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World Development

1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes

From Elsevier
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Volume 26, issue 12, 1998

The participatory approach: Contradiction and co-option in Burkina Faso pp. 2105-2118 Downloads
Victoria J. Michener
Gender, poverty and deprivation: Evidence from the Republic of Guinea pp. 2119-2135 Downloads
Paul Shaffer
Targeted poverty investments and economic growth in China pp. 2137-2151 Downloads
Scott Rozelle, Albert Park, Vincent Benziger and Changqing Ren
Forestry and the environment in China: the current situation and strategic choices pp. 2153-2167 Downloads
Runsheng Yin
Poverty and environmental degradation: A review and analysis of the nexus pp. 2169-2179 Downloads
Anantha K. Duraiappah
Employee job satisfaction in developing countries: The case of Kenya pp. 2181-2199 Downloads
Munyae Mulinge and Charles W. Mueller
Fiscal decentralization in Indonesia: A comment on smoke and lewis pp. 2201-2211 Downloads
Christoph Beier and Gabriele Ferrazzi
Reply to Beier and Ferrazzi pp. 2213-2217 Downloads
Blane Lewis and Paue Smoke
Carbon intensity and economic development 1961-1991: A comment on Roberts and Grimes pp. 2219-2220 Downloads
Daniel J. Mcnaughton and Tsoung-Chao Lee
Reply to McNaughton and Lee pp. 2221-2221 Downloads
J. Timmons Roberts and Peter Grimes
The pendulum swings -- An apt analogy? 1997 Northeastern Universities development consortium conference keynote talk pp. 2223-2230 Downloads
Larry E. Westphal

Volume 26, issue 11, 1998

The demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union: Introduction pp. 1913-1919 Downloads
Charles Becker and David Bloom
Demographic implications of the Russian mortality crisis pp. 1921-1937 Downloads
Neil G. Bennett, David Bloom and Serguey F. Ivanov
Population of Russia: What can we expect in the future? pp. 1939-1955 Downloads
Evgeni Andreev, Sergei Scherbov and Frans Willekens
Demographic change in the former Soviet Union during the transition period pp. 1957-1975 Downloads
Charles M. Becker and David D. Hemley
Monitoring the economic transition in the Russian Federation and its implications for the demographic crisis -- the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey pp. 1977-1993 Downloads
Namvar Zohoori, Thomas Mroz, Barry Popkin, Elena Glinskaya, Michael Lokshin, Dominic Mancini, Polina Kozyreva, Mikhail Kosolapov and Michael Swafford
Causes of the Russian mortality crisis: Evidence and interpretations pp. 1995-2011 Downloads
Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Giovanni Cornia, David A. Leon and France Meslé
Market reform and mortality in transition economies pp. 2013-2027 Downloads
Elizabeth Brainerd
The role of social capital in the Russian mortality crisis pp. 2029-2043 Downloads
Bruce P. Kennedy, Ichiro Kawachi and Elizabeth Brainerd
Determinants of child health during the economic transition in Romania pp. 2045-2056 Downloads
Emmanuel Skoufias
Maternal care vs. economic wealth and the health of newborns: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic and Kansas City, USA pp. 2057-2072 Downloads
Charles M. Becker, Damira I. Bibosunova, Grace E. Holmes and Margarita M. Ibragimova
Macroeconomic consequences of the Russian mortality crisis pp. 2073-2085 Downloads
David Bloom and Pia N. Malaney
Pension burdens and labor force participation in Kazakstan pp. 2087-2103 Downloads
Charles M. Becker and Dina S. Urzhumova

