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Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica

2005 - 2024

From Danubius University of Galati
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2015, issue 11(6)

The Impact of Corporate Branding Dimensions on Firm Performance: Evidence from the Zimbabwean Petroleum Industry pp. 5-19 Downloads
Maxwell Sandada and Henry Finch
Promotional Strategy Impacts on Organizational Market Share and Profitability pp. 20-33 Downloads
Adesoga Dada Adefulu
Adequacy of Pay Structure and Its Impact on Personal Outcomes pp. 34-49 Downloads
Siti Salwa Salim and Azman Ismail
The Current Approaches of Land Evaluation pp. 50-57 Downloads
Cristina Mihaela Onica, Carmen Mihaela Cretu, Florentina Moisescu and Nicoleta Constandache
Volatility of Stock Markets (an Analysis of South Asian and G8 Countries) pp. 58-70 Downloads
Muhammad Mansoor Baig, Waheed Aslam, Qaiser Malik and Muhammad Bilal
A Comparison of Financial Performance of Domestic and Foreign Banks in Kosovo by Using DuPont Model pp. 71-86 Downloads
Driton Balaj
Financial Analysis of the Financial Institutions Sector in Kosovo pp. 87-96 Downloads
Vlora Prenaj, Hysen Ismajli, Iliriana Miftari and Besnik Livoreka
The Analysis of the Situation of Foreign Direct Investments in Romania pp. 97-107 Downloads
Camelia Milea and Florin Balasescu
The Effect of SAK ETAP Implementation to the Use of Accounting Information at SMEs in Banyumas Region, Central Java, Indonesia pp. 108-116 Downloads
Negina Kencono Putri, Atiek Sri Purwati and Iraning Suparlinah
Currency Crisis Revisited: A Literature Review pp. 117-124 Downloads
Teuta Ismaili Muharremi
Bivariate Cointegration Analysis of Energy-Economy Interactions in Iran pp. 125-139 Downloads
Ismail Oladimeji Soile
Commercial Activity or Banking Competition? pp. 140-150 Downloads
Rose-Marie Pu?caciu
The Exploitation of Tourism Resources in Braila City, Port on the Danube River pp. 151-160 Downloads
Anca Gabriela Turtureanu

2015, issue 11(5)

An Assessment of the Influence of Selected on the Performance of Small to Medium Sized Family Owned Businesses in the Zimbabwe Retail Sector pp. 5-16 Downloads
Maxwell Sandada and Lorraine Mangwandi
Private Equity Capital in a Less Developed Economy: Evidence, Issues and Perspectives pp. 17-29 Downloads
Melusi Mpofu and Mabutho Sibanda
Impact Assessment of Bank Consolidation on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria pp. 30-44 Downloads
Edirin Jeroh and Emma Okoye
The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Employment in Albania pp. 45-55 Downloads
Edmira Cakrani
Reasons for and against the Early Adoption of the Euro in Romania pp. 56-66 Downloads
Alina Ailincă and Camelia Milea
Stackelberg Model for Linear Marginal Costs pp. 67-71 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Alin Cristian Ioan
Multilevel Models: Conceptual Framework and Applicability pp. 72-83 Downloads
Roxana-Otilia-Sonia Hritcu
Econometrics Applying to the Interdisciplinary Studies pp. 84-94 Downloads
Romeo-Victor Ionescu
Sulina and Danube-Black Sea Channels: Competitors or Allies on Cargo Transport in South-Eastern Europe? pp. 95-104 Downloads
Ionica Soare
Sustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources and National Security pp. 105-113 Downloads
Maria Constantinescu
A Reducing Resistance to Change Model pp. 114-120 Downloads
Daniela Bradutanu
The Impact of International Financial Institutions Investments in the Countries of the Region, with Particular Emphasis on Kosovo pp. 121-128 Downloads
Ylber Prekazi, Albana Pasjaqa, Alba Robert Dumi and Evis Celo
Capital Market and Unemployment in Nigeria pp. 129-140 Downloads
Bamidele M. Ilo
The Current State of Tourism Traffic along the Danube on the Romanian Territory pp. 141-148 Downloads
Anca Gabriela Turtureanu1

2015, issue 11(4)

