International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 11, issue 12, 2016
- Dimensional Analysis of Service Quality: Small Construction Business and Australian Household pp. 1

- Raed Eldejany
- Policy Deployment and Learning in Complex Business Domains: The Potentials of Role Playing pp. 15

- Federico Barnabè
- A Ten-Step Model for Solving Ethical Dilemmas pp. 30

- Pierluigi Santosuosso
- Factors Affecting Salmon Preferences of Alaska Children and Their Parents pp. 40

- Pei Xu, Quentin Fong and Kathryn Idzorek
- Comparability of Company Accounts Using IFRS and US GAAP: Empirical Evidence of European and US Financial Statements pp. 54

- Federica Doni, Ross Taplin and Roberto Verona
- Effects of Customer Value Co-Creation on Customer Loyalty in the Nigerian Service Industry pp. 77

- Ogechukwu Maduka
- The Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange on the Relationship between Emotional Labor with Job Satisfaction or Turnover Intention pp. 83

- Hakan Turgut, Ismail Tokmak and M. Fikret Ates
- Exploring the Origins of Creating Shared Value in the CSR Literature pp. 97

- Jose Camarena-Martinez, Beatriz Ochoa-Silva and Teodoro Wendlandt-Amezaga
- Internal Push Factors and External Pull Factors and Their Relationships with Lecturers’ Turnover Intention pp. 110

- Sudhashini Nair, Lim Yet Mee and Aik Nai Cheik
- Empirical Analysis of House Price Bubble: A Case Study on Malaysia pp. 127

- Fong Kean Yan, Yap Lya Keng and Kwek Kien Teng
- Effects of Safety Climate, Safety Attitude, and Safety Performance on Firm Performance: A Study of an Automobile Firm pp. 135

- Subhash Kundu, Bhawana Yadav and Anshul Yadav
- Path towards Business Excellence the Mauritian Experience pp. 148

- Rishi Domun
- Does Transformational Leadership Style effect on Employee Commitment in the Aviation Industry? pp. 163

- Nasser Assaf, Mohammad Al Qudah and Anas Bashayreh
- Emotional Intelligence Has a Greater Impact on Job Performance of Employees – An Exploratory Study on Manufacturing Industries, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India pp. 177

- Subhashini D and Shaju M
- Application Level of Internal Audit Systems applied at Government Hospitals in North of Jordan pp. 187

- Hasan Salih Suliman Al-Qudah
- Working Environment for Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries: An Empirical Study of Bangladesh pp. 197

- Abdus Sattar, Leo Dewri and Sharmin Ananna
- The Effect of Dividend Initiation on Short-run Return in Indonesia: An Event Study with Propensity Score Matching Approach pp. 207

- Bambang Sugeng
- The Influence of Tuition Fees on the Choice of University among Senior High School Graduates in Kumasi, Ghana pp. 222

- Edward Gyamfi, Isaac Gyamfi and Du Qi
- Determinants of Relationship Continuity: A Mediational Study of Relationship Quality and Word of Mouth pp. 230

- Abdul Haseeb Chaudhary and Anum Mukhtar
- Loan Loss Provision and the Profitability of Commercial Banks: Evidence from Jordan pp. 242

- Mohammad Alhadab and Saba Alsahawneh
- The Behaviors of Generation Y Tourists from Asean Countries towards Malaysian Tourism Industry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia pp. 249

- Uma Murthy, Paul Mariadas and Gopal Perumal
- Prediction of Financial Distress of Non-Bank Financial Institutions of Bangladesh using Altman’s Z Score Model pp. 261

- Tania Hamid, Farzana Akter and Naharin Rab
- Employment Preference of Undergraduate Accounting Students in Botswana: Perceptional Analysis of Practitioners and Students pp. 271

- Pritika Baliyan and Som Baliyan
- Reveiwer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 12 pp. 283

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 11, 2016
- Strategic Alliances between Japanese-Western Companies: A Win-Win or Win-Lose Relationship? The Case of the Automobile Industry pp. 1

- Luca Petruzzellis, Antonia Rosa Gurrieri, Alberto Pezzi and Marco Lenoci Lenoci
- Cherry Picking or Depth-Oriented Strategic Investing? Evidence from SRI Activity pp. 13

- Angeloantonio Russo, Massimo Mariani and Francesco Perrini
- The Performance of Foreign Venture Capital Firms in Emerging Economies: A Study of U.S. Firms in China pp. 26

- Xiaodan Wang
- Analysis of an Acquisition in the Banking Sector: Banamex and Citigroup pp. 39

- Jose Vargas-Hernandez, José Satsumi López-Morales and Pablo Giovanni Palafox-Alcantar
- Be Careful What You Wish for: Mapping Nordic Cultural Communication Practices & Values in the Management Game of Communication pp. 48

- Gillian Warner-Soderholm and Charles Cooper
- Attitudes of Customers towards Islamic Banks in Kuwait pp. 59

- Sayed Al-Hunnayan and Abdullah Al-Mutairi
- A Case Study on Reengineering the Trade Flow for the Cross-strait Tax Plans of Taiwanese Companies pp. 70

- Yi-Chun Kuo and Yo-Ming Wu
- Situating Continuing Professional Development in Life Long Learning in Qatar pp. 81

- Vishanth Weerakkody, Mohamad Osmani, Paul Waller, Nitham Hindi and Rajab Al-Esmail
- Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Image in Saudi Private Sector Hospitals: An Empirical Investigation pp. 94

- Ala’Eddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad
- Does Portfolio’s Beta in Financial Market Affected by Diversification? Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange pp. 101

- Ali Matar
- The Popular Financial Reporting: Focus on Stakeholders—The first European Experience pp. 115

- Paolo Biancone, Silvana Secinaro and Valerio Brescia
- The Role of Applying Total Quality Management in Improving Incentives: A Comparative Study between Jordanian and United Arab Emirate Hospitals pp. 126

- Naser Khdour, Omar Durrah and Ashraf A’aqoulah
- Integrated Theoretical Model for Employees’ Intention to Participate in Non-Mandatory Trainings pp. 139

- Jayaranjani Sutha, Pavithra Kailasapathy and J. A. S. K. Jayakody
- The Optimization of Reservoir Based on the Combination of ABC Classification Method and Linear Programming Method pp. 156

