European Economic Review
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 31, issue 4, 1987
- Imperfect information and market organization pp. 825-826

- Claude d'Aspremont, Alexis Jacquemin and Jean Gabszewicz
- Price search and spatial competition pp. 827-842

- Jean J. Gabsewicz and Paolo Garella
- Adverse selection and finite-horizon insurance contracts pp. 843-861

- Georges Dionne and Pierre Lasserre
- Some reflections on insurance pricing pp. 863-885

- Dominique Henriet and Jean Rochet
- The role of collateral in credit markets with imperfect information pp. 887-899

- Helmut Bester
- Comparative statics of the optimal dynamic incentive contract pp. 901-926

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole
- Possibility of relicensing and patent protection pp. 927-945

- Shigeo Muto
- A theory of dynamic oligopoly, III: Cournot competition pp. 947-968

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
Volume 31, issue 3, 1987
- Introduction pp. 537-542

- George de Menil and Robert Gordon
- Fiscal increasing returns, hysteresis, real wages and unemployment pp. 543-560

- Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence Summers
- Fiscal increasing returns, hysteresis, real wages and unemployment: By Olivier J. Blanchard and Lawrence H. Summers pp. 560-564

- J. S. V. Symons
- Fiscal increasing returns, hysteresis, real wages and unemployment: By Olivier J. Blanchard and Lawrence H. Summers pp. 564-566

- Masaru Yoshitomi
- Corporatism, laissez-faire and the rise in unemployment pp. 567-601

- Andrew Newell and J. S. V. Symons
- Corporatism, the lissez-faire, and the rise in unemployment: By A. Newell and J.S.V. Symons pp. 602-605

- Jean Waelbroeck
- Corporatism, the laissez-faire, and the rise in unemployment: By A. Newell and J.S.V. Symons pp. 606-614

- Lawrence Summers
- Housing markets, unemployment and labour market flexibility in the UK pp. 615-641

- Gordon Hughes, Barry McCormick and Barry McCormick
- Housing markets, unemployment and labour market flexibility in the UK: By G. Hughes and B. McCormick pp. 641-643

- Martin N. Baily
- Housing markets, unemployment and labour market flexibility in the UK: By G. Hughes and B. McCormick pp. 644-645

- Takenori Inoki
- Labour market flexibility in Japan in comparison with Europe and the U.S pp. 647-678

- Toshiaki Tachibanaki
- Labour market flexibility in Japan in comparison with Europe and the U.S.: By T. Tachibanaki pp. 678-681

- Richard Layard
- Labour market flexibility in Japan in comparison with Europe and the U.S.: By T. Tachibanaki pp. 681-684

- Jacques Mairesse
- Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside of manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe pp. 685-733

- Robert J. Gordon and Robert J. Gordon
- Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe: By Robert J. Gordon pp. 733-736

- William Branson
- Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside of manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe: By Robert J. Gordon pp. 736-739

- Heinz Konig
- Long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for employment and economic growth in Europe pp. 741-774

- Giuseppe Tullio
- Long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for employment and economic growth in Europe: By G. Tullio pp. 775-777

- David K. H. Begg
- Long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for employment and economic growth in Europe: By G. Tullio pp. 778-780

- Martin Feldstein
- Investment and the inflation-unemployment tradeoff in a macroeconomic rationing model with monopolistic competition pp. 781-808

- Henri Sneessens
- Investment and the inflation-unemployment tradeoff in a macroeconomic rationing model with monopolistic competition: By H.R. Sneessens pp. 808-811

- Edmond Malinvaud
- Investment and the inflation-unemployment tradeoff in a macroeconomic rationing model with monopolistic competition: By H.R. Sneessens pp. 812-815

- Richard Portes
Volume 31, issue 1-2, 1987
- Introduction pp. 7-7

- Louis Phlips
- Underemployment equilibria: From theory to econometrics and policy pp. 9-34

- Jacques Dreze
- Economic policies in the age of Schumpeter pp. 35-52

- Herbert Giersch
- The legacy of european stagflation pp. 53-65

- Edmond Malinvaud
- Monetary and fiscal policies for economic recovery in Europe pp. 67-75

- Niels Thygesen
- Imperfect competition and international trade: Opening remarks pp. 77-81

- Elhanan Helpman
- Reverse dumping pp. 82-88

- Harry Flam
- Strategic investment, multinational corporations and trade policy pp. 89-96

- Alasdair Smith
- Heckscher-Ohlin theory in the presence of market power * pp. 97-102

- Robert Staiger
- Customs union and tariff reform under imperfect competition pp. 103-110

- Anthony Venables
- Social factors of speeding-up the development of the soviet economy pp. 111-117

