen Skans, Mikael Carlsson and Oskar Skans
- 148: Direct and indirect effects of waste management policies on household waste behaviour: The case of Sweden
- Camilla Andersson and Jesper Stage
- 147: Short Run Effects of Fiscal Policy on GDP and Employment: Swedish Evidence
- Göran Hjelm and Pär Stockhammar
- 146: Forecasting Goods and Services Inflation in Sweden
- Marcus Mossfeldt and Pär Stockhammar
- 145: Do Inflation Expectations Granger Cause Inflation?
- Pär Stockhammar and Pär Österholm
- 144: Forecasting Employment Growth in Sweden Using a Bayesian VAR Model
- Karine Raoufina
- 143: Quasi-Real-Time Data of the Economic Tendency Survey
- Maria Billstam, Kristina Frändén, Johan Samuelsson and Pär Österholm
- 142: The Rise in Life Expectancy, Health Trends among the Elderly, and the Demand for Health and Social Care
- Björn Lindgren
- 141: IOR – NIER’s Input-Output Model of the Swedish Economy
- Tomas Forsfält and Erik Glans
- 139: Do Swedish Consumer Confidence Indicators Do What They Are Intended to Do?
- Bengt Assarsson and Pär Österholm
- 138: Macroeconomic Effects of a Decline in Housing Prices in Sweden
- Peter Gustafsson, Pär Stockhammar and Pär Österholm
- 137: Appropriate Macroeconomic Model Support for the Ministry of Finance and the National Institute of Economic Research: A Pilot Study
- Göran Hjelm, Helena Bornevall, Pia Fromlet, Jonny Nilsson, Pär Stockhammar and Magnus Wiberg
- 136: A Statistical Analysis of Revisions of Swedish National Accounts Data
- Caroline Flodberg and Pär Österholm
- 135: Effects of US Policy Uncertainty on Swedish GDP Growth
- Pär Stockhammar and Pär Österholm
- 134: The Euro Crisis and Swedish GDP Growth — A Study of Spillovers
- Pär Österholm and Pär Stockhammar
- 133: Challenges in Soft-Linking: The Case of EMEC and TIMES-Sweden
- Anna Krook Riekkola, Charlotte Berg, Erik O. Ahlgren and Patrik Söderholm
- 132: Exchange Rates, Wages, and Export Price Dynamics
- Pia Fromlet
- 131: Forecasting Business Investment in the Short Term Using Survey Data
- Pär Österholm
- 130: Survey Data and Short-Term Forecasts of Swedish GDP Growth
- Pär Österholm
- 129: On the Usefulness of Constant Gain Least Squares when Forecasting the Unemployment Rate
- Jan-Erik Antipin, Farid Jimmy Boumediene and Pär Österholm
- 128: Central Bank Forecasts of Policy Interest Rates: An Evaluation of the First Years
- Meredith Beechey and Pär Österholm
- 127: Policy Interest-Rate Expectations in Sweden: A Forecast Evaluation
- Meredith Beechey and Pär Österholm
- 126: Forecasting Inflation Using Constant Gain Least Squares
- Jan-Erik Antipin, Farid Jimmy Boumediene and Pär Österholm
- 125: Making Climate Policy Efficient Implementing a Model for Environmental Policy Efficiency
- Sven Ove Hansson, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg and Maria Vredin
- 124: Scenarios and Sustainability A Swedish Case Study of Adaptation Tools for Local Decision-Makers
- Patrik Baard, Henrik Carlsen, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg and Maria Vredin
- 123: The Excess Cost of Supplementary Constraints in Climate Policy: The Case of Sweden’s Energy Intensity Target
- Thomas Broberg, Tomas Forsfält and Göran Östblom
- 121: The Forecasting Properties of Survey-Based Wage-Growth Expectations
- Thomas Jonsson and Pär Österholm
- 120: Labor-Force Participation Rates and the Informational Value of Unemployment Rates: Evidence from Disaggregated US Data
- Magnus Gustavsson and Pär Österholm
- 119: Does environmental leadership pay off for Swed-ish industry? - Analyzing the effects of environ-mental investments on efficiency
- Thomas Broberg, Per-Olov Marklund, Eva Samakovlis and Henrik Hammar
- 118: Analysing future solid waste generation - Soft linking a model of waste management with a CGE-model for Sweden
- Göran Östblom, Maria Ljunggren Söderman and Magnus Sjöström
- 117: The Persistent Labour-Market Effects of the Financial Crisis
- Pär Österholm and Marcus Mossfeldt
- 116: Interpreting Wage Bargaining Norms
- Juhana Vartiainen
- 115: In Search of a Method for Measuring the Output Gap of the Swedish Economy
- Göran Hjelm and Kristian Jönsson
- 114: The Properties of Survey-Based Inflation Expectations in Sweden
- Thomas Jonsson and Pär Österholm
- 113: Unemployment and Labour Force Participation in Sweden
- Pär Österholm
- 112: Improving Unemployment Rate Forecasts Using Survey Data
- Pär Österholm
- 111: KIMOD 2.0 Documentation of changes in the model from January 2007 to January 2009
- Tomas Forsfält
- 110: The Effect on the Swedish Real Economy of the Financial Crisis
- Pär Österholm
- 109: Future Waste Scenarios for Sweden based on a CGE-model
- Magnus Sjöström and Göran Östblom
- 108: Does remediation save lives? On the cost of cleaning up arsenic-contaminated sites in Sweden
- Johanna Forslund, Eva Samakovlis, Maria Vredin and Lars Barregård
- 107: Can We Buy Time? Evaluation of the Government’s Directed Grant to Remediation in Sweden
- Johanna Forslund, Per Johansson, Eva Samakovlis and Maria Vredin
- 105: How are Green National Accounts Produced in Practice?
- Eva Samakovlis
- 104: Modellansatser i Konjunkturinstitutets medelfristprognoser
- Tomas Forsfält, Jonny Nilsson and Juhana Vartiainen
- 103: Outcomes of a Swedish Kilometre Tax. An analysis of Economic Effects and Effects on NOx Emissions
- Göran Östblom and Henrik Hammar
- 102: Explaining adoption of end of pipe solutions and clean technologies
- Henrik Hammar and Åsa Löfgren
- 101: Nitrogen and Sulphur Outcomes of a Carbon Emissions Target Excluding Traded Allowances - An Input-Output Analysis of the Swedish Case
- Göran Östblom
- 100: KIMOD 1.0 Documentation of NIER´s Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model of the Swedish Economy
- Anders Bergvall, Tomas Forsfält, Göran Hjelm, Jonny Nilsson and Juhana Vartiainen
Papers sorted by number 152 99