- Li Fangping, Yang Yuguo and Wu Yue
- Alternative Method of Mitigating Risk on Medium and Large Corporations pp. 164

- Raude Messo
- Competencies of the First-Class Employees (A Players), Codification of Top Managers and Experts’ Competencies in the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 175

- Safari Ali, Tahmasebi Reza, Saeidi Habib, Morovati Alireza and Naeini Mohammad Amin
- Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Decentralized Local Government Administrative Systems pp. 184

- George Tackie, Edward Marfo-Yiadom and Sampson Oduro Achina
- Improving Employees Behavior through Extension in Theory of Planned Behavior: A Theoretical Perspective for SMEs pp. 196

- Arsalan Ghouri, Naveed Khan and Omar Abdul Kareem
- A State-Space Version of Fama and French’s Three-Factor Model: Evidence from the Tunisian Stock Exchange pp. 214

- Nejla Bergaoui and Abdelwahed Trabelsi
- Women’s Networking and Career Development: A Systematic Analysis of the Literature pp. 231

- W. M. S. K. Wanigasekara
- Feminization of Boards and Cameroonian Public Enterprise Performance pp. 237

- Désirée Ngomesse Njiké and Robert Wanda
- A Journey of Cause Related Marketing from 1988 to 2016 pp. 247

- Thamaraiselvan Natarajan, Senthil Arasu Balasubramaniam and Daniel Inbaraj Jublee
- The Relationship between Servant Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Empirical Study on Saudi Insurance Companies pp. 264

- Mohammed Al-Amri, Meshal Al Hajji and Ali Alawaji
- Complaint Behaviour between Generations and Its Transmissions: An Exploratory Study in Malaysia pp. 279

- Hiram Ting, Winnie Wong and Ernest Run
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 11 pp. 289

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 10, 2016
- Who Hires Investor Relations Firms? The Role of Managerial Entrenchment pp. 1

- Saif Ullah
- Examining Entrepreneurial Potential pp. 16

- Pavlin Bonev, Henrik Egbert and Thomas Neumann
- The Balkan Area Development: Threats and Opportunities for Italian Companies’ Investment Strategies pp. 37

- Francesco Scalera
- Earnings Management, Annual Report Patch and Accounting Comparability pp. 51

- Zhonghai Yang, Roger Su, Shasha Zhou and Yingmei Li
- The Impact of Voluntary and Mandatory IAS/IFRS Adoption: A Review pp. 69

- Pietro Fera
- Effects of Organizational Identifications on Supportive Behavior toward Former Organizations pp. 80

- Yoshiaki Takao
- Determination the Factors that Affect the Use of Enterprise Resource Planning Information System through Technology Acceptance Model pp. 91

- Akca Yasar and Gokhan Ozer
- The Marketing Stimuli Factors Influencing Consumers’ Attitudes to Purchase Organic Food pp. 109

- Song Bee Lian, Meysam Safari and Shaheen Mansori
- Linking Psychological Empowerment to Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust pp. 120

- Sanad Alajmi
- Investigating the Leadership Style Effect on the Technology Transfer Effectiveness: A Proposed New Model (An Applied Study on the Dairy Manufacturing Sector in Egypt) pp. 141

- Amal Farouk Soliman
- The Value System of Youths in Jordan: Implications for Human Resource & Marketing Managers pp. 162

- Ahmad Mohammad Obeidat, Zaid Mohammad Obeidat and Mohammad Ibrahim Obeidat
- Mechanism of Benchmarking and Its Impact on Organizational Performance pp. 172

- Mohammed Alosani, Hassan Al-Dhaafri and Rushami Yusoff
- Status of Corporate Governance Awareness in Bangladesh pp. 184

- Muhaiminul Islam, Sarker Towfiq Pritom, Sultana Nasira, Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Saurav Das and Reza Rabbi
- Economic Factors Influence on Funding of the Supply-Side of Housing in Kenya: Case Study Nairobi pp. 194

- Faith Kanjumba, Amos Njuguna and George Achoki
- Organization Strategies & Innovative Leadership Management pp. 206

- Md. Ashiqur Rahman
- Common External Tariff and Dynamism of Economic and Regional Integration in the WAEMU Zone: An Analysis Based on the Econometric Approach of Panels pp. 224

- Martin Zahore
- Investigating Factors Influencing Consumer Attitude toward SMS Advertising: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh pp. 233

- Farjana Chowdhury, Mohammad Islam and Mohammad Rana
- New Media & Content Mix of Popular Category of Products Advertised: A Brief Study pp. 252

- Ridhwan Un Nissa and Pratika Mishra
- Possibility of Applying Arabian Management Theory pp. 270

- Mohammed Al-Kasasbeh
- Exploring Waste and Value in a Lean Context pp. 282

- Diana Chronéer and Peter Wallström
- Quality of Health Services and Patients’ Satisfaction in Accredited and Non-Accredited Hospitals pp. 298

- Naser Saif
- Editorial: Is There Still Something to Learn about the Association of Corporate Governance with Firm Performance? pp. 306

- Giovanni Bronzetti, Stefania Veltri and Romilda Mazzotta
- The Association of Board Composition, Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance in a High Ownership Concentration Context: Evidence from Italy pp. 317

- Stefania Veltri and Romilda Mazzotta
- Board Gender Diversity, Network and Firms’ Performance in the Italian Listed Companies pp. 332

- Francesca di Donato, Delio Panaro and Sara Trucco
- Family Firms and Productivity: The Role of Institutional Quality pp. 343

- Lidia Mannarino, Valeria Pupo and Fernanda Ricotta
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 10 pp. 361

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 9, 2016
- The Effects of Corporate Governance Practices on the Choice between Efficient and Opportunistic Earnings Management pp. 1

- Tim Vervaat, Georgios Georgakopoulos, Konstantinos Vasileiou and Ioannis Sotiropoulos
- The Importance of Collaboration and Competition Within and Outside the OECD pp. 13

- Ian Jackson and John McManus
- Stakeholder Engagement in Cultural Organizations: An Explorative Study on Participatory Theatre pp. 21

- Maria Cleofe Giorgino
- Governance of Industrial Districts: Bibliometric and Cluster Analyses pp. 36

