European Economic Review
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 9, 1988
- The role of comparative costs for determining inter- and intra-industry trade with developing countries pp. 1699-1710

- Lars Lundberg
- A global model of OECD aggregate supply and demand using vector autoregressive techniques pp. 1711-1729

- Ehsan Ahmed, J. Barkley Rosser and Richard Sheehan
- Firm behavior and the externalities of technological leadership pp. 1731-1746

- Benjamin Bental and Dennis Fixler
- The real exchange rate, the capital stock, and fiscal policy pp. 1747-1767

- Alberto Giovannini
- Optimal dynamic investment policy under financial restrictions and adjustment costs pp. 1769-1776

- Peter Kort
- Aid and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The recent experience pp. 1777-1795

- Victor Levy
- A model of the labour market with some Marxian and Keynesian features pp. 1797-1816

- Alan Manning
- The collapse of the fixed exchange rate regime with sticky wages and imperfect substitutability between domestic and foreign bonds pp. 1817-1838

- Alpo Willman
Volume 32, issue 8, 1988
- International chaos? pp. 1569-1584

- Murray Frank, Ramazan Gencay and Thanasis Stengos
- The equity-productivity tradeoff:: Public school resources in Brazil pp. 1585-1601

- Jere Behrman and Nancy Birdsall
- Money, output and prices:: An empirical study using long-term cross country data pp. 1603-1619

- Nigel W. Duck
- Exchange rate policy, wage formation and credibility pp. 1621-1636

- Henrik Horn and Torsten Persson
- Extremal configurations for optimal prevention and damage control pp. 1637-1643

- Moshe Justman and Abraham Mehrez
- Unemployment expectations and human capital formation pp. 1645-1660

- David A. Kodde
- Preemption in R&D races pp. 1661-1669

- Steven A. Lippman and Kevin F. McCardle
- Sequential entry, industry structure and welfare pp. 1671-1687

- Xavier Vives
Volume 32, issue 7, 1988
- Competition in the European internal market: An introduction pp. 1419-1420

- Claude d'Aspremont, Alexis Jacquemin and Jean Gabszewicz
- The determinants of intra-European trade in manufactured goods pp. 1421-1437

- Bela Balassa and Luc Bauwens
- International trade and integration of the European Community: An econometric analysis pp. 1439-1449

- Alexis Jacquemin and Andre Sapir
- The formation of the European Common Market and changes in market structure and performance pp. 1451-1475

- Leo Sleuwaegen and Hideki Yamawaki
- Completing the European internal market: Some notes on trade policy pp. 1477-1499

- L. Winters
- Completing the internal market in the European Community: Some industry simulations pp. 1501-1525

- Alasdair Smith and Anthony Venables
- Price, quality and welfare effects of European VERs on Japanese autos pp. 1527-1546

- Jaime de Melo and Patrick Messerlin
- Optimal trade policy under oligopoly: A calibrated model of the Europe-Japan rivalry in the EEC car market pp. 1547-1565

- Didier Laussel, Christian Montet and Anne Peguin-Feissolle
- Corrigendum to 'A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, III, Cournot Competition' (vol. 31, no. 4) pp. 1567-1568

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
Volume 32, issue 6, 1988
- Dynamics of real interest differentials: An empirical investigation pp. 1191-1211

- Bagher Modjtahedi
- Nonlinear taxes and labor supply pp. 1213-1226

- Sören Blomquist
- Industrial output and factor input determination in an econometric model of a small open economy pp. 1227-1241

- John Bradley and John Fitzgerald
- Ranking alternative share contracts under rational expectations pp. 1243-1259

- Alison Butler and Christopher J. Ellis
- Granger-causality, real factor prices and employment: A re-appraisal with UK data pp. 1261-1283

- Andres Drobny and Robert Gausden
- Economic optimization and technical efficiency in Soviet enterprises jointly regulated by plans and incentives pp. 1285-1299

- Steven Rosefielde and Ralph W. Pfouts
- Budget share demographic translation and the aggregate almost ideal demand system pp. 1301-1318

