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Working Papers

From Institute of Economic Research
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2/2018: Market and state in socio-economic order: a brief review of theories Downloads
Anna E. Jurczuk and Piotr Pysz
1/2018: From Autonomy to Subordination? Relations Between the State and the Representations of Interests on the German Labor Market Downloads
Michal Moszynski
160/2017: Structural transformation as determinant of growth in the best performing sub-Saharan African states Downloads
Katarzyna Andrzejczak
159/2017: The Risk Involved in Implementation of Innovations in the Real Estate Market Downloads
Marcin Sitek
158/2017: Firms’ Default – from Prediction Accuracy to Informational Capacity of Predictors Downloads
Tomasz Berent, Bogusław Bławat, Marek Dietl and Radoslaw Rejman
157/2017: Autocorrelation of spatial allocation of funds at the municipality level of Slaskie Voivodship Downloads
Marcin Niemiec, Anna Szelag-Sikora, Jakub Sikora, Michal Cupial and Joanna Rorat
156/2017: Entrepreneurial Motives as a Differentiating Factor in Innovativeness Downloads
Ludmila Kozubikova, Gabriela Sopkova, Vladimir Krajcik and Ladislav Tyll
155/2017: Evaluation of the credit risk importance during the crisis: The case study of SMEs according to a time of operating on the market Downloads
Jan Dvorsky, Jaroslav Schonfeld, Eva Cipovova and Zora Petrakova
154/2017: Factors determining the effect of financial risk in the entrepreneurial environment of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic Downloads
Jaroslav Belas, Jan Dvorsky, Jan Kubalek and Lubos Smrcka
153/2017: Development of innovative financial products in Europe: Case of exchange-traded products in Germany Downloads
Adam Marszk
152/2017: The role of stakeholders in the process of building a competi-tive advantage with the example of development companies Downloads
Justyna Grzes-Buklaho
151/2017: What drivers affect entrepreneurial activity in the transition economies? The case of the Visegrad countries Downloads
Justyna Zygmunt
150/2017: Enhancing Polish firms’ innovation activities in comparison to the other Moderate Innovators countries Downloads
Aleksandra Zygmunt
149/2017: An Influence Of Quality Management System For Improvement Of Logistics Supply Downloads
Dominik Zimon
148/2017: Influence of Group Purchasing Organizations On Financial Situation Of SMEs Downloads
Grzegorz Zimon
147/2017: The Influence of the Economic Situation on Employment and its Structure in the Central and Eastern European Countries Downloads
Mariusz Zielinski
146/2017: Pension Funds in Chile: Bringing the State Back In Downloads
Anna Zabkowicz
145/2017: Gender Roles in Marketing Communications in Real Estate Markets Downloads
Beata Zatwarnicka-Madura
144/2017: Overeducation In The Labour Market Downloads
: Gabriela Wronowska
143/2017: Poland vs Spain in the First Decade After EU Accession. Parallel Convergence Patterns? Downloads
Piotr Wójcik
142/2017: Sustainable Consumption: Eco-labelling and its impact on consumer behavior - evidence from a study on Polish consumer Downloads
: Lucyna Witek
141/2017: Regional Differentiation of Information Infrastructure in Poland in the Context of Building a Knowledge-Based Economy Downloads
: Wioletta Wierzbicka
140/2017: The role of venture capital funds in developing innovative activities of the European Union countries Downloads
: Katarzyna Wierzbicka
139/2017: Does Experience Exert Impact on a PPP Performance? Downloads
Joanna Węgrzyn
138/2017: Application of the Principle of Fairness in the Distribution of Rewards: Evidence from Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina Downloads
: Ivan Kostadinovic, : Azra H. Hanic and : Darko B. Vukovic
137/2017: Socio-economic and enviromental effects of bioenergy based on wood ine the development of remote areas Downloads
