International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 15, issue 12, 2021
- NPO Funding in Italy: The Role and the Contribution of Corporate Governance pp. 1

- Patrizia Gazzola, Stefano Amelio, Daniele Grechi and Fragkoulis Papagiannis
- Cash Flows and Earnings for Share in Islamic Banks: Jordanian Evidence pp. 15

- Bader M. Alsharif, Talal M. Bataineh and Khaled M. Abo Aliqah
- Valuation of Non-Performing Loans under Discussion pp. 25

- Emanuel Bagna
- The Effect of the Use and Knowledge of AI on the Advanced Entrepreneurship in Saudis Small Business and Startups pp. 35

- Reem Mahmoud Ahmad Mashat
- A Brief Overview of the IPO Valuation Methods pp. 41

- Olga Ferraro
- Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Employees’ Performance in Classified Hospitality Firms in Kenya pp. 51

- Njoroge Paul Thumbi, Bula Hannah and Wanyoike Rosemarie
- The Promotion of Vietnam Foreign Direct Investment pp. 62

- Pham Nguyen My Linh, Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Ngoc Ha and Nguyen Minh Hanh
- Managing International Assignments (Expatriates and Inpatriates): Effect of Cultural Diversity pp. 78

- Amal M. Jawad
- Does The Enhancement of Profitability Necessarily Reduce Bank Credit Risk? pp. 93

- Liyue Wang
- Analysis on the Income Effect of Farmers’ Cooperative Management: Based on the Chinese Practice pp. 103

- Wen Hua
- Research on the Overall Architecture and Application of E-Sports Big Data pp. 116

- Liu Yinbin and Zhang Xiaoyue
- Gender Role Perception in Society and Attitude towards Women Managers in Bangladesh pp. 122

- Jahiruddin Atm, Mir Sohrab Hossain, Mehedi Hasan Md. Hefzur Rahman and Shahanaz Akter
- Explaining the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management between Organisation’s Characteristics and Employee’s Performance: A Public Sector Perspective pp. 132

- Adnan A. S. Al-Ali and Jarrah F. Al-Mansour
- Entry, Exit and Innovation over the Industry Life Cycle in Converging Sectors: An Analysis of the Smartphone Industry pp. 151

- Paolo Calvosa
- Profiting with Values: A Qualitative Approach to SMEs in the Informal Economy of Uganda’s Central Region pp. 169

- Ismail Kintu, Yusuf Kiwala and Faizo Buyinza
- Determinants of Dividends for Real Estate Sector in Jordan pp. 177

- Abdullah Yusri AL Khatib
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 12 pp. 186

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 11, 2021
- Institutions and Civil Society Relations in Migori County (Kenya): A Social Network Analysis of Weak and Strong Ties pp. 1

- Teodora Erika Uberti and Francesco Salsano
- The Role of Risk Culture in Enterprise Risk Management Implementation pp. 13

- Mohamed Santigie Kanu
- Managerial Empowerment and Its Impact on Managerial Creativity: An Empirical Study in Greater Amman Municipality pp. 32

- Nehaya Nawaf Al Homud
- Information Sharing Behaviour of Complex and Extended Organisations pp. 41

- Bata P. P., Norman A. and Allen D.
- Is ESG Disclosure a Means to Respond to Catastrophic Events? A Case Study Analysis pp. 53

- Arcangelo Marrone and Lara Oliva
- Disclosing Information on Financial and Non-Financial Capitals in the Integrated Report: An Empirical Analysis of Financial Industry pp. 62

- Serena Santis and Michela Bianchi
- Performance Appraisal of Technological Innovation in Military-Civilian Enterprises—Empirical Evidence from Jiangsu Military-Civilian Integration Enterprises pp. 79

- Xiao L. J. and Xun Z. X.
- Integrating Diffusion of Innovations and Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Intention to Adopt Electric Vehicles pp. 88

