International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 13, issue 12, 2021
- Jordanian Society and the Tourism Profession from the Point of View of Tourism Workers pp. 1

- Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh
- Belt and Road Initiative: A Spirit of Chinese Cultural Thought pp. 9

- Muhammad Asif and Yang Bo Ling
- The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment in the Relationship between the Empowering Leadership Behavior and Work Engagement: A Study Applied on the Cement Sector in Upper Egypt pp. 18

- Adel R. M. Rayan, Ahmed S. M. Sebaie and Nagwa A. Ahmed
- The Moderating Role of Family Control on the Relationship between Audit Committee Financial Expertise and Earnings Management pp. 31

- Yousef Abu Siam, Mohammed Idris and Saleh Al- Okdeh
- Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Role in Achieving Creativity for Teaching Staff Members at Jordanian Universities pp. 38

- Ahmad Areiqat, May Ahmad and Ahmad Alheet
- Value Creation and Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Dividend Champions of the S&P 500 pp. 50

- Marina Damilano, Nicola Miglietta, Enrico Battisti and Fabio Creta
- The Impact of Turning Jordan into an Economic Free Zone on the Flow of Foreign Investments pp. 61

- Ahmad Y. Areiqat and Hanan Ibrahim
- Analysis and Predictions of Seasonal Affected Weather Variables of Bangladesh: SARIMA Models vs. Traditional Models pp. 70

- Md. Salauddin Khan, Masudul Islam, Sajal Adhikary, Md. Murad Hossain and Sohani Afroja
- The Extent to Which the Corporate Governance Characteristics Has Affected the Audit Report Lag in Jordanian Banks pp. 81

- Lina Hani Warrad
- The Effect of Execution the Privatization Program on the Final Account (The Actual Revenues and Expenditures) in Jordan pp. 93

- Nawaf Abdallah Aljundi and Ibrahim Ali Alqadi
- Measuring the Efficiency of Public Hospitals in Saudi Arabia Using the Data Envelopment Analysis Approach pp. 111

- Mansour Abdullah Almiman
- Impact of Financial and Non-Financial Voluntary Disclosure on Stock Liquidity for Jordanian Industrial Shareholding Companies Listed on Amman Stock Exchange pp. 125

- Ziad Abdul Halim AlTheibeh, Oday Abdulraheem Alhyari and Mohyedin Hamza
- Occupational Stress and Demographic Characteristics among Information Technology Professionals pp. 140

- R. N. Anantharaman, Rajeswari K S, Ajitha A and Jayanty K
- The Impact of Tourism on the Local Economy in Malaysia pp. 151

- Chin-Hong Puah, Meng-Chang Jong, Norazirah Ayob and Shafinar Ismail
- Factors Influencing the Attitude of University Students’ toward Online Shopping: Evidence from Some Selected Universities of Chittagong pp. 158

- Mir Md. Tariqul Alam
- Women Do the Job: The Reasons to Set Quota for Women on Boards pp. 167

- Sara De Masi, Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska and Andrea Paci
- Firm Characteristics and Innovation Activity: A Study of Italian Family Firms pp. 180

- Murad Harasheh, Alessandro Capocchi and Andrea Amaduzzi
- The Customer Flow in Chinese Audit Market after SEC Punishment pp. 193

- Longyuan Sun and Xiaohui Li
- A Comparison of the Main ERM Frameworks: How Limitations and Weaknesses can be Overcome Implementing IT Governance pp. 203

- Michele Rubino
- Empirical Evidence on CEO Reputation: Perspectives, Actions and Influence pp. 215

- Maria Giovanna Confetto, Francesca Conte and Claudia Covucci
- Size and Value Anomalies in European Bank Stocks pp. 227

- Barbara Fidanza and Ottorino Morresi
- Adoption of Integrated Reporting: Reasons and Benefits—A Case Study Analysis pp. 244

- Filippo Vitolla and Nicola Raimo
- The Macaulay Duration: A Key Indicator for the Risk-Adjustment in Fair Value pp. 251

- Francesca Beccacece, Roberto Tasca and Luisa Tibiletti
- Is There Any Value in the Banks Brand? pp. 261

- Emanuel Bagna
- Burt- Or Coleman-Type Rents, Or a Bit of Both? Knowledge Management Strategies in Suppliers’ Networks pp. 274

- Gilda Antonelli, Edoardo Mollona and Luigi Moschera
- Early Termination Clauses for Leasing Contracts with APR Cap pp. 290

- Luciano Quattrocchio, Luisa Tibiletti and Mariacristina Uberti
- The Influence of E-Commerce in Changing Competition in Regulated Industries: An Analysis in the Italian Sports Betting Market pp. 306

- Paolo Calvosa
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 12 pp. 324

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 11, 2021
- Academic Motivation Scale: Development, Application and Validation for Portuguese Accounting and Marketing Undergraduate Students pp. 1

- Rui Silva, Ricardo Rodrigues and Carmem Leal
- Effects of Materiality Assessment on Internal Controls over Financial Reporting Maturity pp. 17

- Stefano Azzali, Tatiana Mazza, Luca Fornaciari and Laura Trinchera
- Influence of Celebrity Credibility on Brand Community Commitment towards Disaster Management Programs in Sri Lanka pp. 35

- Ravindra Dissanayake
- The Social Media Usage and its Impact on the Innovative Behavior: The Mediator Role of Information Technology: A Field Study in the Information and Communication Technology Organizations in Jordan pp. 46

