International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 12, issue 12, 2017
- Exploring the Antecedents of Job Crafting: A Conditional Process Analysis pp. 1

- Domenico Berdicchia and Giovanni Masino
- Alternative Performance Measures and ESMA Guidelines: Improving Stakeholders’ Communication pp. 15

- Francesca Magli, Alberto Nobolo and Matteo Ogliari
- Motivation, Incentives and Performance: An Interdisciplinary Review pp. 29

- Bruna Bruno, Marisa Faggini and Anna Parziale
- The Relationship between Financial Ratios and Sporting Performance in Italy’s Serie A pp. 53

- Andrea Rey and Francesco Santelli
- The Market Reaction to the Appointment of Women on Corporate Boards: Evidence from the Italian Listed Companies pp. 64

- Patrizia Pastore, Silvia Tommaso and Antonio Ricciardi
- Asymmetric Persuasive Effects of Gain- and Loss-related Messages in Electronic Word of Mouth pp. 82

- Heejae Shin and Wirawan Dahana
- Corporate Universities’ Configuration in the Italian Context: An Exploratory Study pp. 97

- Alessia Sammarra, Sara Mormino, Laura Innocenti and Silvia Profili
- Competitiveness and Sustainability in Tourism Industry: The Albergo Diffuso Case Study pp. 107

- Marco Valeri and Paola Paoloni
- Disclosure Quality Measurement in the Public Sector: A Structured Literature Review pp. 119

- Marco Bisogno, Francesca Citro, Serena Santis and Aurelio Tommasetti
- The Impact of Internal Service Quality on Organizational Innovation Examining the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment: “An Empirical Study in the Foreign Banks in Jordan” pp. 135

- Mais Emad Al-Bilbiese and Mohammad Al-Nuaimi
- The Impact of Performance Audit on Public Administrations in Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory Study pp. 144

- Yousef Alwardat and Abdullatif Basheikh
- Just-In-Time System and Its Impact on Operational Excellence: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Industrial Companies pp. 158

- Yazan Emnawer Al Haraisa
- The Relationship between Network Security Policies and Audit Evidence Documentation: The Accounting Information Security Culture as a Mediator pp. 168

- Mohammad Naser Musa Hamdan
- Does Social Comparison Orientation Moderate the Organisational Justice, In-role Performance, Citizenship and Counterproductive Behaviours Relationship? pp. 181

- Sahar Mohamed Badawy and Sherine Fathy El-Fekey
- Factors Affecting Fresh Graduate Bankruptcy at Young Age: The Case of Fresh Graduates in Kota Damansara pp. 194

- Uma Murthy and Paul Anthony Mariadas
- Using Balanced Scorecard for Managing Performance in Selected Ghanaian Banks pp. 204

- Benjamin Agyeman, James Bonn and Collins Osei
- The Moderating Effect of Innovation on the Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management Strategies and Performance of Christian Hospitality Sectorin Kenya – An Empirical Overview pp. 212

- Midikira Kibisu and Zachary Awino
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Banking Industry: An Analysis of Disclosure Levels in Botswana pp. 224

- Ishmael Botshabelo, Christian Mbekomize and Percy Phatshwane
- An Exploratory Study on the Factors Contributing Loan Repayment Default among the Loan Borrowers in Micro Finance Institutions in Shah Alam, Selangor pp. 242

- Uma Murthy and Paul Anthony Mariadas
- The Need for Specific Modelling of Small Enterprise Default Prediction: Empirical Evidence from Italian Small Manufacturing Firms pp. 251

- Francesco Ciampi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 12 pp. 263

- Stpehen Lee
Volume 12, issue 11, 2017
- Factors Welfare Recipients View Significant to Become Self-Sufficient pp. 1

- Lucson Francois
- ITMA - IT Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions pp. 16

- Declan Burke and Serhiy Kovela
- Business Model Research: From Concepts to Theories pp. 41

- Susan Lambert and Marco Montemari
- Corporate Social Responsibility Applications in Turkish Airport System pp. 52

- Nuriye Gures, Harun Yilmaz, Seda Arslan, Cemal Durmuscelebi and Cevher Yuksel
- Antecedents of Job Satisfaction in Saudi Arabia: Impact of Industrial Sector pp. 61

- Abdulmonem Alzalabani
- The Moderating Role of Organizational Identification on the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Career Management and Intention to Leave pp. 73

- Erkan Taskiran
- Outsourcing and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Italian Manufacturing Industry pp. 87

- Pinuccia Calia and Silvia Pacei
- Export Compliance: A Missing Component of International Entrepreneurship pp. 103

- Vahid Jafari Sadeghi, Paolo Pietro Biancone, Charles Giacoma and Silvana Secinaro
- How Perceived Brand Globalness Drives Value in Emerging Markets: An Examination from China pp. 111

- Chunling Yu and Lily Dong
- A Review of Competitive Repertoire-Action-Based Competitive Advantage pp. 120

- Jay Lee
- An Exploratory Study of Customer Satisfaction with International Student Recruitment Agencies: A Case Study in New Zealand pp. 130