- Sun Jung Moon
- Optimizing Temporal Business Opportunities pp. 104

- Rola Y. M. Mohammed
- Financial Structure: A Comparative Study between European Listed and Unlisted Companies pp. 111

- Carmelo Intrisano, Anna Paola Micheli and Anna Maria Calce
- Spatial Analysis of Urban Water Use Management in the Northern Border Region of Mexico pp. 126

- Gregorio Castro-Rosales and Ramiro Esqueda-Walle
- Corporate Ownership Structure as a Determinant of “Risk Taking”: Insights from Italian Listed Companies pp. 138

- Pier Luigi Marchini, Veronica Tibiletti, Alice Medioli and Gianluca Gabrielli
- The Online Experience of Luxury Consumers: Insight into Motives and Reservations pp. 157

- Lama Halwani
- Can Powerful Boards Increase Firm Innovativeness When Faced with Exploitative CEOs? pp. 171

- Saleh M. Bajaba, Abdulah M. Bajaba and Abdulrahman S. Basahal
- Model of Organizational Learning Culture on Knowledge Sharing Behavior pp. 184

- Sabaruddin Sondeng, Nurwati -, Endro Sukotjo and Sriwiyati Maharani
- General Purpose Technology: The Blockchain Domain pp. 192

- Elona Marku, Manuel Castriotta, Michela Loi and Maria Chiara Di Guardo
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 11 pp. 206

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 10, 2021
- The Role of Pro-Organizational Motivation as Antecedent of Job Crafting: A Qualitative Exploration pp. 1

- Domenico Berdicchia and Giovanni Masino
- Blended Learning at the Faculty of Business in Al-Balqa Applied University pp. 14

- Khalil Al-Hyari
- Study on the Path Optimizing Countermeasures of Hengyang National Innovative City Construction under the Background of Rural Revitalization pp. 27

- Bu Huabai, Bu Jiaqi and Liu Xinyao
- Measure the Relative Efficiency of a Four-Stage Production Process with NDEA pp. 35

- Claudio Pinto
- Determinants of International Foreign Portfolio Investment Flows to GCC Countries: An Empirical Evidence pp. 51

- Sahar Hassan Khayat
- Ownership Structure and Timeliness of Corporate Internet Reporting (TOCIR): Case of Kuwait pp. 60

- Mejbel Al-Saidi
- Testing the Effectiveness of Altman and Beneish Models in Detecting Financial Fraud and Financial Manipulation: Case Study Kuwaiti Stock pp. 70

- Raif M. Akra and Jamil K. Chaya
- Job-Field Underemployment and Career Satisfaction: A Relationship of Cause and Effect pp. 82

- Sharon More and Tova Rosenbloom
- Big Data and Technology Evolution in the IoT Industry pp. 94

- Elona Marku, Maryia Zaitsava, Manuel Castriotta, Maria Chiara Di Guardo and Michela Loi
- Determinants of Audit Report Lag of Commercial Banks in Nepal pp. 108

- Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai
- Assessing and Prioritizing the Critical Success Factors and Delays of Project Management Implementation: Empirical Evidence at Construction Projects in Jordan pp. 117

- Majd Mohammad Omoush
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 10 pp. 130

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 9, 2021
- Assessing and Prioritizing Critical Success Factors and Delays of Project Management Implementation: Empirical Evidence at Construction Projects in Jordan pp. 1

- Majd Mohammad Omoush
- Internet Financial Reporting Practices in Saudi Arabia pp. 15

- Helmi A. Boshnak
- How Do the Human Capital Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Team Influence Corporate Financial Performance? pp. 34

- Dan Long, Yu-jing Tang, Xiao-Zhi Fang and Ke-Chun Cai
- Adhocracy Culture and Strategy Implementation: An Application within Professional Bodies in Kenya pp. 47

- Anne W. Njagi, Joseph Ngugi Kamau and Charity W. Muraguri
- How Effective the Employee Training Programs Are? Evidence from Government Banks of Bangladesh pp. 57