- Khalid Mahmmod Ahmad Mansour and Fayez Jomah Saleh Al-Najjar
- Sustainability Practices and Banks Financial Performance: A Conceptual Review from the Islamic Banking Industry in Malaysia pp. 61

- Amin Jan, Maran Marimuthu, Muhammad Pisol bin @Mat Isa and Pia A. Albinsson
- The Influence of the Implementation of Job Rotation on Employees’ Perceived Job Satisfaction pp. 89

- Anna Elizabeth Van Wyk, Ilze Swarts and Chipo Mukonza
- Analysis on the Evolution Path of Promoting the College Students' Entrepreneurship pp. 102

- Tian Yanan
- Usability of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Swedish Language Learning for Newcomers in Sweden pp. 110

- Samer Alkhouli
- Store Brand Equity: An Explorative Study pp. 122

- Guido Cristini, Cristina Zerbini and Elisa Martini
- Overconfident Newsvendor’s Joint Pricing and Ordering Decisions under the Additive Demand Case pp. 135

- Li Ying and Guo Gui-hang
- An Italian Business Model for Engaging Organisations to Social Wellness: A Focus on the for Benefit Companies pp. 142

- Maria Antonella Ferri and Maria Palazzo
- Predicting the Virtual Financial Communication Content: A Discriminant Analysis Applied on Small and Medium Stocks pp. 156

- Youssef Saida
- Mobile Advertising Optimization Strategy Based on SICAS Model in China pp. 169

- Liu Jingyan and Huang Liwen
- Impact of Internal Control System Structures According to (COSO) Model on the Operational Performance of Construction Companies in the Gaza Strip: An Empirical Study pp. 176

- Iskandar M. Nashwan
- Challenges Facing the Organization of Tourism Programs to Jordan pp. 192

- Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh
- The Crowdfunding: A New Financial Instrument for the Start-Ups? pp. 199

- Marina Damilano and Cristina Rovera
- Aircraft Wet Leases: Accounting Dissonance with Competitive Strategy and Travelers’ Perspectives pp. 214

- Francesco Bellandi
- Integrated Reporting: Development and State of Art —The Italian Case in the International Context pp. 233

- Filippo Vitolla, Nicola Raimo and Elbano De Nuccio
- Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility (ECSR) As a Predictor of Consumer’s Green Behavior pp. 241

- Siti Munerah, Seethaletchumy Thambiah and Saravanan Muthaiyah
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 11 pp. 250

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 10, 2021
- The Influence of Pension Scheme Maturity on Investment Strategies of Pension Funds in Kenya pp. 1

- Wilson Ngugi, Amos Njuguna and Francis Wambalaba
- Effects of Work-life Balance Policies on Corporate Performance and the Promotion of Female Employee pp. 9

- Mamiko Takeuchi
- Communication and Data Processing in Local Public Group: Transparency and Accountability pp. 20

- Paolo Pietro Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia and Daniel Iannaci
- An Investigation of the Job Performance of Administrative Staff in Government Hospitals, Malaysia pp. 38

- Suguna Sinniah, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed, Vimala Kadiresan, Prem Kumar Nadarajan, Adam Arif Lee Aik Keang, Azeyan Awee and Che Siti Lazrina Md Lazim
- Impact of Benefits and Barriers of Implementing Human Resources Information System on Staff Performance at Al-Balqa Applied University pp. 47

- Mohammad Izzat Alhalalmeh
- How Did Organizational Resilience Work Before and after the Financial Crisis? An Empirical Study pp. 54

- Pamela Palmi, Domenico Morrone, Pier Paolo Miglietta and Giulio Fusco
- A Study on Economic Spatial Structure of Urban Agglomerations in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area pp. 63

- Jincheng Yang, Xinqu Xia and Mu Zhang
- Competitive Repertoire Complexity: A Potential Mediator in the Upper Echelons Propositions? pp. 83

- Patriciah G. Mwangi, Zachary B. Awino, Kennedy O. Ogollah and Ganesh P. Pokhariyal
- Self-Disclosure in Social Networking Sites in Saudi Arabia pp. 96

- Basmah Emad ALQadheeb and Othman Ibraheem Alsalloum
- Diversity Training and its Impact on the Employees’ Organizational Commitment: Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable in the Classic Fashion Apparel Industry Company pp. 116

- Rokaya AL-Badareen and Hadeel Al-Ghazzawi
- Antecedents of Expectation and Continuance on Internet Group Buying Intention: An Empirical Study in Taiwan pp. 130

- Fan-Chuan Tseng
- Service Dominant Logic, Open Innovation Intermediaries and Innovative Capacities: Towards a Theoretical Framework pp. 146

- Mirko Perano, Gian Luca Casali and Tindara Abbate
- Evaluation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Innovation Performance Growth in Malaysia pp. 161

- Rashidah Binti Mohamad Ibrahim, Abasiti Victor Abraham and Wan Abd Aziz Bin Wan Mohd Amin
- Status Quo and Development of Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry from the Perspective of Machine Tool Export Models and Major Exporting Countries pp. 173

- Jui-Lung Chen
- Brand Equity and Business Performance in Family and Non-Family Mexican Small Business pp. 182

- Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzman, Sandra Yesenia Pinzón-Castro and Dolly Anabel Ortiz-Lazcano
- The Contribution of Audit Committees in the Reduction of the Liquidity Risk Levels in the Jordanian Commercial Banks pp. 192

