World Development
1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): O. T. Coomes From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 20, issue 12, 1992
- Performance and potential of information technology: An international perspective pp. 1703-1719

- Ashoka Mody and Carl Dahlman
- Information technology and competitive advantage: Lessons from the developed countries pp. 1721-1736

- Alan Cane
- Informatics in Africa: Lessons from World Bank experience pp. 1737-1752

- Antoun Moussa and Robert Schware
- Use and impact of information technology in Indonesian commercial banks pp. 1753-1768

- David McKendrick
- Banking automation and productivity change: The Brazilian experience pp. 1769-1784

- Claudio Frischtak
- The use of information technology by the port of Singapore authority pp. 1785-1795

- Tan Boon Wan, Eric Lui Chew Wah and Loh Chee Meng
- Keeping pace with change: Organizational and technological imperatives pp. 1797-1816

- Ashoka Mody, Rajan Suri and Jerry Sanders
- Exploiting information technology: A case study of Singapore pp. 1817-1828

- Wong Seng Hon
- Korean telecommunications development: Achievements and cautionary lessons pp. 1829-1841

- Cae-One Kim, Young Kon Kim and Chang-Bun Yoon
- Internationalization of information technology services and public policy implications pp. 1843-1857

- Ken Ducatel and Ian Miles
Volume 20, issue 11, 1992
- Accounting for women's work: the progress of two decades pp. 1547-1560

- Lourdes Beneria
- Financial services for microenterprises: Principles and institutions pp. 1561-1571

- Elisabeth Rhyne and Maria Otero
- Economic environments and differentiation: A comparative study of informal sector economies in Nigeria pp. 1573-1585

- Helmut K. Anheier
- Aid and the Dutch disease: Macroeconomic management when everybody loves you pp. 1587-1597

- Stephen Younger
- The performance of the labor market during recession and structural adjustment: Costa Rica in the 1980s pp. 1599-1616

- Thomas (Tim) Gindling and Albert Berry
- Farmer's rights and genetic conservation in traditional farming systems pp. 1617-1630

- Stephen B. Brush
- The causes of Africa's food crisis pp. 1631-1645

- William K. Jaeger
- The geographic allocation of the European development fund under the Lome Conventions pp. 1647-1661

- M. K. Anyadike-Danes and M. N. Anyadike-Danes
- Multilateral assistance and sustainable development: The case of an IFAD project in the pastoral region of China pp. 1663-1674

- Colin G. Brown and John W. Longworth
- Gender differences in time and energy costs of distance for regular domestic chores in rural Zimbabwe: A case study in the Chiduku communal area pp. 1675-1683

- Assefa Mehretu and Chris Mutambirwa
- Agricultural research bias in Nicaragua: The case of beans pp. 1685-1696

- Ricardo Godoy and Jeremy Hockenstein
- A reply pp. 1699-1702

- Mark McGillivray
Volume 20, issue 10, 1992
- Science, technology and the ecological future of Latin America pp. 1391-1400

- Gilberto Gallopin
- Public participation and poverty alleviation: The experience of reform communists in India's West Bengal pp. 1401-1422

- John Echeverri-Gent
- Adaptation and distress in the urban economy: A study of Kampala households pp. 1423-1441

- Arne Bigsten and Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa
- Linkage, heterogeneity and income determinants in petty trading: The case of Calcutta pp. 1443-1461

- Nandini Dasgupta
- Microenterprise credit programs: Deja vu pp. 1463-1470

- Dale W Adams and J. D. Von Pischke
- Exchange rates, trade liberalization and aid: The Sri Lankan experience pp. 1471-1480

- Howard White and Ganeshan Wignaraja
- Impact of foreign aid on the fiscal behavior of LDC governments pp. 1481-1488

- Haider Khan and Eiichi Hoshino
- Development of financial markets and the size distribution of manufacturing establishments: International comparisons pp. 1489-1499

- Jeffrey Nugent and Mustapha K. Nabli
- A critical evaluation of exchange rate policy in Turkey pp. 1501-1514

- Yaman Asikoglu and Merih Uctum
- Liberalizing foreign direct investment regimes: The vestigial screen pp. 1515-1529