- Nazrul Islam, Md. Nafizur Rahman, Eshnat Mumtahina Mridha, Jasmin Sultana Sharna, Maliha Mosharraf and Nowshin Nower
- Business Intelligence Capability, Complementary Resources and Performance among Public Listed Firms in Kenya pp. 66

- Edward Buhasho, Agnes Wausi and James Njihia
- The Impact of Responsible Leadership (RL) on Responsible Employee (RE): The Mediating Role of Sustainable Leadership (SL) pp. 75

- Safaa Shaaban
- Is Specialized Training a Basic Necessity for Special Students Teaching? pp. 85

- Samuel Chege Kinuthia and Anne Christine Wanjiru Kabui
- Fitness Centers Ambience-Customer Behavioral Intentions Relationship: The Mediating Role of Customer Emotional States pp. 93

- Nawras M. Nusairat, Qais Hammouri, Hamad Al-Ghadir, Alaeddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad and Mohammad Abuhashesh
- The Impact of Bail-in Risk on Bank Bondholders pp. 105

- Lorenzo Gai, Federica Ielasi and Martina Mainini
- Entrepreneurial Success: Key Challenges Faced by Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs in 21st Century pp. 122

- Abdul Basit, Zubair Hassan and Sharmila Sethumadhavan
- The Impact of Position Competence on Work Happiness about Service Personnel Based on Psychological and Organizational Factors pp. 139

- Yanhua Diao
- Early Traces of Materiality and Relevance Principles in Luca Pacioli’s Tractatus XI pp. 153

- Christian Rainero, Giuseppe Modarelli, Alessandro Migliavacca and Riccardo Coda
- The Impact of Ambidextrous Leadership on Organizational Excellence: An Applied Study in Small and Medium Enterprises in Qatar pp. 163

- Saeed Nasser S. M. Al-Eida
- The Degree of Applying of Standards of Total Quality Management in Jordanian Universities in the Light of the International Standards pp. 179

- Majd Fayez Sulieman Al-Adwan
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 9 pp. 191

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 8, 2021
- Overheads as a Performance Indicator in the Local Public Sector Organizations pp. 1

- Christian Rainero, Alessandro Migliavacca and Sara Reano
- Role of Focus Strategy in Performance of NHIF Accredited Hospitals in Kenya pp. 16

- Grace K. A. Ochodo, Margaret Oloko and John Yabs
- Board Independence and Earnings Management: Evidence from Italy pp. 26

- Stella Lippolis and Francesco Grimaldi
- Academic Entrepreneurial Intention and Its Determinants: Exploring the Moderating Role of Innovation Ecosystem pp. 39

- Massimiliano Vesci, Antonio Botti, Rosangela Feola and Chiara Crudele
- Human Capital, Industrial Structure Upgrading and Economic Growth in China: A Literature Review pp. 59

- Bai Yang
- The Potential Dynamics of “Albergo Diffuso” as Relaunch of Sustainable Tourism in the Post COVID-19 Era pp. 75

- Antonietta Cosentino and Barbara Iannone
- Factors Determining the Credit Accessibility by the Small-Scale Entrepreneurs: A Case of Handloom Weaving in Bangladesh pp. 93

- Mst Tania Parvin, Kanij Fatema and Sadika Haque
- Family Governance Mechanisms in Moroccan Family Businesses: An Exploratory Study pp. 101

- Hiba Birgach, Taib Berrada El Azizi and Badr Habba
- Impacts of Perceived Role Demands on Work-Life Balance and Moderating Effects of Work Ethics: Evidence from Public Sector Professionals in Sri Lanka pp. 115

- Rajagopalasingam V., Fernando R. L. S. and Ramanayake U. B.
- Assessing Food Supply Chain Sustainability Based on the Framework of Fussy TOPSIS pp. 132

- Bao’e Song
- The Household Enterprise Sector in Ghana: Overview and Challenges pp. 140