- Mohammad Al-Hajaia and Firas Hashem
- Performance and Competences in Call Centre: The Effect of Leadership Style pp. 204

- Alessia Berni and Luigi Moschera
- How Does Corporate Governance Affect Bank Performance? The Mediating Role of Risk Governance pp. 212

- Paola Leone, Carmen Gallucci and Rosalia Santulli
- Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from Europe pp. 230

- Antonio Salvi, Candida Bussoli, Lavinia Conca and Marisa Gigante
- Financing a PPP Project: Sources and Financial Instruments—Case Study from China pp. 240

- Nguyen Ngoc Linh, Xiao Wan and Hoang Thi Thuy
- Types of Vignettes and Ethical Decision-Making among Business Education Students pp. 249

- Prisca Mary Oluoch, Paul Amollo Odundo, John Mwangi and Charles Richard Oyier
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Managment, Vol. 13 No. 10 pp. 259

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 9, 2018
- Work Design: Rethinking How Technology Is Used In University Classrooms pp. 1

- Leslie J. Wardley, Charles H. Belanger and Suchita Bali
- Contingency Model of Multiple SNSs Running Strategy in Art and Cultural Institutions pp. 13

- Joosun Yum, Kihwan Kim and Stephanie Mazzei
- Exploring the Role of Quality of Work Life in Building Learning Organization: Applied Study on the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies pp. 24

- Yazan Emnawer Al Haraisa
- Halal Tourism through the Lens of Generation Z in a Muslim Majority Country: Implications on Tourist Services pp. 36

- Alfonso Vargas-Sanchéz and Mirko Perano
- Building Transparent Knowledge Management Networks in the Public Sector pp. 50

- Rossella Aiello, Marco Bisogno and Giancarlo Nota
- Study on Perception of Organization Justice among Non-Academic Staff of Tertiary Education in Selangor Malaysia pp. 67

- Agbonmwandolor Bobby Efosa and Amirreza Salehipour
- Are All Independent Directors the Same? Evidence from Italian Listed Companies pp. 78

- Paolo Tenuta, Domenico Rocco Cambrea and Debora Fazzari
- Knowledge Technology Transfer: A Spatial Analysis within the Triad pp. 89

- Luigi Aldieri, Marisa Faggini and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- Co-Evolutionary Prospects in Tourism pp. 95

- Marco Valeri and Leslie Fadlon
- Criteria for Performance Appraisal in Saudi Arabia, and Employees Interpretation of These Criteria pp. 106

- Saleh H. Alharbi
- Defining Health Service Eco-System “Infection”: A Critical Analysis of Patient Surveys pp. 118

- Maria V. Ciasullo, Orlando Troisi, Silvia Cosimato and Alex Douglas
- Ownership Concentration and Going Concern: Evidence from Jordanian Listed Firms pp. 139

- Mohammed Hassan Makhlouf and Fares Jamiel Al-Sufy
- Patients Loyalty Framework towards Healthcare Services in Malaysia pp. 148

- Kastury Gohain, Seethaletchumy Thambiah and Tan Chuie Hong
- Strategic Planning Process Intensity and Formality Impact on the Performance of Accredited Universities in Kenya pp. 153

- Christine A. Kabui, Vincent N. Machuki, John K. Yabs and James M. Njihia
- The Role of Intangibles in the Creation of Company Value pp. 161

- Graziella Sicoli
- Management Control Systems and Integrated Reporting: Which Relationships? The Case of the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti Ancona pp. 169

- Marco Gatti, Maria Serena Chiucchi and Marco Montemari
- Italian Economics Departments’ Scientific Research Performance: Comparison between VQR and ASN Methodologies pp. 182

- Gennaro Guida
- Influence of the Psychological Capital and Perceived Organizational Support on Subjective Career Success: The Mediating Role of Women's Career Adaptability in the Saudi Context pp. 189

- Mona Mohamed Sayed Ibrahim and Amina Ahmed Amari
- The Relationship amongst Person-Organization Fit, Safety Consciousness, Safety Climate and Safety Behavior pp. 208

- Ferit Olcer and Cemal Durmuscelebi
- Determinants of Corporate Cash Holding of Non-Financial Firms Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange pp. 222

- Constantine Barasa, George Achoki and Amos Njuguna
- Human Capital Investment Model Based on Outsourcing Human Resources in Banking Industries pp. 236

- Widodo Widodo, Sri Hindah Pudjiastuti and Joko Bomber Su
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 9 pp. 244

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 8, 2018
- Accounting Education for Professional Accountants: Evidence from Italy pp. 1

- Giovanna Lucianelli and Francesca Citro
- The Impact of the External Environment on the Growth of the Italian Academic Spin-Offs: A Cross-Sectional Analysis pp. 16

- Ivano De Turi and Antonello Garzoni
- Determinants of Capital Structure within the Context of Corporate Governance in Egypt pp. 26

- Hanaa El-Habashy
- Effect of Household Factors on Repayment Ability among Islamic Microfinance Borrowers in Bangladesh pp. 40

- Farzana Sharmin and Ridzwan Bakar
- Does Leadership Style Influence Organizational Effectiveness in Non-Governmental Organizations? pp. 52

- Grace Mwai, Juliana Namada and Paul Katuse
- The Governance and Its Impact on the Organizational Intelligence from the Point of View for the Employees of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) in Jordan pp. 65

- Eyad Al Rawashdeh
- Social Networking Sites Acceptance: The Role of Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology pp. 75