- Shaohua Yang, Xingxing Chen and Xiaoli Shen
- R&D Spillover Effects on the Strategic Behavior of Large International Firms during the World Financial Crisis pp. 141

- Luigi Aldieri, Maria Carmela Aprile and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- On The Two-Way Relationship between Corporate Reputation and Financial Performance in Microfinance: A Stakeholder Approach pp. 149

- Lwanzo Lusambo
- Linguistic Strategies for Western Cosmetic Brand Translation in China pp. 164

- Jiafeng Liu
- Managing Successful Overseas Assignments in Malaysia: Social Competencies, Emotional Competencies, Job Performance and Cultural Adjustment pp. 174

- Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh and Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood
- Factors Influencing the Adoption of Islamic Banking in Malaysia pp. 187

- Paul Anthony Mariadas and Uma Murthy
- PLS-SEM Based Analysis of Service Quality and Satisfaction in Open Distance Learning in Sri Lanka pp. 194

- M. J. Perera, Gapar Johar, Ali Kathibi, Halinah Atan, Nalin Abeysekera and Isuri Dharmaratne
- The Effectiveness of Applying the Baldrige Quality Standards in Higher Education to Achieve Competitive Advantage: Case Study on Jordanian Private Universities pp. 218

- Khawaldeh Faleh Obeidallah
- Household Debt and Housing Price: An Empirical Study across 36 Countries pp. 227

- Fujun Lai, Sze Nam Chan, Wai Yan Shum and Nan Zhou
- Pitfalls in the Implementation of District Assemblies’ Skills Training Program for the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Ghana pp. 242

- Owusu Joyce and Liu Xinyan
- Use of Big Data to Improve Environmental Sustainability in Developing Countries pp. 249

- Maged Adel Abdo Mukred and Zheng Jianguo
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 11 pp. 257

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 10, 2017
- The Relationships between Companies and Bank System: An Analysis of Italian Context pp. 1

- Elisa Giacosa and Alberto Mazzoleni
- Reshaping Risk Disclosure through Integrated Reporting: Evidence from Italian Early Adopters pp. 11

- Francesca Manes-Rossi, Giuseppe Nicolo and Rebecca Levy Orelli
- Mediating Service Recovery Satisfaction in the Relationship between Internet Service Recovery and Customer Loyalty pp. 24

- Mauro Sciarelli, Abdelhakim Nagm, Mona Dakrory, Mario Tani and Mohamed Khashan
- Conceptualizing Relational Resources as Critical Factor for IT Outsourcing Success pp. 43

- Paolo Popoli
- The Value of Corporate Social Performance: The Case of a Local Public Transport Company pp. 58

- Agliata Francesco, Caterina Ferrone and Danilo Tuccillo
- The Company Fundamental Analysis and the Default Risk Ratio pp. 79

- Pasquale De Luca
- Cultural Distance in the Workplace: Differences in Work-Related Attitudes between Vietnamese Employees and Western Employers pp. 91

- Tran Tran, Wilfried Admiraal and Nadira Saab
- Criteria for Measuring the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Human Resources Management Strategy and its Relation to Institutional Performance at Al Rajhi Bank at Al Qassim in Saudi Arabia from the Employees’ Point of View pp. 111

- Abdullah Alwehabie
- Using Human Resource Management Practices to Predict Quality Service Delivery: Case of Public Secondary Schools in Kenya pp. 121

- Christine Mutiso and James Kilika
- The Impact of Economic Value Added & Return on Investment on the Changes in Stock Market’s Value (Analytical Study: ASE: 2006-2015) pp. 132

- Mohammad Al-Afeef
- Factors Influence Internal Audit Effectiveness pp. 143

- Dhiaa Shamki and Thuraiya Amur Alhajri
- Impact of Strategic Agility on Business Continuity Management (BCM): The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness: An Applied Study in Jordanian Insurance Companies pp. 155

- Ghufran Saed Hijjawi and Khaled Mahmoud Al-Shawabkeh
- Coping Strategies among Pastoralists Women Entrepreneurs against the Odds: Experiences from Baringo Division, Samburu North, Kenya pp. 166

- Grace Adhiambo Okello and Orucho Michael Ngala
- Factors Affecting Management Accounting Practices in Malaysia pp. 177

- Sudhashini Nair and Yee Soon Nian
- Health Service Quality and Its Impact on Strategic Success: A Field Study on the Private Hospitals of Jordan pp. 185

- Abdullah Al-khrabsheh, Omar Rabeea Mahdi and Ahmed Muttar
- The Factors Affecting the Affluent Consumers Luxury Purchasing Behavior in China pp. 194

- Xia Wang and Luqiong Tong
- The Role of High-Performance Work System on Career Success: Evidence from Jordan pp. 203

- Bandar Abutayeh
- Procurement Strategies Using Portfolio Approach Based on Options and Spot Markets Procurement pp. 212

- Wang Heng and Xu Qi
- Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Explaining Stock Returns in Sri Lanka pp. 223

- Yathra Mullage Gunaratne and P. A. Niluka Anuradha
- Analysis of Farmers’ Safety Capability Reserved Costs of Rubber Gardens pp. 234