- Nicola Rossi
- Effects of shorter hours on employment in disequilibrium models pp. 1319-1333

- Karl-Heinz Toedter
- A dynamic singular equation system of asset demand pp. 1349-1357

- Joachim Zietz and Ronald Weichert
- The effects of foreign exchange risk and return on the demand for domestic balances pp. 1359-1368

- Ben-Zion Zilberfarb
- Labour turnover cost and the curious properties of the mobile capital Harris-Todaro model pp. 1369-1374

- Raveendra N. Batra and Sajal Lahiri
- Manipulation of endowments in replica economies: An example pp. 1375-1383

- Hans Haller
- International borrowing and exhaustible resources: Note on a liquidity creditworthiness conflict pp. 1385-1392

- Ernst Mohr
Volume 32, issue 5, 1988
- The international monetary system: An analysis of alternative regimes pp. 1031-1048

- Marcus Miller and John Williamson
- The international monetary system: An analysis of alternative proposals: Marcus H. Miller and John Williamson pp. 1048-1051

- Stanley Fischer
- The international monetary system: An analysis of alternative regimes: Marcus H. Miller and John Williamson pp. 1051-1054

- Gilles Oudiz
- The advantage of tying one's hands: EMS discipline and Central Bank credibility pp. 1055-1075

- Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano
- The advantage of tying one's hands: EMS discipline and Central Bank credibility: Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano pp. 1075-1077

- David K. H. Begg
- The advantage of tying one's hands: EMS discipline and Central Bank credibility: Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano pp. 1077-1082

- Maurice Obstfeld
- Political vs. currency premia in international real interest differentials: A study of forward rates for 24 countries pp. 1083-1114

- Jeffrey Frankel and Alan T. MacArthur
- Political vs. currency premia in international real interest rate differentials: Jeffrey A. Frankel and Alan T. MacArthur pp. 1114-1118

- Matthew Shapiro
- Political vs. currency premia in international real interest rate differentials: Jeffrey A. Frankel and Alan T. MacArthur pp. 1119-1121

- William Branson
- The worldwide change in the behavior of interest rates and prices in 1914 pp. 1123-1147

- Robert Barsky, N. Gregory Mankiw, Jeffrey Miron and David N. Weill
- The worldwide change in the behavior of interest rates and prices in 1914: R.B. Barsky, N.G. Mankiw, J.A. Miron and D.N. Weil pp. 1147-1150

- Giorgio Basevi
- The worldwide change in the behavior of interest rates and prices in 1914: R. Barsky, G. Mankiw, J. Miron and D. Weil pp. 1150-1154

- Alan Stockman
- Price rigidity, international mobility of financial capital and exchange rate volatility pp. 1155-1162

- Gerhard O. Orosel
- Price rigidity, international mobility of financial capital and exchange rate volatility: Gerhard Orosel pp. 1162-1164

- Marcus Miller
- Price rigidity, international mobility of financial capital and exchange rate volatility: Gerhard O. Orosel pp. 1165-1165

- Bernard Dumas
- New issues in corporate finance pp. 1167-1183

- Colin Mayer
- New issues in corporate finance: Colin Mayer pp. 1183-1186

- N. Gregory Mankiw
- New issues in corporate finance: Colin Mayer pp. 1187-1189

- Yves Barroux
Volume 32, issue 4, 1988
- Regulation or deregulation of the labour market: Policy regimes for the recruitment and dismissal of employees in the industrialised countries pp. 775-817

- Michael Emerson
- Tax reform and housing demand: The distribution of welfare gains and losses pp. 819-840

- David Brownstone, Peter Englund and Mats Persson
- Organizational adjustment and institutional factors in Japanese labour market adjustment: An empirical evaluation pp. 841-860

- Giorgio Brunello
- Modelling parallel markets in centrally planned economies: The case of the automobile market in Poland pp. 861-883

