European Economic Review
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 9, 1989
- Foreign monopoly and optimal tariffs for the small open economy pp. 1691-1707

- Ronald Jones and Shumpei Takemori
- Did policy activism work? pp. 1709-1726

- Andrea Boltho
- Sectoral wage rigidity in the Canadian and French economies pp. 1727-1749

- Carl Campbell
- Imposing exchange controls to dampen currency speculation: Political risk and the French franc, 1976-1984 pp. 1751-1768

- Brian J. Cody
- An appraisal of alternative blueprints for international policy coordination pp. 1769-1785

- David Currie and Simon Wren-Lewis
- Profit-sharing and European unemployment pp. 1787-1798

- K.C. Fung
- Autonomy, switching regimes, and super exogeneity pp. 1799-1804

- Niels Kaergard
- On managerial contracting with asymmetric information pp. 1805-1829

- Joan E. Ricart I Costa
- The real effects of nominal price rigidity pp. 1831-1838

- Daniel Seidmann
- Human capital and job levels: Explaining the age-income funnel pp. 1839-1849

- Carl Koopmans, Rocus van Opstal and Jules J. M. Theeuwes
Volume 33, issue 8, 1989
- Price formation of fish: An application of an inverse demand system pp. 1509-1525

- A. P. Barten and L. J. Bettendorf
- A risk-averse buyer's contract design pp. 1527-1544

- Pamela Clark Brown
- Regulation, financial buffer stocks, and short-run adjustment: An econometric case-study of Sweden, 1970-1982 pp. 1545-1565

- Nils Gottfries, Torsten Persson and Edward Palmer
- The effect of outsiders on union contracts pp. 1567-1573

- Stephen Jones and C. J. McKenna
- Conservative central bankers in a two-country world pp. 1575-1595

- Daniel Laskar
- In-kind transfers, cash grants and the supply of labour pp. 1597-1604

- Alistair Munro
- Indexation and monopolistic competition in labor markets pp. 1605-1623

- Kiyohiko G. Nishimura
- The dynamics of corporate profits pp. 1625-1639

- Joachim Schwalbach, Gra[beta]hoff, Ulrike and Talat Mahmood
- 'Top of the line' quality as an optimal solution for a multi-quality monopolist pp. 1641-1652

- B. Shitovitz, M. Spiegel and Shlomo Weber
- An econometric model of crowding out of lower education levels pp. 1653-1664

- C. N. Teulings and Marc Koopmanschap
- Inflationary inertia in a wage-price spiral model pp. 1665-1683

- Joseph Zeira
Volume 33, issue 7, 1989
- Competing technologies, the learning curve, and rational expectations pp. 1293-1311

- Karl Habermeier
- Second best optimum under Morishima separability and exogenous price constraints pp. 1313-1328

- J. Benard and Pierre Chiappori
- Optimal policy toward international factor movements with a country-specific factor pp. 1329-1344

- Eric Bond
- Imported inputs, real wage rigidity and devaluation in the small open economy* pp. 1345-1361

- Edward F. Buffie
- How restrictive is the Prais-Houthakker model? pp. 1363-1372

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- (Non-)graduation and the earnings function: An inquiry on self-selection pp. 1373-1395

- Joop Hartog, Gerard Pfann and Geert Ridder
- Inflation and wage indexation with multiperiod contracts: A comment pp. 1397-1404

- Hubert Kempf
- International market linkages and optimal monetary policy pp. 1405-1426

- Kyung-Soo Kim
- The case for permissive patents pp. 1427-1443

- Manfredi La Manna, Ross Macleod and David de Meza
- Estimating functional forms in cost-prices pp. 1445-1461

- Dennis Olson and Yeung-Nan Shieh
- Monetary, fiscal and exchange intervention policy in a two-country intertemporal disequilibrium model pp. 1463-1480

- Neil Rankin
- A note on fiscal policy under flexible exchange rates pp. 1481-1486

- Pekka Ahtiala
- Liability management of financial intermediaries in a dynamic and uncertain perspective: Corrigendum pp. 1487-1488

