Details about Edgar J Sánchez Carrera
Access statistics for papers by Edgar J Sánchez Carrera.
Last updated 2024-09-04. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: psa676
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Working Papers
- Bank Lending Policies and Green Transition
Working Papers - Economics, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
- Effects of Wealth Inequality and Segregation on Economic Growth: An Interpretation via Luxury Asset Holdings
Working Papers - Economics, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
- Climateflation and monetary policy in an environmental OLG growth model
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena
- Optimal Lockdown Policies driven by Socioeconomic Costs
Papers, View citations (1)
- EClustering Democracy and Inequality
Working Papers, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society & Politics - Scientific Committee - L. Stefanini & G. Travaglini
- Synchronization of globalized economies
Working Papers, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society & Politics - Scientific Committee - L. Stefanini & G. Travaglini
- Inequalities, spatial disparities and agglomeration of economic activity in European regions
Working Papers, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society & Politics - Scientific Committee - L. Stefanini & G. Travaglini
- Unsustainable Inequality: is there a turning point?
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena View citations (2)
- Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena View citations (1)
See also Journal Article Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development?, Review of Development Economics, Wiley Blackwell (2016) View citations (4) (2016)
- Recursos comunes, conflictos y turismo
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON
- Corrupción, desigualdad y evasión de impuestos
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON
- Imitative Behavior and Evolutionary Dynamics for the Comparative Advantage of International Trade Theory
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Migración por imitación y crecimiento económico: Caso de Chile y Perú
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON
- On the Dynamics and Effects of Corruption on Environmental Protection
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON View citations (2)
- On Institutional Designs and Corruption by Imitation
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena
- Inequality and Economic Growth in China: pre and post-reform periods
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena
- On evolutionarily stable strategies and replicator dynamics in asymmetric two-population games
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON View citations (2)
- A Model of Imitative Behavior in the Population of Firms and Workers
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena View citations (1)
- The Evolutionary Game of Poverty Traps
Department of Economics University of Siena, Department of Economics, University of Siena View citations (3)
See also Journal Article THE EVOLUTIONARY GAME OF POVERTY TRAPS, Manchester School, University of Manchester (2012) View citations (7) (2012)
- A Long-run Equilibrium Demand Function: Tourism in Mexico
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (2)
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (5)
- Dinámica evolutiva en un modelo de interacción entre visitantes y residentes de una localidad turística
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON
- Unicidad del equilibrio de Nash-Cournot con correspondencias de mejor respuesta contractivas
Documentos de Trabajo (working papers), Department of Economics - dECON
Journal Articles
- On Mexican poverty-trap regimes and struggling to escape them
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2024, 28, (4), 826-854
- On optimal lockdown policies while facing socioeconomic costs
Annals of Operations Research, 2024, 337, (3), 959-992
- Wealth inequality and economic growth: Evidence from the US and France
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2024, 92, (C)
- On the Strategic Complementarity of Skilled Workers and Technological Innovation: Which Determines Which?
Studies in Microeconomics, 2023, 11, (2), 206-234
- Does too much liquidity generate instability?
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2022, 17, (1), 191-208 View citations (1)
- Economic growth, poverty traps and cycles: productive capacitiesversusinefficiencies
Journal of Economic Studies, 2022, 50, (7), 1375-1398
- Long-term causes of populism
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2022, 17, (1), 349-377 View citations (2)
- Growth and inequality in the Mexican states: Regimes, thresholds, and traps
Papers in Regional Science, 2021, 100, (5), 1295-1322
- Macrodynamic Modeling of Innovation Equilibria and Traps
The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2021, 21, (2), 659-694
- Socioeconomic inequalities in Europe
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2021, 71, (C), 307-320 View citations (1)
- What drives TFP long-run dynamics in five large European economies?
Economia Politica: Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2021, 38, (2), 569-595 View citations (3)
- Asymmetries in the euro area and TFP growth: evidence from three major European economies
Journal of Economic Studies, 2020, 48, (5), 945-967
- Can income inequality promote democratization?
