Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica
From Università di Perugia, Dipartimento Economia Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Ubaldo Pizzoli (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 74/2010: The Effect of Foreign Investments on European Regional Productivity
- Davide Castellani and Fabio Pieri
- 73/2010: Performance-Related Pay, Unions and Productivity in Italy: evidence from quantile regressions
- Mirella Damiani and Andrea Ricci
- 72/2009: Institutions and geography: Empirical test of spatial growth models for European regions
- Giuseppe Arbia, Michele Battisti and Gianfranco Di Vaio
- 71/2009: Evaluating Discrete Dynamic Strategies in Affine Models
- Flavio Angelini and Stefano Herzel
- 70/2009: Determinants of Health Disparities in Italian Regions
- Luisa Franzini and Margherita Giannoni
- 69/2009: A comparative analysis of different business ethics in the perspective of the Common Good
- Cristina Montesi
- 67/2009: I regimi di protezione dell'impiego
- Valentina Tiecco
- 66/2009: Economia agraria e pianificazione economica territoriale nel Parco nazionale del Sagarmatha (Everest, Nepal)
- Fabrizio Luciani
- 65/2009: The Timing of the School-to-Permanent Work Transition: a Comparison across Ten European Countries
- Alessandra Righi and Dario Sciulli
- 64/2009: Factors behind performance-related pay: evidence from Italy
- Mirella Damiani and Andrea Ricci
- 68/2008: Path properties of simulation schemes for the Heston stochastic volatility model
- Gianna Figà-Talamanca
- 63/2008: Limit results for discretely observed stochastic volatility models with leverage e¤ect
- Gianna Figà-Talamanca
- 62/2008: On the estimation of a binary response model in a selected population
- Elena Stanghellini, Francesco Claudio Stingo and Rosa Capobianco
- 61/2008: L’impatto ambientale ed economico del cambiamento climatico sull’agricoltura
- Antonio Boggia, Fabrizio Luciani, Gianluca Massei and Luisa Paolotti
- 60/2008: L’interpretazione dello spirito del dono
- Pierluigi Grasselli, Cristina Montesi and Roberto Virdi
- 59/2008: Ambiente operativo ed efficienza nel settore del Trasporto Pubblico Locale in Italia
- Simona Bigerna and Paolo Polinori
- 58/2008: The willingness to pay for Renewable Energy Sources (RES): the case of Italy with different survey approaches and under different EU “climate vision”. First results
- Simona Bigerna and Paolo Polinori
- 57/2008: L’analisi delle determinanti della domanda di trasporto pubblico nella città di Perugia
- Simona Bigerna and Paolo Polinori
- 56/2008: Technological Change, Labour Demand and Income Distribution in European Union Countries
- Cristiano Perugini and Fabrizio Pompei
- 55/2008: Employment Intensity of Growth in Italy A Note Using Regional Data
- Cristiano Perugini
- 54/2008: Factor decomposition of cross-country income inequality with interaction effects
- Bruno Bracalente and Cristiano Perugini
- Jan L. Bednarczyk
- 52/2008: Income inequality within European regions: determinants and effects on growth
- Gaetano Martino and Cristiano Perugini
- 51/2008: Homogeneous, Urban Heterogeneous, or both? External Economies and Regional Manufacturing Productivity in Europe
- Bruno Bracalente, Cristiano Perugini and Fabrizio Pompei
- 50/2008: On the road to the euro zone. Currency rate stabilization: experiences of the selected EU countries
- Sławomir Bukowski
- 49/2008: Employment and Unemployment in the Italian Provinces
- Cristiano Perugini
- 48/2008: FDI, R&D and Human Capital in Central and Eastern European Countries
- Cristiano Perugini, Fabrizio Pompei and Marcello Signorelli
- 47/2008: The Components of Regional Disparities in Europe
- Bruno Bracalente and Cristiano Perugini
- 46/2008: Mergers, acquisitions and technological regimes: the European experience over the period 2002-2005
- Mirella Damiani and Fabrizio Pompei
- 45/2008: Mediterranean models of Welfare towards families and women
- Pierluigi Grasselli, Cristina Montesi and Paola Iannone
- 44/2008: Can we declare military Keynesianism dead?