- J. -P. D. Chateau
- International differences in saving rates and the life cycle hypothesis: A comment pp. 1489-1498

- Erkki Koskela and Matti Viren
- International differences in saving rates and the life cycle hypothesis: Reply and further evidence pp. 1499-1507

- John Graham
Volume 33, issue 6, 1989
- Sunk costs, financial markets, and contestability pp. 1089-1113

- Stephen Martin
- Capitalism, socialism, and productivity: An econometric analysis of CES and translog functions pp. 1115-1133

- John Burkett and Borislav Skegro
- Productivity and cost gaps in manufacturing industries in U.S., Japan and Germany pp. 1135-1159

- Klaus Conrad
- Exchange-rate dynamics in a model with imperfect capital mobility and asset substitutability pp. 1161-1173

- Bernard Delbecque
- Output and welfare effects of optimal price discrimination in markets segmented at the initiative of the seller pp. 1175-1181

- John P. Formby and Edward L. Millner
- The pure labour theory of prices and interest: Basic principles pp. 1183-1203

- Branko Horvat
- Exchange-rate dynamics under gradual portfolio and commodity-price adjustment pp. 1205-1226

- Girol Karacaoglu and Heinrich Ursprung
- Broken symmetry, symmetry, and price uncertainty: Or, short and long-run comparative statics of the competitive firm pp. 1227-1239

- Quirino Paris
- Exchange rate uncertainty and foreign trade pp. 1241-1264

- Eric Peree and Alfred Steinherr
- Rules and discretion in trade policy pp. 1265-1277

- Robert Staiger and Guido Tabellini
- Terms of trade shocks and domestic prices under tariffs and quotas: A note pp. 1279-1282

- Mahmudul Anam
- On the notion of time-consistency: A comment pp. 1283-1288

- Hans-Werner Wohltmann and Wolfgang Kromer
Volume 33, issue 5, 1989
- Introduction pp. 897-901

- George de Menil and Robert Gordon
- Political and economic determinants of budget deficits in the industrial democracies pp. 903-933

- Nouriel Roubini and Jeffrey D. Sachs
- Comments 'political and economic determinants of budget deficits in the industrial democracies' by N. Roubini and J.D. Sachs pp. 934-938

- Robert Gordon
- The effect of the stock market on investment: a comparative study pp. 939-956

- Mark Mullins and Sushil Wadhwani
- Comments 'the effect of the stock market on investment: a comparative study' by M. Mullins and S.B. Wadhwani pp. 956-959

- Stanley Fischer
- Comments 'the effect of the stock market on investment: a comparative study' by M. Mullins and S.B. Wadhwani pp. 959-961

- Koichi Hamada
- Comparative estimates of a macroeconomic disequilibrium model: France, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S.A pp. 963-988

- Guy Laroque
- Comments 'comparative estimates of a macroeconomic disequilibrium model: France, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S.A.' by Guy Laroque pp. 989-993

- Julio Rotemberg
- Comments 'comparative estimates of a macroeconomic disequilibrium model: France, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S.A.' by Guy Laroque pp. 993-995

- Jean Waelbroeck
- An analysis of female labor supply, housing demand and the saving rate in Japan pp. 997-1023

- Hiroshi Yoshikawa and Fumio Ohtaka
- Comments 'an analysis of female labor supply, housing demand and the saving rate in Japan' by Hiroshi Yoshikawa and Fumio Ohtake pp. 1023-1026

- Robert Dekle
- Comments 'an analysis of female labor supply, housing demand and the saving rate in Japan' by Hiroshi Yoshikawa and Fumio Ohtake pp. 1027-1030

- Jacques Mairesse
- Differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates pp. 1031-1046

- Paul Krugman
- Comments 'differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates' by Paul Krugman pp. 1047-1049

- Kazumasa Iwata
- Comments 'differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates' by Paul Krugman pp. 1050-1054

- Klaus-Werner Schatz
- On the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century pp. 1055-1079

- Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata
- Comments 'on the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century' by Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata pp. 1080-1083

- Giorgio Basevi
- Comments 'on the international capital ownership pattern at the turn of the twenty-first century' by Koichi Hamada and Kazumasa Iwata pp. 1083-1085

- Paul Krugman
Volume 33, issue 4, 1989
- A privately revealing rational expectations equilibrium for the futures market pp. 663-685

- Fanny Demers and Michel Demers
- Monetary, nominal income and exchange rate targets in a small open economy pp. 687-705

- George Alogoskoufis
- Market efficiency with combinable products pp. 707-719

- Simon Anderson and Damien Neven
- Non-traded and intermediate goods and the theory of protection pp. 721-735

- Raveendra N. Batra and Nadeem Naqvi
- A microeconomic analysis of the timing of births pp. 737-760

- Alessandro Cigno and John Ermisch
- Exchange-rate management viewed as tax policies pp. 761-781

- Jacob A. Frenkel and Assaf Razin
- Unemployment, profit-sharing and Japan's economic success pp. 783-796

- K.C. Fung
- Individual morality and reputation costs as deterrents to tax evasion pp. 797-805

- James P. P. Gordon
- Adverse selection and moral hazard with risk neutral agents pp. 807-823

- Roger Guesnerie, Pierre Picard and Patrick Rey
- Economic performance of flexible functional forms: A correction and comment pp. 825-838

- Sverre Kittelsen
- The profitability of forward currency speculation by central banks: A comment pp. 839-843

- David Longworth
- The perceived distribution of job characteristics pp. 845-862

- Gusta Renes and Aldi Hagenaars
- A disequilibrium model with smooth regime transitions and a keynesian spillover for switzerland's labor market pp. 863-893

- Peter Stalder
Volume 33, issue 2-3, 1989
- Introduction pp. 203-203

- John Sutton
- Observation in macroeconomic theory building pp. 205-223

- Edmond Malinvaud
- The paradoxes of economic history: Economic laws and history pp. 225-249

- Paul Bairoch
- Facts and ideas in microeconomic theory pp. 251-276

- Werner Hildenbrand
- Asymmetric information, financial markets, and financial institutions Where are we currently going? pp. 277-285

- Martin Hellwig
- The financial structure of the firm and the problem of control pp. 286-293

- Philippe Aghion and Patrick Bolton
- The strategic analysis of intermediation pp. 294-301

- Marie-Odile Yanelle
- Monetary and fiscal policy in an open economy with or without policy coordination pp. 303-309

- Daniel Cohen
- Asymmetry in the EMS: Intentional or systemic? pp. 310-320

- Charles Wyplosz
- Time series and cross sectional studies of industrial structure pp. 321-324

- Louis Phlips
- Economic growth and the life-cycle of firms pp. 325-334

- Mervyn King
- Endogenous sunk costs and the structure of advertising intensive industries pp. 335-344

- John Sutton
- Economic consequences of an aging population pp. 345-354

- Bo[dieresis]s, Dieter and K. von Weizsa[dieresis]cker, Robert
- Unemployment consequences of an aging population: An application of insider-outsider theory pp. 355-366

- Christopher Pissarides
- Can we afford to grow older? Population aging and social security pp. 367-376

- John Creedy and Richard Disney
- Demographic change and income distribution pp. 377-388

- K. von Weizsa[dieresis]cker, Robert
- Introduction pp. 389-394

- Westerga[ring]rd-Nielsen, Niels
- Female participation and male unemployment duration in Greece: Evidence from the labour force survey pp. 395-406

- Costas Meghir, Yannis Ioannides and Christopher Pissarides
- Youth unemployment duration from the Italian labour force survey: Accuracy issues and modelling attempts pp. 407-415

- Nicola Torelli and Ugo Trivellato
- Job search and youth unemployment Analysis of Swedish data pp. 416-425

- James Albrecht, Bertil Holmlund and Harald Lang
- Remonetisation and capital markets in the reform of centrally planned economies pp. 427-438