Volume 26, issue 10, 1998

Dimensions and diversity of property rights in rural China: Dilemmas on the road to further reform pp. 1789-1806 Downloads
Shouying Liu, Michael Carter and Yang Yao
Rural market imperfections and the farm size-- productivity relationship: Evidence from Pakistan pp. 1807-1826 Downloads
Rasmus Heltberg
Informal social support networks and household vulnerability: Empirical findings from Georgia pp. 1827-1838 Downloads
Larry Dershem and David Gzirishvili
Structural adjustment and manufacturing sector competitiveness: Lessons from post-unification East Germany pp. 1839-1857 Downloads
Eva A. Paus
A first look at the impacts of trade liberalization on Brazilian manufacturing industry pp. 1859-1874 Downloads
Mauricio Moreira and Paulo Guilherme Correa
Microcredit: What can we learn from the past? pp. 1875-1891 Downloads
Aidan Hollis and Arthur Sweetman
How reliable are group informant ratings? A test of food security ratings in Honduras pp. 1893-1902 Downloads
Gilles Bergeron, Saul Sutkover Morris and Juan Manuel Medina Banegas
Developing basement aquifers to generate economic benefits: A case study from Southeast Zimbabwe pp. 1903-1912 Downloads
D. K. Waughray, C. J. Lovell, E. Mazhangara and E. Mazhangara

Volume 26, issue 9, 1998

Russian poverty: Muddling through economic transition with garden plots pp. 1611-1624 Downloads
Harm Tho Seeth, Sergei Chachnov, Alexander Surinov and Joachim von Braun
Farmers' use of improved seed selection practices in Mexican maize: Evidence and issues from the Sierra de Santa Marta pp. 1625-1640 Downloads
Elizabeth Rice, Melinda Smale and Jose-Luis Blanco
Grain versus food: A hidden issue in China's food policy debate pp. 1641-1652 Downloads
Feng Lu
The IMF, the world bank and commodity prices: A case of shifting sands? pp. 1653-1660 Downloads
David Sapsford and Hans Singer
Where have all the soldiers gone: Demobilization and reintegration in Ethiopia pp. 1661-1675 Downloads
Stefan Dercon and Daniel Ayalew
Breaking out of the straitjacket of tradition: The politics and rhetoric of 'development' in Zimbabwe pp. 1677-1694 Downloads
Steven Robins
Editor's Introduction pp. 1695-1696 Downloads
Alfonso Peter Castro
Introduction pp. 1697-1699 Downloads
David Brokensha
Primary Health Care initiatives in colonial Kenya pp. 1701-1717 Downloads
Miriam S. Chaiken
Sustainable agriculture or sustained error? The case of cotton in Kirinyaga, Kenya pp. 1719-1731 Downloads
Alfonso Peter Castro
Colonial era livestock development policy: Introduction of improved dairy cattle in high-potential farming areas of Kenya pp. 1733-1748 Downloads
W. Thomas Conelly
Theorizing past and present women's organizations in Kenya pp. 1749-1761 Downloads
M. L. Udvardy
Pagan practices and the death of children: German colonial missionaries and child health care in South Pare, Tanzania pp. 1763-1772 Downloads
N. Thomas Hakansson
Incorporating local history into planning documents: A case study from Guinea, West Africa pp. 1773-1784 Downloads
Jennifer Astone

Volume 26, issue 8, 1998

"Market-stimulating" technology policies in developing countries: A framework with examples from East Asia pp. 1369-1385 Downloads
Sanjaya Lall and Morris Teubal
Intersectoral linkages and the role of the state in shaping the conditions of industrial accumulation: A study of Ludhiana's manufacturing industry pp. 1387-1411 Downloads
Meenu Tewari
Feeding and fueling China in the 21st century pp. 1413-1429 Downloads
Kym Anderson and Chao Yang Peng
The emerging fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1431-1461 Downloads
Barney Cohen
Rethinking health care systems: Private health care provision in India pp. 1463-1479 Downloads
Peter Berman
From conflict to cooperation: International policies to protect the Brazilian Amazon pp. 1481-1493 Downloads
Ans Kolk
Path dependence in regional development: Persistence and change in three industrial clusters in Santa Catarina, Brazil pp. 1495-1511 Downloads
Jorg Meyer-Stamer
Economic growth and the persistence of child labor: Evidence from an Indian city pp. 1513-1528 Downloads
Madhura Swaminathan
Introduction pp. 1529-1533 Downloads
Desmond McNeill and Harald Bockman
The Asian debt-and-development crisis of 1997-?: Causes and consequences pp. 1535-1553 Downloads
Robert Wade
Korea: The misunderstood crisis pp. 1555-1561 Downloads
Ha-Joon Chang
Financial liberalization, crises, and Malaysian policy responses pp. 1563-1574 Downloads
Jomo Ks
The financial crisis in Thailand: Causes, conduct and consequences? pp. 1575-1591 Downloads
Laurids S. Lauridsen
Contesting reform: Indonesia's new order and the IMF pp. 1593-1609 Downloads
Richard Robison and Andrew Rosser