: Natalia Vukovic, : Andrey Mehrentsev and : Evgeny Starikov
136/2017: Lithuanian Agri-Food Industry Responses to Russian Import Ban on Agricultural Products Downloads
: Vlada Vitunskiene and : Evaldas Serva
135/2017: The Forecasts-based Instrument Rule and Repo Rates Decisions in Sweden. How closely interlinked? Downloads
Karolina Tura-Gawron
134/2017: Economic Consequences of Immigration to Austria Downloads
: Sergej Vojtovic and M?gdaléna Tupá
133/2017: Global Infrastructure Projects as the Factor of National Economies’s Development (the case of the Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline) Downloads
: Marina Tolstel, Irina Anikina and Albina Gukova
132/2017: Global Infrastructure Projects as the Factor of National Economies’s Development (the case of the Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline) Downloads
: Marina Tolstel, Irina Anikina and Albina Gukova
131/2017: Factors Influencing the Formation of Autopoietic Economic Structures in the Baltic States Downloads
Mangirdas Morkūnas, Viktorija Skvarciany and Jelena Titko
130/2017: The Use of Multivariate Techniques for Youth Unemployment Analysis in Poland Downloads
Anna Tatarczak and Oleksandra Boichuk
129/2017: Sales Range and Innovation Activity in the Industry System of Poland Downloads
Arkadiusz Swiadek
128/2017: Forward-looking Component in Consumers’ Expectations and the Central Bank’s Forecast: Some Evidence for European Countries Downloads
Magdalena Szyszko and Aleksandra Rutkowska
127/2017: The improvement of the company’s environmental performance through the application of Green Lean/Lean and Green approach Downloads
Malgorzata Szymanska-Bralkowska and Ewa Malinowska
126/2017: Corporate Reputation and Corporate Image - Empirical Analysis on the Example of Polish Banking Sector Downloads
Danuta Szwajca
125/2017: Multidimensional Comparative Analysis of the Competitiveness of the European Union Countries’ Economies Downloads
Katarzyna Cheba and Katarzyna Szopik-Depczynska
124/2017: Direct Participation of a Higher Education Institution Employees in the Organisational Change Process – a Study Report Downloads
Katarzyna Szelagowska-Rudzka
123/2017: Challenges to the Labor Market Institutions in the Area of Supporting NEETs Downloads
Sylwia Saczynska-Sokol
122/2017: The dynamics of regional inequalities and economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Wojciech Kisiala and Katarzyna Suszynska
121/2017: Knowledge management models as a source of employee and organization’s efficiency Downloads
Ewa Stroinska and Justyna Trippner - Hrabi
120/2017: Efficient Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy Goals: Is Social Equality Achievable Reality or Myth Perhaps? Downloads
Michaela Stanickova
119/2017: Earnings Management and the Floatation Structure: Empirical Evidence from Polish IPOs Downloads
Tomasz Sosnowski
118/2017: Earnings Management in the Private Equity Divestment Process on Warsaw Stock Exchange Downloads
Tomasz Sosnowski
117/2017: Theoretical and Practical Aspect of Employees and Their Activity Evaluation Model (In Example of Statutory Institution) Downloads
Ruta Adamoniene, Jolanta Solnyskiniene and Lina Rupeikiene
116/2017: Neutralnosc podatkowa przy dzierzawie gospodarstwa rolnego lub jego skladnikow na cele rolnicze Downloads
Violetta Skrodzka
115/2017: Innovative entrepreneurship evaluation in opinion of service company managers in Podlaskie Province Downloads
Elzbieta Skapska
114/2017: Private Equity Fund Structures in Czech Republic within the Framework of the New Institutional Economics Downloads
Martina Skalická, Marek Zinecker and Tomáš Meluzin
113/2017: Economic Vitality of Communities for Urban Development: the Case of the Cities from Country of Small Economy Downloads
Jurgita Bruneckiene, Jolita Sinkiene, Egle Gaule and Ineta Zykiene
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