- T. R. Wijesundara and Sun Xixiang
- The Role of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ERP in Improving Customer Relationship Management CRM: An Empirical Study of Safeway Company of Jordan pp. 86

- Nader Aljawarneh and Ziyad Alomari
- The Roles of Islamic Religiosity, Brand Image and Knowledge on Relationship between Perceived Value and Tourist Satisfaction: A Review pp. 101

- Nashrul Hakimi, Noorshella Binti Che Nawi, Mohamad Ismail, Md Zaki Muhamad Hasan, Asrul Hery Ibrahim and Noorul Azwin Md Nasir
- Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in an Internet Service Providers pp. 108

- Jamal Joudeh and Ala’ O. Dandis
- The Impact of Culture on Business Negotiation Styles: A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and China pp. 121

- Shen Gangyi, Md Hoque and Peng Zhangwen
- Perceiving Competitiveness under the Restructuring Process of Globalization pp. 135

- Charis Vlados, Nikolaos Deniozos, Dimos Chatzinikolaou and Michail Demertzis
- The Role of the Participatory Depositor in the Governance of Islamic Banks pp. 154

- Simona Franzoni and Asma Ait Allali
- Evaluation of the Methods of Dealing with the Problem of Mental Dissonance of the Consumer after the Purchase Process to Ensure Repeat of Purchase (Apple Mobile Phones Company) pp. 167

- Somaia Osman Mohamed Abdelgadir
- Understanding Relationship between Milestone and Decision-Making in Project Management: A Qualitative Study among Project Managers in Saudi Arabia pp. 184

- Umar Altahtooh and Thamir Alaskar
- Factors Hindering Use of Standard Weights and Measures along Irish Potato Supply Chain in Njombe Region, Tanzania pp. 196

- Kenneth Bengesi
- The Integration of Lean Management and Six Sigma Strategies to Improve the Performance of Production in Industrial Pharmaceutical pp. 207

- Abdullah Ahmad Al-Shourah, Rawan Thaher Al-Tarawneh and Feras Ali Alzu'bi
- Adaptation of Globalization and Their Effect to the Tanzania Economic Growth pp. 217

- Japhet Jacksoni Katanga and Seleman Pharles
- Firm Level Strategy, Organization Culture and Performance of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Kenya pp. 224

- Zachary Awino, Dominic Muteshi, Reginah Kitiabi and Ganesh Pokhariyal
- Interregional Transfer of Carbon Emissions and Shared Responsibility: A Review of Theory and Evidence pp. 236

- Yabei Hu and Yang Tao
- The Impact of Power Structures on Supply Chain Enterprises with Carbon Emission Reduction Decisions pp. 246

- Fan Dandan and Xu Qi
- Context-Specific and Firm-Specific Factors and Their Effect on Banking Credit Policies in Post-Unification Southern Italy: A Case Study pp. 257

- Puntillo Pina, Rubino Franco Ernesto and Cambrea Domenico Rocco
- The Impact of Jordanian Banks Websites’ Quality on Customers’ Satisfaction pp. 268

- Manar Maraqa, Amaal Al-Amawi and Tareq Hashem
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 8 pp. 277

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 7, 2018
- The Impacts of Leadership Styles and Organisational Cultures on Public Innovations in the Emirates pp. 1

- Ahmed Mohamed Alkindi and John Chandler
- The Influence of Integrated Reporting on Management Control Systems: A Case Study pp. 19

- Maria Serena Chiucchi, Marco Montemari and Marco Gatti
- Exploratory Study on the Consumer’s Awareness of the Concept of Green Marketing in the Saudi Market pp. 33

- Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed and Somaia Mohamed Abdelgadir
- Is a Company’s Access to Private Equity and Venture Capital Affected by Location or Management Diversity? Some Empirical Evidence from Austria pp. 45

- Sascha Sardadvar
- If Transparency in Performance Measurement Becomes Mandatory: Towards Better Accountability? pp. 58

- Elisa Bonollo
- Corporate Social Responsibility of a Fair Trade Company: A Cross-Country Study of Taiwanese and American Business Students’ Perceptions pp. 69

- Mei-Hua Chen and Bryan Chen
- Green Real Estate: Does It Create Value? Financial and Sustainability Analysis on European Green REITs pp. 80

- Massimo Mariani, Paola Amoruso, Alessandra Caragnano and Marianna Zito
- Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Credibility in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry in Sri Lanka pp. 93

- Vadivelu Thusyanthy
- Effects of the Experience in Using the Third-Party Payment on the Payment Model of Online Shopping pp. 107

- Shwu-Ing Wu and Ya-Chen Chuang
- Store Brand Purchase in the Italian Market pp. 126

- Guido Cristini and Cristina Zerbini
- Wine Marketing: Consumer Persuasion through the Region of Origin pp. 137

- Sabrina Latusi, Cristina Zerbini, Silvia Maestripieri and Beatrice Luceri
- The Mediation Role of Employees Engagement in the Relationship between Talent Management and Talent Retention in Military Production Factories in Egypt pp. 146

- Safaa Shaaban
- The Impact of Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Enhancing Creativity and Innovation pp. 157

- Mohammad Ali Al Qudah
- Corporate Governance, Strategic Choices and Performance of Financial Institutions in Kenya pp. 169