- Tatiana Zaslavskaya
- Enterprise and reform: The polish experience pp. 118-124

- Janusz Beksiak
- The role of money in hungary pp. 125-131

- Marton Tardos
- Reforming or perfectioning the economic mechanism pp. 132-138

- Tamas Bauer
- Trade union labour contracts: An introduction pp. 139-148

- James Malcomson
- Entry deterrence under trade unions pp. 149-156

- Mathias Dewatripont
- Union activity, unemployment persistence and wage-employment ratchets pp. 157-167

- Assar Lindbeck and Dennis Snower
- Collective bargaining institutions and efficiency: An application of a sequential bargaining model pp. 168-176

- Alan Manning
- Introductory comments pp. 177-181

- Anthony Atkinson
- Inequalities in health: Some international comparisons pp. 182-191

- Julian Le Grand
- Comparing the influence of social security systems on the relative economic positions of selected groups in six major industrialized countries: The case of one-parent families pp. 192-201

- Richard Hauser
- Redistributive taxation, majority decisions and the minmax set pp. 202-211

- L. Gevers and J. C. Jacquemin
- The crisis and the 'welfare state' in eastern europe with a focus on hungary pp. 212-219

- Zsuzsa Ferge
- Introduction pp. 221-225

- Jean-Pierre Danthine
- Futures markets, information structures, and the allocation of resources: An introduction pp. 226-234

- Manfred Nermuth
- The induced preference approach to arbitrage and diversification arguments in finance pp. 235-245

- Frank Milne
- Currency options: Hedging and social value pp. 246-256

- Dieter Sondermann
- Experimental economics pp. 257-264

- Ken Binmore
- Risk aversion and bargaining *: Some preliminary results pp. 265-271

- John Murnighan, Alvin Roth and Francoise Schoumaker
- Bargaining experiments pp. 272-284

- John Sutton
- Introduction pp. 285-287

- Richard Jackman and Richard Layard
- Hysteresis in unemployment pp. 288-295

- Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence Summers
- Long-term unemployment and the shifting U-V curve: A multi-country study pp. 296-305

- Alan Budd, Paul Levine and Peter Smith
- How much does one percent of growth change the unemployment rate?: A study of 17 OECD countries, 1948-1985 pp. 306-313

- Martin Paldam
- Introduction pp. 315-318

- Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Some recent developments in the theory of competition in markets with adverse selection * pp. 319-325

- Martin Hellwig
- Some recent results in bargaining theory pp. 326-335

- Jean Rochet
- Implementation by stage mechanisms: An introduction * pp. 336-341

- John Moore and Rafael Repullo
- public ownership, public regulation or public subsidy? pp. 343-345

- John Kay
- Limits to privatization pp. 346-351

- Charles Blankart
- Privatization of public enterprises pp. 352-360

- Dieter Bos
- The regulation of british and french nationalised industries * pp. 361-367

- Saul Estrin and Virginie Perotin
- Privatisation in the U.K.: De-regulation and the advantage of incumbency pp. 368-374

- D. J. Thompson
- Does exchange rate policy matter? pp. 375-381

- Thorvaldur Gylfason
- Capital flight * pp. 382-388

- John Cuddington
- International trade and economic growth in the european monetary system pp. 389-398

- Paul De Grauwe
- The effects of currency depreciation in a model with capital formation pp. 399-406

- Ole Risager
- Efficiency wages versus insiders and outsiders pp. 407-416

- Assar Lindbeck and Dennis Snower
- Imperfect competition, unemployment and policy pp. 417-426

- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- Involuntary unemployment in dynamic contract equilibria * pp. 427-435

- W. Bentley Macleod and James Malcomson
- Reciprocal externality models of low employment pp. 436-443

- Allan Drazen
- Imperfect information, credit markets and unemployment pp. 444-456

- Bruce C. Greenwald and Joseph Stiglitz
- A political economy of European community trade policy against the less developed countries? pp. 457-465

- Frank Weiss
- Exports from developing countries: Some facts and scope pp. 466-474

- Jacob Kol
- Increasing returns, efficiency, and the distribution of wealth pp. 475-482

- Egbert Dierker
- Monopoly with asymmetric information about quality: Behavior and regulation pp. 483-489

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Eric Maskin
- Minimum wage legislation as a second best policy pp. 490-498

- Roger Guesnerie and Kevin Roberts
- Minutes of the General Assembly pp. 499-499

- Louis Phlips
- Reports from the President to the members of the European Economic Association pp. 500-503

- Jacques Dreze
- Report of the secretary pp. 503-504

- Louis Phlips
- Budget for 1987 pp. 505-505

- Pietro Balestra
- Report of the Finance Committee pp. 506-506

- Pietro Balestra
- Programme of the First Annual Congress pp. 507-523

- Bonn Dieter Bos
- European economic association statutes pp. 525-533

- Jacques Dreze, János Kornai, Anthony Atkinson, Louis Phlips and Pietro Balestra
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