- Danny Turkson and Emmanuel A. Codjoe
- Esg or Not Esg? A Benchmarking Analysis pp. 152

- Valeria Vannoni and Emanuele Ciotti
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 8 pp. 162

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 7, 2021
- Identifying Destination Image of Rural Areas: The Case of Brookings, South Dakota pp. 1

- Chinomso Diejomaoh, Xu Li and HungLing Liu
- The Role of Knowledge Management and Technological Innovation in the Performance of New Product Development: An Empirical Study of Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan pp. 10

- Mohammad Abdelkareem Alraggad and Mushera Adnan Onizat
- Grafting New Values into Public Institutions by Reforming the Accounting System: Lessons Learned from the Italian Higher Education System pp. 20

- Guido Modugno, Ferdinando Di Carlo, Manuela Lucchese and Tommaso Agasisti
- Uncovering Financial Shenanigans: Benford’s Law as a Computer Assisted Analytical Procedure pp. 37

- Nirosh Kuruppu
- Reflection on Coronavirus Accounting Impact on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe pp. 48

- Silvana Secinaro, Davide Calandra and Paolo Pietro Biancone
- A Proposal to Incorporate Job Resilience and Flexible Work Arrangement to Socially Responsible Human Resources Management Case Study: Algerian Organizations pp. 57

- Messen Kerroumia and Sawssan Saadaoui
- Crisis PR Study on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explosion Incident pp. 68

- Wenjing Zhang
- The Application of a Managerial Competency Model in Employee Promotion—Combination of AHP and VIKOR Methodology pp. 77

- HsienYu Shun and KuoYan Wang
- Enhancing Board Monitoring Tasks: The Effect of Minority-Elected Directors pp. 85

- Sara De Masi and Andrea Zorzi
- The Impact of Talent Management (TM) on Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB) in Industrial Companies in Jordan pp. 96

- Maan Hussein Mansour and Hazem Khaled Shehadeh
- The Stressful Implications of Remote E-Working: Evidence from Europe pp. 108

- Ylenia Curzi, Tommaso Fabbri and Barbara Pistoresi
- The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying Decision Process in the Egyptian Market pp. 120

- Amira M. Omar and Nermine Atteya
- Performances Management When Modelling Internal Structure of a Production Process pp. 133

- Claudio Pinto
- Top Management Team Characteristics, Competitive Environment and Strategy Implementation pp. 147

- Wasike Shadrack Mayende and Owino Odhiambo Joseph
- The Impact of Value-Belief-Norm Theory and Technology Acceptance Model on Use Intention of Green Design Packaging pp. 158

- ChinHung Liu and YaHui Wu
- The Impact of the Extra-Costs on the Global Cost of Credit pp. 173

- Simone Landini, Luisa Tibiletti and Mariacristina Uberti
- Inventories Accounting under US-GAAP and IFRS Standards: The Differences That Hinder the Full Convergence pp. 180

- Manuela Lucchese and Ferdinando Di Carlo
- Customer Perception towards Electronic Banking and its Relationship with Customer Satisfaction: An Evidence from Vietnam pp. 196

- Linh Thi Phuong Nguyen and Hieu Vo Chi Tran
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 7 pp. 209

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 6, 2021
- Content Analysis of Shariah-Compliant Investment Equity Funds in KSA: Does Social Justice Matter? pp. 1

- Khaled O. Alotaibi and Mohammad M. Hariri
- An Exploratory Study to Identify the Impact of Leadership Styles on Achieving Institutional Excellence in the Public Sector: United Arab Emirates pp. 16

- Asaad Ali Karam and Abdelkarim Fuad Kitana
- Impact of Green Supply Chain Managerial Practices on Environmental Sustainability: Readymade Garment Factories of Bangladesh pp. 31

- Farhana Ferdousi Aziz, Tahmina Sultana and Farhana Yasmin
- Analysis of How Tesla Creates Core Innovation Capability pp. 42

- Hyeonjoo Kim
- Better the Devil You Know: The Impact of Brexit Political Uncertainty on European Financial Markets pp. 62