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Proenvironmental Behaviour: The Case of Energy Conservation pp. 15-32 Downloads
Octav-Ionut Macovei
The Influence of Market Context on Business Strategy, Competitor Imitation and Operational Effectiveness pp. 33-40 Downloads
Madalina Balau
A Study of Integers Using Software Tools – III pp. 41-44 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Alin Cristian Ioan
Determinants of Health Spending Efficiency: a Tobit Panel Data Approach Based on DEA Efficiency Scores pp. 56-71 Downloads
Douanla Tayo Lionel
The Projected Utilization of Initial Public Offer (IPO) Proceeds in Nigeria pp. 72-85 Downloads
Bamidele M. Ilo
Testing the Relationship between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Romania pp. 86-102 Downloads
Alina Cristina Nuta, Florian Marcel Nuta, Viorica Chirila, Angela Roman and Andy Corneliu Pusca
How Do Board Characteristics Influence Business Performance? Evidence from Non-life Insurance Firms in Zimbabwe pp. 103-116 Downloads
Maxwell Sandada, Nigel Manzanga and Roy Shamhuyenhanzva
IFRS Adoption, Firm Traits and Audit Timeliness: Evidence from Nigeria pp. 106-119 Downloads
Musa Inuwa Fodio, Victor Chiedu Oba, Abiodun Bamidele Olukoju and Ahmed Abubakar Zik-rullahi
Output Loss Severity across EU Countries. Evidence for the 2008 Financial Crisis pp. 117-126 Downloads
Iustina Alina Boitan
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: The Case of Romania pp. 127-137 Downloads
Maria-Ramona Sârbu and Lenuta Carp (Ceka)
Integration between the Romanian and the Euro Area Financial Markets and its Impact on the Growth Rate of Romanian Listed Companies pp. 138-149 Downloads
Maricica Moscalu
Determinants of Dividend Policy in Kosovo Banking Industry pp. 150-159 Downloads
Besnik Livoreka, Arta Hoti and Erdin Maloku
Foreign Direct Investment – The Case of Botswana pp. 160-173 Downloads
Patricia Lindelwa Makoni

2015, issue 11(3)

Analysis of the Post-Crisis Economic Performances in the European Union pp. 5-14 Downloads
Madalina Ecaterina Popescu and Maria-Isadora Lazar
Overview of Major Issues of Tax Treaties Law in Kosovo pp. 15-23 Downloads
Bedri Peci
Re-examination of Advertising Effectiveness in Selected Soft Drink Companies in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Descriptive Analysis pp. 24-34 Downloads
Adefulu Adesoga and Louise Van Scheers
The Inflation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Romania pp. 35-42 Downloads
Mircea Asandului and Dan Lupu
Exploring the Relationship between Democracy, Corruption and Economic Growth in MENA countries pp. 43-58 Downloads
Nedra Baklouti and Younes Boujelbene
Income Tax on Wages and Factors Affecting their Tax Evasion - the Case of Kosovo pp. 59-70 Downloads
Shkendije Demalijaj Ukaj
Eco-Economic Model Regarding the Human Possibility Food Consumption in the Context of Realization the Ecosanogenesis pp. 71-80 Downloads
Nicolae Ipate
Hungarian Small and Medium Enterprises’ Strategies and their Effects on the Economic Performance pp. 81-93 Downloads
Florin Nitu
Audit Risk Assessment in the Light of Current European Regulations pp. 94-105 Downloads
Ciprian-Costel Munteanu
IFRS Adoption, Firm Traits and Audit Timeliness: Evidence from Nigeria pp. 106-119 Downloads
Musa Inuwa Fodio, Victor Chiedu Oba, Abiodun Bamidele Olukoju and Ahmed Abubakar Zik-rullahi
The Effect of Audit Fees on Auditors Negligence pp. 120-126 Downloads
Segun Idowu Adeniyi
Determinants of the Current Account Balance in Nigeria, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire pp. 127-145 Downloads
Sebil Olalekan Oshota and Ibrahim Adegoke Adeleke
A Series of Macroindicators Relevant for the Identifycation of Potential Tensions on Money Market in Romania pp. 146-159 Downloads
Alina Georgeta Alinca and Ibrahim Adegoke Adeleke
Adopting the Euro: A Long Path towards National Consensus within the Euro Area Candidate Countries pp. 160-171 Downloads
Adina Criste
Destination Management of Small Islands: The Case of Koh Mak pp. 172-196 Downloads
John Walsh and Thanan Apivantanaporn
A study of Integers Using Software Tools – I pp. 197-202 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Alin Cristian Ioan

