Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica
2005 - 2024
From Danubius University of Galati Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Daniela Robu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2012, issue 8(6)
- The Relevance of Accounting Information Enclosed in Performance Indicators pp. 33-46
- Mihaela-Cristina Onica
- Human Resources Management within Civil Service pp. 47-55
- Victor Teodor Alistar
- Financial Supervision and Banking Competition in European Union pp. 56-66
- Ovidiu Stoica and Roxana Scantee
- Transfer Pricing: Is the Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method the Best Method in all Cases? pp. 67-76
- Pranvera Dalloshi
- An Assessment of the Determinants of Share Price in Nigeria: A Study of Selected Listed Firms pp. 77-87
- Uwalomwa Uwuigbe, Olusegun Olowe and Agu Godswill
- The Impact of Corporate Governance Implementation on Public Company Bond Ratings and Yield: a Case of Indonesia pp. 88-98
- Mafudi and Negina Kencono Putri
- The Value Relevance of Environmental Responsibility Information Disclosure in Nigeria pp. 99-112
- Victor Chiedu Oba, Musa Inuwa Fodio and Benedict Soje
- An Analysis on the Consumer Demand Dependence Relative to the Disposable Income for Romania during 2001-2011 pp. 113-122
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Empirical Analysis on Impact of External Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria pp. 123-137
- Taiwo Adewale Muritala
- Becker & Mincerian Models of Human Capital for Pakistan: A Case Study of Islamabad pp. 138-145
- Nadia Asghar and Muhammad Waqas Chughtai
- An Analysis on the Money Demand Dependence Relative to GDP and the Interest Rate for Romania during 2001-2011 pp. 146-155
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- “First Home” Program: Functionality or Controversy? pp. 156-169
- Andreea Trimbitas
2012, issue 6(6)
- Change Agent – A Force Generating Resistance To Change Within An Organization? pp. 5-12
- Mariana Prediscan and Daniela Bradutanu
- Development of Nonprofit-Sector in Albania pp. 13-25
- Xhiliola Agaraj (Shehu), Elenica Pjero and Klaudja Guga
- Organisational Commitment: An Empirical Study of Government and Private School Teacher pp. 26-32
- Riyaz Ahmad Rainayee and Shabnam Zaffar Khan
2012, issue 5(5)
- Interest Rate Variations and Stock Market Capitalization in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis pp. 5-14
- Edirin Jeroh
- Organizational Optimization of a Company Through the Implementation of Business Intelligence Solutions pp. 15-25
- Luminita Serbanescu and Consuela Necsulescu
- A Systemic Approach of the Strategic Score in the Modern Organization System Model pp. 26-42
- Walter Gérard Amedzro St-Hilaire
- An Evaluation of Advertising Models in Emergent Countries – The Case of Albania pp. 42-55
- Elenica Pjero, Xhiliola Agaraj, Ylldeze Sokoli, Aurela Bifsha and Dritan Pjero
- Symbolic and Affective Motivations Involved in the Purchase Decisions of Consumers pp. 56-64
- Madalina Balau
- The Mediating Role of Perceived Risk when Buying Online pp. 65-74
- Claudia Iconaru
- E-Government – A Demand-Side Innovation Policy in Romania pp. 75-83
- Sabina-Cristiana Necula
- E-Wallet. A New Technical Approach pp. 84-94
- Octavian Dospinescu
- Technological Innovation Management and its Role in Performance of Organizations pp. 95-103
- Laura-Diana Radu
- Overview of the Practical and Theoretical Approaches to the Estimation of Mineral Resources. A Financial Perspective pp. 104-117
- Leontina Pavaloaia
- Co-integration of Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) With Major Asian Markets pp. 118-129
- Asma Sarfraz, Sumbal Shehzadi, Haroon Hussain and Mohsin Altaf
- Banking Marketing Mix Trends in a Digital Era pp. 130-139
- Catalina Ioana Chirica
- Ethical Issues in Insurance Marketing The Case of Western India pp. 140-156
- Sorab Georgy Sadri and Sharukh N Tara