- Doriana Cucinelli, Vincenzo Farina, Paola Schwizer and Maria Gaia Soana
- Theory of the Firm and Integrated Reporting Model: First Essay from NIBR Guidelines for SMES in Italy pp. 84

- Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Antonietta Cosentino, Mara Del Baldo and Angela Magistro
- An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Energy Consumption Structure and Environmental Pollution in Beijing pp. 98

- Yan Shigang, Deng Xin and Li Lexuan
- Research Report on Internal Audit of Unlisted Private Enterprises in Yancheng, China pp. 105

- Wei Wei
- The Evaluation of the Religious Commitment Inventory for Bulgarian Pomak Households pp. 118

- Nikolaos Satsios, Kostas Karamanis, Aikaterini Galanou and Ioannis Sotiropoulos
- Electronic Fraud and Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria: 2008-2018 pp. 126

- Charles Emeka Nwobia, Patrick Anayo Adigwe, Gideon Kasie Ezu and John Nonso Okoye
- Production Determinants Impact among Marketing Management on Improving Marketing Mix for Livestock Wealth in Jordan: Viewpoint of Livestock Breeders pp. 137

- Mahmud Aqel Abu Dalbouh
- The Impact of Working Capital Management on Corporate’s Performance: Evidence from Egypt pp. 151

- Yasmeen Tarek and Mary Rafik
- Workplace Discrimination against Working Women in Jordan pp. 163

- Excimirey A. Al-Manasrah
- Moderating Effects of Transforming High-Potential Local Employees for Reverse Adaptation, through the Lens of Absorptive Capacity: The Case of Hi Tech in Egypt pp. 171

- Said Shabban Abdo, David Edgar and Gamal Kamel
- Challenges for the Sustainable Development of Vietnamese Enterprises and Remedial Solutions pp. 192

- Nguyen Xuan Dien
- Stock Prices Analysis of State-Owned Enterprise and Non-State-Owned Enterprise in Response to Negative Information Period 2017-2019 pp. 204

- Raka Daniel Lihardo Sumbayak, Tony Irawan and Trias Andati
- Data-Based Value Co-Creation in Smart Service Systems: A Reinterpretation of Customer Journey pp. 212

- Mara Grimaldi, Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Orlando Troisi and Paola Castellani
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 6 pp. 227

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 5, 2021
- The Effect of Cultural-Social Programs on Pensioners’ Satisfaction in Social Security Organization in Iran pp. 1

- Siamak Asgari
- Sustainable Business Models: Literature Review of Main Contributions and Themes pp. 11

- Cantele Silvia and Serena Truzzi
- Corporate Governance Variables and Integrated Reporting pp. 26

- Arcangelo Marrone
- Cultural Values on Continuous Improvement in Private Schools in Kuwait pp. 37

- Ali Salem Saleh Al-Haimer Al-Merri and Hani J. Irtaimeh
- Perceptions and Attitudes of University Students of Five Mexican Public Institutions on the Labeling of Products Made with Genetically Modified Organisms pp. 46

- Emeterio Franco-Perez, Osval Antonio Montesinos-Lopez, J Jesus Garcia Martinez, Alberto Pastrana Palma, Josafhat Salinas-Ruiz and Sara Sandoval Carrillo
- Literature Review on Credit Risk of China’s P2P Lending pp. 55

- He Feiyang
- Handling Innovation in Small Family Firms: The Role of Context pp. 60

- Michela Floris, Angela Dettori and Cinzia Dessi
- Teaching Business Statistics: Some Useful Relationships pp. 73

- Philip F. Rice and Chris Brune
- Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Perceptions and Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Organisms in the Mexican Urban Population pp. 83

- Osval Antonio Montesinos-Lopez, Emeterio Franco-Perez, Kismiantini -, Marco Alberto Valenzo Jimenez, Ignacio Luna Espinoza, Laura Sanely Gaytan Lugo and Sara Sandoval Carrillo
- The Influence of YouTube Beauty Vloggers on Indonesian Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Local Cosmetic Products pp. 100