- Alvin G. Wint
- The Paraguayan agro-export model of development pp. 1531-1540

- Richard Weisskoff
- Economics and anthropology: Grounding models in relationships pp. 1541-1546

- Michael Lipton
Volume 20, issue 9, 1992
- Industrialization and its manifold discontents: West, East and South pp. 1225-1232

- Albert Hirschman
- The politics of protecting the poor during adjustment: Bolivia's emergency social fund pp. 1233-1251

- Carol Graham
- Foreign aid in a period of democratization: The case of politically autonomous food funds pp. 1253-1260

- Goran Hyden and Shlomo Reutlinger
- The role of the intellectual in economic development: A constitutional perspective pp. 1261-1277

- Anton Lowenberg and Ben T. Yu
- Death rates, life expentancy and China's economic reforms: A critique of A.K. Sen pp. 1279-1303

- Peter Nolan and John Sender
- Life and death in China: A reply pp. 1305-1312

- Amartya Sen
- A successful failure: Integrated rural development in Zambia pp. 1313-1323

- Allen Fenichel and Bruce Smith
- Response of the equilibrium real exchange rate to real disturbances in developing countries pp. 1325-1334

- Mohsin Khan and Jonathan Ostry
- What happens to investment under structural adjustment: Results from a simulation model pp. 1335-1344

- Nancy C. Benjamin
- Effects of economic integration in industrial countries on ASEAN and the Asian NIEs pp. 1345-1366

- Mordechai Kreinin and Michael Plummer
- Real or illusory growth in an oil-based economy: Government expenditures and private sector investment in Saudi Arabia pp. 1367-1375

- Robert E. Looney
- Small firm "presence" in Indian manufacturing pp. 1377-1389

- Ira Gang
Volume 20, issue 8, 1992
- Household food security and child nutrition: the interaction of income and gender of household head pp. 1077-1085

- Eileen Kennedy and Pauline Peters
- Reform without revolt: the political economy of economic reform in the Gambia pp. 1087-1099

- Steven Radelet
- Short-term resource mobilization for recurrent financing of rural local governments in Tanzania pp. 1101-1113

- Ole Therkildsen and Joseph Semboja
- A step back as donors shift institution building from the public to the "private" sector pp. 1115-1126

- Carrie A. Meyer
- Sustainable agricultural development in China pp. 1127-1144

- Cheng Xu, Han Chunru and Donald C. Taylor
- Taxing tourism in developing countries pp. 1145-1158

- Richard Bird
- The NICs, global accumulation and uneven development: implications of a simple three- region model pp. 1159-1171

- Amitava Dutt
- Effects of exchange rate risk on exports: crosscountry analysis pp. 1173-1181

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Nabil Ltaifa
- External debt, net transfers, and growth in developing countries pp. 1183-1192

- Edmar Bacha
- Colombia's black market in foreign exchange pp. 1193-1207

- Robert Grosse
- Migration from Nicaragua: some recent evidence pp. 1209-1218

- Edward Funkhouser
- Variations on the basic needs yardstick: an application to Colombia pp. 1219-1223

- Sergio Clavijo
Volume 20, issue 7, 1992
- Hunger and poverty in Iraq, 1991 pp. 921-945

- Jean Dreze and Haris Gazdar
- Industrial systems and reform in North Korea: A comparison with China pp. 947-958

- Myoung-Kyu Kang and Keun Lee
- Alternative energy in the third world: A reappraisal of subsidies pp. 959-965

- Ashok V. Desai
- Issues in irrigation pricing in developing countries pp. 967-977

- Rajan K. Sampath
- What makes technology transfer? Small-scale hydropower in Nepal's public and private sectors pp. 979-989

- Godfrey Cromwell
- Labor costs and manufactured exports in developing countries: An econometric analysis pp. 991-1008

- Luis Riveros
- Pitfalls in the measurement of real exchange rate effects on agriculture pp. 1009-1019

- Steven Kyle
- The static welfare economics of a small developing country's membership in a customs union: Botswana in the Southern African Customs Union pp. 1021-1028