- Wojciech Charemza, Miroslaw Gronicki and Richard E. Quandt
- The locational determinants of direct investments among industrialized countries pp. 885-904

- Claudy G. Culem
- Innovative strategic groups in multinational industries pp. 905-925

- Raymond De Bondt, Leo Sleuwaegen and Reinhilde Veugelers
- Intra industry trade and the shifting of protection across sectors pp. 927-945

- Sir David Greenaway and Chris Milner
- The returns to labour services in West German manufacturing industry pp. 947-963

- Robert Hart and Peter McGregor
- How big is the shadow economy?: A re-analysis of the unobserved-variable approach of B.S. Frey and H. Weck-Hannemann pp. 965-976

- Christof Helberger and Helmut Knepel
- Wage formation in norwegian manufacturing: An empirical application of a theoretical bargaining model pp. 977-997

- Michael Hoel and Ragnar Nymoen
- Normal costs and demand effects in price setting: A study of retailing pp. 999-1011

- Bart Nooteboom, Aad Kleijweg and Roy Thurik
- The econometric modelling of aggregate consumer behaviour: A comment pp. 1013-1017

- H. Youn Kim
- Climate equivalence scales: An application of a general method pp. 1019-1024

- Bernard van Praag
Volume 32, issue 2-3, 1988
- Introduction pp. 227-227

- Charles Wyplosz
- Opening remarks pp. 229-231

- Erik Hoffmeyer
- Individual freedom and reform of the socialist economy pp. 233-267

- János Kornai
- Freedom of choice: Concept and content pp. 269-294

- Amartya Sen
- Individual freedom and welfare state policy pp. 295-318

- Assar Lindbeck
- Introduction pp. 319-324

- Anthony Atkinson and J. I. Leape
- The 1986 US tax reform and the world capital market pp. 325-333

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- A general equilibrium analysis of the 1986 tax reform in Spain pp. 334-342

- Timothy Kehoe, Pedro Javier Noyola, Antonio Manresa, Clemente Polo and Ferran Sancho
- What do we learn about tax reform from international comparisons? France and Britain pp. 343-352

- Anthony Atkinson, F. Bouguignon and Pierre Chiappori
- Autonomy through cooperation pp. 353-362

- Jacques Dreze
- Real exchange rate behavior under alternative international monetary regimes: Interwar evidence pp. 363-371

- Barry Eichengreen
- Monetary cooperation and liberalization of capital movements in the european monetary system pp. 372-381

- Giorgio Basevi
- Incentives to fix the exchange rate pp. 382-387

- Francesco Giavazzi
- Endogenous fluctuations under rational expectations pp. 389-397

- Pierre Chiappori and Roger Guesnerie
- Coordination and business cycles pp. 398-407

- Torben M. Andersen
- Introduction: Recent theories on public enterprise economies pp. 409-414

- Dieter Bos
- Industries with private and public enterprises pp. 415-421

- Pieter Ruys
- INefficiency, public enterprise and privatisation pp. 422-431

- Ray Rees
- Technical performance in public enterprises: A comparative study of railways and postal services pp. 432-441

- Sergio Perelman and Pierre Pestieau
- Economic growth and efficiency: A comparative efficiency approach pp. 443-450

- Jan Klacek
- The gerschenkron phenomenon and systemic factors in the post-1975 growth slowdown pp. 451-458

- Stanislaw Gomulka
- Competitive valuation and efficiency of capital investment in the socialist economy pp. 459-464

- D. M. Nuti
- Regulation of privatised firms in Britain pp. 465-472

- John Vickers and George Yarrow
- Regulation as an adverse selection problem: An introduction to the literature pp. 473-481

- Roger Guesnerie
- The privatisation process in France and the U.K pp. 482-490

- Tim Jenkinson and Colin Mayer
- Introductory remarks pp. 491-494

- Agnar Sandmo
- From macrodynamics to macroeconomic planning: A basic shift in Ragnar Frisch's thinking? pp. 495-502

- Jens Christopher Andvig
- Knut Wicksell's unpublished manuscripts: A first glance pp. 503-511

