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World Development

1973 - 2025

Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes

From Elsevier
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Volume 65, issue C, 2015

Reprint of: Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances pp. 1-5 Downloads
Michael Clemens, Çağlar Özden and Hillel Rapoport
A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: The Role of Non-OECD Destinations pp. 6-26 Downloads
Erhan Artuc, Frédéric Docquier, Çaglar Özden and Christopher Parsons
Bringing It All Back Home – Return Migration and Fertility Choices pp. 27-40 Downloads
Simone Bertoli and Francesca Marchetta
Female Migration for Marriage: Implications from the Land Reform in Rural Tanzania pp. 41-61 Downloads
Yuya Kudo
The Feminization of International Migration and its Effects on the Children Left Behind: Evidence from the Philippines pp. 62-78 Downloads
Patricia Cortes
Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being pp. 79-93 Downloads
Steven Stillman, John Gibson, David McKenzie and Halahingano Rohorua
The Drivers of Diaspora Donations for Development: Evidence from the Philippines pp. 94-109 Downloads
Victoria Licuanan, Toman Omar Mahmoud and Andreas Steinmayr
Overshooting the Savings Target: Temporary Migration, Investment in Housing and Development pp. 110-121 Downloads
Slobodan Djajić and Alexandra Vinogradova

Volume 64, issue S1, 2014

Forests, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Broadening the Empirical Base pp. S1-S11 Downloads
Sven Wunder, Arild Angelsen and Brian Belcher
Environmental Income and Rural Livelihoods: A Global-Comparative Analysis pp. S12-S28 Downloads
Arild Angelsen, Pamela Jagger, Ronnie Babigumira, Brian Belcher, Nicholas J. Hogarth, Simone Bauch, Jan Börner, Carsten Smith-Hall and Sven Wunder
Safety Nets, Gap Filling and Forests: A Global-Comparative Perspective pp. S29-S42 Downloads
Sven Wunder, Jan Börner, Gerald Shively and Miriam Wyman
Tenure and Forest Income: Observations from a Global Study on Forests and Poverty pp. S43-S55 Downloads
Pamela Jagger, Martin Luckert, Amy E. Duchelle, Jens Lund and William D. Sunderlin
Challenging Perceptions about Men, Women, and Forest Product Use: A Global Comparative Study pp. S56-S66 Downloads
Terry Sunderland, Ramadhani Achdiawan, Arild Angelsen, Ronnie Babigumira, Amy Ickowitz, Fiona Paumgarten, Victoria Reyes-García and Gerald Shively
Forest Clearing in Rural Livelihoods: Household-Level Global-Comparative Evidence pp. S67-S79 Downloads
Ronnie Babigumira, Arild Angelsen, Maarten Buis, Simone Bauch, Terry Sunderland and Sven Wunder
Producing Woodfuel for Urban Centers in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Path Out of Poverty for Rural Households? pp. S80-S90 Downloads
Jolien Schure, Patrice Levang and K. Freerk Wiersum
Shocks, Income and Wealth: Do They Affect the Extraction of Natural Resources by Rural Households? pp. S91-S100 Downloads
Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
Can Smallholders Engage in Tree Plantations? An Entitlements Analysis from Vietnam pp. S101-S112 Downloads
Thomas Sikor and Jacopo Alessandro Baggio
Are Forest Incomes Sustainable? Firewood and Timber Extraction and Productivity in Community Managed Forests in Nepal pp. S113-S124 Downloads
Henrik Meilby, Carsten Smith-Hall, Anja Byg, Helle Overgaard Larsen, Øystein Juul Nielsen, Lila Puri and Santosh Rayamajhi
Impacts of Protected Areas on Local Livelihoods in Cambodia pp. S125-S134 Downloads
Tom Clements, Seng Suon, David S. Wilkie and E.J. Milner-Gulland
Have We Managed to Integrate Conservation and Development? ICDP Impacts in the Brazilian Amazon pp. S135-S148 Downloads
Simone C. Bauch, Erin O. Sills and Subhrendu Pattanayak
Smallholder Specialization Strategies along the Forest Transition Curve in Southwestern Amazonia pp. S149-S158 Downloads
Amy E. Duchelle, Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner and Karen A. Kainer