- Jui-Lung Chen and Apritika Dermawan
- Factors Affecting Brand Equity in Fast Food Restaurants Industry in Egypt pp. 117

- Mohamed Ali Barakat
- A New Framework to Build a Touristic Strategy in Global Destination Management pp. 133

- Marco Benvenuto, Francesco V. Sambati and Carmine Viola
- Research on Online Car-Hailing Scheduling Problem Based on Resource Allocation pp. 147

- Rongyuan Chen, Geng Qian, Zhixiong He, Yuanxing Shi and Minmin Hu
- Dissatisfaction and Profile of Dissatisfied Consumers: A Case Study of Mobile Telecommunication Network Consumers in Nigeria pp. 155

- Anyanwu Hilary Chinedu, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Syuhaily Osman and Hilary Faith Hayatu
- The Impact of Financial Crisis on Earnings Management in Nonfinancial Listed Firms: Evidence from Jordan pp. 168

- Yahia M. Al-Mughrabi
- The Effect and Mechanism of Trade Liberalization on Wage pp. 184

- Xiaofang Zhang and Fei Yang
- The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Regional Employment Adjustment: Evidence from China pp. 193

- Xiaofang Zhang
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 5 pp. 201

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 4, 2021
- Can Technology Transfer Stimulate Labour Productivity: Experience from Nigeria Automobile Sector pp. 1

- Egwakhe A. J., Amos N. B. and Nicodemus T.
- Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Performance: The Moderating Role of an Effective Performance Management System pp. 11

- Ahmad Ali Almohtaseb, Hisham A Kareem Shaheen, Khalid Mohummed Alomari and Mohmmad Adnan Yousef Almahameed
- The influence of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on Management Controllers: A Study in the Tunisian Context pp. 25

- Chiraz Rouissi
- The Effects of Service Quality on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in Mobile Commerce pp. 36

- Nur Ain Mohd Paiz, Mass Hareeza Ali, Abdul Rashid Abdullah and Zuraina Dato Mansor
- Effects of Emotions, Memory and Thought on Decision Outcomes and Judgments of Organizational and Business Leaders pp. 43

- Anthony Wakwe Lawrence and Damiete Onyema Lawrence
- Organizational and Corporate Identity on Social Media: A Literature Review pp. 53

- Stefano Di Lauro, Aizhan Tursunbayeva, Gilda Antonelli and Marcello Martinez
- Cross-Border M&A and Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence on Bidder/Target Companies pp. 67

- Valentina Cioli, Alessandro Giannozzi, Valentina Ippoliti and Oliviero Roggi
- What Factors Influence European Corporate Bond Spread? pp. 87

- Maria Cristina Arcuri, Gino Gandolfi, Manou Monteux and Giovanni Verga
- A Review of the Literature on Corruption in Healthcare Organizations pp. 98

- Vincenzo Sforza, Riccardo Cimini, Alessandro Mechelli and Taryn Vian
- A Decision Support Contract for Cost-Quality Trade-Off in Projects under Information Asymmetry pp. 112

- Mahsa Madani Hosseini
- The Effect of Tax Rate on the Incentives to Grow Small Enterprises: The Case of Small Enterprises in Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia pp. 129

- Lemuel K. David
- The Impact of Organization’s Dynamic Capabilities on Information Systems Project’s Success in the Jordanian Telecommunication Sector pp. 138

- Eman Mohd Naim Yassien and Fayez Jumaa Alnajjar
- Testing the Productivity Growth Effects of Financial Liberalisation on the Economic Sectors of Ghana in the Precence of Structural Breaks pp. 157

- Robertson Amoah and Kwarteng Peter
- How Executives Manage Interpersonal Conflicts in Chinese Companies in Germany: Intercultural Difference in Conflict Management Styles pp. 182