- Grace Kamau, Evans Aosa, Vincent Machuki and Ganesh Pokhariyal
- Water Sector Reforms, Commercialization and Financial Sustainability of Public Water Utilities in Kenya: The Case of Homa Bay Water and Sewerage Company Limited pp. 179

- Agwa Maryline Akinyi and Paul Odundo
- Innovation Strategies, First Mover Advantage and Performance in the Context of the Microfinance Sector: A Review of Literature pp. 195

- Paul Ouma and James Kilika
- Competence and Employee Innovative Behaviour in the Nigerian Telecommunication Industry pp. 210

- Jasmine Tamunosiki-Amadi and Bunatari Ogoun
- Research on the Influence Mechanism of Joint Promotion on the Loyalty of the Main Brand pp. 222

- Sartova Zhamilya
- The Impact of Commitment Time Sharing Companies by Applying the Standards of Corporate Governance in Creating Sustainable Employment Opportunities in Jordan pp. 230

- Ahmad Malkawi and Hamzeh Al Hawamdeh
- Federal Inland Revenue Service Tax Awareness Index: Development and Validation pp. 249

- Fred Femi Akinfala, Martha Ekong, Abubakar Liman, Pirfa Tyem, Adashu Ashu and Mohammed Kam-Selem
- How to Make the Optimization Model for Parking Lots in Taipei pp. 262

- Miao-Sheng Chen and Meng-Feng Lin
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 7 pp. 267

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 6, 2018
- Individual Cyber Security: Empowering Employees to Resist Spear Phishing to Prevent Identity Theft and Ransomware Attacks pp. 1

- Jason Thomas
- Advancing a Behavioral Approach for Studying Public Administration pp. 25

- Andrea Tomo
- CSR and Financial Performance: Trick Or Treat? A Longitudinal Study on Holistic CSR Practices pp. 43

- Antonio Salvi, Felice Petruzzella and Anastasia Giakoumelou
- The Usefulness of Regulatory Capital for Investors’ Judgments in the Basel 3 Framework pp. 72

- Alessandro Mechelli, Vincenzo Sforza, Alessandra Stefanoni and Riccardo Cimini
- Social Media Content: A Management Framework pp. 84

- Maria Giovanna Confetto and Alfonso Siano
- Principals’ Attitudes towards International Exchange Activities in the Context of Taiwan pp. 97

- Wei-Ting Huang
- Earnings Management and State Ownership: A Literature Review pp. 117

- Francesco Capalbo, Marco Sorrentino and Margherita Smarra
- Aspects of Procurement Reforms that Influence Expenditure Management in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Focus on Emergency Procurement pp. 129

- Eric Kibinu Kinuthia, Paul Odundo and Grace Nyagah
- Customer Awareness of the Social Responsibility and Its Relation to Loyalty pp. 144

- Khaled Alafi
- Use of Crowdfunding for Developing Social Enterprises: An Islamic Approach pp. 156

- Nazamul Hoque, Mohammad Hasmat Ali, Sirajul Arefeen, Md. Masrurul Mowla and Abdullahil Mamun
- Overcoming SMEs Financing and Supply Chain Obstacles by Introducing Supply Chain Finance pp. 165

- Waseem Abbasi, Zongrun Wang and Asaad Alsakarneh
- Maladaptive Perfectionism and Psychological Distress: The Mediating Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence pp. 174

- Loulwah Motlaq Fares Aljaser
- Supportive Drivers of Organizational Knowledge Management: A Case Study from Egypt pp. 183

- Randa El Bedawy
- Entrepreneurial Philanthropy Partnerships: Aligning Leadership, Strategy, and Culture pp. 195

- Jos Rath
- Perception of the Benefits and Features of Health Insurance Policies Offered by the Employers: Empirical Findings from Saudi Arabia pp. 214

- Hashem Abdullah AlNemer
- Impact of Liquidity Rules on Shareholders’ Returns in Jordan Islamic Bank pp. 225

- Abdullah Ibrahim Nazal and Fuad Al-Fasfus
- The Internal Audit Effectiveness Evaluated with an Organizational, Process and Relationship Perspective pp. 238

- Stefano Azzali and Tatiana Mazza
- Corporate Social Responsibility Activities that Influence Customer Loyalty of SMEs pp. 255

- Peter Turyakira
- Task Assignment and Pricing Based on Psychological Surplus Value Model pp. 267

- Qiao-Zhen Yu, Zi-Ang Lin, Shao-Zhen Chen and Yuan-Biao Zhang
- The Effect of Board of Directors’ Characteristics and Ownership Type on the Timeliness of Financial Reports pp. 276

- Ahnaf Alsmady
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 6 pp. 288

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 5, 2018
- Integrated Reporting Practices in Europe and Value Relevance of Accounting Information under the Framework of IIRC pp. 1

- Salvatore Loprevite, Daniela Rupo and Bruno Ricca
- Financial and Accounting Approaches in Lease Appraisal pp. 13

- Alessandro Migliavacca, Mariacristina Uberti, Christian Rainero and Luisa Tibiletti
- The Internal Control Systems Integrated into the Various Profiles of Governance, Audit, Risk and Compliance pp. 21

- Maurizio Rija and Franco Ernesto Rubino
- Research and Analysis on the Influencing Factors of the Purchase Decision of the Consumers of Fast Fashion Goods in Kazakhstan pp. 37

- Sagatdinova Dayana and Sha Zhen Quan
- The Impact of Management Accounting Research: An Analysis of the Past and a Look at the Future pp. 47

