European Economic Review
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 3, 1982
- A model of income distribution pp. 279-294

- Pierre Pestieau and Uri M. Possen
- On the specification of structure-performance relationships pp. 295-306

- Malcolm Sawyer
- Intergenerational exchange mobility and economic welfare pp. 307-324

- Anil Markandya
- The estimation of welfare levels of a cardinal utility function pp. 325-332

- Jeannine Buyze
- Earnings and education in Greece, 1960–1977 pp. 333-347

- George Psacharopoulos
- The testing and estimation of complete demand systems on household budget surveys pp. 349-369

- Ranjan Ray
- Modelling consumers' expenditure pp. 371-391

- Nicola Rossi and Fabio Schiantarelli
Volume 17, issue 2, 1982
- Design of incentive schemes and the new Soviet Incentive model pp. 127-148

- Bengt Holmstrom
- Kinked utility and the demand for human wealth and liability insurance pp. 149-162

- Hans-Werner Sinn
- A new theory of retailing costs pp. 163-186

- Bart Nooteboom
- Stock market behaviour of merging firms: The Belgian experience pp. 187-211

- Jean-Marie Gagnon, Pierre Brehain, Claude Broquet and Fabienne Guerra
- Corporate financial policies: An analysis of interaction pp. 213-229

- Sasson Bar-Yosef
- Eurobanking, open market operations and the monetary base pp. 231-251

- Herwig Langohr
- The political theory of the business cycle pp. 253-270

- A. Patrick Minford and David Peel
- More on an aggregative multiproduct supply model pp. 271-276

- Kenneth Clements and H.Y. Izan
Volume 17, issue 1, 1982
- Expectations, output and inflation: The European experience pp. 1-25

- Roy Batchelor
- Devaluation: Keynesian trade models and the monetary approach: The role of nominal and real wage rigidity pp. 27-50

- Michael Schmid
- A proposition on short-run departures from the law-of-one-price: Unanticipated inflation, relative-price dispersion, and commodity arbitrage pp. 51-60

- Mario I. Blejer and Arye Hillman
- Exchange rate and price level dynamics under perfect substitutability of real and financial assets pp. 61-73

- Philippe Callier
- Fixed costs, limit pricing and investments in barriers to entry pp. 75-86

- Thorbjorn Waagstein
- On the neutrality of fiscal policy pp. 87-98

- M. Desmond Fitzgerald and Gerard Pollio
- Relative deprivation and economic welfare pp. 99-113

- Shlomo Yitzhaki
- Corporate monopoly power and risk pp. 115-124

- G. Van Herck
Volume 16, issue 2, 1981
- The geometry of comecon trade: Note pp. 233-233

- Abram Bergson
- Refinery mix in the U.S., Canada, and the E.E.C pp. 235-246

- Carol Dahl
- Price-cost margins and manufacturing industry structure: The case of a small economy with bilateral trade in manufactured goods pp. 247-267

- R. W. Hutchinson
- Threat and morale effects in the theory of wages pp. 269-283

- Andrew Oswald
- The determination of union and non-union wage rates pp. 285-302

- Alan Carruth and Andrew Oswald
- A dynamic simulation model of the world jute economy pp. 303-331

- Jock Anderson, Charles Blitzer, Tom Cauchois and Enzo Grilli
- The simple macroeconomics of an oil-dependent economy pp. 333-354

- Jagdeep S. Bhandari
- On the derivation of reduced forms of rational expectations models pp. 355-365

- Ignazio Visco
- Unanticipated monetary growth, output and the price level: U.K. 1946-1977 pp. 367-385

- C. L. F. Attfield, D. Demery and N. W. Duck
- Repressed inflation in the Soviet Union: A temporary equilibrium approach pp. 387-404

- Roy Gardner and Jonathan Strauss
Volume 16, issue 1, 1981
- Introduction pp. 1-6

- George de Menil and Robert Gordon
- Economic policy and private investment since the oil crisis: A comparative study of France and Germany pp. 7-51

- Patrick Artus, Pierre-Alain Muet, Peter Palinkas and Peter Pauly
- 'Economic policy and private investment since the oil crisis' by Artus et al pp. 53-56

- Dale Jorgenson
- 'Economic policy and private investment since the oil crisis' by Artus et al pp. 57-59

- Stephen Nickell
- Relative productivity levels, 1947-1973: An international comparison pp. 61-94

- L. R. Christensen, D. Cummings and Dale Jorgenson
- 'Relative productivity levels, 1947-1973' by Christensen et al pp. 95-97

- Martin Neil Baily
- 'Relative productivity levels, 1947-1973' by Christensen et al pp. 99-102

- Christian Sautter
- On the formation of price expectations: An analysis of business test data by log-linear probability models pp. 103-138

- Heinz Konig, Marc Nerlove and Gilles Oudiz
- 'On the formation of price expectations' by Konig et al pp. 139-139

- Laurits R. Christensen
- 'On the formation of price expectations' by Konig et al pp. 141-144

- H. R. Wills
- The collapse of purchasing power parities during the 1970's pp. 145-165

- Jacob A. Frenkel
- 'The collapse of purchasing power parities during the 1970's' by Frenkel pp. 167-171

- William Branson
- 'The collapse of purchasing power parities during the 1970's' by Frenkel pp. 173-175

- Roland Vaubel
- Interpreting econometric evidence: The behaviour of consumers' expenditure in the UK pp. 177-192

- James Davidson and David Hendry
- 'Interpreting economic evidence' by Davidson and Hendry pp. 193-194

- Robert Hall
- 'Interpreting econometric evidence' by Davidson and Hendry pp. 195-197

- Uwe Westphal
- Disequilibrium dynamics with inventories and anticipatory price-setting pp. 199-221

- Jerry Green and Jean-Jacques Laffont
- 'Disequilibrium dynamics with inventories and anticipatory price-setting' by Green and Laffont pp. 223-227

- Allan Drazen
- 'Disequilibrium dynamics with inventories and anticipatory price-setting' by Green and Laffont pp. 229-232

- Richard Portes
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