- Tirta Jaya Jenahar and Luis Mamisah
- Effect of Financial Literacy on Retirement Preparedness among Employees in the Insurance Sector in Kenya pp. 242

- Emma Aluodi, Amos Njuguna and Bernard Omboi
- Study on the Duration of Market Microstructure Theory pp. 252

- Wei Wenjuan
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Managment, Vol. 12 No. 10 pp. 257

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 9, 2017
- University-Industry Knowledge Transfer: Channels of Sport Research Interaction pp. 1

- Noni Zaharia
- Matching Local and Global Dimensions: A Knowledge Based Approach to Classify European Life Sciences Clusters pp. 17

- Adele Parmentola
- GARCH Models with Fat-Tailed Distributions and the Hong Kong Stock Market Returns pp. 28

- Zi-Yi Guo
- The Impact of Controlling for Risk on the Value Relevance of Earnings: Evidence from the U.S pp. 38

- Xiaoli Ortega
- The Linkage between ESG Performance and Credit Ratings: A Firm-Level Perspective Analysis pp. 53

- Alain Devalle, Simona Fiandrino and Valter Cantino
- Development Perspectives of Relational Capital in Women-Led Firms pp. 66

- Paoloni Mauro, Valeri Marco and Paola Paoloni
- An Assessment of the Access to Credit-Welfare Nexus: Evidence from Mauritania pp. 77

- Alessandra Amendola, Marinella Boccia, Gianluca Mele and Luca Sensini
- Hotel Industry Regulations and Cross-Border Franchising: The Case of Saudi Arabia pp. 94

- Megbel Aleidan
- The Impact of Perceived Leadership Style on Performance Appraisal Satisfaction and Organizational Diagnosis in terms of Turnover Intention pp. 104

- Izlem Gozukara, Zeynep Hatipoglu and Ozlem Oncel Gunes
- A Study on Implications of Implementing Green HRM in the Corporate Bodies with Special Reference to Developing Nations pp. 117

- Adimuthu Ramasamy, Ishmael Inore and Richard Sauna
- Control Management System Evaluation Applied in Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) pp. 130

- Nasser Assaf, Wisam Abu Khalaf, Abed Elkareem Alzoubi and Saed Zighan
- Health Care Service Quality and Its Impact on Patient Satisfaction “Case of Al-Bashir Hospital” pp. 136

- Rula Al-Damen
- Linkage Strategies, Resource Conditions and University Performance pp. 153

- Orucho Michael Ngala and Zachary Awino
- Capital Structure Theories and Firm’s Value-Evidence from Bursa Malaysia Construction Sector pp. 163

- Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi, Nur Farah Nadiah Md Lazim and Tahir Iqbal
- The Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Organizational Commitment on Market-Orientation of the Banks (Case Study: Parsian Bank Branches in Tehran) pp. 173

- Fariba Khoshnammoghadam
- The Role of Internal Auditing in Controlling the Performance for Jordanian Industrial Companies: Empirical Evidence pp. 186

- Faris Soud Alqadi
- The Effect of Sector Economic Growth on the Performance of Employment and Welfare of People pp. 194

- Nahu Daud
- The Influence of Organizational Culture on E-Commerce Adoption pp. 204

- Hani Al-Dmour, Maram Nweiran and Rand Al-Dmour
- Integrated Reporting and Italian Companies: An Empirical Investigation pp. 221

- Guido Paolucci and Eva Cerioni
- Scholarly Views on Theory: Its Nature, Practical Application, and Relation to World View in Business Research pp. 231

- Jason Thomas
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 9 pp. 241

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 8, 2017
- A Study of Inventory Control Systems by Jamaican SMEs in Retail and Manufacturing/Distribution Industries pp. 1

- Fashaya Johnson and Thanasak Ruankaew
- Drivers of US Bank Failures during the Financial Crisis pp. 19

- Raymond Cox, Randall Kimmel and Grace Wang
- A Case-Study of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing of Immigrants in Lloydminster, Canada pp. 37

- Oludamola Durodola, Patricia Fusch and Steven Tippins
- Is There An Industry Effect in Executive Compensation? Evidence from Aerospace/Defense and Leisure/Hospitality Industry pp. 51

- Confidence Amadi and Felicia Amadi
- Impact of Relational Management and Culture on System Success Perceptions in an IT Outsourcing Project pp. 61

- Sameer Dutta, Milton Silver and Olu Omolayole
- A Literature Review of Factors Influencing Implementation of Management Information Systems in Organizations pp. 72

- Shuddha Chowdhury and K. M. Salahuddin
- A Cross-country Study of the Effects of Institutional Ownership on Credit Ratings pp. 80

- AlHares A. and Collins Ntim
- Board of Directors’ “Convexification” and Corporate Results: Recent Evidence from Italy under a Linear/PLS Approach pp. 100

- Marco Taliento, Christian Favino and Angelo Fiorella
- Firms’ Innovation in Waste Management and Land Fertilizers within the Triad pp. 120