- Luca Pieroni, Giorgio D’Agostino and Marco Lorusso
- 43/2008: Hedging error in Lévy models with a Fast Fourier Transform approach
- Flavio Angelini and Marco Nicolosi
- 42/2008: Aluminium market and the macroeconomy
- Melisso Boschi and Luca Pieroni
- 41/2007: The Youth Experience Gap: Explaining Differences across EU Countries
- Floro Caroleo and Francesco Pastore
- 40/2007: Contracting Food Safety Strategies in Hybrid Governance Structures
- Gaetano Martino and Paolo Polinori
- 39/2007: Exports and Productivity – Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries - The International Study Group on Exports and Productivity
- Joachim Wagner
- Paolo Naticchioni, Andrea Ricci and Emiliano Rustichelli
- 37/2007: Institutional change, regional features and aggregate performance in eight EU’s transition countries
- Marcello Signorelli and Enrico Marelli
- Giovanni Bigazzi
- 35/2007: Explicit formulas for the minimal variance hedging strategy in a martingale case
- Flavio Angelini and Stefano Herzel
- 34/2007: The IGARCH e®ect: Consequences on volatility forecasting and option trading
- Stefano Herzel, Catalin Starica and Thomas Nord
- 33/2007: Measuring the error of dynamic hedging: a Laplace transform approach
- Flavio Angelini and Stefano Herzel
- 32/2007: Location choices of multinational firms in Europe: the role of EU cohesion policy
- Roberto Basile, Davide Castellani and Antonello Zanfei
- 31/2007: Productivity polarization across regions in Europe
- Roberto Basile
- 30/2007: Cohort, Age and Time Effects in Alcohol Consumption by Italian Households: a Double-Hurdle Approach
- David Aristei, Federico Pierali and Luca Pieroni
- 29/2007: A Double-Hurdle Approach to Modelling Tobacco Consumption in Italy
- David Aristei and Luca Pieroni
- 28/2007: Evaluating Innovation and Labour Market Relationships: The Case of Italy
- Luca Pieroni and Fabrizio Pompei
- 27/2006: Mediterraneo:una storia incompleta
- Elvira Lussana
- 26/2006: Sinossi dell’approccio teorico alle problematiche ambientali in campo agricolo e naturalistico; il progetto di ricerca nazionale F.I.S.R. – M.I.C.E.N.A
- Fabrizio Luciani
- Jan L. Bednarczyk
- 24/2006: The Maastricht convergence criteria and economic growth in the EMU
- Sławomir Bukowski
- 23/2006: Subset selection in dimension reduction methods
- Luca Scrucca
- 22/2006: Unemployment, inflation and monetary policy in a dynamic New Keynesian model with hiring costs
- Mirko Abbritti, Andrea Boitani and Mirella Damiani
- 21/2006: Crisi del welfare e nuove proposte: il caso dell’ unconditional basic income
- Marco Boccaccio
- 20/2005: Clustering multivariate spatial data based on local measures of spatial autocorrelation
- Luca Scrucca
- 19/2005: Regional Policy of Supporting Small and Medium-sized Businesses
- Barbara Mroczkowska
- 18/2005: Problems of Financing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Selected Methods of Financing Innovative Ventures
- Elzbieta Komosa
- 17/2005: Construction and Simulation of the General Economic Equilibrium Model Meg-Ismea for the Italian Economy
- Antonella Finizia, Riccardo Magnani, Federico Perali, Paolo Polinori and Cristina Salvioni
- 16/2005: Gli incentivi agli investimenti: un’analisi dell’efficienza industriale su scala geografica regionale e sub regionale
- Carlo Andrea Bollino and Paolo Polinori
- 15/2005: Il valore aggiunto su scala comunale: la Regione Umbria 2001-2003
- Carlo Andrea Bollino and Paolo Polinori
- 14/2005: Investimenti diretti esteri e innovazione in Umbria
- Luca Pieroni and Fabrizio Pompei
- 13/2005: Estimating the Role of Government Expenditure in Long-run Consumption
- David Aristei and Luca Pieroni
- 12/2005: Innovations and Labour Market Institutions: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Case in the middle 90’s
- Luca Pieroni and Fabrizio Pompei
- 11/2005: Modelling Dynamic Storage Function in Commodity Markets:Theory and Evidence
- Luca Pieroni and Matteo Ricciarelli
- 10/2005: EMU – Fiscal Challenges: Conclusions For the New EU Members
- Sławomir Bukowski
- 09/2005: Implied Volatilities of Caps: a Gaussian approach
- Flavio Angelini and Stefano Herzel
- 08/2005: Growth and employment: comparative performance, convergences and co-movements
- Marcello Signorelli
- 07/2005: Employment Differences, Convergences and Similarities in Italian Provinces
- Cristiano Perugini and Marcello Signorelli
- 06/2005: An empirical analysis of employment and growth dynamics in the Italian and Polish regions
- Cristiano Perugini, Paolo Polinori and Marcello Signorelli
- 05/2005: Employment and policies in Europe: a regional perspective
- Marcello Signorelli
- 04/2005: Proprietà, accesso e controllo: nuovi sviluppi nella teoria dell’impresa ed implicazioni di corporate governance
- Mirella Damiani
- 03/2005: Costi di agenzia e diritti di proprietà: una premessa al problema del governo societario
- Mirella Damiani
- 02/2005: Ambiental Policies in Romania – Tendencies and Perspectives
- Fabrizio Luciani and Marilena Mironiuc
- 01/2005: Il concetto di competitivita’ tra approccio classico e teorie evolutive. caratteristiche e aspetti della sua determinazione
- Giuseppe Calzoni and Valentina Bacchettini
Papers sorted by number 125/2013 74/2010