Volume 26, issue 7, 1998

Capital Control Liberalization and Stock Market Development pp. 1169-1183 Downloads
Ross Levine and Sara Zervos
Developing Countries and the Globalization of Financial Markets pp. 1185-1200 Downloads
Malcolm Knight
Understanding the Political Implications of Financial Internationalization in Emerging Market Countries pp. 1201-1219 Downloads
Sylvia Maxfield
Does the Revival of International Private Capital Flows Mean the End of Aid?: An Analysis of Developing Countries' Access to Private Capital pp. 1221-1234 Downloads
Robert Lensink and Howard White
Foreign Aid and Economic Performance in Tanzania pp. 1235-1240 Downloads
Timothy S. Nyoni
Aid and the Public Sector in Pakistan: Evidence with Endogenous Aid pp. 1241-1250 Downloads
Susana Franco-Rodriguez, Oliver Morrissey and Mark McGillivray
Assessing the Impact on Food Security of Alternative Compensatory Financing Schemes: A Simulation Approach with an Application to India pp. 1251-1265 Downloads
Dimitris Diakosavvas and Christopher Green
International Overborrowing: A Decomposition of Credit and Currency Risks pp. 1267-1282 Downloads
Ronald McKinnon and Huw Pill
Infrastructure Project Finance and Capital Flows: A New Perspective pp. 1283-1298 Downloads
Mansoor Dailami and Danny Leipziger
Host Country Reforms and FDI Inflows: How Much Difference do they Make? pp. 1299-1314 Downloads
Victor M. Gastanaga, Jeffrey Nugent and Bistra Pashamova
FDI, Policy Adjustment and Endogenous Growth: Multiplier Effects from a Small Dynamic Model for Taiwan, 1959-1995 pp. 1315-1330 Downloads
A. Bende-Nabende and J. L. Ford
Liberalizing Trade in Financial Services: The Uruguay Round and the Arab Countries pp. 1331-1348 Downloads
Jackline Wahba and Mahmoud Mohieldin
The Effect of Financial Liberalization on Capital Flight in African Economies pp. 1349-1368 Downloads
Robert Lensink, Niels Hermes and Victor Murinde

Volume 26, issue 6, 1998

Water scarcity in Kitulwatte: The social causes and consequences of environmental degradation in a highland Uva village of Sri Lanka pp. 913-932 Downloads
Ralf Starkloff
Success in integrating conservation and development? A study from Zambia pp. 933-944 Downloads
Carla Wainwright and Walter Wehrmeyer
Regulation of privatized utilities: The Chilean experience pp. 945-962 Downloads
Eduardo Bitran and Pablo Serra
The combined incidence of taxes and public expenditures in the Philippines pp. 963-977 Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan and Shaikh I. Hossain
Contract enforcement and trade liberalization in Mexico's footwear industry pp. 979-991 Downloads
Christopher Woodruff
Intermediary institutions, community organizations, and urban environmental management: The case of three Bangkok slums pp. 993-1011 Downloads
Yok-Shiu F. Lee
Colombia's income from the drug trade pp. 1013-1031 Downloads
Roberto Steiner
Corporate finance in developing countries: New evidence for India pp. 1033-1047 Downloads
David Cobham and Ramesh Subramaniam
The search for a new paradigm for the development of national agricultural research systems pp. 1049-1055 Downloads
Derek Byerlee
Financing agricultural research: International investment patterns and policy perspectives pp. 1057-1071 Downloads
Julian Alston, Philip Pardey and Johannes Roseboom
Crafting smallholder-driven agricultural research systems in Southern Africa pp. 1073-1087 Downloads
Mandivamba Rukuni, Malcolm J. Blackie and Carl K. Eicher
The Indian agricultural research system: Structure, current policy issues, and future orientation pp. 1089-1101 Downloads
Mruthyunjaya and P. Ranjitha
Agricultural research policy issues in Latin America: An Overview pp. 1103-1111 Downloads
Ruben G. Echeverria
The transformation of the Dutch agricultural research system: An unfinished agenda pp. 1113-1126 Downloads
Johannes Roseboom and Hans Rutten
The private sector in agricultural research systems: Will it fill the gap? pp. 1127-1148 Downloads
Carl E. Pray and Dina Umali-Deininger
Selected policy issues in international agricultural research: On striving for international public goods in an era of donor fatigue pp. 1149-1162 Downloads
Jock Anderson

