Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica
2005 - 2024
From Danubius University of Galati Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Daniela Robu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2010, issue 4(4)
- Entrepreneurship and Human Resources as Important Forces Affecting Electronic Readiness in Building the Information Society in Albania pp. 5-16
- Ermelinda Kordha (Tolica), Klodiana Gorica and Dorina Kripa
- Specific Aspects of State Social Security Reform in Romania pp. 17-27
- Georgeta Dragomir, Luminita Iacob, Georgeta Modiga, Ecaterina Necsulescu and Carmen-Marina Dragomir
- The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering pp. 28-35
- Goparaju Sudhakar
- General Considerations Regarding the Reserves and Consumption of Energetic Resources pp. 36-42
- Anca Turtureanu, Cornelia Tureac, Mariana Trandafir, Codruta Ligia Butucescu, Alina Madalina Ilie and Maria Alexandra Ivan
- Romanian Health Care Reform in the Context of Economic Crisis pp. 43-55
- Victoria Gheonea, Nicoleta Constandache and Gianina Roman
- General Consideration on Legal Tax Evasion vs. Tax Fraud pp. 56-63
- Octavia-Daniela Steriopol, Varvara Licuta Coman and Mirela Costache
- Hotel Classification Systems: A Comparison of International Case Studies pp. 64-86
- Roberta Minazzi
- The Impact of Foreign Banks Presence on the Performance of Domestic Banks in Kosovo during the Period 2001-2007 pp. 87-103
- Driton Balaj
- The Short Life of the Bank of Ethiopia pp. 104-116
- Arnaldo Mauri
- Analysis of Budget and Fiscal Policy and its Implications in Terms of Integration into the European Union pp. 117-124
- Alina Cristina Nuta and Florian Marcel Nuta
- Two Methods of Determination of an Acquisition Program in Integer Numbers pp. 125-130
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Economic, Political and Military Aspects in the Application of the Armistice Agreement in Romania on September 12, 1944 pp. 131-137
- Stefan Gheorghe
2010, issue 3(3)
- The Evolution of Turkish-EU Relations and an Evaluation of its Future pp. 5-32
- E. Aysen Hiç Gencer
- Strategic Brand Management in Hospitality Sector: How to Manage Co-branding in Hotels and Restaurants pp. 33-46
- Ruhet Genc
- Economic and Financial Studies on the Public Pension System in Romania at Local and Global Level pp. 47-65
- Georgeta Dragomir, Luminita Iacob, Ecaterina Necsulescu, Georgeta Modiga and Carmen-Marina Dragomir
- A Short Study on Cooperative Sector in Iran. Challenges and Issues pp. 66-70
- Hassan Danaee Fard and Mohammad Reza Noruzi
- General Considerations Regarding the Industrial Activity of ArcelorMittal Galati on the Environment pp. 71-82
- Anca Gabriela Turtureanu, Cornelia Tureac, Codruta Ligia Butucescu, Alina Madalina Ilie and Maria Alexandra Ivan
- Practitioners' Tools in Analysing Financial Markets Evolution pp. 83-104
- Mihaela Nicolau
- The Vitality of Business Communication pp. 105-123
- Ruhet Genc
- The Necessity of Physics’ Quantum Skills Strategies, Intellectual Capital and the Study of Knowledge Management in the Crisis Era pp. 124-140
- Mohammad Reza Noruzi and Jose Vargas-Hernandez
- Intelligent Agents in Knowledge Acquisition and Structuring for the Fault Diagnosis of Virtualized Systems pp. 141-161
- Florin Postolache, Viorel Ariton, Florentina Loredana Tache, Catalin Nachila and Alin Constantin Filip
- Consulting in Electronic Commerce pp. 162-169
- Florentina Loredana Tache, Florin Postolache, Catalin Nachila and Maria Alexandra Ivan
2010, issue 2(2)
- Aspects of the Current Fiscal - Budgetary Situation in Some Euro Area Countries. Implications for Romania pp. 5-17
- Camelia Milea, Floarea Iordache, Alina Georgeta Glod, Adina Criste and Iulia Lupu
- Supervisor’s Role as an Antecedent of Training Transfer and Motivation to Learn in Training Programs pp. 18-38
- Azman Ismail, Hasan Al Banna Mohamed, Ahmad Zaidi Sulaiman and Suriawati Sabhi
- Profitability and Risk – Components of the Financial Management pp. 39-46
- Ion Popa-Lala and Cecilia – Nicoleta Anis
- Language Roles in Internal and External Communication in the Thai Tourism Industry Competitiveness pp. 47-58
- Thavorn Thitthongkam, John C. Walsh and Chanchai Banchapattanasakda
- The Integrated Educational System. The Impact of Information Technology on the Educational Process pp. 59-68
- Dan Pauna and Maxineanu Mihaela
