World Development
1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes
From Elsevier
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Volume 3, issue 11-12, 1975
- Dynamic models and economic growth pp. 765-783

- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
- Ownership and alienation: Some social and economic implications of Michael Young and Peter Wilmott, The Symmetrical Family pp. 785-798

- Hugh Stretton
- Is `dependence' a useful concept in analysing underdevelopment? pp. 799-810

- Sanjaya Lall
- Economic rents, the distribution of gains from mineral exploitation, and mineral development policy pp. 811-825

- Helen Hughes
- The misconstrued crisis: Lester Brown and world food pp. 827-837

- Lance Taylor
- Achieving greater financial independence for Latin America: A proposal pp. 839-844

- Clark W. Reynolds
- The multinational enterprise and economic internationalism pp. 845-856

- Jack N. Behrman
- Transfer pricing in the multinational corporation: A critical appraisal pp. 857-865

- James S. Hanson
- The ITINTEC system for industrial technology policy in Peru pp. 867-876

- Francisco R. Sagasti
- The British and India: Economists and historians pp. 877-884

- Maxine L. Berg
- Applied communication in developing countries: Ideas and observations: By Andreas Fuglesang. (Uppsala, Sweden: The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, 1973. Pp. 122.) pp. 885-886

- Rita Cruise O'Brien
- Foreign private manufacturing investment and multinational corporations: An annotated bibliography: By Sanjaya Lall. (New York: Praeger, 1975. Pp. ix + 196.$14.50.) pp. 885-885

- Deepak Nayyar
- Copper, the anatomy of an industry: By Sir Ronald Prain. (London: Mining Journal Books Ltd., 1975. Pp. 298. Bibliography. Index. [UK pound]8.75.) pp. 886-888

- M. Radetzki
Volume 3, issue 10, 1975
- Brain drain and income taxation: A UK case study pp. 677-703

- Peter Balacs and Anne Gordon
- The brain drain and income taxation: Canadian estimates pp. 705-716

- Don DeVoretz and Dennis Maki
- The brain drain tax proposal: A lawyer's view pp. 717-749

- Martin Partington
- The brain drain: A tax analysis of the Bhagwati proposal pp. 751-763

- Oliver Oldman and Richard Pomp
Volume 3, issue 9, 1975
- International monetary issues and the developing countries: a survey pp. 609-631

- Geoffrey Maynard and Graham Bird
- International monetary issues and the developing countries: a comment pp. 633-637

- Sidney Dell
- International monetary issues and the developing countries: a comment pp. 639-640

- John Williamson
- Transnational enterprises in the manufacturing sector of the less developed countries pp. 641-650

- G. K. Helleiner
- On technology policy and its institutional frame pp. 651-663

- V. V. Bhatt
- The role of applied research institutes in the transfer of technology in Latin America pp. 665-673

- James M. Utterback
Volume 3, issue 7-8, 1975
- Rural development in China 1949-72, and the lessons to be learned from it pp. 455-471

- John G. Gurley
- Learning from Tachai pp. 473-495

- Neville Maxwell
- China's experience on population control: The elusive model pp. 497-525

- Leo A. Orleans
- Rural industrialization in China: Approaches and results pp. 527-538

- Jon Sigurdson
- The development of health care services in the People's Republic of China pp. 539-549

- Victor W. Sidel and Ruth Sidel
- Economic planning in the People's Republic of China pp. 551-564

- Roland Berger
- `Recycling' in contemporary China pp. 565-573

- K. William Kapp
- China as a trading nation pp. 575-586

- Percy Timberlake
- Chinese aid in action: Building the Tanzania-Zambia railway pp. 587-593

- Martin Bailey
- City planning in China pp. 595-605

- Robin Thompson
- Bibliography: Some recent writings on development in China pp. 607-608

- John Gittings
Volume 3, issue 6, 1975
- Reforming the system of incentives in developing countries pp. 365-382

- Bela Balassa
- Performance criteria and multilateral aid allocation pp. 383-391

- William Cline and Nicholas P. Sargen
- Policies towards multinationals pp. 393-397

- Paul Streeten
- The job crisis in Latin America: A role for multinational corporations in introducing more labour-intensive technologies pp. 399-410

- Doug Hellinger and Steve Hellinger
- Non-monetary capital formation and rural development pp. 411-419

- L. J. Zimmerman
- Development Bank lending: The Cameroon experience pp. 421-425

- Wilfred A. Ndongko
- Toward a rational and equitable new international economic order: A case for negotiated structural changes pp. 427-444

- Reginald Herbold Green and Hans W. Singer
Volume 3, issue 5, 1975
- Special gains from trade with socialist countries: The case of Tanzania pp. 247-271

- Manfred Bienefeld
- India's trade with the socialist countries pp. 273-298

- Deepak Nayyar
- Egypt's economic relations with the socialist countries pp. 299-313

- Robert Mabro
- Pakistan and the socialist countries: Trade and aid pp. 315-328

- Akbar Noman
- Bangladesh's trade and economic relations with the socialist countries pp. 329-334

- Azizur Rahman Khan
- East European aid to India pp. 335-344

- Pramit Chaudhuri
- Soviet oil and the third world pp. 345-360

- Biplab Dasgupta
Volume 3, issue 4, 1975
- The role of multinational corporations in the less developed countries' trade in technology pp. 161-189

- G. K. Helleiner
- National diversity and world progress pp. 191-199

- Donald B. Keesing
- Arab socialism in Egypt pp. 201-211

- Bent Hansen
- Socialism and Indian economic policy pp. 213-221

- Padma Desai and Jagdish Bhagwati
- Socialist development in an underdeveloped country: The case of Tanzania pp. 223-228

- Edmund Clark
- Socialism in less developed countries: Two comments pp. 229-232

- Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro
- The balance of payments: Theory and economic policy: By Robert M. Stern. (London: Macmillan, 1973. Pp. xv+436. [UK pound]8.00.) pp. 233-234

- Deepak Nayyar
Volume 3, issue 2-3, 1975
- Growth, income distribution and equity-oriented development strategies pp. 67-76

- Irma Adelman
- Development and equality: The Indonesian case pp. 77-90

- H. W. Arndt
- Wheat procurement in India in 1974 and related matters pp. 91-111

- Wolf Ladejinsky
- Environment, resources and directions of growth pp. 113-121

- Lincoln Gordon
- Metal mineral resource exhaustion and the threat to material progress: The case of copper pp. 123-136

- Marian Radetzki
- An approach to the training of extension workers pp. 137-139

- Malcolm Harper
- Intercountry income distribution and transnational enterprises: By Constantine V. Vaitsos. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Pp. x + 198. [UK pound]5.00.) pp. 149-151

- Sanjaya Lall
- An economic history of West Africa: By A.G. Hopkins. (London: Longman, 1973. Pp. X + 337.) pp. 151-151

- Frances Stewart
Volume 3, issue 1, 1975
- Industrialization in a unified development strategy pp. 1-9

- Paul Streeten
- Foreign capital and economic growth pp. 11-26

- Colin Stoneman
- What do commissars do? pp. 27-30

- Jagdish N. Bhagwati
- A note on social cost-benefit analysis and class conflict in LDCs pp. 31-39

- Frances Stewart
- Investment in education in developing nations: Policy responses when private and social signals conflict pp. 41-45

- Edgar O. Edwards
- Tenurial reform as a prerequisite to the green revolution pp. 47-58

- J. T. Fleming
- The politics of family planning in the third world: Edited by T.E. Smith. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1973. Pp. 352. [UK pound]5.25.) pp. 59-60

- T. Scarlett Epstein