International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 18, issue 6, 2024
- Human Resources Practices in the Context of Sustainability: The Forestry Case pp. 1

- Katia C. de A. Vasconcelos, Annor da Silva Junior and Priscilla de Oliveira Martins da Silva
- Assessing the Impact of Banks’ High-Tech Investments on Efficiency: What Is the Actual Relationship Direction? pp. 13

- Francesca Pampurini and Anna Grazia Quaranta
- Are Colors Influential in Changing the Attitudes and Behaviors of Customers in Their Purchase Decision-Making? pp. 27

- Najah Salamah
- Drivers and Barriers towards Circular Economy: A Systematic Review on Consumer Perspective in the Consumer Journey pp. 36

- Carina Pasqualotto, Claudio Hoffmann Sampaio and Daniela Callegaro de Menezes
- Relationship between Student Expectations, Perceptions, and Personal Characteristics in Integrated Technical Courses pp. 52

- Sandro V. Soares, Giovana R. Smania, Carlos R. M. Lima, Thiago C. Soares and Clarissa C. Mussi
- The Impact of Privatization on Employee Job Insecurity: The Case of the Healthcare Sector in Saudi Arabia pp. 65

- Mahmoud Ibrahim Fallatah and Jawiriyyah Mohammed Halawani
- Post-merger IT Integration in Banking: Literature Review pp. 77

- Serhiy Kovela, Amanda Annandale, Brett Annandale and Peter N. Jackson
- Boards of Directors and High-Tech Sectors Affect ESG Disclosure Quality: An Empirical Analysis of Global Firms pp. 97

- Arcangelo Marrone, Vincenzo Pontrelli and Lara Oliva
- From Uncertainty to Precision: Advancing Industrial Rework Rate Analysis with Fuzzy Logic pp. 119

- Fábio de Oliveira Neves and Eduardo Gomes Salgado
- Web's Progression: Moving from Passive Content Consumption to Active Content Creation and Content Validation pp. 135

- Tegegne Tesfaye Haile
- Assessment Method of Bioenergy in the Industrial Sector pp. 143

- Fábio de Oliveira Neves, Eduardo Gomes Salgado, Arthur Arnoni Occhiutto, José Augusto Zorel and Ernandes Benedito Pereira
- Research on the Development of Short-Term Financial Products in Hong Kong, China pp. 161

- Yilin Cai
- Practical Logic and Development Path of Urban Hawker Governance from the Perspective of Responsible Politics pp. 170

- Xin-Yu Liu and Song-Zhi Yu
- The Insights of Japanese Street Stall Management and Cultural Design for the Development of China's Street Economy pp. 179

- Zhen Wu, Muyang Wu and Baidian Yan
- How can Corporate Assistance Help Rural Revitalization? Empirical Evidence and Case Study from Wangmo County, Guizhou Province pp. 184

- Desheng Zhang, Junchao Zhou and Zhaowei Zhang
- Feminist Economics and Feminist Accounting in Dialogue: The Contribution to World Inequalities and Ecological Emergencies pp. 202

- Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Antonietta Cosentino, Mara Del Baldo and Angela Magistro
- Market Entry Form Choices of Multi-Sided Platforms in the Travel Booking Sector pp. 222

- Neubert Michael
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 6 pp. 234

- Stephen Lee
Volume 18, issue 5, 2023
- Predicting the Evolution of Literature on Industrial Symbiosis Using Topic Modeling pp. 1

- Alessandra Sorrentini Sorrentini, Massimo Valeri, Francesca Sorrentini and Antonella Russo
- Local Centers and Their Connectivity: Globalization and the Need of Centralization pp. 16

- Filipe Pohlmann Gonzaga
- Developing an Instrument That Explores Customers’ Experience with Banking E-Services during the COVID†19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia pp. 23

- Sager Alharthi
- Interdisciplinary Approaches in Business Studies: Applications and Challenges pp. 33

- Mostafa Torabi
- Strategic Plan Audits: Structure and Expected Outcomes pp. 43

- Douglas Auld
- The Impact of Digital Transformation in the Egyptian Private Universities on Achieving Organizational Excellence, Using the German University in Cairo as a Model pp. 47

