Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica
2005 - 2024
From Danubius University of Galati Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Daniela Robu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, issue 9(6)
- Identifying Some Roots of Frontline Employee Attitude in Market Orientation pp. 5-13
- Mushtaq A Siddiqi
- Beyond the Obvious: Standardization and Interoperability Issues in Mobile Banking in India pp. 14-27
- Prerna Bamoriya and Preeti Singh
- Strategic Management of Human Capital Development on Employees Performance in Nigeria Cements Sector pp. 28-42
- Ehis Omoluabi and Olufemi Akintunde
- An Application of Conjoint Analysis to Consumer Preference for Beverage Products in Nigeria pp. 43-56
- Emmanuel Olateju Oyatoye, Sulaimon Olanrewaju Adebiyi and Bilqis Bolanle Amole
- Contribution of Internet Banking toward Profitability of Banking in India pp. 57-69
- Majid Karimzadeh and Mohammad Reza Sasouli
- Services Strategy and Hotels Performance: Evidence from Mures County pp. 69-81
- Flavia Dana Oltean
- Multilateral Development Banks and Their Role in Supporting European SMEs during the Current Financial Crisis pp. 82-88
- Sorin Gabriel Anton
- Debt Burden in Romanian Economy pp. 89-94
- Gina Ioan
- A Descriptive Assessment of the Effects of Lehman Brothers’ Shock on the External Equilibrium in Some Euro Area Countries pp. 95-105
- Adina Criste, Camelia Milea and Alina Ailincă
- The Current Global Financial Crisis 2008-2012 pp. 106-125
- Albulena Shala, Besnik Livoreka, Vlora Berisha and Safet Merovci
- Economies as a Part of the World Economy pp. 126-138
- Sorina Botis
- EU Funds and the Cohesion Policy pp. 139-148
- Elena-Daniela Onica
- Study on the European Welfare and Tax Systems Models Used to Support Economic Growth and Overcome the Effects of the Crisis pp. 149-162
- Maria Lenuta Ulici-Ciupac, Ioana Pop-Radu and Maria Letitia Bratulescu (Andronic)
- Examining Financial Leverage, Profitability and Firm Life Influencing Nonfinancial Information Disclosure Quality pp. 163-175
- Reza Zare, Hoda Kiafar, Fatemeh Rasouli, Leila Sadeghi and Sadegh Behbahani
- Analysis of the Research Projects in Relation to Analytical Hierarchy Process pp. 176-183
- Maria-Mihaela Suarasan and Oana Nicoleta Satmar
- Transport Infrastructure Influences on the Regional Development pp. 184-194
- Frantz Daniel Fistung, Oana Bianca Fistung and Teodor Popescu
- Determinants of Intellectual Capital Disclosures in Nigeria pp. 195-206
- Jide Ibikunle, Victor Chiedu Oba and Christopher Nwufo
- The Internal Audit – Key Pillar of Corporate Governance pp. 207-213
- Mihaela-Cristina Onica
2013, issue 9(5)
- Factors Affecting Internet Banking Usage in India: An Empirical Analysis pp. 5-15
- Shariq Mohammed
- Study the Customers’ Perception towards Banking Services: A Research Report on Indian Public Sector Banks pp. 16-27
- Shailesh Limbad
- Relationship between Gold and Oil Prices and Stock Market Returns pp. 28-39
- Muhammad Mansoor Baig, Muhammad Shahbaz, Muhammad Imran, Mehwish Jabbar and Qurat Ul Ain
- A Case Study of the Accounting Models for the Participants in an Emissions Trading Scheme pp. 40-49
- Marius Deac
- Convergence or Divergence between National and International View on Tangible Assets - Case Study Romania pp. 50-60
- Mariana Muresan, Cristina Silvia Nistor and Crina Filip
- The Evolution of GDP in USA Using Polynomial Regression Analysis pp. 61-73
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Analysis of Central Banks Transparency in Countries on the Road to the European Single Currency pp. 74-85
- Iulian Vasile Popescu
- Do Budget Deficits Affect Real Interest Rates? A Test of Ricardian Equivalence Theorem pp. 86-102
- Tuan Van Nguyen
- A Mathematical Model of an Open Economy with Applications in Romania pp. 103-170
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Decision Background and Financial Institutions: for What Contemporary Theoretical Reorientation? pp. 171-190
- Walter Gerard Amedzro St-Hilaire
- SME’s Priorities and Management Authorities Directions. A Regional Approach in Romania pp. 191-199
- Bogdan Ileanu