- Sara Saggese
- What Do Mongolian Facebook Users Want from Advertisers? pp. 51

- Massoud Moslehpour, Jargal Tumurbaatar, Khoirul Amri and Munkh-Ulzii Batmunkh
- Empirical Observations on the Tracking Errors and the Risk-Adjusted Returns of REIT-Based Exchange Traded Funds pp. 63

- Subhashis Nandy
- Success of Post-Natural Disaster Reconstruction Projects–Significance of Community Perspective pp. 69

- Kamran Shafique
- The Effect of Consumer Characteristics on the Cause-Related Marketing Campaign: The Role of Personal Life Values pp. 82

- Jaejin Lee and Jihye Kim
- Challenges Facing Businesswomen and Their Negative Impact on the Performance of Small Businesses in the Province of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia pp. 96

- Nayef Al-Ghamri
- The Impact of Market Orientation on Customer Satisfaction of Private Schools in Jordan pp. 117

- Shadi Altarifi, Ibrahim Aqel and Khaled Al Tarawneh
- The Direction of Change Management in United Arab Emirates pp. 126

- Abdulla Baddah
- The Impact of Mobile Learning Applications on the Lecturer’s Role and Development of Learner’s Motivation towards Learning: Empirical Study at the Faculties Physical Education-Libya pp. 134

- Altaher Alssaid, Noor Azizi Bin Ismail and Noorhayati Binti Hashim
- Job Satisfaction among Academic and Non-Academic Staff in Public Universities in Malaysia: A Review pp. 148

- Noorshella Che Nawi, Mohammad Ismail, Mohd Asrul Hery Ibrahim, Nursalihah Ahmad Raston, Zaminor Zamzamir Zamzamin and Azila Jaini
- Technological Capability as a Key Determinant for Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Indian Sub-Continent pp. 154

- Tahir Iqbal, Abdul Razak Abdul Hadi and Sehrish Zafar
- The Impact of the Application of Social Responsibility on the Creation of a Competitive Advantage for Jordanian Private Universities pp. 166

- Sima Magatef
- Managing Work-Family Conflict among Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Study pp. 179

- Wendy Teoh, Chin Wei Chong, Siong Choy Chong and Hishamuddin Ismail
- Selected Human Resources Factors as Determinants of Performance Management Framework Implementation in Kenya pp. 192

- Jane Sang, Michael Korir and Bob Wishitemi
- Assessing the Impact of Service Quality on Customers and Operators: Empirical Study pp. 207

- Mohammad Sultan Ansari, Jamal Ahmad Farooquie and Said Gattoufi
- Effects of Capital Structure and Managerial Ownership on Profitability: Experience from Bangladesh pp. 218

- Md. Imran Hossain
- Relationship between Strategy Implementation and Performance in Commercial Banks in Nairobi County Kenya pp. 230

- Jecinta Waititu
- Public Understanding of Hiwalah (Debt Transferred) pp. 254

- Nashuddin -
- Linguistic and Symbolic Elements in Luxury Fashion Advertising: A Qualitative Analysis pp. 265

- Cesare Amatulli, Giovanni Pino, Manuela Iodice and Robert Cascio
- Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacy Services: An Empirical Investigation at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia pp. 272

- AlaEddin Khalaf Ahmad, Mohammad Ali Saleh Alghamdi, Saleh Ali Saleh Alghamdi, Omar Zayyan Alsharqi and Hussein Mohammad Al-Borie
- The Impacts of Performance Appraisal on Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana pp. 281

- Ramous Agyare, Ge Yuhui, Lavish Mensah, Zipporah Aidoo and Isaac Opoku Ansah
- The Relationship between Customer-Based Corporate Reputation and Customer Citizenship Behavior: The Case in Vietnam pp. 298

- Nguyen Thi Van, Tran Thi Hue Chi, Vu Thi Mai Chi and Ngo Van Quang
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 9 pp. 310

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 8, 2016
- “Getting Big by Thinking Small”: An Empirical Analysis from Trading SME’s pp. 1

- Ardita Todri and Francesco Scalera
- Towards Acceptance M-Learning Approach in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia pp. 12

- Alaa Badwelan, Steve Drew and Adel Bahaddad
- The Influence of Blockholders, Bondholders and Families on the Venturers’ Accounting Behavior pp. 31

- Simona Catuogno, Claudia Arena, Sara Saggese and Fabrizia Sarto
- Innovation on Wheels in Emerging Economies: Lessons from Auto MNC’s Experience pp. 44

- Rifat Sharmelly
- Exploring the Potential Factors Influencing the Adoption of M-Government Services in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Analysis pp. 56

- Raed Alotaibi, Luke Houghton and Kuldeep Sandhu
- The Valuation of Brand Architectures: An Empirical Investigation in the Wine Sector pp. 73

- Marco Papa and Paola Rossi
- The Qualities of a Good Manager … What Does It Mean? Lessons Learned from the Undergraduate Business Students’ Perception in Kingdom of Morocco pp. 86

- Younes Kohail, Youssef Saida, Jaoud Obad and Aziz Soulhi
- Empirical Study on the Spillover Effect of FDI in the Egyptian and Polish Manufacturing Sector pp. 97

- Amal Farag
- Smart Organization Characteristics and its Impact on Social and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Study on Jordan Phosphate Mines Company pp. 106

- Mohammed Al-Kasasbeh, Saleh Al-Kasasbeh and Abeer AL-Faouri
- The Relation of Information Security Management System Efficiency with Organizational Agility Case Study: Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Company pp. 116

- Morteza Raei Dehaghi
- The Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Economic Activity in Saudi Arabia: Econometric Approach pp. 124

- Goblan Algahtani
- Risk Disclosure: Empirical Investigation of UAE Companies’ Compliance with International Accounting Standards pp. 134

- Sawsan Halbouni and Asifa Yasin
- Malaysian Malay’s Perspective on Printed Sexy Advertisement pp. 145

- Uma Devi Krisnan and Ernest Cyril de Run
- Exploring the Leadership Preference of Malaysian Generation Y Employees: A Conceptual Paper pp. 152

- Sharizan Sharkawi, Syed Syed Mohamad and Rosmimah Roslin
- The Impact of Events Sponsorship on Attendee’s Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Brand Image pp. 162

- Elham Tomalieh
- Examination and Evaluation of the Distinguishing Features of Human Resource Management in Europe: A Study Based on Certain German and British Companies pp. 176