- James Leith
- Formalizing the informal sector in a changing South Africa: Small-scale manufacturing on the Witwatersrand pp. 1029-1045

- David Simon and Sarah L. Birch
- Accountability in public services: Exit, voice and control pp. 1047-1060

- Samuel Paul
- The politics of US environmental assistance, 1976-1986 pp. 1061-1076

- Ming Ivory
Volume 20, issue 6, 1992
- The IMF, the World Bank and Africa's adjustment and external debt problems: An unofficial view pp. 779-792

- G. K. Helleiner
- The politics of development policy pp. 793-807

- R. William Liddle
- Household production reconsidered: Gender, labor conflict, and technological change in Malaysia's Muda region pp. 809-823

- Gillian Hart
- Markets, markets everywhere? Understanding the Cuban anomaly pp. 825-839

- Carmen Diana Deere and Mieke Meurs
- Foreign direct investment in a strategically competitive environment: Coca-Cola, Belize, and the international citrus industry pp. 841-857

- Bradford L. Barham
- Interaction between the formal and informal financial sectors: The Asian experience pp. 859-872

- P. B. Ghate
- Management education in China: Past, present and future pp. 873-880

- Shengliang Deng and Yinglou Wang
- District-level economic linkages in Kenya: Evidence based on a small regional social accounting matrix pp. 881-897

- Blane Lewis and Erik Thorbecke
- Intercountry inequalities in income and basic- needs indicators: A recent perspective pp. 899-905

- Rati Ram
- The payoff of developing a small-scale phosphate mine and beneficiating operation in the Mbeya region of Tanzania pp. 907-918

- W. Van Vuuren and J. G. Hamilton
Volume 20, issue 5, 1992
- Fiscal policy and economic reconstruction in Latin America pp. 641-657

- Vito Tanzi
- Trade liberalization and economic stabilization in Mexico: Lessons of experience pp. 659-672

- Adriaan Ten Kate
- Public expenditures in sub-Saharan Africa during a period of economic reforms pp. 673-693

- David Sahn
- Evaluating the impact of Mexico's land reform on agricultural productivity pp. 695-711

- John Richard Heath
- Determinants of smallholder commercial tree cultivation pp. 713-725

- Ricardo A. Godoy
- Economies of scope and the cash crop -- Food crop debate in Senegal pp. 727-734

- Stephan Goetz
- Agrarian reform in West Bengal: The end of an illusion pp. 735-750

- Ross Mallick
- Bauxite processing in Jamaica and Guyana: An extension to aluminum smelting pp. 751-766

- James P. McCoy
- In tribute to the golden age of the South's development pp. 767-777

- Surendra J. Patel
Volume 20, issue 4, 1992
- Introduction pp. 477-479

- Katrina Eadie Brandon and Carter Brandon
- Economic growth and the environment: Whose growth? whose environment? pp. 481-496

- Wilfred Beckerman
- Structural adjustment, primary resource trade and sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 497-512

- Fantu Cheru
- Obligations to future generations: A philosophical note pp. 513-521

- Joanna Pasek
- Can environmental problems be subject to economic calculations? pp. 523-530

- Samir Amin
- Macropolicy and the environment: A framework for analysis pp. 531-540

- Messaye Girma
- An end-user approach to the measurement of performance of capital in an environmental context in Asia pp. 541-555

- Peter Cook and Jonathan Stevens
- Planning for people and parks: Design dilemmas pp. 557-570

- Katrina Eadie Brandon and Michael Wells
- Protecting fragile lands: New reasons to tackle old problems pp. 571-585

- Nancy R. Forster
- Evolving connectedness among environmental groups and grassroots organizations in protected areas of Central America pp. 587-595

- Sheldon Annis
- Recurring contradictions in agrarian development: Pesticide problems in Caribbean basin nontraditional agriculture pp. 597-608

- Douglas L. Murray and Polly Hoppin
- Accelerating ozone layer protection in developing countries pp. 609-618

- Mohan Munasinghe and Kenneth King
- The United Nations development system and environmental management pp. 619-626