- Xiang Qian
- A New Proposal for Innovation Indicators: A Study of the World’s Largest Patent Producing Countries pp. 201

- Giuliano Carlo Rainatto, Orlando Roque Silva, Norberto Almeida de Andrade, Evandro de Almeida, Pedro Dornas Cipriani, Thiago Saboya, Rodrigo Teixeira Conceicao and Wellington Fernando Bastos
- Study on the Labor Population Structure and Human Capital Accumulation Characteristics of Different Industries in China pp. 210

- Wen Hua
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 4 pp. 217

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 3, 2021
- Impact of Knowledge Management (KM) on Human Resource Management (HRM) Performance Based on the ACHIEVE Model in Selected Banks of Amman – Jordan pp. 1

- Ghadeer A. Khawaldeh
- Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises Run by Women in Generating Employment Opportunity in Rwanda pp. 14

- Rachel Bayisenge, Hu Shengede, Yves Harimana, Jean Bosco Karega, Margret Lukileni, Muhammad Nasrullah, Hu Xinrui and Beneyo Emmerance Nteziyaremye
- Mixed Methods in Human Resource Development: Reviewing the Research Literature pp. 25

- Asif Ali Rahman and Mohammad Omar Shiddike
- Information Technology Capability and Performance of Selected Oil and Gas Marketing Companies in Lagos State, Nigeria: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture pp. 37

- Arokodare M. A., Asikhia O. U. and Makinde G. O.
- Non-Executive Chairman, Audit Quality and Earnings Management pp. 50

- Aditi Shams
- Moderating Effect of Employee Engagement on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Team Performance: A Study of Employees in Private Colleges in Oman pp. 67

- Ms. Faiza Amir and Zaheer Ahmed Khan
- The Analysis of Income Statement and Final Balance Sheet in Local Governments: A Case Study for Financial Sustainability pp. 80

- Giovanna Lucianelli, Amalia Lucia Fazzari and Matteo Cavalieri
- Diversification Strategy and Stock Price Crash Risk:Evidence from China pp. 94

- Jun Qi and Wenying Diao
- The Impact of Reward and Knowledge Sharing Practices on Employee Performance: A Comparative Analysis between Awash and Dashen Bank S.C pp. 114

- Hanna Elias Abebe and Tegegne Tesfaye Haile
- Informal Payments and Performance in the Health Care Sector: Possible Relationships in a Sub-National Perspective pp. 126

- Elisabetta Reginato, Isabella Fadda, Paola Paglietti and Aldo Pavan
- Critical Review: Current Research Issues on Crypto-currency and its Application in Financial Sectors pp. 145

- Lim Hong Hin
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 3 pp. 151

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 2, 2021
- Citizen-Centered Reporting: Assessing Popular Financial Reporting Practice in Italian Decentralized Governments pp. 1

- Carla Del Gesso and Luca Romagnoli
- Testing a Comprehensive Model of Organizational Justice Perceptions and Personal States with Personal and Organizational Outcomes pp. 17

- Aharon Tziner, Erich C. Fein and Cristinel Vasiliu
- A Proposal for a New Financial Literacy Questionnaire pp. 34

- Gian Paolo Stella, Umberto Filotto and Enrico Maria Cervellati
- The Effect of Training and Development on the Performance of Senior Administrative Staff at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana pp. 49

- Moses Segbenya and Titus Berisie
- Applying Psychological Capital to Senior Management Development: A “Must” and Not “Nice to Have” pp. 62

- Edna Rabenu and Aharon Tziner
- The Role of Governance Interaction with Customer Service in Improving Banking Financial Performance pp. 67

- Orooba Rashid Ali Badran
- Critical Success Factors for ERP Projects: Recommendations from a Canadian Exploratory Study pp. 80

- Sreekumar Menon
- Relationship between Workers' Remittances and Money Supply from 2000 to 2018: Using the Vector Autoregression Model pp. 92

