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Journal of Family Business Strategy

2010 - 2024

Current editor(s): J.H. Astrachan

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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Volume 15, issue 4, 2024

Fulfillment or status: Job seekers’ reward expectations towards family and non-family employers Downloads
Annika Ehlers, Ryan Rumble, Claudia Binz Astrachan and Massimo Baù
Using machine learning to identify and measure the family influence on companies Downloads
Mario Daniele Amore, D’Angelo, Valentino, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Danny Miller, Valerio Pelucco and Marc Van Essen

Volume 15, issue 3, 2024

The role of emotional labor and display latitude in preserving socioemotional wealth in family businesses Downloads
Ayoosha Saleem, Francesco Barbera, Simon B. de Jong and Arvid O.I. Hoffmann
Stop... Just stop! The use and misuse of methodological template prescriptions in qualitative family business research and ways forward Downloads
Tine Köhler, Anne D. Smith and Torsten M. Pieper
Capital structure of single family office-owned firms Downloads
Joern Block, Reza Fathollahi and Onur Eroglu
The impact of managers' personality on task and relationship conflict: The moderating role of family and non-family business status Downloads
Maria Bernarda Guerrero Calle, Katalien Bollen, Dolores Sucozhañay and Martin Euwema
Unveiling environmental, social, and governance dynamics in family firms Downloads
Lorenzo Ardito, Paolo Capolupo, Alfredo De Massis, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli and Ivan Miroshnychenko
Political embeddedness, socioemotional wealth, and R&D investment in family firms: Evidence from China as a transition economy Downloads
Shuang Meng, Luis R. Gomez-Mejia and Jingtao Yi
A multi-level model of family enterprise corruption Downloads
Isabelle Le Breton-Miller and Danny Miller
Untangling the yarn: A contextualization of human resource management to the family firm setting Downloads
Elena Casprini, Rocco Palumbo and Alfredo De Massis
A gendered examination of heroic self-concept and letting go by family firm leaders Downloads
Nancy Forster-Holt, James Davis and Cassidy Creech
Family firm employment behavior during a financial crisis: Does generational stage matter? Downloads
Noora Heino, Naufal Alimov and Pasi Tuominen
Legacy: The meaning of lasting impact for family, business, and beyond Downloads
Matthew Fox, Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni and Jeffrey G. Covin
Measuring family influence from the non-family employee perspective: The perceived family influence scale (PFIS) Downloads
Sven Wolff, Philipp Koehn, Philipp J. Ruf, Petra M. Moog and Giuseppe Strina
Creating and sustaining mutualistic well-being: Toward a theory of family and business symbiosis Downloads
Kimberly A. Eddleston and Jennifer E. Jennings

Volume 15, issue 2, 2024

CEO risk preferences in family firms: Combining socioemotional wealth and gender identity perspectives Downloads
Fabio Zona, Caterina Pesci and Marco Zamarian
Board diversity in family firms across cultures: A contingency analysis on the effects of gender and tenure diversity on firm performance Downloads
Martin Tao-Schuchardt and Nadine Kammerlander
Through her eyes: How daughter successors perceive their fathers in shaping their entrepreneurial identity Downloads
Annalisa Sentuti, Francesca Maria Cesaroni and Paola Demartini
Trapped in a “golden cage”! The legitimation of women leadership in family business Downloads
Andrea Calabrò, Elisa Conti and Stefania Masè
Strategy disclosure and cost of capital: The key role of women directors for family firms Downloads
Rafaela Gjergji, Luigi Vena, Giovanna Campopiano, Salvatore Sciascia and Alessandro Cortesi
Advancing diversity research in family business Downloads
Mariasole Bannò, D’Allura, Giorgia M., Alexandra Dawson, Mariateresa Torchia and David Audretsch

Volume 15, issue 1, 2024

Women’s entrepreneurial stewardship: The contribution of women to family business continuity in rural areas of Honduras Downloads
Allan Discua Cruz, Eleanor Hamilton, Giovanna Campopiano and Sarah L. Jack
Graduating college students apply here: Communicating family firm ownership and firm size Downloads
Orlando Llanos-Contreras, Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos and Dianne H.B. Welsh
Socioemotional wealth in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous contexts: The case of family firms in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, Anabel Mendoza-Lopez, Cristina Cruz, Patricio Duran and Herman Aguinis
The role of the family and the institutional context for ambidexterity in Latin American family firms Downloads
Fernanda Canale, Claudio Müller, Eddy Laveren and Bart Cambré
What makes Latin American family firms different? Moving beyond cross-cultural comparisons Downloads
Pedro Vazquez, Isabel C. Botero, Unai Arzubiaga and Esra Memili