Metroeconomica, 2020, 71, (3), 510-532 View citations (2)
- Clustering and regime dynamics for economic growth and income inequality
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2020, 52, (C), 99-108 View citations (11)
- Foreword to the SCED special issue on “Nonlinear Social Dynamics”
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2020, 52, (C), 236-237 View citations (1)
- Causality between income inequality and corruption in OECD countries
World Development Perspectives, 2019, 14, (C), - View citations (6)
- Corrupción para los ricos y los pobres en México: ¿Quién la soporta aún más?
El Trimestre Económico, 2019, 86 (4), (344), 1033-1055
- Economic Rationality and Rational Credence
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE), 2019, 8, (1), 49-61
- Evolutionary dynamics of poverty traps
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2019, 29, (2), 611-630 View citations (4)
- Network Structures and Poverty Traps
Dynamic Games and Applications, 2019, 9, (1), 236-253
- On the impact of innovation and inequality in economic growth
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2019, 28, (1), 64-81 View citations (17)
- On the wage–productivity causal relationship
Empirical Economics, 2019, 57, (1), 329-343 View citations (2)
- Corruption causes inequality, or is it the other way around? An empirical investigation for a panel of countries
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2018, 59, (C), 92-102 View citations (29)
- Democratization and inequality: Empirical evidence for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries
Environment and Planning C, 2017, 35, (6), 1098-1116 View citations (4)
- Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development?
Review of Development Economics, 2016, 20, (3), 651-669 View citations (4)
See also Working Paper Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development, Department of Economics University of Siena (2015) View citations (1) (2015)
- On Modelling Migrant Behavior Driven by Imitation
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2014, 3, 15-23
- Economic growth and income distribution in Mexico: A cointegration exercise
Economic Modelling, 2013, 35, (C), 708-714 View citations (14)
- Corruption driven by imitative behavior
Economics Letters, 2012, 117, (1), 84-87 View citations (12)
- Imitation and evolutionary stability of poverty traps
Journal of Bioeconomics, 2012, 14, (1), 1-20 View citations (8)
- Inequality and economic growth in China
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2012, 5, (2), 80-90 View citations (2)
- On feedback nash equilibrium and cooperation in the neoclassical growth model
EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas, 2012, 9, (2), 29-43
Manchester School, 2012, 80, (4), 381-400 View citations (7)
See also Working Paper The Evolutionary Game of Poverty Traps, Department of Economics University of Siena (2009) View citations (3) (2009)
- Strategic complementarities between innovative firms and skilled workers: The poverty trap and the policymaker's intervention
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2011, 22, (1), 30-40 View citations (8)
- Análisis de cointegración y valores umbrales entre la inflación y el crecimiento económico en México: 1970-2007
Ensayos Revista de Economia, 2010, XXIX, (2), 77-98
- Dynamic Complementarities, Efficiency and Nash Equilibria for Populations of Firms and Workers
Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 2010, 53, (1), 90-110 View citations (10)
- Complementariedades dinamicas, eficiencia y equilibrio de Nash en un modelo de firmas y trabajadores
EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas, 2009, 6, (1), 165-184
- Inflation and Mexican economic growth: long‐run relation and threshold effects
Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2009, 1, (3), 246-263 View citations (10)
- A Good Policy of Sustainable Tourism
Revista de Administración, Finanzas y Economía (Journal of Management, Finance and Economics), 2008, 2, (2), 150-161 View citations (4)
- Tourism's Impact on Long-Run Mexican Economic Growth
Economics Bulletin, 2008, 3, (21), 1-8 View citations (66)
- Demanda por servicios turísticos: análisis de su evolución en un modelo autoorganizado
Estudios Economicos, 2007, 024 (Nueva Serie), (48), 39-56 View citations (1)
- Unicidad del equilibrio de Nash-Cournot bajo correspondencias contractivas de mejor respuesta
EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas, 2007, 4, (1), 43-57
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