- Governance or Governing – the Missing Link? pp. 69-86
- Luminita Maria Craciun
- European Union - Space of Regeneration, Learning and Innovation in the Context of Sustainable Multidisciplinary Research pp. 87-97
- Floarea Iordache and Florin Razvan Balasescu
- Accounting - a Normative Representation of Economic Reality? pp. 98-105
- Gianina Roman
- A Method of Determination of an Acquisition Program of N Goods in Order to Maximize the Total Utility pp. 106-113
- Catalin Angelo Ioan
2010, issue 1(1)
- Monetary Developments and Decolonization in Ethiopia (1941-1952) pp. 5-16
- Arnaldo Mauri
- An Exploration of Partnerships, Coalitions, Sole and Trans-organizational Systems and Community Partnerships Designing pp. 17-42
- Jose Vargas-Hernandez and Mohammad Reza Noruzi
- An Exploration of Critical Thinking Necessities, Barriers and CAT MAGIC Notion pp. 43-53
- Mohammad Reza Noruzi and Jose Vargas-Hernandez
- Turning Weaknesses into Strengths: Nordic Tourism, Potentials for Growth and Major Challenges pp. 54-67
- Ruhet Genc
- The Study of Three Organizational Enigmas; Organizational Economy, Organizational Business and Organizational Skills pp. 68-87
- Jose Vargas-Hernandez and Mohammad Reza Noruzi
- General Considerations on a Report of Research about the Company’s Risk Assessment and Forecast for Bankruptcy Evaluation and Prognosis pp. 88-98
- Constandache Nicoleta, Gheonea Victoria and Maria Alexandra Ivan
- Fair Value Considerations during the Current Financial Crisis pp. 99-109
- Banu Esra Aslanertik
- A Generalization of Some Production Functions pp. 110-123
- Catalin Angelo Ioan
- A Method of Determination of an Acquisition Program in Order to Maximize the Total Utility Using Linear Programming in Integer Numbers pp. 124-128
- Alin Cristian Ioan and Catalin Angelo Ioan
2009, issue 1(1)
- The Production Functions from the Point of View of 3- Dimensional Geometry pp. 7-15
- Catalin Angelo Ioan
- Implementing a CRM System in the Context of Internet Technologies pp. 16-21
- Alexandru Gavrila, Delia Babeanu and Dana Boldeanu
- Influence of Social and Cultural Expenses on the Population’s Pauperization Process pp. 22-39
- Luminita Maria Craciun
- Development of Nominal Convergence Indicators in New Member States of European Union under the Challenges of Economic and Financial Crisis pp. 40-49
- Iulia Lupu, Camelia Milea, Alina Georgeta Glod and Adina Criste
- The Criteria and Principles of Sustainable Development in Terms of Changing the Quality of It pp. 50-57
- Bordean Ioan, Turtureanu Anca Gabriela, Tureac Cornelia Elena and Modiga Georgeta
- The Methods of Professional Development within the Higher Educational Institutions pp. 58-68
- Claudia Mihaela Nicolau
- Education and „The New Institutionalism” – The Paradigm of Economic Development within the Context of European Integration pp. 69-76
- Mistreanu (Carstea) Laura Maria
- General Considerations on Leisure Services pp. 77-82
- Anca Gabriela Turtureanu, Cornelia Elena Tureac and Aurica Grigore
- Recent Trends of the EU – 27 Foreign Trade Activities pp. 83-91
- Constanta - Aurelia Chitiba and Octavian - Liviu Olaru
- The Critical Aspect on Using Fair Value for Financial Instruments pp. 92-100
- Ionica Holban (Oncioiu) and Florin Razvan Oncioiu
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development pp. 111-118
- Tureac Cornelia Elena, Turtureanu Anca Gabriela, Bordean Ioan and Modiga Georgeta
- The Value Relevance of IFRS: The Case of Turkey pp. 119-128
- Ahmet Türel
- USA between the Greatest Economic Crisis and Current Economic Crisis pp. 129-138
- Doru Plesea and Adina Liana Camarda
- Economic Agents Interaction with the State Through Public Consolidated Budget pp. 139-146
- Ionut Dragos Luhan
- The International Double Taxation – causes and avoidance pp. 146-160
- Nicoleta Bărbuţă-Mişu and Florin Tudor
- Specific Features of the Study of Purchasing Behaviour and Consumption by the Customer, Financial and Banking Sector pp. 161-172
- Mitran Paula Cornelia and Bebeselea Mihaela
- General Considerations on Fiscal Evasion pp. 173-177
- Pripoaie Silviu and Pripoaie Rodica
- The Informative Dimension of the Annex to the Annual Financial Statements in the Context of the 4th European Directive pp. 178-185
- Ovidia Doinea
- New Assignation Methods of Workers on Jobs pp. 186-188
- Catalin Angelo Ioan
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