- Projected Motorway Construction in the Central and North-Western Regions of Romania between 2013-2021 pp. 200-210
- Istvan Csutak
- Compete or Leapfrog: Creating Blue Ocean through Entrepreneurial Orientation pp. 211-221
- Arslan Ayub, Muhammad Salman Aslam, Hanan Iftekhar, Adeel Razzaq and Sabiha Hafeez
- Capital Market Development: A Spur to Economic Growth in Nigeria pp. 222-234
- Ismail O. Fasanya, Adegbemi B. O Onakoya and Donald Ikenna Ofoegbu
- The Trend of International Risk Diversification pp. 235-246
- Oana Mionel and Alexandra Moraru
2013, issue 9(4)
- Innovation Cluster and Economic Development in Bucharest Ilfov Region pp. 7-14
- Ana Cristina Adumitroaei, Claudia Ionescu and Simona Curpan
- Sustainable Development of Spa Tourism in the Romanian West Development Region pp. 15-23
- Cipriana Sava
- Effectiveness of the Use and Management of Municipal Real Property in Bulgaria pp. 24-38
- Statty Stattev
- Creative Industry a Pattern for Growth in Bucharest Ilfov Region pp. 39-44
- Ana Cristina Adumitroaei and Simona Curpan
- The Management of Environmental Resources and its Regional Implications pp. 45-53
- Claudia Elena Paicu, Diana Andreia Hristache and Nilghiun Ismail
- Initiative and Innovation in Tourism, Discussion on their Applicability in the Context of Sustainable Tourism in Delta Destinations pp. 54-63
- Gabriela Nicoleta Diaconescu
- Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Sector Priorities of Regional Development Policy within Bucharest-Ilfov Region pp. 64-73
- Claudia Ionescu, Simona Curpan and Ana Cristina Adumitroaei
- Infrastructure Investments: Need for a Higher Territorial Cohesion in Bucharest-Ilfov Region pp. 74-81
- Claudia Ionescu and Simona Curpan
- Clusters - Territorial Networks. Where to? pp. 82-92
- Luiza Nicoleta Radu
- Comparative Study of Sustainable Development Indicators in CEE Countries (2000 – 2010 pp. 93-104
- Mara Ursache
- Innovative Clusters in Times of Economic Crisis. Case Study Romania pp. 105-116
- Carmen Beatrice Pauna
- Comparison between the Juridical Regime of the Debt Instruments: Bill of Exchange, Promissory Note and Cheque pp. 117-131
- Silvia Cristea
- What are the Investments Opportunities in the European Capital Regions? pp. 132-142
- Claudia Ionescu and Wiolleta Wereda
- The Impact of Uniform Prudential Regulations Implemented at the Level of European Insurance Industry pp. 143-151
- Laura Elly Naghi
- Economic and Social Cohesion in the South-East of Romania pp. 152-162
- Dorel Ailenei and Amalia Cristescu
- Comparative Study on the Competitiveness of Romanian and Bulgarian Tourism Industry pp. 163-176
- Adina Berbeniciuc-Mititiuc
- Economic Growth and European Funds Absorption in Central and Eastern European Countries pp. 177-186
- Mihaela Neculita, Daniela Ancuta Sarpe, Liliana Moga and Valentin Neculita
- Estimated Impact of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 in Romania pp. 186-199
- Daniela Antonescu
- Regional Determinants of Small Business Survival during the Crisis in Romania pp. 200-208
- Anca Dachin and Alexandru Rusei
- A Comparative Study on Changes in the Spatial Industry Agglomeration in Eastern EU Developing Countries: Romania vs. Bulgaria pp. 209-220
- Madalina-Stefania Dirzu and Gabriela Carmen Pascariu
- Is Industrial Districts Logistics Suitable for Industrial Parks? pp. 221-233
- Fabio Musso
- Analyzing E-Government Development in Albania. Problems and Conditions pp. 234-245
- Fioralba Vela, Luciana Koprencka, Migena Petanaj and Lorena Cakeri
- Changes in Global Economy Influencing the Maritime Industry pp. 246-258
- Grama Izabella Gilda
- Employment and Regional Inequality in Romania pp. 259-266
- Laura Patache
- Partnership and Cooperation Models in Cross-Border Areas pp. 267-280
- Marcela Slusarciuc
- Romania’s Regional Policy between the Current Realities and the Challenges of the 2014-2020 Programme Period pp. 281-291
- Daniela Constantin
- The Situation of Investment Projects for Modernization of Agricultural Holdings in Moldova Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union pp. 292-299
- Alina-Mirela Marcu
- Pan-Kazakh Centrism and the Construction of a Regional Axis in the ‘Innovated’ Asia pp. 300-305