- Liying Wei
- A Meta-Analysis of the Financial Participation Impact on Firm Performance pp. 186

- Olfa Aissa
- Reaping the Benefits of Long Term Relationship with Suppliers: An Evidence from the Saudi Chemical Industry pp. 203

- Khalid Al-Shuaibi
- Roles of Affiliated Ownership on Manager’s Perquisites in Indonesia: Stage of Firm Cycle Approach pp. 213

- Putu Anom Mahadwartha
- Interactions between Economic Growth, FDI and Islamic Banking Development in Turkey pp. 230

- Salih Kalayci and Behic Efe Tekin
- Global Supply Chain Management of RMG Outsourcing: Factors Affecting Country Selection pp. 241

- Mohammad Anisur Rahman and Xu Qi
- Workplace Spirituality, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Theoretical Model pp. 256

- Shibani Belwalkar and Veena Vohra
- An Exploratory Study of Training Transfer Climate in India pp. 263

- Srimannarayana M.
- The Role of Community Partnership in Financial Supporting for Scientific Research pp. 273

- Rasha Abbood and Nagham Neama
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Busess and Management, Vol. 11 No. 8 pp. 287

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 7, 2016
- The Ethics Inside the Monetary Circuit: How Bank’s Social Responsibility Affects Money Creation pp. 1

- Nadia Oliva and Andrea Pacella
- The Experience and Practice of Social Support during Major Organizational Changes: The Case of the Bank Collapse in Iceland in 2008 pp. 12

- Asta Snorradóttir, Gudbjorg Rafnsdottir and Birgit Aust
- Industrial Ingredient Co-branding: A Brand Relationship Approach pp. 23

- Daniela Andreini, Mara Bergamaschi, Giuseppe Pedeliento and Jari Salo
- A Study on the Leadership Style and the Organizational Performance in Korea and USA pp. 42

- Young Kwan Lee and Cheon Deok Hee
- Customer Clustering Using a Combination of Fuzzy C-Means and Genetic Algorithms pp. 59

- Azarnoush Ansari and Arash Riasi
- Critical Success Factors for SMEs: An Empirical Study in the UK Chemical Distribution Industry pp. 67

- Evripidis Lampadarios
- Venture Capital Firms’ Specialization, Differences and Complementarities pp. 83

- Asif Siddiqui, Dora Marinova and Amzad Hossain
- The Evolution of Theories of MNEs: Minimizing the Liability of Foreignness through Globally Intelligent Subunits pp. 95

- Zainap Binti Abdullah
- Taxonomy of Marketing Strategies Using Bank Customers’ Clustering pp. 106

- Azarnoush Ansari and Arash Riasi
- Differences in Entrepreneurial Skills of College Students in the Mexican Intercultural Context pp. 120

- Marco Nunez Ramirez, Teodoro Wendlandt Amezaga, Maria Alvarez Medina and Jorge Ortega Arreola
- Ethical Leadership Practices: Does It Exist? Do We Care about It? An Evidences from College of Business Studies pp. 130

- Naser Almutairi, Ahmed Alhussaini and Shebiab Thuwaini
- Relating Cost Efficiency and Profitability of Merged Firms in the Kenyan Financial Services Industry pp. 138

- Agnes Ogada, George Achoki and Amos Njuguna
- Are the Functional Factors of Human Resource Management Subsisting in the Ready-Made Garments (RMG) of Bangladesh? Theory Conflicts with Reality pp. 150

- Sarker Niluthpaul, Hossain Khaled and Mia Kohinur
- An Analysis of the Influencing Factors of the End of City Logistics Distribution on the Base of Interpretive Structural Model pp. 163

- Xinyi Dong, Hongmei Ju and Sifan Yin
- The Trojan Horse of International Markets: Manipulating Websites in Access Economy pp. 172

- Elham Al-Oraij and Abdulrahman Al-Aali
- Blended E-Learning Constraints from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members pp. 180

- Zaid Abed Alabaddi, Arwa Hisham Rahahleh and Majd Al-Omoush
- Fiscal Expenditure Incentives, Spatial Correlation and Quality of Economic Growth: Evidence from a Chinese Province pp. 191

- Jiangyi Qi
- A Study on Consumer Perception towards E-Shopping in KSA pp. 202

- Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam and Sheriff Elaasi
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Buying Behavior in Emerging Market: A Mixed Method Study pp. 211

- Irfan Butt
- Understanding the Role of Consumer Factors and Store Factors in Private Label Purchase pp. 223

- Jayakrishnan S., Rekha Chikhalkar and Ranjan Chaudhuri
- Work Values of Jordanian Fresh Graduates pp. 237

- Marwan Al-Zoubi
- The Process of Staff Promotion in Relation to Salary or Wages Upgrade in the Public Sector Institutions: Local Government Service VS Ghana Education Service Policy Statements pp. 245

- Abdul-Kahar Adam, Kwame Boakye, Augustina Ashie, Alhassan Bawah and Mavis Pobbi
- A Study on Employee’s Motivation towards Employee Performance in Private University, Selangor, Malaysia pp. 281

- Mahiswaran Selvanathan, Sugumaran Selladurai, Ganibay Madina, Radziah Rahman and Noor Shaik Dawood
- Audit Quality, Joint-Auditors and Game Theory: Empirical Validation in the French Context pp. 292

- Abdelhakim Ben Ali
- The Effect of Value Added Tax on Corporate Cash Flow in Ghana pp. 303

- Hussein Salia
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 7 pp. 314

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 6, 2016
- Social Media and Environmental Sustainability: An Overview of European Countries pp. 1

- Federica De Leo, Ginevra Gravili and Pier Paolo Miglietta
- Perception of Customers towards Saudi and International Quality Marks and Products: An Empirical Investigation pp. 11

- Saeed Alhejazi and Nasser Kadasah
- The Influence of the Frequency of the Internet Use on the Behavioral Relationship Model of the Mobile Device-Based Shopping pp. 32

- Shwu-Ing Wu and Rou Jyun Chen
- FDI Location Decision: Evidence from Firms Investing in China pp. 47

- Omar Belkhodja
- How Important Is Customer Satisfaction? Quantitative Evidence from Mobile Telecommunication Market pp. 57