Volume 26, issue 5, 1998

Immiserized growth in liberalized agriculture pp. 743-753 Downloads
Christopher Barrett
Bio-cooperation and the benefits of crop genetic resources: the case of Mexican maize pp. 755-766 Downloads
Stephen B. Brush
On the trail of China's phantom farmers pp. 767-781 Downloads
Thomas Rawski and Robert W. Mead
Microenterprise finance: Is there a conflict between growth and poverty alleviation? pp. 783-790 Downloads
Paul Mosley and David Hulme
Have North-South growth linkages changed? pp. 791-808 Downloads
Alexander Hoffmaister, Mahmood Pradhan and Hossein Samiei
Inflation and monetary policy in selected West and Central African countries pp. 809-827 Downloads
Andreas Savvides
Stock markets in Africa: Emerging lions or white elephants? pp. 829-843 Downloads
Charles Kenny and Todd J. Moss
Labor market adjustment in small open economies: The case of Micronesia pp. 845-855 Downloads
Paul Cook and Colin Kirkpatrick
Assessing economic and social performance in the Cuban transition of the 1990s pp. 857-876 Downloads
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Middle East and North Africa: Development policy in view of a narrow agricultural natural resource base pp. 877-895 Downloads
Jamil A. Mubarak
Adaptive entrepreneurship and the economic development of Hong Kong pp. 897-911 Downloads
Tony Fu-Lai Yu

Volume 26, issue 4, 1998

The convention on biological diversity and agriculture: Implications and unresolved debates1 pp. 551-570 Downloads
George Frisvold and Peter T. Condon
Regions of refuge and the agrarian question: Peasant agriculture and plantation forestry in Chilean araucania pp. 571-589 Downloads
Roger Alex Clapp
Double jeopardy: Globalization, liberalization and the fiscal squeeze pp. 591-605 Downloads
Isabelle Grunberg
Emerging stock markets, portfolio capital flows and long-term economie growth: Micro and macroeconomic perspectives pp. 607-622 Downloads
Ajit Singh and Bruce A. Weisse
The problem of transaction costs in group-based microlending: An institutional perspective pp. 623-637 Downloads
Nitin Bhatt and Shui-Yan Tang
A comparison of the economic performance of different micro-states, and between micro-states and larger countries pp. 639-656 Downloads
H. Armstrong, R. J. De Kervenoael, Xiao-Ming Li and Robert Read
Introduction to special section of World Development on financing human development pp. 657-658 Downloads
Sudipto Mundle
Financing human development: Some lessons from advanced Asian countries pp. 659-672 Downloads
Sudipto Mundle
Accommodating public expenditure policies: the case of fast growing Asian economies pp. 673-694 Downloads
Govinda Rao
The strategy used by high-performing Asian economies in education: Some lessons for developing countries pp. 695-715 Downloads
Alain Mingat
On the road to social health insurance: the Asian experience pp. 717-732 Downloads
Paul J. Gertler
Human development and financial conservatism pp. 733-742 Downloads
Amartya Sen

Volume 26, issue 3, 1998

Assessing the welfare impacts of public spending pp. 365-379 Downloads
Dominique van de Walle
Resource development and inequality in indigenous societies pp. 381-394 Downloads
Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
The Political Economy of Household Environmental Management: Gender, Environment and Epidemiology in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area pp. 395-412 Downloads
Jacob Songsore and Gordon McGranahan
The impact of inequality, gender, external assistance and social capital on local-level cooperation pp. 413-431 Downloads
JoseR. Molinas
Evolution of the Timber Industry Along an Aging Frontier: The Case of Paragominas (1990-1995) pp. 433-448 Downloads
Steven W. Stone
"Deja Vu all over again?": The Mexican crisis and the stabilization of Uruguay in the 1970s pp. 449-464 Downloads
Mario I. Blejer and Graciana del Castillo
Measuring exchange rate misalignment: Inflation differentials and domestic relative prices pp. 465-477 Downloads
William Masters and Elena Ianchovichina
Inertia in reforming China's state-Owned enterprises: The case of Chongqing pp. 479-495 Downloads
Aimin Chen
Can Trade Liberalization Stimulate Economic Growth in Africa? pp. 497-506 Downloads
Olugbenga Onafowora and Oluwole Owoye
Small Country Size and Returns to Scale in Manufacturing pp. 507-515 Downloads
Lino Briguglio
The tobin tax: Reviving a discussion pp. 529-538 Downloads
Kunibert Raffer
The cheerful pessimist: Gunnar Myrdal the dissenter (1898-1987) pp. 539-550 Downloads
Paul Streeten