- Concetto Paolo Vinci and Luigi Aldieri
- Evolution of Institutional Logics: The Emergence of the Temporary Work Agencies Field in Italy pp. 131

- Alessia Berni, Mariavittoria Cicellin, Stefano Consiglio and Luigi Moschera
- From the Unusual to the Useful: Digital Platforms and Co-Working Spaces as Instruments for Human Resource Management in Emerging Economic and Organizational Environments pp. 143

- Leonardo Pompa
- Under Interruptive Effects of Rarity and Mental Accounting, Whether the Online Purchase Intention Can Still Be Enhanced Even with Higher Search Costs and Perceived Risk pp. 160

- Shu-Yi Liaw and Thi Mai Le
- The Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability: Evidence in Viet Nam pp. 175

- Le Toan, Ho Van Nhan, Le Nguyen Ngoc Anh and Le Quang Man
- Capital Asset Pricing Model, Theory and Practice: Evidence from USA (2009-2016) pp. 182

- Mohammad Al-Afeef
- Pharmaceutical Product Selection: Application of AHP pp. 193

- Farzana Elahi, Afia Muqtadir, Shahriyar Anam and K. Mustafiz
- Impact of Consumers’ Preference for Cultural and Creative Parks on the Attitude Behavior Model pp. 201

- Shwu-Ing Wu and Man-Li Tian
- Empowerment and Responsiveness Effect on Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) Staffs in Selangor, Malaysia pp. 219

- Mahiswaran Selvanathan, Noor Ain Zeni, Pei Jun Tan and Kantharow Apparavu
- The Development Strategy of Packaged Pempek Industry pp. 227

- Railia Karneta and Nurlaili Fitri Gultom
- Firm Performance in the Context of Knowledge Based Intensive Sector: A Theoretical Review pp. 234

- Eunice N. Wandiga, James M. Kilika and Rosemary James
- The Influence of Asset Structure, Capital Structure, Risk Management and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Performance and Value of The Firm through Earnings and Free Cash Flow As An Intervening Variable in Banking Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock pp. 249

- Catur F. Ukhriyawati, Tri Ratnawati and Slamet Riyadi
- Alternative Dispute Resolution and Collective Conciliation in Nigeria: A Review of Contemporary Literature pp. 261

- Ige Yemisi
- Covering International Marketing Influences on Firm International Performance: Evidences from GCC pp. 274

- Mansour Lotayif
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 8 pp. 298

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 7, 2017
- The Moderating Effect of Gender on the Organizational Commitment-Rewards Relationship pp. 1

- Keisuke Kokubun
- Responsible Gambling Strategies for Internet Gambling: An Empirical Investigation into the Italian Gambling Market pp. 17

- Paolo Calvosa
- Modeling Effects of KM and HRM Processes to the Organizational Performance and Employee’s Job Satisfaction pp. 35

- Azizur Rahman and Najmul Hasan
- Blood Components as Joint Products: A Literature Review of Cost-Allocation Methods pp. 46

- Alessia D'Andrea
- The Nigerian Oil Industry: Assessing Community Development and Sustainability pp. 58

- Mercy Makpor and Regina Leite
- In the Midst of Crisis: Knowledge Assets and Operating Efficiency of Italian Listed Companies pp. 70

- Marco Taliento
- Determinants of New Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Access to Bank Credit: Case Study in the Phu Tho Province, Vietnam pp. 83

- Hung Pham
- Implementation Influence of ISO9000 on Organization’s Performance pp. 100

- Amal AL Othman and Said Taan EL Hajjar
- Postponement Application in the Fast Fashion Supply Chain: A Review pp. 115

- MdAfzalul Aftab, Qin Yuanjian and Nadia Kabir
- Questioning Facilities Management in Higher Education in Egyptian Context for Better Decision-Making Process of Funding Allocation pp. 129

- Mona Abd Elghany and Reem Elharakany
- Investigating Relationship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Adoption Concept and University Competitive Advantage: A Field Study pp. 138

- Abdul Sattar H. Yousif, Firas Rifai and Hadeel Alhroot
- Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education: Prospects and Challenges in Nigeria pp. 146

- Wilson Herbert, Francis Onyilo, Emeka Ene and Ioraver Tsegba
- The Impact of Spokes-Characters on Customer Loyalty pp. 162

- Aibala Kassymbayeva
- Influence Factors Venture Capital, Farmer’s Institutions and Bussiness Typed to Farmer’s Successfull of the Independently Direct Aid Program in Ogan Ilir pp. 174

- Tien Yustini
- Determining Factors of Potential Economy Sectors of Bantaeng Regency in South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia: An Analysis Using the Location Quotient Approach pp. 183

- Willy Arafah and Ryan Corinus Dato Matheos
- Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction - With Special focus on the Online Cab Industry in India pp. 192

- Kiran Sharma and Saptarshi Das
- A Theoretical Perspective of Contract and Contractual Customer-Supplier Relationship in the Mobile Phone Service Sector pp. 201

- Muhammad Alshurideh
- Market Reaction around the Event of a Stock Split: An Analysis on the Dhaka Stock Exchange pp. 212

