World Development
1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 54, issue C, 2014
- Social Capital and Improved Stoves Usage Decisions in the Northern Peruvian Andes pp. 1-17

- Marcos Agurto Adrianzen
- Women’s Land Rights and Children’s Human Capital in Vietnam pp. 18-31

- Nidhiya Menon, Yana Rodgers and Huong Nguyen
- Economic Development without Pre-Requisites: How Bolivian Producers Met Strict Food Safety Standards and Dominated the Global Brazil-Nut Market pp. 32-45

- Salo V. Coslovsky
- The Role of Religion in Community-based Natural Resource Management pp. 46-55

- Michael Cox, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas and Yasha Hartberg
- Exploitative Briefcase Businessmen, Parasites, and Other Myths and Legends: Assembly Traders and the Performance of Maize Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa pp. 56-67

- Nicholas Sitko and Thomas Jayne
- Integrated Landscape Initiatives for African Agriculture, Development, and Conservation: A Region-Wide Assessment pp. 68-80

- Jeffrey C. Milder, Abigail K. Hart, Philip Dobie, Joshua Minai and Christi Zaleski
- Are Remittances and Foreign Aid a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries? pp. 81-98

- Jean-Louis Combes, Christian Hubert Ebeke, Sabine Mireille Ntsama and Thierry Yogo
- Downward Accountability in Unequal Alliances: Explaining NGO Responses to Zapatista Demands pp. 99-113

- Abigail Andrews
- Growth and Volatility of Tax Revenues in Latin America pp. 114-138

- Hans Fricke and Bernd Süssmuth
- Long-Term Effects of Civil Conflict on Women’s Health Outcomes in Peru pp. 139-155

- F. Grimard and Sonia Laszlo
- Transitions of Innovation Activities in Latecomer Countries: An Exploratory Case Study of South Korea pp. 156-167

- Jae-Yong Choung, Hye-Ran Hwang and Wichin Song
- The Effect of Development Aid Unpredictability and Migrants’ Remittances on Fiscal Consolidation in Developing Countries pp. 168-190

- Sèna Kimm Gnangnon
- The Political Economy of Slums: Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 191-203

- Sean Fox
- Firm Productivity, Exchange Rate Movements, Sources of Finance, and Export Orientation pp. 204-219

- Mustafa Caglayan and Firat Demir
- Rent-seeking at Home, Capturing Market Share Abroad: The Domestic Determinants of the Transnationalization of China State Construction Engineering Corporation pp. 220-231

- Chih-shian Liou
- The Lasting Impact of Parental Early Life Malnutrition on Their Offspring: Evidence from the China Great Leap Forward Famine pp. 232-242

- Seonghoon Kim, Quheng Deng, Belton Fleisher and Shi Li
- Land Contestation at the Micro Scale: Struggles for Space in the African Marshes pp. 243-252

- An Ansoms, Inge Wagemakers, Michael Madison Walker and Jude Murison
- The Tertiary Tilt: Education and Inequality in the Developing World pp. 253-272

- Lloyd Gruber and Stephen Kosack
- How Successful Transnational Non-governmental Organizations Set Themselves up for Failure on the Ground pp. 273-287

- Cristina M. Balboa
- Scale-up Nation: China’s Specialization in Innovative Manufacturing pp. 288-300

- Jonas Nahm and Edward S. Steinfeld
- Over-Indebtedness in Microfinance – An Empirical Analysis of Related Factors on the Borrower Level pp. 301-324

- Jessica Schicks
- Involving Communities in the Targeting of Cash Transfer Programs for Vulnerable Children: Opportunities and Challenges pp. 325-337

- Laura Robertson, Phyllis Mushati, Morten Skovdal, Jeffrey W. Eaton, Jeremiah C. Makoni, Tom Crea, Gideon Mavise, Lovemore Dumba, Christina Schumacher, Lorraine Sherr, Constance Nyamukapa and Simon Gregson
- Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from El Salvador pp. 338-349

- Diego Anzoategui, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Maria Martinez Peria
- Do Sanitary, Phytosanitary, and Quality-related Standards Affect International Trade? Evidence from Chilean Fruit Exports pp. 350-359

- Oscar Melo, Alejandra Engler, Laura Nahuehual, Gabriela Cofre and José Barrena
- Preferences for Community-based Targeting - Field Experimental Evidence from Zambia pp. 360-373

- Esther Schüring
Volume 53, issue C, 2014
- Decentralization and Governance pp. 2-13

- Jean-Paul Faguet
- Second Generation Fiscal Federalism: Political Aspects of Decentralization and Economic Development pp. 14-25