- Gihan Essam El-Din Ibrahim
- Determinants of Capital Adequacy Ratio in the Banking Sector: Evidence from the Arab Region pp. 63

- Rami Obeid
- Sequential versus Simultaneous: The Variety-Seeking in Gift Giving pp. 72

- Claudio Hoffmann Sampaio and Carolina Brun Ruga
- Systematic Review of Decision-Making Tools, Alternatives and Criteria in Urban Solid Waste Management pp. 82

- Augusto D. Alvarenga, Aline A. S. Pereira and Eduardo G. Salgado
- Credit Constraints and Bank Failures: A Macroprudential Perspective on the U.S. Commercial Banking Sector pp. 100

- Ujjal K. Chatterjee, John M. Downs, Aref A. Hervani and Joseph French
- The Effects of Total Quality Management through Knowledge Management as a Mediator on Company Sustainability in Saudi Arabian Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 112

- Mohammed Abdul Raheem A. Yaseen
- Time Waster in Nursing Career Field Study in Medical Baghdad City pp. 128

- Maysoon Abdul Kareem Mohammed and Khalaf Rashim Flayeh
- Scratchs Analysis of an LCC Project Using a Bayesian Network Model pp. 141

- Leandro Aparecido da Silva, Renan Borba Costa, Flaviano Costa Dantas, Josue Vitor de Medeiros Junior, Andre Morais Gurgel and Afranio Galdino de Araujo
- Employing the Technology Acceptance Model to Explore Moodle’s Online Learning System and Its Effect on Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use pp. 154

- Manal Y. Alduaij, Mariam A. Alterkait and Aljawhara Almutarie
- Identification of Sustainable Practices in Brazilian Companies: A Case Study in the Food Sector pp. 160

- Daniella Rita de Carvalho Souza, Eduardo Gomes Salgado and Jean Marcel Sousa Lira
- Digital Communication in Sport Sector: A Brief Analysis of the Pandemic Crisis Period pp. 177

- Asli Cazorla Milla, Monica Machado and Leonardo Jose Mataruna-Dos-Santos
- The Effect of Managerial Skills on Internal Service Quality: A Study of City Administrations in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, Based on Katz’s Managerial Skills Model and Yaoli’s Internal Service Quality Measures pp. 187

- Kebede Molla Melkamu
- The Digital Hawker Economy in Dalian from the Perspective of Alienation of Labor: Logic, Connotation, and Pathways pp. 211

- Song-Zhi Yu and Xin-Yu Liu
- Executive Decisions in Emergencies and Innovation in Supply Chain: A Suggested Model pp. 220

- Mahmoud M. H. Alayis and Nermine Atteya
- Effects of Islamic Modes of Financing on Profitability of Banking Institutions pp. 237

- Dayah Abdi Kulmie, Mohamed Abdirahman Abdulle, Mukhtar Sheikh Hussein and Hussein Abdi Mohamud
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 5 pp. 255

- Stephen Lee
Volume 18, issue 4, 2023
- Organizational Training in Startups: The Incubators Perspective in Turbulent Times pp. 1

- Angelo Rosa
- Testing for Generational Difference Impacts on Employee New Job Seeking Intent in Response to COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter Movement pp. 13

- Bucky Fairfax, Gary Blau and Hill Tl
- A Behavioral Interpretation of Volatility Patterns in Brazilian Stock Market: Analysis of Pre and Post-COVID-19 Periods from 2019 to 2021 pp. 24

- Roberta Muramatsu, Pedro Vartanian and Gabriel de Andrade Moraes
- Cybersecurity Training in Organization as Human Capital Investment: A Qualitative Grounded Theory Analysis pp. 38

- Yuying Shen, Carlene Buchanan Turner and Claude Turner
- Financial Statement Restatements and Conditional Conservatism in Companies Listed on B3 pp. 49

- Paulo Vitor Souza de Souza, Henrique Carvalho Bezerra Morais, Silvia Nayara Costa de Leao and Romulo Bruno da Cunha Campos
- Establishing Effective Business/ Stakeholder Networks to Underpin Regional Digital Strategies pp. 63

- Jan Frick
- Factors Influencing Consumer Complaint Intentions: Saudi Online Shopping pp. 69