- Muhammad Irfan, Mohammad Farid Shamsudin and Noor Hadi
- Knowledge Management Processes and Their Impact on Organizational Performance, the Adoption Balanced Scorecard: The Moderating Role of Quality Assurance Standards—An Applied Study on Private Jordanian Universities pp. 70

- Mohammad Al-Hayaly and Fayez Alnajjar
- Defining the Concept of Innovation and Firm Innovativeness: A Critical Analysis from Resorce-Based View Perspective pp. 87

- Nur Mohd Zawawi, Sazali Abd Wahab, Abdullah Al-Mamun, Abu Yaacob, Naresh Kumar AL Samy and Syed Ali Fazal
- Knowledge Creation, Innovation and Financial Performance of Firms: Evidence from Vietnam pp. 95

- Thang Nguyen, Anh Phan and Mai Nguyen
- Innovation for Emerging Markets Confronting Institutional Environment Challenges: Perspectives from Visionary Leadership and Institutional Entrepreneurship pp. 108

- Rifat Sharmelly
- Compensation Committee Quality and Effective Executive Remuneration pp. 118

- Simona Catuogno, Claudia Arena and Riccardo Viganò
- Organizational Social Capital and Commitment-Based HR Practices as the Determining Factors of Organizational Performance pp. 129

- Chia Po Li, Khulida Kirana Yahya and Tan Fee Yean
- The Reality of Talent Management Implementation: A Case Study on Royal Jordanian Airlines pp. 145

- Naser Khdour
- Evaluation of Degree of Coordination between Chinese Investment in Basic Research and Economic Growth pp. 159

- Wu Dandan, Wang Zichen and Zheng Shengming
- Factors Affecting Loyalty Customer Services Banking Industry in East Java pp. 168

- Koesharijadi Koesharijadi
- Do Budget Deficit Crowds Out Private Investment: A Case of Tanzanian Economy pp. 183

- Samwel Mwigeka
- Innovation & Performance Measurement: An Adapted Balanced Scorecard pp. 194

- Rosanna Spano, Fabrizia Sarto, Adele Caldarelli and Riccardo Vigano
- Relational and Identity-Making Capabilities in the Internationalization Process: The Case of US Food Service Sector pp. 205

- Valentina Della Corte and Giovanna Del Gaudio
- Investigating the Path from Supply Chain Integration to Business Performance: Evidence from a Sub-Saharan African Economy pp. 225

- Jonathan Annan, Nathaniel Boso and Dominic Essuman
- Mergers and Acquisitions on Operational Cost Efficiency of Banks in Ghana: A Case of Ecobank and Access Bank pp. 241

- Johnson Yeboah and Ernest K. Asirifi
- Factors Affecting Customers’ Satisfaction of Mobile Phone Subscribers: An Empirical Study on Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh pp. 252

- Netai Saha, Md. Rashidul Islam and Asif Hoque
- Do ownership Concentration and Leverage Influence Firms’ Value? Evidence from Panel Data in Jordan pp. 262

- Dana AL Najjar
- The Effect of Organizational Agility on Quality of Work Life: A Study on Commercial Banks in Egypt pp. 271

- Nafei Wageeh
- University Students’ Attitudes towards E-Learning: University of Business & Technology (UBT)-Saudi Arabia-Jeddah: A Case Study pp. 286

- Abdelrahim Zabadi and Amr Hussein Al-Alawi
- Performance of Public Mutual Funds (PMFs) in Emerging Economies: A Case of Bangladesh pp. 296

- Md. Islam and Leo Dewri
- Does Investment in Information and Communication Technology Lead to Higher Economic Growth: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 302

- Junnatun Naym and Md. Akram Hossain
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 6 pp. 313

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 5, 2016
- Experience Abroad and Its Relation to Intercultural Competence and Cross-Cultural Tolerance pp. 1

- Petia Genkova
- Factors Stimulating Social Innovation in Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Evidence of Inter-Organizational Alliances in Italy pp. 12

- Lamberto Zollo, Riccardo Rialti, Cristiano Ciappei and Massimiliano Pellegrini
- External VS. Internal Audit in the Accounting of Complex Contractual Instruments: A Survey on EU Firms pp. 22

- Massimiliano Celli
- Selected Antecedents of Consumer Attitude toward a Product in an Eco-Label Context pp. 33

- Sven Gross, Phillip Wilson, Jie Zhang, Chris Shao and Alan Dubinsky
- Strategy under Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from Swedish Companies Operating in Russia pp. 44

- Olga Golubeva
- Why Do Life Scientists Decide to Become Entrepreneurs? The Role of Motivations pp. 57

- Nadia Di Paola, Rosanna Spano, Roberto Vona and Adele Caldarelli
- Emotional Spousal Support Can Have Unintended Organizational Outcomes pp. 69

- Sinan Caykoylu
- Extract Or Not Extract? The Effect of Familism on Stock Option Plans pp. 82

- Claudia Arena, Simona Catuogno, Alessandro Cirillo and Luca Pennacchio
- Changes in the Axes of Convergence of Innovation Management Research pp. 96

- Onexy Quintana-Martinez and Antonio-Rafael Ramos-Rodriguez
- Leaders’ Image Concerns Is Moderator to Interfere with Leader Career Role and Leader Impression Management pp. 121

- Mei-Mei Lin
- Monitoring Mechanisms, Gender, and Information System Structure in Nigerian Non-Financial Listed Companies pp. 129

- Oluyemisi Arowolo and Ayoib Che-Ahmad
- Technological, Organisational and Environmental Aspects of Audit Technology Acceptance pp. 140

- Khairina Rosli, Eu-Gene Siew and Paul Yeow
- Effects of Occupational Health and Safety Practices on Organizational Commitment, Work Alienation, and Job Performance: Using the PLS-SEM Approach pp. 146

- Ramazan Kaynak, Arzu Tuygun Toklu, Meral Elci and Ismail Tamer Toklu
- The Industry Cluster Approach for Tourism Development of Central Vietnam pp. 167

- Truong Trinh
- The Antecedents of Women Leadership in SMEs: The Malaysian Senior Female Managerial Perspective pp. 179

- Rohani Binti Husain and Li Xiao Xiao
- The Customer Satisfaction Status towards Core Governmental Services in Malaysia pp. 211