- Md Saimum Hossain
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 7 pp. 223

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 6, 2017
- The Factors Affecting the Trustworthiness of Customers towards the Usage of Internet Banking in Malaysia pp. 1

- Uma Murthy, Paul Anthony Mariadas and Gopal Perumal
- A Path Model “Why-What-How-When” to Implement an IC Reporting pp. 11

- Paola Demartini and Paola Paoloni
- Isomorphic Pressures and Innovation Trends in Italian Health Care Organizations pp. 26

- Stefania De Simone
- Entrepreneurial Creativity: Sources, Processes and Implications pp. 33

- Valentina Della Corte and Giovanna Del Gaudio
- Exploring Factors that Affect the Well-Being of Healthcare Workers pp. 49

- Andrea Tomo and Stefania De Simone
- The Availability of Quality Health Service Dimensions in Government Hospitals in Sudan (A Case Study of Teaching Hospitals in Sudan) pp. 62

- Mohamednour Ahmed and Ahmed Ibrahim
- Self-efficacy and Motivations among Saudi Employees toward Creating their Own Business pp. 75

- Adlah Alessa
- Foreign Direct Investment of United States of America in Bangladesh pp. 89

- Fahmida Mostafiz
- The Impact of Accounting on Environmental Costs to Improve the Quality of Accounting Information in the Jordanian Industrial Companies pp. 104

- Atalla Alqotaish and Adel Qatawneh
- Leadership and Communication in HCMC, Vietnam pp. 111

- Adrian Tiong Weng
- Social Media in Food and Beverages Industry: Case of Klang Valley, Malaysia pp. 121

- Ilangovan Perumal, Uma Devi Krisnan and Nur Syahirah Binti Abdul Halim
- Intrepreneurial Practices and Organizational Competitiveness: A Theoretical Approach pp. 128

- Thecle Peggy Angouanda Oprha and Mohamed Najib. El Oualidi
- Risk Management and Forecasting Macro-Variables Influences on Bank Risk pp. 137

- Hashem Valipour and Mostafa Sohouli Vahed
- A Review of Critical Success Factors Which Drives the Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 151

- Isaac Mabhungu and Breggie Van Der Poll
- Selection of Short-term Investment Strategy-Judgment Based on Average Adhesion State pp. 165

- Jishan Ma, Yawen Pan and Yanyu Zhang
- Reviewing Conservative Relationship between Accounting and Corporate Governance Mechanisms pp. 172

- Hashem Valipour and Mostafa Sohouli Vahed
- The Influence of Administrative Monopoly on Economic Development——An Empirical Study Based on Vector Error Correction Model pp. 182

- Zhao Xiaoge and Zhong Shihu
- The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Innovative Work Behavior in the Saudi Hospitality pp. 189

- Abdulrahman Alsughayir
- A Provincial Panel Data Analysis on Export Effect of China’s Inbound Tourism pp. 196

- Xiaohui Wang
- The Prospects of Future Production: An Arena for Emerging New Strategies and Policies of Manufacturing–The Household Appliance Industry’s Review pp. 203

- Ahmad Reza Ghasemi, Arshia Taimouri and Alireza Sayadi
- Gaming Motivations among American College Students pp. 211

- Yeong Chi, Marvin Lovett and Orson Chi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 6 pp. 219

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 5, 2017
- The Relationship between Leader Member Exchange, Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment, Gender-Similarity Roles in the Segregated Work Environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) pp. 1

- Mohammed Alshamrani
- Intensify Business Performances of Multinationals: An Introduction to Five Strategic Elements within Performance Management pp. 17

- Daniel Feyerlein
- Instructor Acceptance of Mobile Learning in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of Hail University pp. 27

- O. Alharbi, H. Alotebi, A. Masmali and N. Alreshidi
- Exploring the Impact of Airlines Service Quality on Customer Loyalty: Evidence from Taiwan pp. 36

- Chun-Mei Chen and Hsian-Ming Liu
- The Mechanisms of Transition from Effectual to Causal thinking in Entrepreneurial Contingency pp. 51

- William Lin
- The Assembly Enterprises in the Electric Electronic Sector in Tamaulipas, Mexico: Their Knowledge Ties pp. 64

- Francisco García-Fernández, José Sevilla Morales, Jesús Delgado Rivas and Mónica Sánchez Limón
- Factors Influencing Waiting Time as Key of Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Department in King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia pp. 79

- Omar Zayyan Alsharqi, Mai AlBarakati, Abdul Aziz AlQamdi, Hussein Al-Borie and Alaeddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad
- An Evaluation of the Factors Influencing Investors' Perception in Bangladesh Stock Market pp. 89

- Jannatunnesa -
- The Implications of Managed-Workforce Diversity on Internal Supply Chain Integration and Business Performance pp. 104

- Samuel Bruce Rockson, Jonathan Annan and Abdul Samed Muntaka
- CAPM Vs Fama-French Three-Factor Model: An Evaluation of Effectiveness in Explaining Excess Return in Dhaka Stock Exchange pp. 119