- Ateyah Mohammad Alawneh
- IT Tools and Performance Indicators: A Qualitative Overview of Managerial, Organizational, Financial Strategies within Healthcare Sector pp. 105

- Marco Remondino
- Network Centrality and Homophily in Stakeholder Relationship Management: The Effects on a Social Enterprise’s Decision-Making Process pp. 123

- Ornella Papaluca and Mario Tani
- Lease Accounting: Back into the Past—A General Review of Different Theoretical Approaches pp. 136

- Marco Sorrentino, Margherita Smarra and Massimiliano Farina Briamonte
- The Role of Customer Engagement and Relationship Quality toward E-Customer Loyalty in the Jordanian Online Environment pp. 149

- Sana’a Nawaf Al-Nsour
- Measuring Operational Efficiency of Foreign Branches of Bangladeshi Banks as Financial Intermediary pp. 165

- Asmina Akter
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 2 pp. 170

- Stephen Lee
Volume 15, issue 1, 2021
- Pro-Environmental Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review of Literature pp. 1

- Owino Odhiambo Joseph
- An Entrepreneurial Identity for Social Enterprise across the Institutional Approaches: From Mission to Accountability toward Sustainable Societal Development pp. 16

- Carla Del Gesso
- The Impact of Green Marketing on Green Consumer Behaviour in Jordan pp. 36

- Arwa Hisham Rahahleh, Monira Abdallah Moflih, Zaid Ahmad Alabaddi, Jihad Farajat and Sanaa Nawaf AL-Nsour
- Pay for Performance, Performance Management, and Internal Promotional Opportunities of Human Resource Practices with Job Performance pp. 49

- Nasina Mat Desa and Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari
- The Use of Structural Equation Model (SEM) to Evaluate the Effectiveness of ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) on the Performance of Oil and Gas Drilling Companies pp. 59

- Ali M. Harthy, Neelufer Aslam, Said M. Al Saqri, Siti Arni, Sulo Nair and Asif M. Karim
- Ethical Leadership Impact on the Turnover of Islamic Banks in Kuwait pp. 77

- Mohammad A. O. J. Almutairi, Abdullah A. O. J. Almutairi, Ali S. S. Almarri and Bader Ali KH M. Almutairi
- Cost Efficiency Determinants: Evidence from the Canadian Banking Industry pp. 86

- Abayomi Oredegbe
- The Level of Integrated Reporting Alignment with the IIRC Framework: Evidence from South Africa pp. 99

- Arcangelo Marrone and Lara Oliva
- Investment Experience, Bilateral Investment Treaty and China’s ODI: A New Angle to Explain Risk Preference pp. 109

- Peiyuan Xu and Yongzhong Wang
- Saudi Airlines Service Quality: Passengers’ Perceptions toward SAUDIA Operational Procedures Pre-flight Services: An Empirical Investigation pp. 122

- Hani A. AlGhamdi
- Governance Innovation and Enhancement: The New One-Tier Model of UBI Banca pp. 134

- Francesca Magli and Alberto Nobolo
- The Use of Digital Technology to Reshape the Retail Store pp. 149

- Federica Caboni
- Innovation trough Tradition in Family Business pp. 157

- Cinzia Vallone and Barbara Iannone
- Family Firm Identity Approach: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 166

- Beskida S. Dorda and Eriona M. Shtëmbari
- Public Credit Guarantee Schemes in Supporting SMEs: An Evaluation of Effectiveness and Impacts pp. 174

- Maria Cristina Arcuri, Lorenzo Gai and Federica Ielasi
- Social Support of Colleagues, Employee Loyalty, and Organizational Commitment in Microfinance Institutions: The Case of MFIS of the West Region of Cameroon pp. 190

- Douanla Jean and Nohotio Kenne Jean Mathurin
- Matching Revenues and Costs: The Counter-Intuitive Rationality of Direct Costing pp. 202

- Anna Maria Moisello and Piero Mella
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15 No. 1 pp. 223

- Stephen Lee
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