- Domenico Mario Nuti
- Capital market and the problem of full employment pp. 439-447

- Wlodzimierz Brus and Kazimierz Laski
- Goals and conditions in setting up a stock market in Hungary, 1988 pp. 448-455

- Zsigmond Jarai
- Capital markets, management takeovers and creation of new firms in a reformed self-managed economy Some lessons from the Nova Gorica (Yugoslavia) experiment pp. 456-465

- Ales Vahcic
- Economic reforms, international capital flows and the development of the domestic capital market in CPEs pp. 466-471

- Richard Portes
- Trade policy under imperfect competition Theoretical ambiguities -- empirical regularities? pp. 473-479

- Victor D. Norman
- Tariffs, subsidies and retaliation pp. 480-489

- Michael Gasiorek, Alasdair Smith and Anthony Venables
- Introductory remarks pp. 491-493

- Jean Gabszewicz
- An insolent founding father pp. 494-502

- Philippe De Ville and Claude Menard
- Cournot and the oligopoly problem pp. 503-514

- Xavier Vives
- Cournot, A great forerunner of mathematical economics pp. 515-522

- Robert Gary-Bobo
- Introduction pp. 523-529

- N. Anders Klevmarken
- The analysis of labor market mobility using panel data pp. 530-536

- Reinhard Hujer and Hilmar Schneider
- Potentials and pitfalls of panel data The case of job mobility pp. 537-546

- Bjo[dieresis]rklund, Anders
- The effects of liquidity constraints on consumption Estimation from household panel data pp. 547-555

- Rob Alessie, Arie Kapteyn and Bertrand Melenberg
- Seigniorage: Old and new policy issues Introduction pp. 557-563

- Luigi Spaventa
- Money, time preference and external balance pp. 564-572

- Philippe Weil
- Public debt and implicit taxes The Portuguese experience pp. 573-579

- Jorge Braga de Macedo and Manuel Sebastiao
- Exchange rates and seigniorage pp. 580-587

- Vittorio Grilli
- European perspectives on the shadow economy pp. 589-596

- Stephen Smith
- Second economy in state socialism: Past experience and future prospects The case of Hungary pp. 597-604

- Istva'n R. Gabor
- Honesty is sometimes the best policy pp. 605-617

- Frank Cowell
- Some theoretical considerations pp. 619-624

- Partha Dasgupta
- Repeated games Some applications to under-cutting and harassment in the labour market pp. 625-634

- Hamid Sabourian
- Biological games pp. 635-644

- Peter Hammerstein
- Minutes of the third general assembly pp. 645-646

- Louis Phlips
Volume 33, issue 1, 1989
- Pareto-improving indirect tax harmonisation pp. 1-12

- Michael Keen
- Business cycles in Switzerland: A comparative study pp. 31-50

- Jean-Pierre Danthine and Michel Girardin
- The ratchet principle: A multi-period flexible incentive scheme pp. 51-57

- Tikva Darvish and Nava Kahana
- Intertemporal equilibrium and disadvantageous growth pp. 59-65

- M. P. Donsimoni and H. M. Polemarchakis
- Information as a substitute for inventories pp. 67-88

- Leonard Dudley and Pierre Lasserre
- How 'natural' is Canada's high unemployment rate? pp. 89-110

- Pierre Fortin
- Interrelated factor demands for manufacturing: A dynamic translog cost function approach pp. 111-126

- Sean Holly and Peter Smith
- International labour migration under alternative informational regimes: A diagrammatic analysis pp. 127-142

- Eliakim Katz and Oded Stark
- A quadratic quasi Cobb-Douglas extension of the multi-input CES formulation pp. 143-158

- Dean Mountain
- Firm size and optimal growth rates pp. 159-167

- Uzi Segal and Avia Spivak
- Wage premia, price-cost margins and bargaining power in Belgian manufacturing pp. 169-180

- Reinhilde Veugelers
- Aggregate inventory behavior in large European economies pp. 181-194

- Maurice Wilkinson
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