- Marco Gatti
- Promoting Autonomy to Reduce Employee Deviance: The Mediating Role of Identified Motivation pp. 61

- Julien Bureau, Geneviève Mageau, Alexandre Morin, Marylène Gagné, Jacques Forest, Konstantinos Papachristopoulos, Ashrah Lucas, Anaïs Thibault Landry and Chloé Parenteau
- Critical Success Factors That Influence Black Leadership Integration in Companies Listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange pp. 72

- Biren Valodia, Ted Sun and Thomas Zachariah
- A Decision Making Tool for Selection of LSPs pp. 95

- Aicha Aguezzoul and Gilles Paché
- CEO Perquisites in Canada, 1971-2008: Certainly Not Pure Managerial Excess pp. 105

- Patrice Gelinas and Lisa Baillargeon
- Family Ownership and Dividend Policy: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia pp. 112

- Vasanthan Subramaniam
- Effect of Strategic Thinking Skills on Dimensions of Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Jordan pp. 127

- Ahmed Al-Qatamin and Ayat Esam
- Perceived Risk Influence on Brand Made in Ghana Consumer Decision Making towards Non-Perishable Products Category pp. 137

- Abraham Yeboah, Vida Owusu-Prempeh and Samuel Adjei
- The Impact of Stock Index Futures on the Information Environment of Listed Firm: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms pp. 147

- Yinglin Wan
- The Impact of Internal Audit Committees’ Practices on Enhancing the Independence of Internal Auditors in Jordanian Commercial Banks pp. 156

- Khalil Abu Saleem
- Achieving Organizational Commitment through HRM Practices: The Ghanaian Banking Sector Experience pp. 171

- Rosemary Coffie, Kofi Boateng and Frank Coffie
- Organizational Resources, Industry Velocity, Attention Focus and Firm’s Performance: A Review of Literature pp. 185

- Paul Kimiti and James Kilika
- Improving the Estimation Efficiency of Jordanian Central Government Budget Depending on Information Based on Final Account Statement-Field Study pp. 201

- Hamdan Moh’D Al–Hiyasat
- Super Responsive Supply Chain: The Case of Spanish Fast Fashion Retailer Inditex-Zara pp. 212

- Md Aftab, Qin Yuanjian, Nadia Kabir and Zapan Barua
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 5 pp. 228

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 4, 2018
- Adopting a Strategic Approach to Matching People to Jobs pp. 1

- Chalette Griffin
- Can a National Requirement Affect the Gender-Balance Approach? pp. 11

- Maria Nardo and Romilda Mazzotta
- Leadership and Team Values Shape Employee Engagement: Test of a Multilevel Moderated Mediation Model pp. 23

- Masaki Matsunaga
- Implications of Network Structure on Small Firms’ Performance: Evidence from Italy pp. 46

- Michele Rubino and Filippo Vitolla
- Using Prior Payment Behavior Variables for Small Enterprise Default Prediction Modelling pp. 57

- Francesco Ciampi
- Implementing Local Government Strategies: A Framework for Action pp. 73

- Emanuele Padovani, David Young and Alexander Heichlinger
- The Determinants of the Confidi Delinquency Rate pp. 87

- Alessio Bongiovanni and Cristina Rovera
- The Relationship between Earnings Management and Stock Price Liquidity pp. 99

- Shehadeh Arar, Emad Al-Sheikh and Abdullah Hardan
- Investigating the Mediation Role of Information Technology (IT) Components in the Relationship between Knowledge Management (KM) Processes and Decision-Making pp. 108

- Maha Alkhaffaf
- Market Knowledge Management and Performance in Mexican Small Business pp. 127

- Sandra Pinzon-Castro, Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzman and Jose Marin-Aguilar
- The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Evidence from the Insurance Sector pp. 138

- Ali Alnodel
- The Time-Varying Effects of Monetary Policy on House Prices in China: An Application of TVP-VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility pp. 149

- Weina Cai and Sen Wang
- The Relationship between Graduates’ Perceived Employability Attributes and Employability Gap in Egypt: The Moderating Roles of Core Self-Evaluation and University Branding pp. 158

- Sherine El-Fekey and Mohamad Mohamad
- Corporate Philanthropy and Innovation Performance pp. 173

- Shaoyan Jiang, Jingwen Mi, Xiaohui Tao and Wanwan Hu
- Determinants of Value Creation in Cross-Border M&As: The Case of the Software Industry pp. 183

- Alberto Pezzi
- More Is Less: Only Moderate Polarized Online Product Reviews can Affect Sales pp. 192

- Li Yang
- The Factor Influencing Brand Loyalty in Fashion Industry among Generation Y in Malaysia pp. 201

- Dilashenyi Devi Selvarajah
- The Research on Anti-dumping, Cost and Chinese Export: Based on Multilateral Resistance Term of Gravity Model pp. 210

- Rou Li
- Analyzing the Effect of Entrepreneurial Characteristics to Maximize the Architectural Design Quality Value in Greater Amman Municipality (Case Study) pp. 219

- Mohammad Alhalalmeh, Neameh Al-khafaj and Feras Al Shalabi
- Research on China’s M&A Efficiency Based on DEA–Tobit pp. 232

- Sen Wang and Zhijun Zhang
- Corporate Board and Upper Echelons: The Case of the American Most Admired Firms pp. 245

- Karima Dhaouadi
- The Effect of Strategic Management on the Organizational Performance Using the Balance Scorecards Approach to Measure Performance: A Case Study in the Nursing Department at Al-Khalidi Hospital and Medical Center pp. 259