- Lars Jonung
- Fiscal policy in denmark 1930-1945 pp. 512-518

- Niels-Henrik Topp
- An introduction and a broad survey pp. 519-532

- Torsten Persson
- Macroeconomic policy games with incomplete information: A survey pp. 533-541

- Edward Driffill
- Credibility and politics pp. 542-550

- Alberto Alesina and Guido Tabellini
- Cooperative agreements in R&D and European antitrust policy pp. 551-560

- Alexis Jacquemin
- Vertical restraints and producers' competition pp. 561-568

- Patrick Rey and Joseph Stiglitz
- Potential competition, actual competition, and economic welfare pp. 569-577

- P. Dasgupta and Joseph Stiglitz
- Price discrimination in spatial competitive markets pp. 578-590

- Simon Anderson and Jacques Thisse
- Knowledge transfers in the United States pp. 591-603

- John H. Moore
- The economics of research and development: Some east-west comparisons pp. 604-610

- Philip Hanson
- Hungarian policy on imports of licenses and the assimilation of transferred know-how pp. 611-617

- Agota Anna Gueullette
- Earnings mobility pp. 619-632

- Anthony Atkinson, François Bourguignon and C. Morrisson
- Redistribution and the two dimensions of inequality: An east-west comparison pp. 633-643

- Wlodzimierz Okrasa
- On five hot issues on wealth distribution pp. 644-653

- Denis Kessler and André Masson
- Inequality and poverty orderings pp. 654-661

- James Foster and Anthony F. Shorrocks
- Introductory remarks pp. 663-668

- Allan Drazen
- Stabilization policies, credibility, and interest rate determination in a small open economy pp. 669-679

- Torben M. Andersen and Ole Risager
- The effect of policy anticipations on stabilization programs pp. 680-686

- Allan Drazen and Elhanan Helpman
- Which LDCs are solvent pp. 687-693

- Daniel Cohen
- Introduction pp. 695-697

- Andrew Oswald
- Wage setting and unemployment persistence in Europe, Japan and the USA pp. 698-706

- George Alogoskoufis and Alan Manning
- Union density and economic performance: An analysis of U.S. States pp. 707-716

- Richard Freeman
- Trade unions and employment change: An analysis of British establishment data pp. 717-726

- David Blanchflower and Neil Millward
- Unions, wages and employment: Tests based on U.K. firm-level data pp. 727-733

- Stephen Nickell and Sushil Wadhwani
Volume 32, issue 1, 1988
- The stochastic analysis of competitive unemployment insurance premiums pp. 7-25

- David Blake and Michael Beenstock
- Endogenous risk in a portfolio-balance rational-expectations model of the Deutschemark-Dollar rate pp. 27-53

- Francis Diebold and Peter Pauly
- Anti-dumping and countervailing duties under oligopoly pp. 55-68

- Avinash Dixit
- Non-competitive and protectionist government purchasing behavior pp. 69-80

- Jorg Finsinger
- Seasonality in surveys: A comparison of Belgian, French and German business tests pp. 81-99

- Eric Ghysels and Marc Nerlove
- Welfare effects of alternative forms of public spending pp. 101-127

- Assar Lindbeck and Jörgen Weibull
- Product quality in a Soviet-type economy pp. 129-139

- Gérard Roland
- Distributional consequences of rural food levy and subsidized urban rations pp. 141-159

- Raaj Sah and T. Srinivasan
- Undominated prices in the three good model pp. 161-178

- Joaquim Silvestre
- Long-run purchasing power parity in the 1920s pp. 179-197

- Mark Taylor and Patrick C. McMahon
- Capital mobility and exchange rate overshooting: Comment pp. 199-202

- Basant Kapur
- Capital mobility and exchange rate overshooting: Reply pp. 203-206

- Jagdeep S. Bhandari, Robert Driskill and Jacob A. Frenkel
- Economics in Europe and in the U.S pp. 207-212

- Serge-Christophe Kolm
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