Volume 26, issue 2, 1998

New Land is not enough: Agricultural performance of New Lands settlement in West Africa pp. 187-211 Downloads
Della E. Mcmillan, John H. Sanders, Dolores Koenig, Kofi Akwabi-Ameyaw and Thomas M. Painter
Food production, urban areas and policy responses pp. 213-225 Downloads
Frank Ellis and James Sumberg
Civil society in South Africa: Learning from gender themes pp. 227-238 Downloads
David Hirschmann
Beyond methodologies: Coalition-building for participatory technology development pp. 239-248 Downloads
Stephen Biggs and Grant Smith
Nests, nodes and niches: A system for process monitoring, information exchange and decision making for multiple stakeholders pp. 249-260 Downloads
Ruth Alsop and John Farrington
Comprehensive impact assessment systems for NGO microenterprise development programs pp. 261-276 Downloads
Eric L. Hyman and Kirk Dearden
The political viability of free market experimentation in Cuba: Evidence from Los Mercados Agropecuarios pp. 277-288 Downloads
Jeffery H. Marshall
The return to education: Street vendors in Mexico pp. 289-296 Downloads
Paula A. Smith and Michael R. Metzger
Household characteristics and income inequality during inflationary periods: Recent evidence from Suriname pp. 297-306 Downloads
Andrew W. Horowitz and Diana Weinhold
DALYs: efficiency versus equity pp. 307-310 Downloads
Sudhir Anand and Kara Hanson
Introduction pp. 311-311 Downloads
Victor Bulmer-Thomas
The Central American common market: From closed to open regionalism pp. 313-322 Downloads
Victor Bulmer-Thomas
Measuring trade creation and trade diversion in the Central American common market: A hicksian alternative pp. 323-335 Downloads
Shelton M. A. Nicholls
Intra-industry trade and revealed comparative advantage in the Central American Common Market pp. 337-344 Downloads
Pablo Rodas-Martini
Regional integration and agricultural trade in Central America pp. 345-362 Downloads
Fernando Rueda-Junquera

Volume 26, issue 1, 1998

The asset vulnerability framework: Reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies pp. 1-19 Downloads
Caroline O. N. Moser
Administering contingent valuation surveys in developing countries pp. 21-30 Downloads
Dale Whittington
Additionality or diversion? food aid to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics and the implications for developing countries pp. 31-44 Downloads
Charlotte Benson and Edward J. Clay
Has jomtien made any difference? trends in donor funding for education and basic education since the late 1980s pp. 45-59 Downloads
Paul Bennell and Dominic Furlong
The dynamics of micro and small enterprises in developing countries pp. 61-74 Downloads
Donald C. Mead and Carl Liedholm
The politics of pollution control in Brazil: State actors and social movements cleaning up Cubatao pp. 75-87 Downloads
Maria Carmen De Mello Lemos
Coping with drought in Zimbabwe: Survey evidence on responses of rural households to risk pp. 89-110 Downloads
Bill Kinsey, Kees Burger and Jan Willem Gunning
Life cycles, oil cycles, or financial reforms? The growth in private savings rates in Indonesia pp. 111-124 Downloads
Sara Johansson
Pension reform, personal pensions and gender differences in pension coverage pp. 125-137 Downloads
Armando Barrientos
Productivity effects in brazilian wage determination pp. 139-153 Downloads
Francisco Carneiro
Measuring production efficiency of small firms in Pakistan pp. 155-169 Downloads
Abid Burki and Dek Terrell
River basin development planning and management: A critical review pp. 171-186 Downloads
Christopher J. Barrow
Page updated 2025-03-31