- Mahnoor Sattar
- The Role of Changing Management in the Process Of Enhancing the strategic Marketing Planning in Jordanian Industry Sector (Model-Complement) pp. 130

- Salman Mohammad Abulehyeh and Ali Falah Al-zoub
- Implementing Automated Quality Management Software System through Total Quality Management and Knowledge Management Concepts to Improve the Quality of Education in the Universities pp. 145

- Tasneem Alfalah, Salsabeel Alfalah and Jannat Falah
- Research on New Relation between the Chinese Government and Trade Associations pp. 153

- Xue Ao
- Experiential Learning for Supporting Learning Effectiveness in Business Education: A Case Study from Egypt pp. 159

- Randa El Bedawy
- The Effect of Job Engagement on Job Burnout and Job Performance: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice pp. 177

- Nan Yin
- Perceived Organisational Injustice and Counterproductive Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Work Alienation Evidence from the Egyptian Public Sector pp. 192

- Maha Dajani and Mohamad Saad Mohamad
- Information Technology (IT) Competencies Desired in New Accounting Graduates: A Survey in Jordanian Business Environment pp. 202

- Suleiman Mustafa EL-dalahmeh
- Network Embeddedness and Firm Innovation: An Empirical Research on Strategic Emerging Industries in China pp. 209

- Zheng Xiangjie
- Drawing the Economical Balanced Line for Railway and Sea Way Transportation between Iran and China pp. 217

- Babak Besharati Loroun and Xu Ming
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 5 pp. 232

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 4, 2017
- Accountability and Reporting in the Fight against Corruption: Preliminary Evidences from the Italian Setting pp. 1

- Rosanna Spanò, Luca Ferri, Clelia Fiondella and Marco Maffei
- Defining Lean Change—Framing Lean Implementation in Organizational Development pp. 10

- Pearce A. D. and Pons D. J.
- Minority Discount for Reduced Powers in Negotiations of Non-Listed Minority Holdings: Evidence from European Countries pp. 23

- Massimiliano Celli
- Financial and Economic Health in European Member States: A Rational Management Theory pp. 34

- Alessandro Migliavacca and Christian Rainero
- Strategic Management in the Relationship between Competitiveness and Organizational Performance in MSMES of the Service Sector in Mexico pp. 55

- Marisol Guerrero, Alejandro Arellano Gonzalez and Nidia Rios Vazquez
- Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Electronic Banking pp. 67

- Vadivelu Tharanikaran, Sutha Sritharan and Vadivelu Thusyanthy
- Utilizing Social Media to Encourage Domestic Tourism in Oman pp. 84

- Ali Al-Badi, Ali Tarhini and Salima Al-Sawaei
- The Fairness Relationship with Trust and Trustworthiness in Mobile Sector in Saudi Arabia pp. 95

- Mohammed Al-Amri and Abdulaziz Al Shammary
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership Behaviours on Organizational Commitment in Omani Governmental Organizations pp. 111

- Salim Al Zefeiti
- Does Corporate Governance Affect the Financial Performance? Analysis of Findings from Jordanian Banks pp. 123

- Basman Aldalayeen
- Supply Chain Integration and Flexibility and Its Impact on Business Performance pp. 130

- Abdul Samed Muntaka, Ashraf Haruna and Henry Kofi Mensah
- Antecedents and Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction: A Comprehensive Review pp. 144

- Vadivelu Thusyanthy and Vadivelu Tharanikaran
- Culture or Culture of Participation: A Success Factor by International Mergers and Acquisitions? pp. 157

- Petia Genkova and Anna Gajda
- A Case for Regulating Corporate Governance for SMEs in Ghana pp. 168

- Benjamin Asunka
- Mobile Money, the Symbolism of Physical Money and Emerging Dynamics in Social Relationships among Low-Income Earners in Kenya pp. 178

- Kennedy Waweru
- Fiscal Policy and the Nigerian Economy: An Econometric Review pp. 186

- Anyalechi Kenneth Chikezie, Onwumere Uchechukwu Joe and Boloupremo Tarila
- Empirical Assessment and Application of SERVQUAL Evidence from UAE Banks pp. 197

- Mansour Lotayif
- Grey Relation Analysis on the High-tech Industry and Economic Growth——Empirical Evidence from Yunnan Province of China pp. 213

- Lin Zhu and Bo Xu
- Authentic Leadership and Employees’ Work-related Quality of Life: A Study of IT Organizations in India pp. 222

- Nidhi Yadav and Shikha Dixit
- Estimation of the Wage and Employment Equation Model on Urban Labor Market by the Simultaneous Maximum Likelihood Method pp. 231

- Xiao Du and Zhang Hao
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12, No. 4 pp. 237

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 3, 2017
- Conceptualization and Measurement of Market Orientation: A Review with a Roadmap for Future Research pp. 1

- Turkan Dursun and Ceyhan Kilic
- Lessons Learned in Management, Marketing, Sales, and Finance Incentive Practices a Decade after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis pp. 19

- Jason Thomas
- From Accountability to Readability in the Public Sector: Evidence from Italian Universities pp. 27