- Pierre Chabal
- The International Migration in the EU. A Descriptive Analysis Focused on Romania pp. 306-318
- Raluca Mariana Grosu and Daniela Constantin
- EU’s Enlargement vs Global Crisis pp. 319-331
- Romeo-Victor Ionescu
- Evaluating Methodology of Community Regional Funds pp. 332-347
- Daniela Antonescu
- Universities, Entrepreneurship and Regional Networks Chances for a Welfare pp. 348-354
- Claudia Ionescu
- Transfer Pricing and FDI pp. 355-366
- Patricia-Sabina Macelaru
- Analysis of Regional Disparities in the Development of Human Settlements in Valcea County pp. 367-376
- Raluca-Mirela Antonescu
- Ensuring Security of Supply of Natural Gas in the European Union’s Common Energy Policy pp. 377-387
- Andrei Teofil Postolachi
- Valuation Bases and Accounting SystemEntries in Financial Analysis of the Municipal Real Property pp. 388-401
- Daniela Feschiyan and Stela Raleva
- A System of Indicators for Financial Analysis of the Municipal Real Property pp. 402-414
- Daniela Feschiyan
- Regions and the Territorial Cohesion pp. 415-429
- Ioan Ianos, Irina Saghin and Gabriel Pascariu
- The Indicators’ Inadequacy and the Predictions’ Accuracy pp. 430-442
- Constantin Mitru? and Mihaela Bratu (Simionescu)
- Opportunities, Challenges and Results of the Regionalization Process in the Romanian Water Sector pp. 443-450
- Erika Marin
- Regional Development Disparities in Europe pp. 451-461
- Liliana Craciun
- Is there an Amazing Way to Deal with the Crisis of EU Integration? pp. 462-472
- Gabriela Marchis
2013, issue 9(3)
- The History of Tax Administration of Kosovo And Its Efficiency pp. 5-21
- Kida Nakije
- Does Corporate Social Responsibility Improve Financial Performance of Nigerian Firms? Empirical Evidence from Triangulation Analysis pp. 22-36
- Ismail O. Fasanya and Adegbemi B.O.Onakoya
- Marketing Status in SMEs, Industrial versus Consumer Companies pp. 37-48
- Shahram Azad and Hamed Hemmati
- A New Measure of Distributive Justice by Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 49-59
- Yutaka Ueda and Yoko Ohzono
- Comparing the Resulted Strategies from the SWOT and the SPACE (Electricity Company as Case Study) pp. 60-69
- Abolfazl Sherafat, Khadijeh Yavari, Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi and Nima Bozorgzadeh
- The Global Financial Crisis and the Performance of Capital Markets of Developing Economies: Lessons from Nigeria pp. 70-83
- Edirin Jeroh
- Methods for Determining the Degree of Underestimation or Overrating of Shares Using PER Analysis pp. 84-99
- Andreea Vasiliu and Neculai Tabara
- Romania's Financial Market and Foreign Trade Impaction pp. 100-115
- Gina Ioan and Catalin Angelo Ioan
- Evolutions of the Social Sphere and of the Labour Market in Process of European Integration – is the Nordic Model Worth Following? pp. 116-125
- Alina Ailincă and Floarea Iordache
- Countercyclical Economic Policies in Times of Crisis pp. 126-131
- Gina Ioan
- Energy Consumption & Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Pakistan pp. 132-139
- Aneel Salman, Nadia Asghar, Tahir-ul-Mulk Kahlon and Muhammad Waqas Chughtai
- The Experience Economy in Thai Hotels and Resort Clusters: The Role of Authentic Food pp. 140-152
- Thanan Apivantanaporn and John Walsh
- Impact of Climate Change on Employment in Nigeria pp. 153-161
- Muritala Taiwo Adewale, Awolaja Ayodeji Muyideen and James Olurotimi
- Romanian Healthcare System at a Glance pp. 162-172
- Christiana Brigitte Balan and Petronela-Simona Mantaluta
- Regional Development Disparities and the Provision of Services of General Interest. A Case Study on the Health Care Services Availability in the North-East Region of Romania pp. 173-184
- Daniela Constantin, Raluca Mariana Grosu, Claudiu Herteliu, Dorel Ailenei and Adriana Dardala
2013, issue 9(2)
- The Activity Analysis of Companies within Certain Economic Sectors Based on Risk Indicators pp. 5-15
- Iustin Dalea
- Information and Communication Technology: A Comparison of Pakistan and Sri-Lanka pp. 16-22
- Javed Iqbal
- Impact of Liquidity on Islamic Banks’ Profitability: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 23-36
- Limon Moinur Rasul