2015, issue 11(2)

Empirical Investigation into the Determinants of Compliance with IFRS 7 Disclosure Requirements pp. 5-17 Downloads
Atanasko Atanasovski
The Long-Run Relationship between Foreign Reserves Inflows and Domestic Credit: Evidence from a Small Open Economy pp. 18-38 Downloads
Bernhard Ozofere Ishioro
Enhancement Approach in Well&Illness Tourism pp. 40-50 Downloads
Ruhet Genç
The Economic Crisis and the Solidarity of Social Insurance Systems pp. 51-60 Downloads
Domnica Doina Parcalabu
Approaches to Bioeconomic Modelling in correlation with Consumer Model and Biodiversity Indicators pp. 61-71 Downloads
Ipate Iudith
Financial Stability, Target Inflation as a Monetary Rule and Concepts of Money Policy: Implications for the Optimal Analysis pp. 72-93 Downloads
Mohsen Brahmi and Sonia Zouari
Impact of Major Economic Variables on Economic Growth of Pakistan pp. 94-106 Downloads
Muhammad Waqas Chughtai, Muhammad Waqas Malik and Rashid Aftab
The Impact on Continental and Economic Issues of Russia’s Military Stance on Crimea and Eastern Ukraine pp. 107-133 Downloads
Romeo-Victor Ionescu and Pierre Chabal
The Evolution of Urban Green Areas in Romania during 2002-2013 pp. 134-143 Downloads
Iulian Adrian Sorcaru
Social Development – Requirement and Consequence of the Evolution of Society pp. 144-150 Downloads
Irina-Elena Gentimir
The Impact of Innovation on the National and Regional Competitiveness within the European Union pp. 151-167 Downloads
Alina Elena Iosif
Social Media: Opening New Doors for the Domestic Tourism Industry in Albania pp. 168-178 Downloads
Vjollca Hysi, Klodiana Gorica and Sokol Luzi
Moldova’s Race Against time to Adhering to the European Union pp. 179-193 Downloads
Romeo-Victor Ionescu
A New Approach to Utility Function pp. 194-223 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan
Contribution of Financial Development in Electricity-Growth Nexus in Pakistan pp. 224-241 Downloads
Adnan Rashid
A Conjecture Concerning Prime Numbers pp. 242-245 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Alin Cristian Ioan
New Institutional Economics and Economic Development of the Republic of Kosovo pp. 246-254 Downloads
Mejdi Bektashi and Artor Nuhiu
Empirical Study on Accounting and Tax Differences in the Case of an Economic Entity pp. 273-286 Downloads
Valeriu Laurentiu Onose and Ecaterina Necsulescu

2015, issue 11(1)

Western Balkans’ Banking Sector Performance in Terms of Macroeconomic and Bank Specific Efficiency Determinants pp. 5-21 Downloads
Lindita Varesi
The Model of Integrated Marketing Communication: Who has the Role to Influence Consumer Behaviour pp. 22-31 Downloads
Olimpia Elena Mihaela Oancea
An Examination and Analysis of Employees' Job Stress in Gas Refinery Company of Ilam pp. 32-52 Downloads
Kobra Roshani, Seidmehdi Veiseh, Ardeshir Shiri and Kolsoom Roshani
Predictors of Facebook Shopping Intentions among South African Generation Y Students pp. 53-65 Downloads
Hilda Bongazana Mahlangu
Innovative Approaches to Management Health Needed to Make Ecosanogenesis pp. 66-73 Downloads
Nicolae Ipate, Mariana Trandafir and Iudith Ipate
The Complete Theory of Cobb-Douglas Production Function pp. 74-114 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
Europe 2020 Strategy’s Viability under This More Volatile Economic World pp. 120-136 Downloads
Romeo-Victor Ionescu
Balanced Scorecard – Strategic Management Tool of Performance in Public Institutions pp. 137-148 Downloads
Carmen Cretu, Victoria Gheonea and Alexandra Ivan
About Andrica’s Conjecture pp. 149-153 Downloads
Catalin Angelo Ioan and Alin Cristian Ioan
The History of the Environmental Conditions Research in the Braila Plain pp. 154-160 Downloads
Anca Gabriela Turtureanu
Page updated 2025-01-19