International Journal of Business and Management
2015 - 2025
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Volume 14, issue 12, 2021
- Enhancing the In-Role Behaviour and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours in the Workplace: A Multidimensional View for the Role of Ethical Climate pp. 1

- Raghda Abulsaoud Ahmed Younis and Aida Said Moawad Elsaid
- The Internationalization of Business and Their Approach to New Markets: A Focus on US Wine Consumer pp. 14

- Piero Mastroberardino, Giuseppe Calabrese, Flora Cortese and Miriam Petracca
- An Investigation of the Effect of Employee Empowerment on Job Performance in Ghana pp. 25

- Emmanuel Erastus Yamoah and Deborah Afful
- Effect of Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Employee’s Job Satisfaction on Organizational Performance: Evidence from Ghana pp. 32

- Zeliat Badmus Suleman, Zhao Xiuli and Shaibu Ali
- Using Mobile Applications: A Model of Technology Adoption in the Grocery Setting pp. 42

- Simone Aiolfi and Silvia Bellini
- The Impact of Partnership between the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training and the Kuwaiti Labor Market on the Outcome Quality of the Training Sector pp. 53

- Hadi S. AlHarbi
- Intellectual Capital and its Reflection on Quality of Productivity pp. 67

- Aisha Abdalla Al Mahjob Jamal
- Participation in Activities and Autonomy with an Impact toward Task Performance and Contextual Performance among Engineers pp. 79

- Nasina Mat Desa, Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari and Azley Abd Razak
- A New Momentum Strategy Based on Chinese Securities Market pp. 90

- Jin Zhang, Yuxiu Zhang and Yongqi Dong
- The Accounting of Consolidation Differences in the European Accounting Practice pp. 102

- Massimiliano Celli
- Measuring the Level of Integrated Reporting Alignment with the Framework pp. 110

- Arcangelo Marrone and Lara Oliva
- Full-English Teaching Study of Audit and Assurance Service pp. 121

- Yanhong Pang
- What Is ‘Tenderpreneuring’? A Review of the Literature pp. 128

- Veronica Goitsemang Magang and Tebogo Israel Teddy Magang
- Italian Restaurants in Danish Consumers’ Perceptions: A Multi-Cue Analysis in a Product Country Image Perspective pp. 138

- Elisa Martinelli and Francesca De Canio
- Assessment of Financial Performance and Efficiency of Islamic and Traditional Banks in the Post-Crisis Period pp. 149

- Slaiman Alebrahim
- Discriminant Analysis and Firms’ Bankruptcy: Evidence from European SMEs pp. 164

- Candida Bussoli, Mariateresa Cuoccio and Claudio Giannotti
- The Role of Forced Migration in Changing the Workforce Diversity Structure and Performance Standards: The Case of Jordan pp. 176

- Mohamad Noor Al-Jedaiah
- The Impact of Intelligent Manufacturing on Export Sophistication: Evidence from Industrial Robots pp. 183

- Lihua Gu
- How Participation Management Influences Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Perceived Fit and Leader-Member Exchange pp. 191

- Cheng-Shung Huang and Dah-Chuan Gong
- Defining the Integrated Performance Measurement Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Advanced Model pp. 203

- Pirozzi Maria Grazia, Agliata Francesco, Tuccillo Danilo and Pirozzi Francesco
- Recent Technological Trends and Security Challenges in Trust-Building in E-Commerce pp. 226

- Yeow Chong Larry Tan
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 12 pp. 232

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 11, 2021
- Management of Devolved Health Services, Democratic Leadership Style and Healthcare Service Delivery in Arid and Semi Arid Lands in Kenya pp. 1

- Abdihafid Abdullahi Yarow, Shadrack Jirma and Elijah Siringi
- The Effect of Social Justice Advocacy and Ethical Sensitivity on the Social Entrepreneurial Intention of High School Students pp. 18

- Joseph Kim and Byeonghwa Park
- Leased Aircraft Maintenance Reserves: Comprehensive Framework to Unsolved Issues under IFRS 16 and Topic 842 pp. 27