- Faire Value - Perspective of Chance in Environmental Accounting pp. 157-165
- Ionica Oncioiu
- Do Spot Prices Move towards Futures Prices? A study on Crude Oil Market pp. 166-176
- Mihaela Nicolau
- The Equilibrium Analysis of a Closed Economy Model with Government and Money Market Sector - II pp. 177-186
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- The End or a New Beginning for the European Union pp. 187-208
- Romeo-Victor Ionescu and Gabriela Marchis
- Using SVM for Classification pp. 209-224
- Dumitru Ciobanu
- On the General Theory of Production Functions pp. 225-238
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
2012, issue 4(4)
- Taylor’s Scientific Management pp. 5-14
- Dimitrios N. Koumparoulis and Dionysios K. Solomos
- Shaping the Nigerian Economy: The Role of Women pp. 15-24
- Chinwe R. Okoyeuzu, P. Egbo Obiamaka and J.U.j Onwumere
- The Impact of Financial Performance upon the Social Responsibility of Romanian SMEs – Point of View pp. 25-31
- Florian Marcel Nu?a and Alina Cristina Nu?a
- Group Cohesion and Performance: A Bank Analysis pp. 32-40
- Cristina Petronela Durneac
- Group Cohesion and Performance: A Bank Analysis pp. 41-54
- Cristina Petronela Durneac
- Investigation of the Factors Affecting Real Exchange Rate in Iran pp. 55-67
- Mostafa Goudarzi, Komeil Khanarinejad and Zahra Ardakani
- Men versus Women in the Sale of Financial Products pp. 68-75
- Daniel Michael Vasiliu
- Impact of Cross-listed Directorship on Appointment and Independence of Auditors: Evidence from Republic of Macedonia pp. 76-82
- Atanasko Atanasovski
- The Social-Financial Responsible Reporting – The Key for Integrated Reporting pp. 83-101
- Iulia Jianu
- Perceived Attributes of Factors Influencing Consumers’ Engagement with Electronic Banking pp. 102-116
- Taiwo A. Muritala and Taiwo Abayomi S.
- The Problem of Efficiency of the Consumption or Production pp. 117-125
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Detrending Time Series and Business Cycles. The Romanian Case pp. 126-136
- Viorica Chirila
- The Rural Tourism: Great Potential, Low Development. Case Study: The Rural Tourism in Bulgaria and Romania pp. 140-159
- Romeo-Victor Ionescu and Gabriela Marchis
- Competitiveness on the International Tourism Market pp. 160-167
- Anca Gabriela Turtureanu
- Discussions on n Substitutable Goods Production and Consumption pp. 168-176
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
2012, issue 3(3)
- Corporate Tax And Financing Decisions: An Emerging Market Experience pp. 5-16
- R. Okoyeuzu Chinwe
- SMS Advertising in India: Is TAM a Robust Model for Explaining Intention? pp. 17-27
- Hemant Bamoriya
- Bank Credit and Aggregate Import Demand in Nigeria: A Cointegration Analysis pp. 28-37
- Philip Chimobi Omoke
- Application of “Small Steps Strategy” in the Management of European Companies pp. 38-44
- Lidia Mandru and Dan Pauna
- Small and Medium Enterprises and Economic Growth in Nigeria pp. 45-53
- Muritala Taiwo A, Awolaja Ayodeji M and Bako Yusuf A
- Patterns in Standards and Technologies for Economic Information Systems Interoperability pp. 54-61
- Vasile Irimia
- Parent Entrepreneurs: to What Extent Can They Influence Their Children to Become Entrepreneurs? pp. 62-75
- Alexander Ayogyam
- Somes County Agrarian Economy During The Inter Wars Period of Economic Growth pp. 76-85
- Radu Pavel Gavrila
- Public vs. Banking Sector Accounting - How Far Is Romania from International Referential? pp. 86-100
- Cristina Silvia Nistor and Cristina Alexandrina Stefanescu
- Aspects of Price Discrimination in the Monopoly pp. 101-112
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- General Considerations on the Oligopoly pp. 113-135
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
2012, issue 2(2)
- Performance and Job Satisfaction: A Critical Analysis pp. 5-17
- Devaki Devi Puvada and Venkat Rao Gudivada