Volume 64, issue C, 2014

Impact of South–South FDI and Trade on the Export Upgrading of African Economies pp. 1-17 Downloads
Alessia Amighini and Marco Sanfilippo
Why there Should be No Political Foreign Aid Curse pp. 18-32 Downloads
Ceren Altincekic and David H. Bearce
Evolution, Empowerment, and Emancipation: How Societies Climb the Freedom Ladder pp. 33-51 Downloads
Christian Welzel
The Blue Revolution in Asia: Upgrading and Governance in Aquaculture Value Chains pp. 52-64 Downloads
Stefano Ponte, Ingrid Kelling, Karen Sau Jespersen and Froukje Kruijssen
Popular Economy in Santiago de Chile: State of Affairs and Challenges pp. 65-78 Downloads
Thomas Bauwens and Andreia Lemaître
Certification and Access to Export Markets: Adoption and Return on Investment of Organic-Certified Pineapple Farming in Ghana pp. 79-92 Downloads
Linda Kleemann, Awudu Abdulai and Mareike Buss
Voter Response to Conservation Policies in Madagascar pp. 93-103 Downloads
Christine M. Moser
Does International Health Aid Follow Recipients’ Needs? Extensive and Intensive Margins of Health Aid Allocation pp. 104-120 Downloads
Suejin A. Lee and Jae-Young Lim
Migration and Development Research is Moving Far Beyond Remittances pp. 121-124 Downloads
Michael Clemens, Çağlar Özden and Hillel Rapoport
Heterogeneous Demand for Drought-Tolerant Rice: Evidence from Bihar, India pp. 125-139 Downloads
Patrick Ward, David Ortega, David Spielman and Vartika Singh
Multi-Domain Subjective Wellbeing of Two Canadian First Nations Communities pp. 140-157 Downloads
Shashi Kant, Ilan Vertinsky, Bin Zheng and Peggy M. Smith
On the Interplay of Actors in the Co-Management of Natural Resources – A Dynamic Perspective pp. 158-168 Downloads
Anke Fischer, Dereje Tadesse Wakjira, Yitbarek Tibebe Weldesemaet and Zelealem Tefera Ashenafi
Does Affirmative Action Reduce Productivity? A Case Study of the Indian Railways pp. 169-180 Downloads
Ashwini Deshpande and Thomas E. Weisskopf
Rainfall Shocks and Within-Community Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia pp. 181-193 Downloads
Brian C. Thiede
Aiding and Abetting: Project Aid and Ethnic Politics in Kenya pp. 194-205 Downloads
Ryan C. Briggs
Women’s Participation in Community-Level Water Governance in Urban India: The Gap Between Motivation and Ability pp. 206-218 Downloads
Priyam Das
Does Welfare Enable Family Expenditures on Human Capital? Evidence from China pp. 219-231 Downloads
Qin Gao, Fuhua Zhai, Sui Yang and Shi Li
Process and Pattern in Institutional Reforms: A Case Study of the Police Pacifying Units (UPPs) in Brazil pp. 232-242 Downloads
Graham Denyer Willis and Mariana Mota Prado
Women’s Education: Harbinger of Another Spring? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Turkey pp. 243-258 Downloads
Mehmet Alper Dinçer, Neeraj Kaushal and Michael Grossman
Are Rural Youth in Ethiopia Abandoning Agriculture? pp. 259-272 Downloads
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden
Escalation of Real Wages in Bangladesh: Is it the Beginning of Structural Transformation? pp. 273-285 Downloads
Xiaobo Zhang, Shahidur Rashid, Kaikaus Ahmad and Akhter Ahmed
Firm Level Determinants of International Certification: Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 286-297 Downloads
Mahelet Fikru
How Institutions Mediate the Impact of Cash Cropping on Food Crop Intensification: An Application to Cotton in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 298-310 Downloads
Véronique Thériault and David L. Tschirley
Impact of Information and Communication Technology-Based Market Information Services on Smallholder Farm Input Use and Productivity: The Case of Kenya pp. 311-321 Downloads
Sylvester Ochieng Ogutu, Julius Juma Okello and David Jakinda Otieno
Contract Enforcement and Investment: A Systematic Review of the Evidence pp. 322-338 Downloads
Diego Aboal, Nelson Noya and Andrés Rius
Does Trade Liberalization Promote Regional Disparities? Evidence from a Multiregional CGE Model of India pp. 339-349 Downloads
Athula Naranpanawa and Rashmi Arora
Competition for Export Markets and the Allocation of Foreign Aid: The Role of Spatial Dependence among Donor Countries pp. 350-365 Downloads
Fabian Barthel, Eric Neumayer, Peter Nunnenkamp and Pablo Selaya
FDI Spillovers and Industrial Policy: The Role of Tariffs and Tax Holidays pp. 366-383 Downloads
Luosha Du, Ann Harrison and Gary Jefferson
Inequalities in Universal Health Coverage: Evidence from Vietnam pp. 384-394 Downloads
Michael Palmer
The Impact of Common Property Right Forestry: Evidence from Ethiopian Villages pp. 395-406 Downloads
Dambala Gelo and Steven Koch
Caste Comparisons in India: Evidence From Subjective Well-Being Data pp. 407-419 Downloads
Xavier Fontaine and Katsunori Yamada
Why Worry About the Politics of Childhood Undernutrition? pp. 420-433 Downloads
Nicholas Nisbett, Stuart Gillespie, Lawrence Haddad and Jody Harris
Does it Pay to Deliver? An Evaluation of India’s Safe Motherhood Program pp. 434-447 Downloads