- Alessandra Allini, Luca Ferri, Marco Maffei and Annamaria Zampella
- Financial Versus Sports Performance: The Missing Link pp. 36

- Luca Ferri, Riccardo Macchioni, Marco Maffei and Annamaria Zampella
- Running the Obstacle Race towards Public Accounting Harmonization in EU-28: A Temporal Study pp. 49

- Vincenzo Sforza and Riccardo Cimini
- Dawacom Human Resource Management Reality and Ambition pp. 62

- Nasser Assaf, Saleh Saleh Alhusan, Ahmed El-Qasem, Mohammad Al Qudah and Abdelkareem Alzoubi
- Career Path Development and its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Greater Amman Municipality pp. 79

- Khaled Mahmoud Al-Shawabkeh
- The Role of Risk Management in Enhancing the Process of Strategic Marketing Decision-Making: A Prospective Study of a Sample of Jordanian Industrial Companies pp. 94

- Ali Falah Al-zoubi and Salman Mohammad Abulehyeh
- The Antecedents of Mobile Repurchasing Intentions: An Empirical Investigation among Turkish Mobile Shoppers pp. 105

- Mutlu Yuksel Avcilar and Akin Alkevli
- Factors That Influencing Adoption of Internet Banking in Malaysia pp. 126

- Mathavi Massilamany and Dineswary Nadarajan
- Is ‘Greening’ the Key to Sustain in Global Market for Bangladeshi Readymade Garments Industry? pp. 135

- Naharin Binte Rab and Rehnuma Hoque
- Generic Strategies and Firm Performance: An Investigation of Informal Sector Micro-Enterprises in Kenya pp. 148

- Esther Mungai and Madara Ogot
- Corporate Governance: International Context and Trends from 2005 to 2015 pp. 158

- Miguel Jaimes-Valdez, Carlos A. Jacobo-Hernandez and Sergio Ochoa-Jimenez
- The Opinion of Auditors towards the Importance and Knowledge of Information Technology in Kuwait pp. 170

- Nabi Al-Duwaila and Abdullah AL-Mutairi
- The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Achieving Service Quality of Banking Sector of Jordan pp. 180

- Marzouq Ayed Al-Qeed, Basem Yousef ALsadi and Zeyad F Al-Azzam
- The Effects of Social Capital on Innovation Performance: From Complex Adaptive System Perspective pp. 191

- Shenglan Huang and Zhi Chen
- Assessing the Impact of Organizational Support and Prior Project Training: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach pp. 204

- Iman M. Adeinat and Fatheia H. Abdulfattah
- Study on Comprehensive Economic Contribution Caused by Development of the Natural Heritage Scenic Spot——Taking World Heritage Site Danxia Mount as an Example pp. 214

- Liu Yi and Zhang Mengfan
- Debt Financing Option and Financial Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises: A Critical Literature Review pp. 221

- David O. Obuya
- Pharmaceutical Plastic Packaging Market in Bangladesh: A Study on Demand-Supply Scenario and Strategic Imperatives for Local Enterprises pp. 232

- Md. Abu Zafor Sadek and Sheikh Morshed Jahan
- First Elements about the Problems of the Cohabitation of Generations within Companies in Lebanon pp. 241

- Inaya Wahidi and Robert Paturel
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Busienss and Management, Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 253

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 2, 2017
- Reading Public Service Co-Production through the Lenses of Requisite Variety pp. 1

- Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Rocco Palumbo and Orlando Troisi
- Stakeholder Engagement beyond the Tension between Idealism and Practical Concerns pp. 14

- Silvia Biraghi, Rossella Gambetti and Stefania Romenti
- International Differences in IFRS Policy Choice and the Persistence of Accounting Classification: The Case of China pp. 27

- Silvia Rossetti and Roberto Verona
- Customer Lifetime Value in B2B Markets: Theory and Practice in the Czech Republic pp. 47

- Pavel Horak
- Methods and Tools to Reorganise the Governance in the Italian Healthcare Companies pp. 56

- Daniele Gervasio, Andrea Amaduzzi and Damiano Montani
- MNEs’ Ownership Structure under Uncertainty: Explanations from TCE and Real Options Logic pp. 67

- Kyeungrae Oh
- The Role of Premiums and Discounts in Business Valuation: Evidence from the Italian Context pp. 83

- Olga Ferraro and Franco Rubino
- An Integrated Model Recommendation about Team Performance Measurement and Evaluation pp. 92

- Meryem Aybas and Cavide Uyargil
- Acceptance of Internet Banking among Consumers in Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia pp. 103

- Mahiswaran Selvanathan, Uma Devi Krisnan and Goh Kar Jun
- Brazilian Universities Incubators: A Panorama from Activities and GDP Perspective pp. 111

- Gustavo da Cruz, Nathália Bezerra and João Vitor Mendes
- Credit Institutes’ Disclosure and Presentation of Derivatives after the Crisis pp. 123

- Daniele Gervasio and Damiano Montani
- International Human Resource Management Practices in Automotive Industry in Pakistan: Implications for Economic Growth pp. 136

- Muhammad Butt and Paul Katuse
- Consumers Become More or Less Ethnocentric? A Meta-Analysis on Level of Consumer Ethnocentrism pp. 145

