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European Economic Review

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer

From Elsevier
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Volume 12, issue 4, 1979

Inter-firm diffusion of process innovations pp. 299-317 Downloads
Stephen W. Davies
Firm size and inventive activity: The evidence reconsidered pp. 319-340 Downloads
Luc Soete
The effects of rate-of-return regulation on the intensity of use and durability of capital pp. 341-352 Downloads
Dennis Epple and Allan Zelenitz
Inflation, depreciation and optimal production pp. 353-367 Downloads
Yoram Landskroner and Haim Levy
The prospects for OPEC five years after 1973/74 pp. 369-379 Downloads
Dermot Gately
The demand for financial assets: Time series evidence for The Netherlands: 1963:II 1975:IV pp. 381-394 Downloads
Martin M.G. Fase
Exchange rates in the short run: Some further results pp. 395-402 Downloads
William Branson, Hannu Halttunen and Paul Masson

Volume 12, issue 3, 1979

On the theory of the competitive firm with a utility function defined on profits and regret pp. 193-202 Downloads
Jacob Paroush and Itzhak Venezia
Relative prices, investment incentives, cash flow, and vintage investment functions for UK manufacturing industries pp. 203-226 Downloads
Nicholas C. Sarantis
The effect of sequential entry on choice of location pp. 227-241 Downloads
Robert Rothschild
Pareto optimality of non-cooperative equilibrium in a time-dependent multi-period game pp. 243-260 Downloads
Guido De Bruyne
Factor price equalization and a factor offer analysis of international trade pp. 261-278 Downloads
Yutaka Horiba and John M. Trapani
A clarification of the interest rate parity theorem pp. 279-287 Downloads
Brendan D. Brown
On causality and the monetary approach to the balance of payments: The European experience pp. 289-296 Downloads
Mario I. Blejer

Volume 12, issue 2, 1979

The integrability of consumer demand functions pp. 115-147 Downloads
Dale Jorgenson and Lawrence J. Lau
Testing the integrability of consumer demand functions: Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1973 pp. 149-169 Downloads
Klaus Conrad and Dale Jorgenson
Import prices and the distribution of personal income pp. 171-179 Downloads
J. Neill Fortune
Energy demand and interfuel substitution in India pp. 181-190 Downloads
Noel D. Uri

Volume 12, issue 1, 1979

Computing equilibria with increasing returns pp. 1-16 Downloads
James MacKinnon
Efficient stabilization of economic systems: Some global analytical results for the linear quadratic case pp. 17-51 Downloads
Michel Deleau and Pierre Malgrange
Enterprise demand for money and illiquidity crises in Yugoslavia pp. 53-71 Downloads
Laura D'Andrea Tyson
Inflation and output dynamics with a floating exchange rate pp. 73-89 Downloads
John Metcalfe and David Peel
An empirical note on relative monetary expansion and depreciation: The case of the Lira-Swiss franc exchange rate (February 1973-December 1976) pp. 91-100 Downloads
Giuseppe Tullio
Capital-labor substitution in a developing country: the case of Greece: A note pp. 101-110 Downloads
Yannis Ioannides and Michael C. Caramanis
Capital-labor substitution in a developing country: The case of Greece: A reply pp. 111-112 Downloads
Theodore Lianos

Volume 11, issue 4, 1971

Simultaneous estimation of short-run employment functions pp. 403-435 Downloads
P. Van Rompuy
A model of the behavior of farmers and its application to agricultural policies pp. 436-461 Downloads
Jean-Marc Boussard
The theoretical position and significance of the efficiency principle in the analysis of growth pp. 462-492 Downloads
Bernard Rosier
Triangularizing input-output matrices and the structure of production pp. 493-522 Downloads
Bernhard Korte and Walter Oberhofer

Volume 11, issue 3, 1971

A complete system of dynamic demand functions pp. 251-276 Downloads
Aurelio Mattei
Consumer demand functions, Spain, 1958-1964 pp. 277-302 Downloads
Constantino Lluch
Means of payment and liquid savings of households pp. 303-336 Downloads
J. H. David
The welfare function of income in Belgium: An empirical investigation pp. 337-369 Downloads
Bernard van Praag
On the interaction of income and prices in consumer demand pp. 370-376 Downloads
Jacob Paroush
The financial system and short-run planning in a planned economy pp. 377-392 Downloads
Jerzy Mycielski and Witold Trzeciakowski

