Working Papers
From University of Brescia, Department of Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Matteo Galizzi ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 1013: Macroeconomic instability and the Phillips curve in Italy
- Alessandra Del Boca, Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli and Carmine Trecroci
- 1012: How do alphas and betas move? Uncertainty, learning and time variation in risk loadings
- Carmine Trecroci
- 1011: Multifactors risk loadings and abnormal returns under uncertainty and learning
- Carmine Trecroci
- 1010: The importance of being consulted
- Alessandro Fedele and Andrea Mantovani
- 1009: Experience, innovation and productivity. Empirical evidence from Italy's slowdown
- Francesco Daveri and Maria Laura Parisi
- 1008: Why does the private sector react like the public to law 133? A microeconometric analysis of sickness absence in Italy
- Alessandra Del Boca and Maria Laura Parisi
- 1007: Profit shifting by debt financing in Europe
- Francesca Barion, Raffaele Miniaci, Paolo Panteghini and Maria Laura Parisi
- 1006: Househould portfolios and implicit risk preferences
- Alessandro Bucciol and Raffaele Miniaci
- 1005: Credit Availability in the crisis: which role for the European Investment Bank Group?
- Alessandro Fedele, Andrea Mantovani and Francesco Liucci
- 1004: Macroeconomic outcomes of changing bargaining relationships in open economies. The feasibility of a wage-led economy reconsidered
- Mario Cassetti
- 1003: Are You What You Eat? Experimental Evidence on Health Habits and Risk Preferences
- Matteo Galizzi and Marisa Miraldo
- 1002: Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic-Transition Markov-Switching Models for Business Cycle Analysis
- Monica Billio and Roberto Casarin
- 1001: Hedonic Price for the Italian Red Wine: a Panel Analysis
- Eugenio Brentari and Rosella Levaggi
- 0917: Competitive Markets with Private Information on Both Sides
- Martin Meier, Enrico Minelli and Herakles Polemarchakis
- 0916: Stock Prices, Anticipations and Investment in General Equilibrium
- Jacques Dreze, Oussama Lachiri and Enrico Minelli
- 0915: Markets and Contracts
- Alberto Bisin, John Geanakoplos, Piero Gottardi, Enrico Minelli and Heracles Polemarchakis
- 0914: Advocatus, et non latro? Testing the supplier-induced demand hypothesis for Italian courts of justice
- Paolo Buonanno and Matteo Galizzi
- 0913: Credit availability in the crisis: the European investment bank group
- Alessandro Fedele, Francesco Liucci and Andrea Mantovani
- 0912: Optimal investment and financial strategies under tax rate uncertainty
- Alessandro Fedele, Paolo Panteghini and Sergio Vergalli
- 0911: Do social enterprises finance their investments differently from for-profit firms? The case of social residential services in Italy
- Alessandro Fedele and Raffaele Miniaci
- 0910: Retrospective Capital Gains taxation in the real world
- Francesco Menoncin and Paolo Panteghini
- 0909: Decentralized provision of merit and impure public goods
- Rosella Levaggi and Francesco Menoncin
- 0908: The Phillips curve and the Italian lira, 1861-1998
- Alessandra Del Boca, Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli and Carmine Trecroci
- 0907: It is never too late: Optimal penalty for investment delay in public procurement contracts
- Chiara D'Alpaos, Michele Moretto, Paola Valbonesi and Sergio Vergalli
- 0906: Bargaining and Networks in a Gas Bilateral Oligopoly
- Matteo Galizzi
- 0905: Les conséquences idéologiques de la crise des subprimes
- Sandye Gloria-Palermo
- 0904: On the Equivalence between Labor and Consumption Taxation
- Paolo Panteghini
- 0903: From local to global public goods: how should externalities be represented?
- Rosella Levaggi
- 0902: Welfare properties of restrictions to health care services based on cost effectiveness
- Laura Levaggi and Rosella Levaggi
- 0901: Wage Bargaining Coordination and the Phillips Curve in Italy
- Alessandra Del Boca, Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli and Carmine Trecroci
- 0818: The Political Economy of Cultural Spending: Evidence from Italian Cities
- Chiara Dalle Nogare and Matteo Galizzi
- 0817: Italian Equity Funds: Efficiency and Performance Persistence
- Roberto Casarin, Loriana Pelizzon and Andrea Piva
- 0816: Matrix-State Particle Filter for Wishart Stochastic Volatility Processes
- Roberto Casarin and Domenico Sartore
- 0815: Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points with Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
- Monica Billio and Roberto Casarin
- 0814: Particle Filters for Markov-Switching Stochastic-Correlation Models
- Gianni Amisano and Roberto Casarin
- 0813: Organizational Innovations and Labor Productivity in a Panel of Italian Manufacturing Firms
- Federico Biagi, Maria Laura Parisi and Lucia Vergano
- 0812: Decentralisation vs fiscal federalism in the presence of impure public goods
- Rosella Levaggi
- 0811: Persuasion in Experimental Ultimatum Games
- Ola Andersson, Matteo Galizzi, Tim Hoppe, Sebastian Kranz, Karen van der Wiel and Erik Wengström
- 0810: Drug pricing and risk sharing agreements
- Stefano Capri and Rosella Levaggi
- 0809: Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Firms' Performance?
- Laura Poddi and Sergio Vergalli
- 0808: Household Portfolios and Implicit Risk Aversion
- Alessandro Bucciol and Raffaele Miniaci
- 0807: Mean-Variance Econometric Analysis of Household Portfolios
- Raffaele Miniaci and Sergio Pastorello
- 0806: The Johansson-Samuelson Theorem in General Equilibrium: A Rebuttal
- Francesco Menoncin and Paolo Panteghini
- 0805: Managing Migration through Quotas: an Option-theory Perspective
- Michele Moretto and Sergio Vergalli
- 0804: Corporate Debt, Hybrid Securities and the Effective Tax Rate
- Paolo Panteghini
- 0803: Tax Neutrality: Illusion or Reality? The Case of Entrepreneurship
- Vesa Kanniainen and Paolo Panteghini
- 0802: FDI Determination and Corporate Tax Competition in a Volatile World
- Mauro Ghinamo, Paolo Panteghini and Federico Revelli
- 0801: Delay is not the answer: waiting time in health care & income redistribution
- Amedeo Fossati and Rosella Levaggi
- 0707: Regulation Strategies for Public Service Provision
- Laura Levaggi and Rosella Levaggi
- 0706: Imperfect Predictability and Mutual Fund Dynamics: How Managers Use Predictors in Changing Systematic Risk
- Gianni Amisano and Roberto Savona
Papers sorted by handle 1013 0705