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European Economic Review

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer

From Elsevier
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Volume 22, issue 3, 1983

Currency-related risk and risk premium in the world's currency market pp. 257-264 Downloads
Tamir Agmon and Ruth Arad
An export model for the Belgian industry pp. 265-276 Downloads
Luc Bauwens and Gonzague d'Alcantara
The relevance of input substitution in the inter-industry model pp. 277-296 Downloads
Josef Bonnici
On the frequency of wage indexation pp. 297-304 Downloads
Leif Danziger
Fixed-price equilibria in a two-country model of trade: Existence and comparative statics pp. 305-329 Downloads
Didier Laussel and Christian Montet
A dynamic macroeconomic model with monopolistic behavior in the labor market pp. 331-350 Downloads
Philippe Michel and Fiorella Padoa Schioppa
The distribution approach to the aggregation of putty-clay production functions pp. 351-362 Downloads
Joan Muysken
Income distribution functions with disturbances pp. 363-372 Downloads
Michael Ransom and Jan Cramer
A geometric approach to disequilibrium exchange rate fluctuations: The case of Switzerland pp. 373-404 Downloads
Gilbert Ritschard and Daniel Royer

Volume 22, issue 2, 1983

Gasoline demand in the OECD: An application of pooling and testing procedures pp. 117-137 Downloads
Badi Baltagi and James M. Griffin
On an absolute measure of distributional change pp. 139-146 Downloads
Z. M. Berrebi and Jacques Silber
On the impact of shock persistence on the dynamics of a recursive economy pp. 147-166 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson and Rajnish Mehra
Micro-economic applications of marginal changes in risk pp. 167-176 Downloads
Louis Eeckhoudt and Pierre Hansen
The cost-output relationship of banks revisited pp. 177-191 Downloads
Amnon Goldschmidt
The demand for money in secular perspective: The case of Norway, 1867-1980 pp. 193-218 Downloads
Jan Tore Klovland
Capacity constraints, alternative technologies and input-output analysis pp. 219-226 Downloads
Sajal Lahiri
Interpreting income distributions in a welfare state: The case of Sweden pp. 227-256 Downloads
Assar Lindbeck

Volume 22, issue 1, 1983

A strategic approach to market competition pp. 1-2 Downloads
Claude d'Aspremont, Alexis Jacquemin and Jean Jaskold Gabszewick
Preemption, leapfrogging and competition in patent races pp. 3-31 Downloads
Drew Fudenberg, Richard Gilbert, Joseph Stiglitz and Jean Tirole
A model of oligopolistic size structure and profitability pp. 33-57 Downloads
Reinhard Selten
Profit-sharing in a collusive industry pp. 59-74 Downloads
Martin Osborne and Carolyn Pitchik
Product differentiation, prices, and market structure pp. 75-96 Downloads
Yasuo Kawashima
Breeding and raiding: A theory of strategic production of skills pp. 97-115 Downloads
J. Luis Guasch and Joel Sobel

Volume 21, issue 3, 1983

An aggregate monetary model of the world economy pp. 261-285 Downloads
Michael Beenstock and G. R. Dicks
Demand for international money 1962-1977 pp. 287-298 Downloads
K. Alec Chrystal, Nigel D. Wilson and Philip Quinn
Cost prices and partially fixed factor proportions in energy substitution pp. 299-312 Downloads
Klaus Conrad
OPEC: Retrospective and prospects 1973-1990 pp. 313-331 Downloads
Dermot Gately
Recent trends in trade among developing countries pp. 333-362 Downloads
Oli Havrylyshyn and Martin Wolf
'Trade shocks' in economies importing only intermediate goods pp. 363-379 Downloads
Steven Plaut
Determinants of U.S. direct investment in the E.E.C.: Revisited pp. 381-390 Downloads
Anthony Scaperlanda and Robert S. Balough
Determinants of U.S. direct investment in the E.E.C.: Revisited again pp. 391-393 Downloads
John Lunn

Volume 21, issue 1-2, 1983

Introduction pp. 1-9 Downloads
George de Menil and Robert Gordon
Wage rigidity and unemployment in OECD countries pp. 11-39 Downloads
David Grubb, Richard Jackman and Richard Layard
'Wage rigidity and unemployment in OECD countries' by D. Grubb et al pp. 41-44 Downloads
Claude Bismut
'Wage rigidity and unemployment in OECD countries' by D. Grubb et al pp. 45-49 Downloads
John Taylor
The past decade's natural rate and the dynamics of german unemployment: A case against demand policy? pp. 51-76 Downloads
Wolfgang Franz
Comments pp. 77-82 Downloads
Harald Gerfin
'The Past Decade's Natural Rate and the Dynamics of German Unemployment: A Case Against Demand Policy?' by W. Franz pp. 83-87 Downloads
Robert Gordon
Comparing productivity growth: An exploration of french and U.S. industrial and firm data pp. 89-119 Downloads
Zvi Griliches and Jacques Mairesse
'Comparing productivity growth: an exploration of french and U.S. industrial and firm data' by Z. Griliches and J. Mairesse pp. 121-123 Downloads
Martin Neil Baily
'Comparing Productivity Growth: An Exploration of French and U.S. Industrial and Firm Data' by Z. Griliches and J. Mairesse pp. 125-127 Downloads
Michael Bruno
Domestic saving and international capital movements in the long run and the short run pp. 129-151 Downloads
Martin Feldstein
'Domestic saving and international capital movements in the long run and the short run' by M. Feldstein pp. 153-156 Downloads
James Tobin
'Domestic saving and international capital movements in the long run and the short run' by M. Feldstein pp. 157-159 Downloads
Uwe Westphal
Exchange rates, inflation, and the sterilization problem: Germany, 1975-1981 pp. 161-189 Downloads
Maurice Obstfeld
'Exchange rates, inflation, and the sterilization problem: Germany, 1975-1981' by M. Obstfeld pp. 191-195 Downloads
Horst Bockelmann
'Exchange rates, inflation, and the sterilization problem: Germany, 1975-1981' by M. Obstfeld pp. 197-202 Downloads
A. Frenkel Jacob
Inflation, financial and fiscal structure, and the monetary mechanism pp. 203-250 Downloads
Lucas Papademos and Franco Modigliani
'Inflation, financial and fiscal structure, and the monetary mechanism' by L. Papademos and F. Modigliani pp. 251-256 Downloads
Charles A.E. Goodhart
'Inflation, financial markets, fiscal structure, and the monetary mechanism' by L. Papademos and F. Modigliani pp. 257-259 Downloads
Jacques Melitz
Page updated 2025-03-31