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Research Memorandum

From Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR)
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55: Performance guarantees of local search for multiprocessor scheduling Downloads
P. Schuurman and Tjark Vredeveld
55: A folk theorem for bargaining games Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, A.V. Meshalkin and A. Predtetchinski
55: ANWB automates and improves repair men dispatching Downloads
P. Huigenbosch, J. van de Klundert and L. Wormer
55: Simple optimality proofs for Least Recently Used in the presence of locality of reference Downloads
B. Hiller and Tjark Vredeveld
55: Benchmarking the production of audit services: an efficiency frontier approach Downloads
C.C.M. Schelleman and S.J. Maijoor
55: An experimental comparison of sequential first- and second-price auctions with synergies Downloads
K. Leufkens, Ronald Peeters and Marc Vorsatz
55: On the applicability of the sieve bootstrap in time series panels Downloads
Stephan Smeekes and Jean-Pierre Urbain
55: Economy wide risk diversification in a three-pillar pension system Downloads
C. Du, J. Muysken and Olaf Sleijpen
55: Some cautions on the use of the LLC panel unit root test Downloads
Joakim Westerlund
54: Wage effects of on-the-job training; a meta-analysis Downloads
Carla Haelermans and Lex Borghans
54: Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect Downloads
Joakim Westerlund
54: Too big to Innovate? Scale (dis)economies and the competition-innovation relationship in U.S. banking Downloads
J. Bos, R. Lamoen van and C. Eonomidou
54: ASAP: the after salesman problem Downloads
J. van de Klundert and L. Wormer
54: Using rules to screen for cooperative types: rule-following and restraint in common pool resource systems Downloads
Erik Kimbrough and A. Vostroknutov
54: A reason for sophisticated investors not to seize arbitrage opportunities in markets without frictions Downloads
K.I.M. Rohde
54: A sieve bootstrap test for cointegration in a conditional error correction model Downloads
Franz Palm, Stephan Smeekes and Jean-Pierre Urbain
54: Moderated trust - the impact of power distance and uncertainty avoidance on the consumer trust formation process in e-retailing Downloads
R.M. Walczuch and H. Lundgren
54: Approximating preemptive stochastic scheduling Downloads
N. Megow and Tjark Vredeveld
53: Non-monotonic repayment contracts are superior: an experimental approach Downloads
J. Philipp Reiss and Irenaeus Wolff
53: Financial and non-financial performance measures and managerial short-term orientation: the interactive effect of performance targets Downloads
F. Moers
53: Polynomial cases of the tarification problem Downloads
C.P.M. van Hoesel, A.F. van der Kraaij, C. Mannino, G. Oriolo and M. Bouhtou
53: Probabilistic alternatives for competitive analysis Downloads
B. Hiller and Tjark Vredeveld
53: Learning by (limited) forward looking players Downloads
Friederike Mengel
53: Rules, rule-following and cooperation Downloads
Erik Kimbrough and A. Vostroknutov
53: Shelf sequence and proximity effects on online grocery choices Downloads
E. Breugelmans, K. Campo and E. Gijsbrechts
53: Approximation results for preemptive stochastic online scheduling Downloads
N. Megow and Tjark Vredeveld
53: Dynamic pricing problems with elastic demand Downloads
Alexander Grigoriev, B. Hiller, S. Marban, Tjark Vredeveld and G.R.J. van der Zwaan
53: A globally convergent algorithm to compute all nash equilibria for n-person games Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Ronald Peeters
53: Cross sectional averages or principal components? Downloads
Joakim Westerlund and Jean-Pierre Urbain
52: Stochastic Online Scheduling Downloads
T. Vredeveld
52: The role of performance measure characteristics in the design of incentive systems: an empirical analysis Downloads
F. Moers
52: Testing for asset market linkages: a new approach based on time-varying copulas Downloads
H. Manner and Bertrand Candelon
52: Paying for pensions and other public expenditures: overtaxing our children? Downloads
A. Sebald and C.R.J. de Neubourg
52: The culture of market oriented organisations Downloads
J.D.P. Kasper
52: Price dynamics and collusion under short-run price commitments Downloads
K. Leufkens and Ronald Peeters
52: Tight performance in Bayesian scheduling Downloads
S. Marban, C. Rutten and Tjark Vredeveld
52: Very large-scale neighborhoods with performance guarantees for minimizing makespan on parallel machines Downloads
T. Brueggemann, J.L. Hurink, Tjark Vredeveld and G.J. Woeginger
52: The role of peers in estimating tenure-performance profiles: evidence from personnel data Downloads
Andries de Grip, Jan Sauermann and Inge Sieben
51: Panel error correction testing with global stochastic trends Downloads
C. Gengenbach, Jean-Pierre Urbain and Joakim Westerlund
51: Panel cointegration testing in the presence of common factors Downloads
C. Gengenbach, F.C. Palm and J.R.Y.J. Urbain
51: Strategic commitment and cooperation in experimental games of strategic complements and substitutes Downloads
Matthew Embrey, Friederike Mengel and Ronald Peeters
51: Measuring customer satisfaction on the Internet Downloads
R.M. Walczuch and K. Hofmaier
51: Optimal search for a moving target with the option to wait Downloads
J. Flesch, Emin Karagözoğlu and A. Perea ý Monsuwé
51: Limits to arbitrage when market participation is restricted Downloads
Th. Hens, P. Jean-Jacques Herings and A. Predtetchinski
51: The Americanization of European higher education and research Downloads
Lex Borghans and Frank Cörvers
51: Disability in the Netherlands: another dutch disease? Downloads
J. Muysken and T. Rutten
51: Flexible contracts and human capital investments Downloads
Didier Fouarge, Andries de Grip, Wendy Smits and M.R. de Vries
51: On the completeness of complete markets Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings and K.I.M. Rohde
51: Optimizing sterilized logistics in hospitals Downloads
J. van de Klundert, P. Muls and M. Schadd
50: Network effects and infrastructure productivity in developing countries Downloads
Bertrand Candelon, G. Colletaz and Christophe Hurlin
50: Fiscal policy and monetary integration in Europe: an update Downloads
Bertrand Candelon, J. Muysken and Robert Vermeulen
50: Psychological reasons for consumer trust in e-retailing Downloads
R.M. Walczuch and J. Seelen
50: Changes in the top management team: performance implications of altering team composition Downloads
U. Glunk and M.G. Heijltjes
50: The lowest-bid all-pay-auction as a fundraising mechanism: theoretically optimal but behaviorally fragile Downloads
Damian Damianov and Ronald Peeters
50: Machine scheduling with resource dependent processing times Downloads
A. Grigoriev, M. Sviridenko and M.J. Uetz
50: A pure variation of risk in private-value auctions Downloads
Oliver Kirchkamp, J. Philipp Reiss and Abdolkarim Sadrieh
50: Asymptotic optimality of SEPT in Bayesian scheduling Downloads
S. Marban, C. Rutten and T. Vredeveld
50: Optimal bundle pricing for homogeneous items Downloads
J. van Loon, Alexander Grigoriev, M.J. Uetz and Tjark Vredeveld
50: Measuring the (income) effect of disability insurance generosity on labour market participation Downloads
Olivier Marie and Judit Vall Castello
50: The communication complexity of private value single item auctions Downloads
E. Grigorieva, P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Rudolf Müller and Dries Vermeulen
50: Multi-regime common cyclical features Downloads
Bertrand Candelon and A.W. Hecq
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