Volume 14, issue 4, 2023

The continuance commitment of family firm CEOs Downloads
Nicole Gottschalck, Lisa Rolan and Franz Kellermanns
Reasons for internationalisation of family business Downloads
Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso and Myriam Cano-Rubio
Bringing context to the foreground: Explaining the early-stage career development of next-generation family business members Downloads
Hasirumane Venkatesh Mukesh and Ajay Bailey
Modeling the effect of continuity and change as paradoxical forces in the inter-generational transition process of family businesses Downloads
Carole Serhan, Rami Nader and William Gereige
Unmasking nonfamily employees’ complex contribution to family business performance: A place identity theory approach Downloads
Josep Llach, Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso and Sharon M. Danes

Volume 14, issue 3, 2023

Exploring different configurations of entrepreneurial orientation in small artisan family firms: A multi-case study Downloads
Cinzia Dessì, Angela Dettori and Michela Floris
The impact of family commitment on firm innovativeness: The mediating role of resource stocks Downloads
Chelsea Sherlock, Clay Dibrell and Esra Memili
Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study Downloads
Philipp Köhn, Philipp Julian Ruf and Petra Moog
Entrepreneurship in family firms: What’s next? Multilevel embeddedness and individuals’ cognition Downloads
Howard E. Aldrich, Sharon Alvarez, Mara Brumana, Giovanna Campopiano and Tommaso Minola

Volume 14, issue 2, 2023

Family-related goals, entrepreneurial investment behavior, and governance mechanisms of single family offices: An exploratory study Downloads
Antonia Schickinger, Philipp A. Bierl, Max P. Leitterstorf and Nadine Kammerlander
Family firms and the labor productivity controversy: A distributional analysis of varying labor productivity gaps Downloads
Sarah Creemers, Ludo Peeters, Juan Luis Quiroz Castillo, Mark Vancauteren and Wim Voordeckers
Identity leadership in family businesses: The important role of nonfamily leaders Downloads
Pauline S. Boberg, Jana Bövers, Kai C. Bormann and Christina Hoon
Theoretical and empirical differences between the interlocked boards of family and non-family firms Downloads
Rosa Caiazza, Phillip Phan and Michele Simoni
Why is diversification not dead? Evidence from family business groups during economic reforms in India Downloads
Apalak Khatua
The enterpriseness of business families: Conceptualization, scale development and validation Downloads
Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Susanne Beck, Julia Suess-Reyes and Elena Fuetsch
Socioemotional wealth and family firm performance: A meta-analytic integration Downloads
Jessenia Davila, Patricio Duran, Luis Gómez-Mejía and Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno
Event-sampling method with experimental design: A promising method for investigating microfoundational phenomena within family businesses Downloads
D’Allura, Giorgia Maria, Andrew H. Woolum, Trevor A. Foulk, Amir Erez and Daniel Pittino
The influence of familiness on decision-making quality in top management teams: The role of emotional dissonance and perceived team support Downloads
Laura Hoekx, Frank Lambrechts, Pieter Vandekerkhof, Wim Voordeckers and Hermann Frank
Family agents Downloads
D’Angelo, Valentino, Mario Amore, Alessandro Minichilli, Kelly Xing Chen and Angelo Maria Solarino
Time for a group hug? Toward a theory of shared emotional leadership in and of family business Downloads
Craig L. Pearce, Jeffrey D. Houghton, Charles C. Manz, Pamela J. Dillon, Mel Fugate and Christina L. Wassenaar
Corporate social performance of family firms and shareholder protection: An international analysis Downloads
Atiqa Rehman, Halit Gonenc and Niels Hermes
The influence of board social activity on firm performance Downloads
Cristina Bettinelli, Barbara Del Bosco, Richard J. Gentry and Clay Dibrell
Leaving the family business: The dynamics of psychological ownership Downloads
Ethel Brundin, Irene S. McClatchey and Leif Melin
Family businesses and debt maturity structure: Focusing on family involvement in governance to explain heterogeneity Downloads
Gianluca Ginesti, Mario Ossorio and Alexandra Dawson

Volume 14, issue 1, 2023

Playing the wild cards: Antecedents of family firm resilience Downloads
Wojciech Czakon, Monika Hajdas and Joanna Radomska
The role of trust in family business stakeholder relationships: A systematic literature review Downloads
Marie Deferne, Alexandra Bertschi-Michel and Julia de Groote
Innovation and internationalisation during times of economic growth, crisis, and recovery prior to Covid-19: A configurational approach comparing Spanish manufacturing family and non-family firms Downloads
José Francisco Tragant Espeche, María Sacristán-Navarro, José Ángel Zúñiga-Vicente and Nuno Fernandes Crespo
A safe haven in times of crisis: The appeal of family companies as employers amid the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Philipp Jaufenthaler
Contradiction and disaggregation for family firm research Downloads
Isabelle Le Breton-Miller and Danny Miller
Are family owners and managers good stewards in global crises? Evidence from stock market reactions to Covid-19 Downloads
Joern Block and Lennart Ulrich
Page updated 2025-01-16