- Gongxing Guo and Quan Lin
- The Effect of the Global Financial Crisis on the Level of Accounting Conservatism in Commercial Banks: Evidence from Jordan pp. 151

- Yusuf Al-Hroot, Laith AL-Qudah and Faris Alkharabsha
- Developing Civil Servants’ Affective Commitment to Share Knowledge: A Case of Public Organization Cost Reduction pp. 160

- Mohamad Hisyam Selamat, Rafeah Mat Saad, Rusdi Indra Zuhdi Murat and Foo Kok Soon
- Are Countries Participating into Regional Integration Performing Better in Growth and Liberalization Than Non-Participators? A Study on European Countries pp. 171

- Tarun Bose and Jannatul Bristy
- The CCAPM with Varying Preferences pp. 199

- Samih Azar
- Building Employee Brand Equity to influence Organization Attractiveness and Firm Performance pp. 207

- Neerja Kashive and Vandana Tandon Khanna
- Strategic Agility and Its Impact on the Competitive Capabilities in Iranian Private Banks pp. 220

- Nikoo Tabe Khoshnood and Sina Nematizadeh
- The Long-Run Performance of U.S. Bidding Firms in the Post M&A Period: The Impact of Bid Type, Payment Method and Industry Specialisation pp. 230

- George Giannopoulos, Andrew Holt, Ehsan Khansalar and Patrick Mogoya
- Factors Influencing Non-Performing Loans in Commercial Banks: The Case of Banks in Selangor pp. 246

- Uma Murthy, Naail Mohammed Kamil, Paul Anthony Mariadas and Dilashenyi Devi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 2 pp. 256

- Stephen Lee
Volume 12, issue 1, 2016
- Behavioral Issues for Sustainable Investment Decision-Making: A Literature Review pp. 1

- Andrea Tomo and Giovanni Landi
- The Relationship between Shareholder Gender and Earnings Management in Private Italian Companies pp. 11

- Simone Poli
- CPN Based Modeling of Tourism Demand Forecasting pp. 28

- Hua Bai and Haoyuan Zhang
- State-level Social Capital and MNCs’ Competitive Political Resources pp. 36

- Naoki Yasuda
- The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Commitment in Chain Pharmacies in Jordan pp. 50

- Haneen Bisharat, Bader Obeidat, Ala'aldin Alrowwad, Ali Tarhini and Ibrahim Mukattash
- Evaluating the Productive Efficiency of Jordanian Public Hospitals pp. 68

- Wasim Sultan and José Crispim
- Assessing the Effects of Switching Costs on Perceived Values and Brand Loyalty: The Impact of Customers’ Perceived Authenticity in Hotel Sector pp. 84

- Chau Ka Yin and Huawen Shen
- Relationship between Internal Branding, Employee Brand and Brand Endorsement pp. 95

- Thamaraiselvan Natarajan, Senthil Arasu Balasubramaniam and Thushara Srinivasan
- Factorial Validity of an Instrument in Order to Measure the Organizational Climate in Preschoolers pp. 111

- Dolores Alvarez, Veronica Ruiz, Joseph Ojeda and Nidia Ramírez
- Factors Affecting Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) Stock Market Return in Malaysia pp. 122

- Uma Murthy, Paul Anthony and Rubana Vighnesvaran
- Factors Affecting Business Strategy Implementation of Vietnam Garment Companies pp. 133

- Hoang Nguyen and Duc Nhuan Nguyen
- Causality Relationships between Main Branding Variables and International Marketing Strategy: Evidence from MNCs in GCC Market pp. 140

- Mansour Lotayif
- The Barriers and Facilitators to the Adoption of New Technologies in Public Healthcare Sector: A Qualitative Investigation pp. 159

- Waleed AL-Hadban, Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof and Kamarul Faizal Hashim
- An Analysis of Customer Perceptions on Services of Electronic Banking in Bangladesh pp. 169

- Mohammad Rahman, Muhammad Rahman and Md Fahmed
- Impact of Prevailing HRM Practices on Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Higher Educational Institutions in India pp. 178

- Sayeeduzzafar Qazi and Vikram Jeet
- Oil Dependency of GCC Stock Markets: Co-integration of GCC Stock Market Indices and Oil Price pp. 188

- T. P. Ghosh
- The Effect of Perceived Factors of Decision Support Systems on Actual Usage: Behavioral Intention of Using Decision Support Systems as a Mediating Variable: “An Empirical Study of Jordanian Higher Education Institutions” pp. 201

- Bilal Al-Momani
- Managing Risks through Mitigation Strategies: Evidence from Cameroonian Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 219

- Mbiki Mamai and Song Yinghua
- An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Corporate Value—From the Perspective of Top Executives Incentives pp. 228

- Qian Wang, Heshan Guan and Rongrong Deng
- What is the Affect by Leader Emotion in an Organization? Exploring the Effects of Leader Emotion on Leader Role and Employee Impression pp. 239

- Mei-Mei Lin
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 No. 1 pp. 249

- Stephen Lee
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