- How Do Ownership Features Affect Corporate Governance Disclosure ? - The Case of Banking System pp. 37-51
- Cristina Alexandrina Stefanescu
- Harmonization and Convergence – Coordinates of Accounting Globalization pp. 52-64
- Mihaela-Cristina Onica
- The Non-Financial Reporting: Goal and Perspective in the Romanian Society of the Third Millennium pp. 65-78
- Ionel Jianu, Iulia Jianu and Ionela Gusatu
- Structural Analysis of Human Resources within a Company pp. 79-87
- Cornelia Tureac
- The Training Process of Civil Servants Employees in Ministry of Economic Development in Kosovo: Effect of Training through the Prism of Participants and Interpretation of Employee Questionnaire Survey pp. 88-95
- Florina Mehaj-Kosumi
- Issues Regarding the Conducting of the Euro Area Monetary Policy during the European Debt Crisis pp. 96-106
- Adina Criste
- Saving Euro by Dividing Europe in Multiple OCAs pp. 107-119
- Dimitrios Dapontas
- The Reduction of Quadratic Forms to the Normal Form with Applications for Production Functions pp. 120-152
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- How to Improve the SPF Forecasts? pp. 153-165
- Mihaela Bratu (Simionescu)
- On Homogeneous Functions pp. 166-175
- Catalin Angelo Ioan
- Strategic Management of Transport Infrastructure Development in Albania pp. 176-184
- Fioralba Vela
- The Impact of the Bioeconomy on the Economic Development under the Global Crisis pp. 185-192
- Romeo-Victor Ionescu
- Treasury Bond Market Segment at Bucharest Stock Exchange August 2008 – June 2012 pp. 193-202
- Maria - Andrada Georgescu and Cornelia Pop
- Redefining Project Management Information Systems with New IT Services pp. 203-212
- Luminita Hurbean
- EU Regional and Cohesion Policy. Analysis 2007-2013 vs. 2014-2020 pp. 213-223
- Elena-Daniela Onica
2013, issue 9(1)
- The Role of Organizational Humanistic Social Support in Decreasing the Interference of Work Problems on Employees’ Family Conflict pp. 5-20
- Azman Ismail, Fara Farihana Suhaim, Rizal Abu Bakar and Mohamad Azhari Abu Bakar
- Strategic Decision Making in Public Sector: Evidence and Implications pp. 21-27
- Ana-Maria Bercu
- Impact of Migration on Housing Prices: A Case of Low-Income Households in Iran pp. 28-35
- Mojgan Hatami, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar and Nurwati Badarulzaman
- International Gold Market, Stock Market and Business Cycles: the Central and Eastern European Countries pp. 36-52
- Viorica Chirila and Ciprian Chirila
- Employees’ Performance Contribution to the Growth of the Company on the Emerging Markets – a Managerial Approach pp. 53-62
- Raluca Ioana Vosloban
- The Future of the Common Agricultural Policy pp. 63-71
- Drago? Jaliu
- Research Study on the Migration of Clients on Banking Market pp. 72-78
- Cornelia Tureac and Gabriela Padure
- The Effects of Company Income Tax on Dividend Policy of Firms in Nigeria pp. 79-90
- Uwuigbe Olubukunola and Olusegun Olowe
- Budget Discipline in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of Military and Civilian Regimes pp. 91-101
- Ben-Caleb Egbide and Godwyns Ade’ Agbude
- An Equilibrium Model for an Open Economy. Romania’s Case pp. 102-125
- Catalin Angelo Ioan and Gina Ioan
- Filters or Holt Winters Technique to Improve the Forecasts for USA Inflation Rate? pp. 126-136
- Mihaela Bratu (Simionescu)
- An Analysis of the Romanian Macroeconomic Conditions that Favored the Economic Crisis pp. 137-149
- Gina Ioan
- Sustainable Agriculture - Mandatory Approach for Regional and National Economic Development. Case Study: Tecuci Plain pp. 150-167
- Iulian Adrian Sorcaru
- The Forgotten Austrian Economics Language pp. 168-180
- Elena Bianca Vieru
- Cinderella Revisited: A Historical Perspective to Graduate Work in Retailing pp. 181-194
- Ho Keat Leng
- Romanian Economy in the Second Half of XIXth Century pp. 195-202
- ?tefan Gheorghe
- General Aspects on Oral-Dental Care Social Services for Children in Galati County, Romania pp. 203-210
- Mihaela Moisei
2013, issue 5(5)
- Dynamics of Air Passenger Transportation in Eastern Romania pp. 247-254
- Dan Pauna and Cornelia Tureac
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