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World Development

1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes

From Elsevier
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Volume 9, issue 11-12, 1981

Development from below: Local Development Associations in the Yemen Arab Republic pp. 1039-1061 Downloads
John M. Cohen, Mary Hebert, David B. Lewis and Jon C. Swanson
Brazilian socioeconomic development: Issues for the eighties pp. 1063-1082 Downloads
Peter T. Knight
Growth with equity: The Cuban experience (1959-1980) pp. 1083-1096 Downloads
Claes Brundenius
An assessment of agricultural development policies in Iran pp. 1097-1108 Downloads
Haleh Afshar
Segmented labour markets without policy-induced labour market distortions pp. 1109-1114 Downloads
Jaime Mezzera
Recession, inflation and the international monetary system pp. 1115-1128 Downloads
Ariel Buira Seira
Some unresolved problems of the African Development Bank pp. 1129-1139 Downloads
Kwame D. Fordwor

Volume 9, issue 9-10, 1981

Socialism and development: Editors' introduction pp. 803-811 Downloads
Kenneth Jameson and Charles K. Wilber
The Burmese way to `socialism' pp. 813-824 Downloads
Allen Fenichel and Azfar Khan
Iraqi and Syrian socialism: An economic appraisal pp. 825-837 Downloads
Fred Gotthell
Tanzanian and African socialism pp. 839-849 Downloads
James H. Weaver and Alexander Kronemer
Prospects and problems of the transition from agrarianism to socialism: The case of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique pp. 851-870 Downloads
Tetteh A. Kofi
Socialist Cuba and the intermediate regimes of Jamaica and Guyana pp. 871-888 Downloads
Kenneth Jameson
The North Korean model: Gaps and questions pp. 889-905 Downloads
Jon Halliday
Romania and Greec--socialism vs capitalism pp. 907-928 Downloads
Nicholas Burakow
A socialist model of economic development: The Polish and Bulgarian experiences pp. 929-950 Downloads
George R. Feiwell
Establishing self-governing socialism in a less developed country pp. 951-964 Downloads
Branko Horvat
Some properties of the Eastern European growth pattern pp. 965-970 Downloads
János Kornai
On the role of management in socialist development pp. 971-977 Downloads
Andrew Zimbalist
Agricultural productivity under socialism pp. 979-989 Downloads
Michael Ellman
The optimal rate of industrialization in developed and developing centrally-planned economies: A general equilibrium approach pp. 991-1004 Downloads
Josef Brada, Marvin R. Jackson and Arthur E. King
Human rights, Third World socialism and Cuba pp. 1005-1017 Downloads
Adamantia Pollis
Women's emancipation under socialism: A model for the Third World? pp. 1019-1037 Downloads
Maxine Molyneux

Volume 9, issue 8, 1981

The two World Wars and economic development: Editor's introduction pp. 701-705 Downloads
Barbara Ingham and Colin Simmons
Latin American manufacturing and the First World War: An exploratory essay pp. 707-716 Downloads
Rory Miller
Latin America and the Great War: A preliminary survey of developments in Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil pp. 717-734 Downloads
Bill Albert and Paul Henderson
The First World War and the origins of the dual policy of development in Kenya 1914-1922 pp. 735-748 Downloads
Ian R. G. Spencer
Imperial dictate: The effect of the two World Wars on the Indian coal industry pp. 749-771 Downloads
Colin Simmons
Engineering and the First World War: A case study of the Lancashire cotton spinning machine industry pp. 773-791 Downloads
Robert Kirk and Colin Simmons
The impact of war on Russian and Soviet development 1850-1950 pp. 793-802 Downloads
Peter Gatrell

Volume 9, issue 7, 1981

Implications of the effective revaluation of reserve asset gold: The case for a gold account for development pp. 589-600 Downloads
David A. Brodsky and Gary P. Sampson
Reserve currency consolidation, gold policy and financial flows to developing countries: Mechanisms for an aid-augmented substitution account pp. 609-619 Downloads
Graham Bird
Redistribution, demand structure and factor requirements: The case of India pp. 621-635 Downloads
Roger Berry
Manpower and educational shortages in the Arab world: An interim strategy pp. 637-655 Downloads
R. Paul Shaw
Pirates and invaders: Land acquisition in urban Colombia and Venezuela pp. 657-678 Downloads
Alan Gilbert
State trading organizations: A bias decision model and applications pp. 679-694 Downloads
Alfred Saulniers
Indicators of development and data availability: The case of the PQLI pp. 695-699 Downloads
David A. Brodsky and Dani Rodrik