- Identifying the Reducing Resistance to Change Phase in an Organizational Change Model pp. 18-26
- Daniela Bradutanu
- Modelling the Causal Relationship between Seniority of the CEO in the Enterprise and the Debt in USA pp. 27-33
- Chafik Kammoun and Younes Boujelbene
- Insurance Market Activity and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria pp. 34-47
- Philip Chimobi Omoke
- Ratio Spread with Calls- Creating a Zero Downside Risk Strategy in Stock Market pp. 48-60
- Priyanka Vashisht
- It’s Time for Green Banking Management in Romania pp. 61-69
- Ioana Florentina Savu
- Th? Imp?ct of F?n?nc??l R?port?ng of Sm?ll ?nd M?d?um S?z?d Ent?rpr?s?s ?n Econom?c D?v?lopm?nt of B?lk?n Countr??s pp. 70-82
- Artor Nuhiu, Arber Hoti and Lulzim Krasniqi
- The IASB and FASB Convergence Process: Current Developments pp. 83-105
- Saher Aqel
- Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of Quality Assurance for Auditing in Kosovo pp. 106-118
- Edona Perjuci-Uka, Hysen Ismajli and Arber H. Hoti
- Review of Relationship Between Increase of Capital and Shares Return in Automotive and Cement Industries at Tehran Stocks Exchange pp. 119-126
- Gholamhossein Gholami, Ramin Ansarian, Ali Etemadi and Hamide Rasi
- The Consumer’s Behavior after the Preferences Nature pp. 127-138
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- The Role of Local Government in Sustainable Development pp. 139-155
- Klodiana Gorica, Dorina Kripa and Engjellushe Zenela
- Fiscal Policy in the European Union – Present and Perspectives pp. 156-168
- Eugenia-Ramona Mara
- Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of “Information Society” pp. 169-174
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
2012, issue 1(1)
- Reliability of Level Three Valuations and Credit Crisis pp. 5-13
- Arber H. Hoti and Elvira K. Hoti
- Romanians Civil Servants between New Public Management and Neo Weberian Principles. Some Perspectives pp. 14-20
- Ana-Maria Bercu
- The Human Being – He Is Still... the Living Resource of the Company pp. 21-33
- Mihaela Dumitrana, Iulia Jianu, Ionel Jianu and Ionela Gusatu
- The Implication of Effectiveness of Demand for Money on Economic Growth pp. 34-48
- Muritala Taiwo
- Cash Management and Corporate Profitability: A Study of Selected Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria pp. 49-59
- Olubukunola Uwuigbe, Uwuigbe Uwalomwa and Ben-Caleb Egbide
- The Influence of International Parity on the Exchange Rate: Purchasing Power Parity and International Fisher Effect pp. 60-81
- Oana Mionel
- The Institutional Progress and Strategic Reforms in Albania, Require Active Role of Government Policies pp. 82-94
- Alba Robert Dumi and Terida Mehilli
- The Complete Solution of the Core-Periphery Model for two Regions Using Successive Approximations pp. 95-106
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Interregional Competition as Innovated World Order: Is It Enhancing Exchanges or Destabilising the World? pp. 107-130
- Pierre M. Chabal
- Strategic Importance of Credit Risk Management to Shareholders’ Wealth-Sustenance in Nigerian Banks: An Empirical Analysis pp. 131-148
- Sunday Abayomi Adebisi and Ade Oyedijo
- Aggregate Import Demand and Expenditure Components in Nigeria pp. 149-163
- Philip Chimobi Omoke
- An Analysis of the Substitution Effect and of Revenue Effect in the Case of the Consumer’s Theory Provided with a CES Utility Function pp. 164-175
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Tourist Industry Recovers from World Economic Crisis pp. 176-185
- Anca Gabriela Turtureanu, Cornelia Elena Tureac and Bogdan Constantin Andronic
- Demographic Component-Support of Regional Economic Development. Case Study: Tecuci Plain pp. 186-194
- Iulian Adrian Sorcaru
- Considerations Regarding the Environmental Responsibility and Taxation pp. 195-203
- Florian Marcel Nuta and Anca Gabriela Turtureanu
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