Shareen Joshi and Anusuya Sivaram
Are Poor People Less Happy? Findings from Melanesia pp. 448-459 Downloads
Simon Feeny, Lachlan McDonald and Alberto Posso
Can Microfinance Reach the Poorest: Evidence from a Community-Managed Microfinance Intervention pp. 460-472 Downloads
Jonas Lønborg and Ole Dahl Rasmussen
From State to Market: Private Participation in China’s Urban Infrastructure Sectors, 1992–2008 pp. 473-486 Downloads
Yanlong Zhang
Lessons from an Integrated Community Health Education Initiative in Rural Laos pp. 487-502 Downloads
Lauren Crawshaw, Sonia Fèvre, Lampheuy Kaesombath, Bounlerth Sivilai, Sayvisene Boulom and Fongsamouth Southammavong
Credit-Based Payments for Ecosystem Services: Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Ecuador pp. 503-520 Downloads
Matthew Cranford and Susana Mourato
The Elusive Quest for Supply Response to Cash-Crop Market Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Cotton pp. 521-537 Downloads
Claire Delpeuch and Antoine Leblois
Gender, Ethnicity, and Cumulative Disadvantage in Education Outcomes pp. 538-553 Downloads
Emcet Tas, Maira Reimão and Maria Beatriz Orlando
Non-Farm Activity, Household Expenditure, and Poverty Reduction in Rural Vietnam: 2002–2008 pp. 554-568 Downloads
Trung Hoang, Cong Pham and Mehmet Ulubasoglu
Feminization, Defeminization, and Structural Change in Manufacturing pp. 569-582 Downloads
David Kucera and Sheba Tejani
Resettlement and Gender Dimensions of Land Rights in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda pp. 583-596 Downloads
Sarah Adelman and Amber Peterman
The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar pp. 597-608 Downloads
Anu Rammohan and Bill Pritchard
Is Aquaculture Pro-Poor? Empirical Evidence of Impacts on Fish Consumption in Bangladesh pp. 609-620 Downloads
Kazi Toufique and Ben Belton
Can Developing Countries Both Decentralize and Depoliticize Urban Water Services? Evaluating the Legacy of the 1990s Reform Wave pp. 621-641 Downloads
Veronica Herrera and Alison E. Post
Psychological Agency: Evidence from the Urban Fringe of Bamako pp. 642-653 Downloads
Elise Klein
Consultation in Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: An Evaluation of Three Cases in Mali pp. 654-668 Downloads
Kerstin Nolte and Lieske Voget-Kleschin
Education and Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis pp. 669-689 Downloads
Nikos Benos and Stefania Zotou
The Paradigm of Agricultural Efficiency and its Implication on Food Security in Africa: What Does Meta-analysis Reveal? pp. 690-702 Downloads
Kolawole Ogundari
Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management pp. 703-712 Downloads
Margaret C. Morales and Leila M. Harris
Technology and Productivity in African Manufacturing Firms pp. 713-725 Downloads
Simon Baptist and Francis Teal
Social Policy after the Arab Spring: States and Social Rights in the MENA Region pp. 726-739 Downloads
Massoud Karshenas, Valentine M. Moghadam and Randa Alami
Fast-Track Institution Building in Conflict-Affected Countries? Insights from Recent Field Experiments pp. 740-754 Downloads
Elisabeth King and Cyrus Samii
Social Protection: Rethinking Rights and Duties pp. 755-765 Downloads
Marianne S. Ulriksen and Sophie Plagerson
Text Messaging and its Impacts on the Health and Education of the Poor: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural China pp. 766-780 Downloads
Di Mo, Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu, Huiping Zhang, Linxiu Zhang, Alexis Medina and Scott Rozelle
Targeting REDD+: An Empirical Analysis of Carbon Sequestration in Indonesia pp. 781-790 Downloads
Samuel Skidmore, Paulo Santos and Beria Leimona
Does Smallholder Land Titling Facilitate Agricultural Growth?: An Analysis of the Determinants and Effects of Smallholder Land Titling in Zambia pp. 791-802 Downloads
Nicholas Sitko, Jordan Chamberlin and Munguzwe Hichaambwa
Parental Education as a Criterion for Affirmative Action in Higher Education pp. 803-814 Downloads
Rakesh Basant and Gitanjali Sen
The Determinants of Intermediaries’ Power over Farmers’ Margin-Related Activities: Evidence from Adana, Turkey pp. 815-827 Downloads
Orjon Xhoxhi, Søren Marcus Pedersen, Kim Martin Lind and Attila Yazar
To Pay or Not to Pay? Citizens’ Attitudes Toward Taxation in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa pp. 828-842 Downloads
Merima Ali, Odd Fjeldstad and Ingrid Hoem Sjursen
Beyond the Field: The Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Food Security and Poverty Alleviation pp. 843-859 Downloads
Anna Folke Larsen and Helene Lilleør
Can Government-Allocated Land Contribute to Food Security? Intrahousehold Analysis of West Bengal’s Microplot Allocation Program pp. 860-872 Downloads
Florence Santos, Diana Fletschner, Vivien Savath and Amber Peterman
Environmental Licensing and Conflict in Peru's Mining Sector: A Path-Dependent Analysis pp. 873-883 Downloads
Maiah Jaskoski
Page updated 2025-03-31