- Saeed Badghish and Alaa Shagagi
- The Work-Life Balance Machine pp. 83

- Olawunmi Elizabeth Eniola
- Legal Amazon Biome and Amazon Fund: Economic-Financial Sustainability and Socio-Environmental Responsibility of Civil Society Organizations pp. 113

- Jose Antonio De Franca, Isabela Ribeiro de Sousa, Paulo Cesar Melo Mendes, Eduardo Tadeu Vieira, Clesia Camilo Pereira and Sergio Ricardo Miranda Nazare
- A Hazardous Materials Treatment Business Modelling in the Industry 4.0 Perspective pp. 127

- Alessandra Stefanoni, Pavel Malyzhenkov, Maurizio Masi, Enrico Maria Mosconi and Fabrizio Rossi
- Drivers of Coopetition in the Plastic and Composites Material Industry pp. 139

- Said Echchakoui and Simon Chrétien
- Readiness of Digital Transformation among Malaysian Digital Talents pp. 161

- Kwek Choon Ling, Mary Lee Siew Cheng, Alina Yap May Ling, Cham Kai Sin and Zhang Li
- Impact of Diversity of Executive Team Career Experience and Cooperation Openness on Breakthrough Innovation Performance pp. 182

- Yan-hui Wei, Shao-hu Wang, Na Liu and Jian-qi Mao
- From Market Segmentation to Customer Loyalty pp. 192

- Ivan Sciascia
- Intra-organizational Coopetition: Antecedents, Dynamics, and Outcomes of the Interplay between Cooperation and Competition pp. 200

- Rafaela Nascimento Bühler, Lucieli Cátia Tubin, Gabriela Zortea Duarte and Jorge Renato Verschoore
- Quality of Government and Well-being: An Empirical Analysis of 158 European Regions pp. 210

- Elisabetta Reginato, Luca Massa, Isabella Fadda and Aldo Pavan
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 4 pp. 228

- Stephen Lee
Volume 18, issue 3, 2023
- Financial Inclusion: Factors Influencing on Customer Adoption of Mobile Banking Services in Bangladesh pp. 1

- K. M. Salah Uddin and Tahmina Begum
- Blue Economy Literature Review pp. 12

- Marwan Youssef
- An Examination of Community Colleges in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 19

- Nidhi Aggarwal
- A Proposed Framework for the Development of the Internal Control System According to the COSO Model: An Applied Study pp. 24

- Iskandar Mahmoud Nashwan and Khaled Eid Ashour
- The Effect of Strategic Vigilance on Organizational Excellence the Mediating Role of Strategic Foresight pp. 52

- Ramzi M. Altarawneh
- Financing Moderation in the Relationship of Investing Activities and the Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio pp. 64

- La Madjid Samryn
- IPO Timing in Family and Non-Family Firms: Investigating the CEO’s Characteristics Role pp. 78

- Emmadonata Carbone and Riccardo Vigano
- Innovation Climate and Attraction and Retention of Human Capital Among Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: The Moderating Effect of Founder Characteristics pp. 92

- Mbadi Olila, Jackson Maalu and Florence Muindi
- The Influence of Platform Leadership on Innovation Performance of Knowledge Workers: From the Perspective of Organizational Resilience and Innovation Self-Efficacy pp. 107

- Jifu Yang and Tongquan Zhang
- Do Corporate Governance Internal Characteristics Affect the Level of Sustainability Reporting in Saudi Arabian Banks? pp. 123

- Mahdi Alhamami
- Openness, Innovation, and Sustainability in Museum Organizations pp. 134

- Angelo Ruggieri and Stella Lippolis
- China-ASEAN Location Investment Decisions-Analysis from Enterprise Level pp. 151

- Haiting Rao
- A Study on the Impact of Big Data Management on Business Agility—The Moderating Role of Corporate Strategy and Environmental Uncertainty pp. 169

- Yi Chen and Yinjin Xiao
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 3 pp. 178

- Stephen Lee
Volume 18, issue 2, 2023
- Aligning Leaders and Organizations During Role Transitions: Addressing Issues of Competency, Role Identity, and Authentic Prototypicality pp. 1

- Sam Rockwell
- Customer Satisfaction Quality in Banking Sector pp. 15

- Raad Mamduh Khaleel Khashman
- The Role of Employee Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Happiness at Work at a Saudi Organization pp. 27