- Mahiswaran Selvanathan, Sugumaran Selladurai, Sarjit Gill, Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran and Pei Jun Tan
- Determinants of Audit Opinion after the Scandals of Enron: Empirical Validation in the French Context pp. 219

- Soltani Lynda
- Energy Consumption Forecasting Using Seasonal ARIMA with Artificial Neural Networks Models pp. 231

- Abdoulaye Camara, Wang Feixing and Liu Xiuqin
- Analysis of Company Human Capital Network Based on the Cellular Automation pp. 244

- Zirong Zhuo, Zhiwei Cheng, Yangzhou Lai and Ziyue Chen
- A Meta-Frontier Function for the Estimation of Islamic and Conventional Banks’ Cost and Revenue Efficiency: The Case of Malaysia from 2006 to 2012 pp. 254

- Mohamed Ghroubi and Ezzeddine Abaoub
- Structured Rankings of Internet Service Providers on Data and Price in Ghana pp. 271

- Michael Frimpon
- The Influence of Competence, Organization Culture and Work Environment to Teacher’s Performance As Well As Its Implication on Grad Competence of State Senior Islam Schools on Padang City pp. 283

- Pandi Afandi and Bambang Supeno
- Organizational Agility: The Key to Organizational Success pp. 296

- Nafei Wageeh
- Triumph over Failure of Expatriate in an International Assignments from the International Human Resource Management Perspective pp. 310

- Babin Pokharel
- Design & Development the IMC Model for Chain Store pp. 315

- Mohammad Aghaei, Amin Asadollahi and Meysam Azizi Kouchaksaraei
- Testing the Impact of Strategic Leadership on Organizational Ambidexterity: A Field Study on the Jordanian Chemical Manufacturing Companies pp. 328

- Ahmad AbuZaid
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11, No. 5 pp. 340

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 4, 2016
- Foreign Exchange Risk and Profit Improvement in the Comprehensive Profit Opportunity and Lost Opportunity Control Model pp. 1

- Akira Nishimura
- Financial Performance and Economic Impact on Capital Adequacy Ratio in Japan pp. 14

- Siti Norbaya Yahaya, Nusaibah Mansor and Kazuhiro Okazaki
- Disproportional Ownership Devices: Reviewing the Last 25 Years of Research pp. 22

- Sara Saggese and Fabrizia Sarto
- Trust and Distrust in the Relationships between Construction Firms and Real Estate Agents: Empirical Evidence from Italy pp. 37

- Oronzo Trio and Antonio Iazzi
- Connecting the Post-Training Task and Contextual Performance with the Essentials of Training Program and Characteristics of Trainees pp. 48

- Hamid Hassan, Sarosh Asad and Yasuo Hoshino
- Employer-Employee Relationships in Islam: A Normative View from the Perspective of Orthodox Islamic Scholars pp. 59

- Muhammad Osama Mirza
- Small and Medium Tourist Enterprises and Social Media Adoption: Empirical Evidence from Tanzanian Tourism Sector pp. 71

- Albert Ndekwa and Tumaini Mujuni Katunzi
- Exploring the Determinants Affecting E-Government Cloud Adoption in China pp. 81

- Haiying Ji and Yikai Liang
- Host-Country Market Environment, Intra-Firm Technology Transfer Performance and Corporate Sustainability: A Conceptual Study pp. 91

- Syed Fazal, Sazali Wahab, Abu Sofian Bin Yaacob and Nur Fadiah Mohd Zawawi
- The Innovation System on Health Public Service: A Case Study of Posyandu in Makassar, Indonesia pp. 102

- Idris Idris, Ismail Tandi, Petrus Malen, Aminuddin Saade, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin and Muh. Irfan Aryawiguna
- Measuring the Effectiveness of Road Transportation Logistics Performance in East Malaysia: A Conceptual Model pp. 110

- Nur Fadiah Mohd Zawawi, Sazali Abd Wahab, Abu Yaacob, Naresh Kumar AL Samy and Syed Ali Fazal
- The Role of Organizational Agility in Enhancing Organizational Excellence: A Study on Telecommunications Sector in Egypt pp. 121

- Nafei Wageeh
- Innovation Practices in Saudi Arabian Businesses pp. 136

- Nisar Ahamad Nalband, Saad Alkelabi and Dafieah Awad Jaber
- An Empirical Study about the Influence of Word of Mouth on Client Changing Behaviour: The Case of Computer Industry in the State of Kuwait pp. 161

- Said Hajjar and Jaber Eidan
- Government Expenditure Financing, Growth, and Factor Intensity pp. 178

- Kuo-hao Lee
- Research on the Radical Innovation of C2M Business Model—A Case Study on Redcollar MTM Men’s Suits in China pp. 194

- Yingfen Zhou, Ming Xu and Rong Di
- Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of Performance Management Systems in UAE Government Organisations pp. 203

- Salem Jraib Alharthi
- Effects of the Realistic Job Previews on Employees Job Satisfaction and Met Expectations pp. 219

- Sarwat Bilal and Nadeem Bashir
- Exploring the Use of Online Marketing Strategies and Digital Media to Improve the Brand Loyalty and Customer Retention pp. 228

- Mohammed Nuseir
- Relationship between Accounting Based Risk and Return: Analysis for Turkish Companies pp. 240

- Metin Coskun and Gulsah Kulali
- The Influence of Governance Mechanism on Supply Chain Performance in Developing Economies: Insights from Ghana pp. 252

- Emmanuel Kwabena Anin, Dominic Essuman and Kwame Sarpong
- Identifying the Effective Factors on Brand Equity from Consumers Perspective Using Aaker Model: A Case of Tehran Dairy Products pp. 265

- Jamshid Jafari Drabjerdi, Masoud Arabi and Maryam Haghighikhah
- An Empirical Study on Youth’s Preference for Social Networking Sites pp. 274

- Sabita Mahapatra
- The Effect of Knowledge Management Applications on Innovation: A Case Study in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Amman-Jordan pp. 282

- Jumana Al-Zoubi, Naser Aboyassin and Neda Nsor
- The Impact of Technological Development on Jordanian Industrial Sector pp. 291

- Mahmoud AL-Refai, Samer Abdelhadi and Adli Al-Qaraein
- Behavioral Analysis of Credit Card Users in a Developing Country: A Case of Bangladesh pp. 299