- Barry Weingast
- The Politics of Federalism in Argentina and its Implications for Governance and Accountability pp. 26-45

- Martin Ardanaz, Marcelo Leiras and Mariano Tommasi
- Constitutional Structures for a Strong Democracy: Considerations on the Government of Pakistan pp. 46-54

- Roger Myerson
- Decentralization and Veiled Corruption under China’s “Rule of Mandates” pp. 55-67

- Mayling Birney
- Water Reforms, Decentralization and Child Mortality in Colombia, 1990–2005 pp. 68-79

- Claudia Granados and Fabio Sanchez Torres
- Traditional Governance, Citizen Engagement, and Local Public Goods: Evidence from Mexico pp. 80-93

- Alberto Díaz-Cayeros, Beatriz Magaloni and Alexander Ruiz-Euler
- The Effects of Participatory Budgeting on Municipal Expenditures and Infant Mortality in Brazil pp. 94-110

- Sónia Gonçalves
Volume 52, issue C, 2013
- Does Trade Foster Employment Growth in Emerging Markets? Evidence from Turkey pp. 1-18

- Alessia Lo Turco and Daniela Maggioni
- Is Small Beautiful? Financial Structure, Size and Access to Finance pp. 19-33

- Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Dorothe Singer
- Female Empowerment as a Core Driver of Democratic Development: A Dynamic Panel Model from 1980 to 2005 pp. 34-54

- Paula Wyndow, Jianghong Li and Eugen Mattes
- A Life Course Model of Human Rights Realization, Female Empowerment, and Gender Inequality in India pp. 55-70

- Sanjukta Chaudhuri
- The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index pp. 71-91

- Sabina Alkire, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Amber Peterman, Agnes Quisumbing, Greg Seymour and Ana Vaz
- Does Economic Globalization affect Regional Inequality? A Cross-country Analysis pp. 92-103

- Roberto Ezcurra and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
- Joint Titling in Rural Peru: Impact on Women’s Participation in Household Decision-Making pp. 104-119

- Henrik Wiig
- Oil Exporters’ Dilemma: How Much to Save and How Much to Invest pp. 120-131

- Reda Cherif and Fuad Hasanov
- Soybeans, Poverty and Inequality in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 132-143

- Diana Weinhold, Evan Killick and Eustáquio J. Reis
Volume 51, issue C, 2013
- Lasting Welfare Effects of Widowhood in Mali pp. 1-19

- Dominique van de Walle
- Violence, Instability, and Trade: Evidence from Kenya’s Cut Flower Sector pp. 20-31

- Andrew Muhammad, D’Souza, Anna and William Amponsah
- Capital Flight in the Presence of Domestic Borrowing: Evidence from Eastern European Economies pp. 32-46

- Josef Brada, Ali Kutan and Goran Vukšić
- Does Industry Affiliation Influence Wages? Evidence from Indonesia and the Asian Financial Crisis pp. 47-61

- Aashish Mehta and Wei Sun
- Food Versus Fuel: Extractive Industries, Insecure Land Tenure, and Gaps in World Food Production pp. 62-70

- Thomas K. Rudel
- The Vulnerability of Microfinance to Financial Turmoil – Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis pp. 71-90

- Charlotte Wagner and Adalbert Winkler
- The Determinants of Capital Intensity in Manufacturing: The Role of Factor Market Imperfections pp. 91-103

- Rana Hasan, Devashish Mitra and Asha Sundaram
- Export Upgrading and Growth: The Prerequisite of Domestic Embeddedness pp. 104-118

- Sandra Poncet and Felipe Starosta de Waldemar
- Are Carbon Taxes Good for the Poor? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Vietnam pp. 119-131

- Ian Coxhead, Anan Wattanakuljarus and Chan V. Nguyen
- Monetization, Financial Development, and Growth: Time Series Evidence from 22 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 132-153

- Peter Rousseau and D’Onofrio, Alexandra
- Political Influence of Exporting and Import-Competing Firms: Evidence from Eastern European and Central Asian Countries pp. 154-168

- Mahmut Yasar
- Anti-dumping Duties and their Impact on Exporters: Firm Level Evidence from China pp. 169-186

- Piyush Chandra and Cheryl Long
- How Much Do Rights Matter? pp. 187-206

- Johannes Fedderke and Robert Klitgaard
- Child Labor Variation by Type of Respondent: Evidence from a Large-Scale Study pp. 207-220

- Ana Dammert and Jose Galdo
- Drivers of Export Upgrading pp. 221-233

- Shujin Zhu and Xiaolan Fu
- Escaping Capability Traps Through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) pp. 234-244

- Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock
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