- Dina Said Qarah Qarashay and Feras Ali Alzubi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 4 pp. 271

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 3, 2018
- Do Ownership Gender Diversity and Size Matter? A Focus on Intellectual Capital Performance pp. 1

- Maria Serena Chiucchi, Marco Giuliani and Simone Poli
- Entrepreneurial University and Business Education: Towards a Network Model pp. 13

- Maddalena della Volpe
- Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices on Consumer Behavior (with Reference to FMCGs in Tamil Nadu) pp. 28

- Desti Kannaiah and A. Jayakumar
- Resistance to Change Processes and Strategies for the Implementation of Harmonization Reforms: The Separation of the Health Care Expenditure in the Regional Financial Statements pp. 42

- Rainero Christian, Migliavacca Alessandro, Puddu Luigi and Modarelli Giuseppe
- Understanding the Influence of CEO Tenure and CEO Reputation on Corporate Reputation: An Exploratory Study in Italy pp. 54

- Francesca Conte
- An Empirical Study of Tourist Hotels: Difference Analysis between International Tourist Hotel and Standard Tourist Hotel in Taiwan pp. 67

- Jui-Lung Chen
- Gender Equalities in Entrepreneurship: How Close, Or Far, Have We Come in Italy? pp. 75

- Diego Matricano and Mario Sorrentino
- What Impacts IPO Underpricing? Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange pp. 88

- Maria Hossain Sochi and Raisul Islam
- Uncertainty in Entrepreneurship and Management Studies: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 98

- Giovanna Magnani and Antonella Zucchella
- The Influence of “Euro-Leaf” Logo on Consumers’ Choices: The Italian Case of Branded and Private Label Food Products pp. 134

- Domenico Morrone and Rosamartina Schena
- Marketing Approaching for the Standards of Approved Textbooks in Study Plans of Jordanian Universities pp. 149

- Mohammad Mansour Abu-Jalil
- Gender Inequality in Wage Rate in Indonesia pp. 160

- Ahmad Rizki Sridadi and Gigih Prihantono
- Audit Committee and Discretionary Loan Loss Provisions in Tunisian Commercial Banks pp. 169

- Amina Zgarni, Hassouna Fadhila and Moez El Gaied
- Hybrid Communication Strategies and Tools as a Strategic Lever to Improve Supply Chain performance pp. 181

- Hanan Qatawneh
- Health Consciousness and Brand Equity in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry in Sri Lanka pp. 188

- Vadivelu Thusyanthy
- An Exploratory Approach of the Mission Statement: Case of Saudi Arabia Business Schools pp. 200

- Fahad Alolayan, Wided Ragmoun and Hanene Saidi
- An Empirical Study of Female E-shopper’s Satisfaction with Cosmetic Products in China pp. 211

- Yaxin Ma and Shaohua Yang
- The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm’s Financial Performance in Malaysia pp. 220

- Dilashenyi Devi Selvarajah, Uma Murthy and Mathavi Massilamani
- The Impact of Governance Mechanism of Financial Listed Companies on the Pay and the Pay-Performance Sensitivity of Executives pp. 233

- Sen Wang and Feng Liu
- A Scorecard to Detect Financial Leverage Profitability pp. 244

- Laura Broccardo, Luisa Tibiletti and Pertti Vilpas
- The Research on Factors Which Affect Anti-dumping Investigation: Based on Probit Model pp. 252

- Rou Li
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Capabilities & Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Mobile Phone Operators in Jordan pp. 262

- Mohammed Alshura
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 3 pp. 270

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 2, 2018
- Italian Pension Funds Struggling with Domestic Sovereign Risk pp. 1

- Paola De Vincentiis, Eleonora Isaia and Paola Zocchi
- Corporate Governance, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Construction Business, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia pp. 14

- Malik Azhar Hussain and Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi
- Better Life Index and Health Care Quality Indicators, Two New Instruments to Evaluate the Healthcare System pp. 29

- Paolo Biancone, Silvana Secinaro and Valerio Brescia
- The Relationship between Revenues Size and Actual Expenditures through the Closing Account Result of the Jordanian Government pp. 40

- Mohammad Ali Al Hayek
- The Bank Lending Process: Accounting Information Role in Constructing Realities or Illusions pp. 53

- Daniela Ruggeri, Antonio Leotta and Carmela Rizza
- The Drivers of Cat Bond Spread in the Primary Market pp. 65

- Massimo Mariani, Paola Amoruso, Raffaele Didonato and Alessandra Caragnano
- Grey vs. Young Entrepreneurs: Are They Really That Different in Terms of Entrepreneurial Intentions? Empirical Evidence from Italy pp. 76

- Diego Matricano
- The Why and How of Fostering International Academic Exchange at Schools in Taiwan pp. 87

- Shih-Chang Lee, Tien-Ling Hu and Hsuan-Fu Ho
- The impact of the Risks of the Input of Accounting Information Systems on Managerial Control, Accounting Control and Internal Control in Commercial Banks in Jordan pp. 96

- Mohammed AL-Sharairi, Atallah Al-Hosban and Hussan Thnaibat
- Synergy of Top Management Team Demographics, Strategy and Structure: Empirical Evidence on Performance of Public Enterprises pp. 108

- Zachary Awino and Bwire Joseph Francis
- The Flower of Service Concept and Its Influence on the Customer Satisfaction: Case Study of Jordanian Private Hospitals Sector pp. 122