- Leo Dewri, Md. Islam and Netai Saha
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 4 pp. 314

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 3, 2016
- Empirical Analysis of Cost Estimation Accuracy in Procurement Auctions pp. 1

- Timothy Fry, Robert Leitch, Patrick Philipoom and Yu Tian
- Identity Processes to Trigger Turnaround in Response to Organizational Decline pp. 11

- Sam Rockwell
- Adoption of Information Systems (IS): The Factors that Influencing IS Usage and Its Effect on Employee in Jordan Telecom Sector (JTS): A Conceptual Integrated Model pp. 25

- Abdelrahim Zabadi
- CEO Risk Incentives and Real Earnings Management pp. 37

- Michele Fabrizi and Antonio Parbonetti
- Engineering Consultancy Practice (ECP) Business Model in Malaysia: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach pp. 52

- Justin Lai, Rosli Zin Khairulzan Yahya and Chai Chang Saar
- The Players in the Accountancy Profession and Their Roles: The Case of Jordan pp. 64

- Muhannad Atmeh
- Quality of Working Life in the Emergency Department: Physicians’ and Nurses’ Perspective pp. 73

- Naser Saif
- The Research of Factors Affecting the Quality of Audit Activities: Empirical Evidence in Vietnam pp. 83

- Phan Hai
- Determinants of Internet Banking Adoption among Customers of Commercial Banks: An Empirical Study in the Jordanian Banking Sector pp. 95

- Hussain Alwan and Abedlhalim Al-Zubi
- Marketing Research of Motorcycle Industry in Taiwan—Personality Traits as Confounding Variable pp. 105

- Chien Lee
- Factors Affecting Students’ Choice for MBA Program in Kuwait Universities pp. 119

- Abdullah AL-Mutairi and Muna Saeid
- The Impact of Internal Marketing on Employees’ Performance in Private Jordanian Hospitals Sector pp. 129

- Sima Magatef and Raed Ahmad Momani
- Innovation in Financial Services: A Challenge for Start-Ups Growth pp. 149

- Vincenzo Formisano, Maria Fedele and Emanuela Antonucci
- The Possibility of Using the Internet to Transform the Role of Its Users to Promoters of Medical Products in Jordan pp. 163

- Muhamad Abu-Jalil and Ashraf Aaqoulah
- Underlying Dimensions of the Hindrances to the Application of Forensic Accounting Techniques in Nigeria pp. 173

- Eme Efiong, Ethel Inyang and Charles Effiong
- An Empirical Assessment of Health Workers’ Organisational Commitment in Ghana: A Comparative Analysis pp. 183

- Henry Mensah, Kofi Akuoko and Florence Ellis
- Towards a Pragmatic Perspective on Business Innovation in Western Balkan Countries: The Case of Albania pp. 193

- Peter Nientied and Elona Karafili
- Missing Link between Quality of Work Life and Productivity of Loan Disbursement: The Ghanaian Perspective pp. 203

- Emmanuel Ampofo and Kwasi Dartey-Baah
- Using of the Balanced Scorecard for Performance Evaluation: Empirical Evidence from the Listed Corporations in the Palestine Exchange (PEX) pp. 215

- Raed Saad and Zahran Daraghma
- Promotional Activities for Vaccine’s Market Development in Bangladesh: Advances So Far and Prospects Ahead pp. 223

- Shobod Nath, Mithun Acharjee, Md. Kashedul Tuhin and Md. Nuruzzaman Forhad
- Importance of Knowledge Management in Establishing Organization Strategy: Study on Saudi Arabian Airlines HR Division, Jeddah pp. 235

- Khalil Yaghi and Yaser Omar Sindi
- Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities in Dairy Production in Botswana: Producer’s Perspectives pp. 248

- Som Baliyan and Dikgang Stephen Gosalamang
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11 No. 3 pp. 257

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 2, 2016
- Studying the Relationship between Brand Personality and Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Samsung Mobile Phone pp. 1

- Hadi Teimouri, Nazila Fanae, Kouroush Jenab, Sam Khoury and Saeid Moslehpour
- Examining the Relationships between Destination Image, Place Attachment, and Destination Loyalty in the Context of Night Markets pp. 11

- Yu-Jen Chiang
- Youths’ Social Media Adoption: Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence pp. 22

- M. Akram and Wafi Albalawi
- Supervisor-Subordinate Communication: Workplace Bullying and the Tyrannical Mum Effect pp. 31

- Jeremy Beakley
- The Dark Side of Virtual Office and Job Satisfaction pp. 40

- Jindan Zhang
- Organizational Excellence as the Driver for Organizational Performance: A Study on Dubai Police pp. 47

- Hassan Al-Dhaafri, Abdullah Al-Swidi and Ali Ali Al-Ansi
- Does the Anger Rumination has an Effect on the Employee Creativity pp. 53

- Ebru Gozukara and Yagmur Ozyer
- The Categorising Characteristics of Facebook Pages: Using the K-Means Grouping Method pp. 60

- Pin Luarn, Hong-Wen Lin, Yu-Ping Chiu, Yu-Liang Shyu and Pei-Ching Lee
- The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance via the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction pp. 69

- Ivan Vratskikh, Raed Masadeh, Musa Al-Lozi and Mahmoud Maqableh
- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Environment Policy in Jordan pp. 92

- Adel Shamaileh
- Exploratory Study of Leadership Behavior Impact on Environmental Performance of Industrial Companies in Libya pp. 119

- Tarek Alaati, Muhammad Nizam, Ary Setyawan and Prabang Setyono
- Testing the Model of Relationship and Impact of Administrative Leadership on Human Resource Training and Customer Satisfaction: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) pp. 127

- Ali Musbah, Nasser Habtoor and Mohd Maram
- A Critical Analysis on Pension Fund Performance: An Assessment in the Perspective of Political Economy of Accounting pp. 141

- Gaguk Apriyanto, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Gugus Irianto and Erwin Saraswati
- Analyzing the Influence of International Entrepreneurship on the SMEs Exporting Performance Using Structural Equation Model: An Empirical Study in Jordan pp. 153

- Mohammed Nuseir
- An Empirical Study to Examine the Effect of Realistic Job Preview on Expectancies, Personal Goals and Performance pp. 164