Volume 9, issue 6, 1981

Toward a service-oriented growth strategy pp. 499-514 Downloads
Werner Baer and Larry Samuelson
The changing post-war pattern of development: The accumulated wisdom of Samir Amin pp. 515-537 Downloads
Jonathan Schiffer
The refsnes seminar: Economic theory and north-south negotiations pp. 539-555 Downloads
Gerald K. Helleiner
Massive transfers and mutual interests pp. 557-562 Downloads
Dudley Seers
An analysis of drawings on the international monetary fund by developing countries pp. 563-568 Downloads
Graham Bird and Timothy Orme
The military in politics: Who benefits and how pp. 569-582 Downloads
Nicole Ball
Beyond the slogan of South-South co-operation pp. 583-585 Downloads
Arturo L. Goetz

Volume 9, issue 5, 1981

Indicators of rural inequality pp. 401-427 Downloads
Alfonso Peter Castro, N. Thomas Hakansson and David Brokensha
Dependence and industrialization strategies pp. 429-434 Downloads
Michael Roemer
North-South interdependence: The case of the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 435-452 Downloads
Siegfried Schultz, Dieter Schumacher and Herbert Wilkens
Firm-level export performance in an inward-looking economy: The Indian engineering industry pp. 453-463 Downloads
Sanjaya Lall and Rajiv Kumar
The funding of development research pp. 465-483 Downloads
Lyn Gorman
The influence of trade and commercial barriers on the industrial processing of natural resources pp. 485-494 Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
Reply pp. 495-498 Downloads
David Wall

Volume 9, issue 4, 1981

Sources of innovation in agricultural technology pp. 321-336 Downloads
Stephen D. Biggs and Edward J. Clay
Measurement of deprivation and poverty based on the proportion spent on food: An exploratory exercise pp. 337-353 Downloads
V. V. Bhanoji Rao
Productivity, mechanization and skills: A test of the Hirschman hypothesis for Latin American industry pp. 355-371 Downloads
Simon Teitel
The determinants of export subsidiary formation by US transnationals in developing countries: An inter-industry analysis pp. 373-382 Downloads
Colin Kirkpatrick and M. Yamin
Non-multinational firms and transfer of technology to less developed countries pp. 383-387 Downloads
Ghayur Alam and John Langrish
Development statistics and correlations: A comment on Hicks and Streeten pp. 389-397 Downloads
Donald McGranahan, Claude Richard and Eduardo Pizarro
Reply pp. 399-399 Downloads
Norman Hicks and Paul Streeten

Volume 9, issue 3, 1981

Economic development in a changing world pp. 221-226 Downloads
Keith Griffin
Fostering the capital-goods sector in LDCs pp. 227-250 Downloads
Howard Pack
Development planning and appropriate technology: A dilemma and a proposal pp. 251-262 Downloads
Gene Ellis
Trade in manufactured goods: patterns of change pp. 263-275 Downloads
Bela Balassa
Poverty and unemployment in India: An analysis of recent evidence pp. 277-300 Downloads
Pravin Visaria
Pakistan's development: An overview pp. 301-314 Downloads
Shahid Javed Burki
More on the emigration of the peasantry pp. 315-318 Downloads
Stephen Easton

Volume 9, issue 2, 1981

Perspectives and problems of development in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 109-147 Downloads
Shankar N. Acharya
Higher education and social redistribution in a socialist society: The Chinese case pp. 149-166 Downloads
Gordon White
Meeting basic needs: An overview pp. 167-182 Downloads
Shahid Javed Burki and Mahbub Ul Haq
Income instability and consumption-savings in South Korean farm households, 1965-1970 pp. 183-191 Downloads
Y. K. Ro, D. W. Adams and L. J. Hushak
Dual-gap analysis for the Sudan pp. 193-200 Downloads
M. El-Shibly and Anthony Thirlwall
Brick manufacturing in Columbia: A case study of alternative technologies pp. 201-213 Downloads
Mary Ann Baily
Comment on Isenman, `basic needs: The case of Sri Lanka' pp. 215-216 Downloads
P. J. Richards
Reply pp. 217-218 Downloads
Paul Isenman
Food security issues in the Arab near east: A report of the United Nations Economic Commission for West Asia: Edited by A.A. El-Sherbini (Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 241) pp. 219-220 Downloads
Radha Sinha
Financing mining projects in developing countries: A United Nations study: By Marian Radetzki and Stephen Zorn (London: Mining Journal Books Ltd. in co-operation with the United Nations, 1979) pp. 220-220 Downloads
Helen Hughes

Volume 9, issue 1, 1981

Rural poverty unperceived: Problems and remedies pp. 1-19 Downloads
Robert Chambers
The generation of technologies in rural areas pp. 21-35 Downloads
Amilcar O. Herrera
Education, employment and inequality in LDCs pp. 37-54 Downloads
George Psacharopoulos
Co-operatives and the poor: A comparative perspective pp. 55-72 Downloads
Uma Lele
Income distribution, basic needs and trade-offs with growth: The case of semi-industrialized Latin American countries pp. 73-92 Downloads
Marcelo Selowsky
Assertive pragmatism and the Multinational Enterprise pp. 93-105 Downloads
Sayre P. Schatz
Page updated 2025-03-31