- Tareq Hashem
- Service Quality from Customer Perception: Evidence from Carter Model on Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) pp. 138

- Qaisar Ali
- Compliance with Best Practice Governance Principles by State Owned Enterprises in Botswana pp. 149

- Tebogo Magang and Koketso Kube
- The Role of Spiritual Leadership in Reducing Bullying Behavior: A Study on the Industrial Companies in Egypt pp. 167

- Wageeh Nafei
- Research on the Risk Prevention of Government Purchase of Public Services pp. 187

- Chen Yanfang and Geng Hong
- Impact of Organizational Context & Information Technology on Employee Knowledge Sharing pp. 194

- Mohammed Saleem Alshurah, Abdelrahim Zabadi, Amnah Hassan Dammas and Dalia Dammas
- The Influence of Alliance Innovation Network Structure upon Enterprise Innovation: A Case Study of China’s Energy-Saving and Environment-protection Industry pp. 208

- Meng Xu
- On Green Strategy: Effect on Automotive Industry of Pakistan pp. 221

- Muhammad Ahmed Butt, Paul Katuse and Juliana Namada
- Intercultural Adaptation Strategies to Culture Shock of International Students in China: A Case Study pp. 231

- Md Shahidul Fakir
- The Balance between Exceptional Cases and the Risk of Fake: An Ever Present Theme pp. 245

- Maria Teresa Bianchi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 2 pp. 257

- Stephen Lee
Volume 13, issue 1, 2017
- The Effect of Banks Website Service Quality and E-satisfaction on E-loyalty: An Empirical Study on Swedish Banks pp. 1

- Samer Alkhouli
- Innovation as an Economic Driving Force in Australia pp. 13

- Ovais Vohra
- Characteristics and Skills Necessary in Accountancy pp. 22

- Susan O'Shea
- Corporate Social Responsibility Contribution to Environmental Sustainability in Developing Countries: The Accountability Perspective pp. 33

- Mfon Jeremiah
- Benchmark-Based Preferences Make Investors Loss Averse in Bull Markets and Gain Seeking in Bear Markets pp. 46

- Robert Bordley and Luisa Tibiletti
- How to Improve the Financial Conditions of Local Governments in a Period of Crisis: An Explanatory Case Study pp. 53

- Giovanna Lucianelli, Francesca Citro, Serena Santis, Alfredo Ettore Tranfaglia and Andrea Mazzillo
- The Importance of “Contextualisation” in Small and Medium-Sized Firms Valuation: Evidences from an Italian Case Study pp. 70

- Damiano Montani, Francesco Perrini, Daniele Gervasio and Andrea Pulcini
- The New Paradigm of the Omnichannel Retailing: Key Drivers, New Challenges and Potential Outcomes Resulting from the Adoption of an Omnichannel Approach pp. 85

- Aiolfi Simone and Edoardo Sabbadin
- The Antecedents and Consequences of Small Enterprise Organizational Ambidexterity: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Manufacturing Firms pp. 110

- Francesco Ciampi
- Business Students’ Continuance Intention toward Blackboard Usage: An Empirical Investigation of UTAUT Model pp. 120

- Maroua Bouznif
- Transformational Leadership and Innovation: An Empirical Study of Direct and Indirect Effects in HR Consulting Companies pp. 131

- Esin Akay and Ayse Demirel
- Is there Spillover Effect in Agricultural Industrialization Management? pp. 143

- Junyi Wan and Lijun Zeng
- The Impact of Cognitive Integration between the Traditional Balanced Scorecard and the Information Technology Balanced Scorecard on the Entrepreneurship Value of the Jordanian Public Shareholding Industrial Companies pp. 153

- Usama Abdul Moneim, Ala Jaber Matarneh and Samer Akour
- Consumer Background and Decision Making Styles of Malaysian College Students pp. 170

- Sharifah Azizah Haron and Anyanwu Chinedu
- Corporate Governance and Board of Directors Responsibility in Appointing Senior Managers: A Case in Saudi Arabia pp. 183

- Ayman Mohamed Zerban and Abdullah Mohammed Abdullateef Madani
- Environmental Scanning Mechanism and Its Effects on the Performance: Evidence from UAE pp. 190

- Mansour Lotayif
- The Role of Demarketing in Reducing Electricity Demand pp. 209

- Mahmood AL-Samydai and Rudaina Yousif
- A Study on the Relationship between Monetary Policy Variables and Stock Market pp. 218

- Song Li
- The Impact of Enterprise Risk Management on Firm Performance: Evidence from Sri Lankan Banking and Finance Industry pp. 225

- Kingsley Alawattegama
- Research on Inefficient Investment of Listed Companies in China pp. 238

- Dongfang Qiu and Huinan Wu
- Organizational Success as a Mediating Variable of the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Organizational Excellence: A Study on Telecommunications Sector in Egypt pp. 244

- Wageeh Nafei
- Determinants of International Competitiveness of SMEs in a Developing Economy: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 266

- Md Nur Alam Siddik
- The Role of Intellectual Image of the Commodity in Increasing Sales: A Case Study of Maestro Pizza Company pp. 277

- Somaia Abdelgadir and Ahmed Ahmed
- Graduates Attributes: Convergence and Divergence of Different Stakeholders pp. 288

- Vallipuram Kanagasingam
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 1 pp. 296

- Stephen Lee
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