- Mohammad A. Algarni and Meshari Alemeri
- Managerial Roles as a Strategy Implementation Driver and Performance of the National Government Departments in Kenya pp. 39

- Titus Musyoka Kilonzi, Rukia Atikiya and Wallace N. Atambo
- How Does Employee Satisfaction and Motivation Affect Productivity? pp. 55

- Salem Alanizan
- Capacity Building and Performance of Donor-Funded Projects in Nairobi City County Kenya pp. 61

- John K. Kanyi and Rosemary James
- The Impact of FinTech Merge Operation on Financial Performance: Evidence from a Banking International Sample pp. 72

- Candida Bussoli, Danilo Conte and Marco Barone
- Psychological Factors Influencing Entrepreneur’s Hometown Identity in Relation to Eco-Innovation pp. 87

- Agyemang Rama, Shuangying Chen and Konan Martin
- Is the Performance of Conventional and Shariah-Compliant Portfolios Two Sides of the Same Coin? Evidence from Bursa Malaysia pp. 101

- Hani Nuri Rohuma
- The Impact of Tendering Management Practices on Oil & Gas Project Scope Creep in the UAE: A Structural Equation Modeling Method pp. 117

- Awadh M. Alkarbi, Mian M. Ajmal and Abdelrahim M. Zabadi
- Dynamic Capabilities, Human Capital, Firm Innovation: Evidence from Nairobi, Kenya, During COVID-19 pp. 132

- Belinda K. Muriuki, Zack B. Awino, Madara M. Ogot and James N. Muranga
- Improving Employee Performance and Public Service Delivery through Training and Development: Case of Civil Service of Federal Government of Somalia pp. 145

- Abdijabbar Ismail Nor
- Public-Private Partnerships in West Africa: A Policy Comparison of Nigeria and Ghana pp. 158

- Michael Opara and Colman Kelechukwu Ozor
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 2 pp. 168

- Stephen Lee
Volume 18, issue 1, 2023
- Applying the Principles of Indigenous Logistics Systems to Supply Chain Management in Africa: Learning from Historical Culture in Nigeria pp. 1

- Adebayo Adeleke
- The Impact of Tourism Income on Foreign Reserves in Jordan during the Period 2005-2020 pp. 16

- Amjad Qwader and Ateyah Alawneh
- Stimuli of Organization Citizenship Behavior and Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Strategy Awareness pp. 26

- Adnan A. S. Alali
- A Study on the Prospect of the Cloud Kitchen Model in Dhaka pp. 46

- Tanveer Ahmed Khan, Samin Arman Khan, Shadatul Haque and Md. Fahad Been Ayub
- Evolving Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies in Nigeria pp. 60

- Eromafuru Edward Godbless and Ohwojero Kelvin Obaro
- The Effects of EVC Plus on Firm’s Sales Performance pp. 75

- Abdisalan Salad Warsame
- Does Learning Orientation Drive New Product Competitive Advantage and Success? A Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions pp. 81

- Ceyhan Kilic and Turkan Dursun
- The Effect of E-Marketing on The Performance of Small Business Enterprises pp. 88

- Khalid Naser AL Zubi
- An Analytical View on the Theranos Fraud and the Way Forward–An Accounting Perspective pp. 100

- Janine Bundy and Ikechukwu Ndu
- The Audit Quality and the Cessation of the Activity of the Companies pp. 108

- Marco Maggiorani
- Personality Traits and Whistleblowing on Twitter: The Moderating Roles of Moral Identity and Politics Perceptions pp. 117

- Feiyan Chen and Shengmin Liu
- Supply Chain Resilience in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Qualitative Analysis from Scholarly and Managerial Perspectives pp. 129

- Francesca Faggioni, Marco Valerio Rossi and Andrea Sestino
- Mathematical Models and Methods for Infrastructure Investments: A Critical Analysis of the Models and Methodologies for Infrastructure Investments, Proposed by EDHEC Business School and Moody’s pp. 147

- Cecilia Mackie
- Characteristics of Games and Online Purchase Decisions: An Analysis in the Italian Gambling Market pp. 173

- Paolo Calvosa
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18 No. 1 pp. 192

- Stephen Lee
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