- Konrad von Moltke
- The sustainability of privilege: Reflections on the environment, the third world city, and poverty pp. 627-640

- Porus Olpadwala and William W. Goldsmith
Volume 20, issue 3, 1992
- Conceptual issues in the design of trade policy for industrialization pp. 309-320

- Dani Rodnik
- Buyer-seller links in export development pp. 321-334

- Mary Lou Egan and Ashoka Mody
- The revolving door? External debt and capital flight: A Philippine case study pp. 335-349

- James K. Boyce
- Income tax reform in Colombia and Venezuela: A comparative history pp. 351-367

- Charles McLure
- Promoting the sustainability of development institutions: A framework for strategy pp. 369-383

- Derick W. Brinkerhoff and Arthur A. Goldsmith
- Struggling with Honduran poverty: The environmental consequences of natural resource-based development and rural transformations pp. 385-399

- Susan C. Stonich
- The structural transformation of Taiwan's tea industry pp. 401-422

- Dan M. Etherington and Keith Forster
- Segmentation in rural financial markets: the case of Nepal pp. 423-436

- S. Yadav, Keijiro Otsuka and C. C. David
- Fertilizer price and subsidy policies in Bangladesh pp. 437-455

- Raymond Z. H. Renfro
- The management of secondary consequences in dam projects: The case of drawdown agriculture in Indonesia pp. 457-465

- Yunita T. Winarto
- Development: Creator and destroyer of values pp. 467-475

- Denis Goulet
Volume 20, issue 2, 1992
- Software industry entry strategies for developing countries: A "walking on two legs" proposition pp. 143-164

- Robert Schware
- Technological capabilities and industrialization pp. 165-186

- Sanjaya Lall
- The government, financial system, and large private enterprises in the economic development of South Korea pp. 187-197

- Chung H. Lee
- A subsector approach to small enterprise promotion and research pp. 199-212

- James J. Boomgard, Stephen P. Davies, Steven Haggblade and Donald C. Mead
- Gender and state bias in Jamaican housing programs pp. 213-227

- Thomas H. Klak and Jeanne K. Hey
- Popular participation and central planning in Cuban socialism: The experience of agriculture in the 1980s pp. 229-240

- Mieke Meurs
- Integration of environmental concerns into agricultural policies of industrial and developing countries pp. 241-253

- Ernst Lutz and Michael Young
- A framework for improving environmental management: Beyond the market mechanism pp. 255-259

- Michael R. Redclift
- Sustaining agricultural development in harsh environments: Insights from private land reclamation in Egypt pp. 261-274

- Thomas P. Tomich
- Technology adoption on small farms pp. 275-282

- Ganesh P. Rauniyar and Frank M. Goode
- The time-series behavior of Brazilian real gross domestic product, 1947-87: An analysis of interventions pp. 283-288

- Alexandre A. Tombini and Paul Newbold
- Balance of payments, output and prices in Tanzania pp. 289-302

- Ardeshir Sepehri
- Determinants of health care expenditure in Africa: A cross-sectional study pp. 303-308

- Kwame P. Gbesemete and Ulf-G. Gerdtham
Volume 20, issue 1, 1992
- Indian informatics in the 1980s: The changing character of state involvement pp. 1-18

- Peter B. Evans
- Below the line: Poverty in Latin America pp. 19-37

- Eliana Cardoso and Ann Helwege
- Housing markets in third world cities: Research and policy into the 1990s pp. 39-55

- Carole Rakodi
- Moneylenders and informal financial markets in Malawi pp. 57-68

- Bruce R. Bolnick
- Public enterprise reform in Papua New Guinea pp. 69-81

- Alan Whitworth
- Deindustrialization, adjustment, the World Bank and the IMF in Africa pp. 83-95

- Howard Stein
- Choice of technology in small and large firms: Grain milling in Tanzania pp. 97-107

- M. S. D. Bagachwa
- The broth and the cooks: A theory of surplus labor pp. 109-117

- Kaushik Basu
- On measuring the quality of life pp. 119-131

- Partha Dasgupta and Martin Weale
- Of finance and development: Neglected and unsettled questions pp. 133-142

- Anand Chandavarkar
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