- Hanadi Chehade and Said EL Hajjar
- Linking National Culture and Product Innovation Performance: What Really Influences the Interplay, Strategy Formulation Or Implementation Effectiveness? pp. 184

- Kinfe Beyene, Sheng Shi and Wu Wei
- Strategic Management in Vietnam State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) pp. 197

- Nguyen Thanh Hai
- The Determinant of Inbound Tourism in China pp. 205

- Huiling Wang and Junmin Xi
- Effect of Compensation, Motivation and Organizational Climate on Employee Satisfaction: Study on PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. in Gedangan-Sidoarjo pp. 212

- Sudarno Sudarno, Priyono Priyono and Dinda Sukmaningrum
- A Decision-Making Model of Low-Carbon Supply Chain Based on Government Subsidy pp. 221

- Xu Qi and Xiao Li-Jun
- Staff Perceptions of Obstacles to Quality Management Systems in Low- and High- Performing Hospitals in Jordan pp. 232

- Ashraf A’aqoulah, Ahmed Kuyini, Musa Ajlouni, Naser Saif and Atef Al-Raoush
- Intention and Usage of Human Resource Information Systems among Ghanaian Human Resource Managers pp. 241

- Ebenezer Ankrah and Evans Sokro
- How Individual-focused Transformational Leadership Enhances Its Influence on Job Performance through Employee Work Engagement pp. 249

- Amin Pourbarkhordari, Er Hua Zhou and Javad Pourkarimi
- Effect of Leadership Styles, Organizational Climate and Ethos of Work on Employee Productivity (PT. HP Metals Indonesia the Powder Coating) pp. 262

- Ade Parluangan Nasution, Ponco Bambang Mahargiono and Yoyok Soesatyo
- Effects of Holidays on the Malaysian Stock Exchange pp. 274

- Wong Pik Har and Lim Wei Chih
- Modeling Factors Affecting Student’s Usage Behaviour of E-Learning Systems in Lebanon pp. 299

- Raed Masadeh, Ali Tarhini, Ashraf Bany Mohammed and Mahmoud Maqableh
- Implementation of Business Process Re-Engineering in the Service Sector pp. 313

- Abdullah Aldakhil
- Analyze of Slight & Sever Injury Resulted from Traffic Accidents in Jordan: Applied Statistics Study pp. 323

- Adeeb Ahmed Ali AL Rahamneh
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11, No. 2 pp. 332

- Stephen Lee
Volume 11, issue 1, 2015
- Trust as Governance Tool in Hybrid Organizations: A Case Study for the Dance Industry in the Netherlands pp. 1

- Frank A. G. Den Butter and Jelle V. Joustra
- Alliance Process: A Micro Behavioral View pp. 20

- Rajesh Kumar
- Attitudes towards Vocational Education and Training in the Context of United Arab Emirates: A Proposed Framework pp. 31

- Saif Ahmed Alnaqbi
- Organizational Strategies to Manage Expatriate Worries about Pollution Levels in Megacities pp. 39

- Rikke Jørgensen, Urban Kjellen and Øystein Moen
- The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Tool for Sustainable Development for the SMEs in Saudi Arabia pp. 54

- Muhammad Khurshid, Abdullah Aldakhil, Muhammad Moinuddin Abro, Alamzeb Aamir and Omair Mujahid Malik
- The Influence of the Discipline and Compensation against Work Productivity (Study on the Security Services Company, PT Garuda Milky Artha Surabaya) pp. 64

- Dewi Tri Wijayati Wardoyo
- Role of Leadership in Employees’ Work Engagement: Organizational Identification and Job Autonomy pp. 72

- Izlem Gozukara and Omer Simsek
- The Research on the Factors Analysis of Platform Economy City: A Case Study of Shanghai pp. 85

- Ying Chen and Zhengyang Chen
- Why Callable Bonds Are not Called When the Market Price Reaches the Call Price: A Duration Argument pp. 90

- Samih Azar
- Study on ICT Industrial Integration in New Industrial Revolution: A Survey of Chinese Mainland and Taiwan pp. 95

- Shih-Feng Tsai and Xiao Ke Zhou
- The Awareness of External Auditors and the Management of Kuwaiti Listed Companies on Determinants of Audit Fees: An Exploratory Study pp. 108

- Faisal Alanezi and Mishari Alfraih
- The Research of Customers Satisfaction and Public Policy & Marketing Design in Special Interest Tourism—Macao Culinary Tourism pp. 124

- Xin Wang and Ting Meng
- Key Success Factors of SME Entrepreneurs: Empirical Study in Vietnam pp. 136

- Tran Trang
- Impulse Buying Behaviour of Generation Y in Fashion Retail pp. 144

- Nasreen Khan, Lai Hui Hui, Tan Booi Chen and Hong Yong Hoe
- Applying Electronic Customer Processes to Electronic Customer Retention (Field Study in Jordanian Telecommunication Sector) pp. 152

- Abdelwahhab Allozi, Haroun Alryalat and Wa'el Hadi
- The Role of Accounting in Colleges Increase the Credibility of Future Accountants pp. 164

- Untung Lasiyono and Siti Istikhoroh
- Weak Form Efficiency of the Amman Stock Exchange: An Empirical Analysis (2000-2013) pp. 173

- Izz eddien N. Ananzeh
- Differences among Different DGBLs Learners pp. 181

- Yu-Ling Lin
- The Inter-Firm Value Effect in the Qatar Stock Market: 2005-2014 pp. 189

- Omar Gharaibeh
- Selection Factors of Market Segments and Porter’s Generic Marketing Strategies: Evidence from an Emerging GCC Market pp. 199

- Mansour Lotayif
- Evidence of Morocco Industry Long-Term Return Contrarian pp. 216

- Omar Gharaibeh
- The Impact of Organizational Climate and Psychological Capital on Organizational Citizenship Behavior pp. 224

- Taghrid Suifan
- The Mediating Effects of Organizational Commitment on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Job Performance pp. 231

- Dhaifallah Almutairi
- Effective Factors of Diversified HR and Relationship Management: A Qualitative Case Study on TokyaTech, NY pp. 242

- Nadir Kolachi
- Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Retail Banking Sector of Ghana pp. 249

- Ernest Tweneboah-Koduah and Augustine Yuty Duweh Farley
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1 pp. 263

- Stephen Lee
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