Volume 11, issue 2, 1978

Supply and demand of the multiproduct firm pp. 107-154 Downloads
Kenneth Laitinen and Henri Theil
A dynamic multi-commodity model of the agricultural sector: A regional application in Brazil pp. 155-179 Downloads
Inderjit Singh and Choong Yong Ahn
The speed of adjustment of the actual to the desired money stock: A comparative study pp. 181-206 Downloads
Samir Al-Khuri and Saleh M. Nsouli
Maximum likelihood estimation of linear expenditure systems with serially correlated errors: An application pp. 207-219 Downloads
Richard D. Green, Zuhair A. Hassan and Stanley R. Johnson
Heckscher--Ohlin and Chamberlain determinants of comparative advantage: An empirical analysis of the penetration of manufactures from the developing countries in the European markets pp. 221-239 Downloads
P. K. M. Tharakan, Luc Soete and J. A. Busschaert

Volume 11, issue 1, 1978

The cost of equity capital: A simplification pp. 1-16 Downloads
Sasson Bar-Yosef
Duopoly pricing and waiting lines pp. 17-35 Downloads
David Levhari and Israel Luski
Optimal firm behaviour under different fiscal regimes pp. 37-58 Downloads
Piet W. Moerland
Consumption externalities and direct versus indirect corrective pricing pp. 59-73 Downloads
Kare P. Hagen
Production externalities and convexity pp. 75-85 Downloads
Moshe Syrquin
The impact of less developed countries' trading position on world agricultural prices: Some experiments with a 'condensed' version of the USDA grain-oilseeds-livestock model pp. 87-98 Downloads
Marc Osterrieth
Fiscal policy, long-run stability and aggregate supply pp. 99-103 Downloads
Thorvaldur Gylfason

Volume 10, issue 3, 1977

Vicious and virtuous circles: A theoretical analysis and a policy proposal for managing exchange rates pp. 277-301 Downloads
Giorgio Basevi and Paul De Grauwe
Exchange rates in the short run: The dollar-dentschemark rate pp. 303-324 Downloads
William Branson, Hannu Halttunen and Paul Masson
Sterilization policy: The trade-off between monetary autonomy and control over foreign exchange reserves pp. 325-343 Downloads
Richard J. Herring and Richard C. Marston
Financing budget deficits: The effects on income in closed and open economics pp. 345-373 Downloads
Polly Reynolds Allen
The influence of economists on the tripartite agreement of September 1936 pp. 375-389 Downloads
Stephen V.O. Clarke

Volume 10, issue 2, 1977

How to reduce the incomes of the two labour elites? pp. 115-124 Downloads
Jan Tinbergen
Inequaltty and social status in successive generations pp. 125-139 Downloads
Henri Thell and Robert Stambaugh
The incomes of socio-professional groups before and after redistribution: A method of analysis pp. 141-155 Downloads
Etierne Sadi Kirschen
On the multicapablity theory of income instribution pp. 157-171 Downloads
Joop Hartog
An econometric study of the variables determining inequalitty aversion among students pp. 173-188 Downloads
H. Glejser, L. Gevers, Ph. Lambot and J.A. Morales
The perception of welfare inequality pp. 189-207 Downloads
Bernard van Praag
Strategies for Opes's pricing dicisions pp. 209-230 Downloads
Dermo Gately, John F. Kyle and Dietrich Fischer
On the prediction of consumer durable demand pp. 231-240 Downloads
G.H. Briscoe
Money and the core in a sequence economy with transaction costs pp. 241-251 Downloads
Seppo Honkapohja
Unemployment and unanticipanted inflation: Some empirical results for six countries pp. 253-271 Downloads
K. Holden and David Peel

Volume 10, issue 1, 1977

Martingale, market efficiency and commodity prices pp. 1-17 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Danthine
Money substitutes and monetary policy in the U.K., 1922-1974 pp. 19-36 Downloads
T. C. Mills and G. E. Wood
Slowdown in Soviet industrial growth: 1947-1975 reconsidered pp. 37-49 Downloads
Stanislow Gomulka
Tests of a model of production for the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1973 pp. 51-75 Downloads
Klaus Conrad and Dale Jorgenson
Separability, risk-bearing, and social welfare judgements pp. 77-94 Downloads
Robert Deschamps and Louis Gevers
Innovative activity and barriers to entry pp. 95-109 Downloads
Raymond R. De Bondt
The allocation of consumer expenditures in a Swedish macroeconomic model - a correction pp. 111-113 Downloads
Johan A. Lybeck
Page updated 2025-03-31