- Francesco Bellandi
- The Effects of Sales Representatives on Customer Satisfaction in Logistics Service Industry pp. 55

- Tun-Chih Kou and Melissa Calderón Vigil
- Strategy Execution: One Size Does Not Fit All: Evidence from Italian Middle Market pp. 66

- Silvia Vernizzi, Andrea Beretta Zanoni and Claudio Zuccolotto
- Nigeria-China Trade Relations: Projections for National Growth and Development pp. 77

- Muritala Oke, Oluseyi Oshinfowokan and Olubunmi Okonoda
- Poverty among Women in Nigeria–Psychological and Economic Perspective: A Study Based On South West, Nigeria pp. 90

- Onwuka Ifeanyi, Nwadiubu Anthony and Isiwu Prisca
- Firm Survival: An Empirical Study Concerning Insurance Agencies pp. 101

- Andrea Lippi, Laura Barbieri, Ernestina Bosoni and Anna Maria Fellegara
- The Post-IPO Performance in the PRC pp. 109

- Zhang Hanbing, Jeffrey E. Jarrett and Xia Pan
- Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: A History of Barriers to Intellectual Capital Measurement pp. 139

- Marco Montemari, Maria Serena Chiucchi and Marco Gatti
- The Role of Learning Organization Dimensions on Enhancing Knowledge Creation: The Case of Commercial Banks Working in Jordan pp. 153

- Nadera Hourani
- Valuation of Human Capital: A Review of Studies on Quali-Quantitative Methods pp. 165

- Olga Ferraro and Elena Cristiano
- Pricing a Lease Contract in Presence of Late Payment Extra-Charges pp. 179

- Luciano Quattrocchio, Luisa Tibiletti and Mariacristina Uberti
- CSR and Corporate Financial Performance: An Inter-Sectorial Analysis pp. 193

- Antonio Salvi, Emanuele Doronzo, Anastasia Giakoumelou and Felice Petruzzella
- Corporate Reputation and Subsequent Financial Performance: A Theoretical Explanation of the Mediating Role of Trust pp. 209

- M. M. D. De S. Gunawardena, R. Senathiraja and S. Buvanendra
- The Drivers of Managerial Practices: Firm and Country Characteristics Explaining Managerial Performance pp. 221

- Roberto Iorio and Maria Luigia Segnana
- Investor Types and Company Performance through Private Placements Basing on State-Owned and -Controlled Listed Companies pp. 250

- Li Jiaojiao and Qu Zenglong
- Measuring Consumer Behavior in Banking: Scale Development and Validation pp. 263

- Zaid Ahmad Ansari
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 11 pp. 275

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 10, 2021
- The Impact of Accounting Conservatism on Corporate Performance Indicators in Egypt pp. 1

- Hanaa A. El-Habashy
- Firm-Specific Attributes and the Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Nigeria pp. 12

- Gospel J. Chukwu, Isoboye J. Damieibi and Emma I. Okoye
- Management of Devolved Health Services and Healthcare Service Delivery in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya pp. 21

- Abdihafid Abdullahi Yarow, Shadrack Jirma and Elijah Siringi
- Inflation and Profitability of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case Study of Bank of Kigali pp. 35

- Gilbert Batsinda and Jaya Shukla
- A Pilot Study Assessing Attitudes toward Finance among Italian Business Students pp. 44

- Elisa Bocchialini and Beatrice Ronchini
- Network Structure in Service Ecosystems: An Empirical Study in the Region of Campania pp. 61

- Marco Ferretti, Eva Panetti, Adele Parmentola and Annamaria Sabetta
- Entrepreneurship and Equity Crowdfunding: Does It Matter? pp. 72

- Ciro Troise
- Assessing the Usability of Online Food Ordering Websites Using a New Fuzzy Kano Method: Implications for Improvement pp. 87

- Arshia Taimouri, Korosh Emamisaleh and Davoud Mohammadi
- Which Relationship between Gender Diversity, Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance? pp. 101

- Marco Giuliani and Simone Poli
- Developing in Investment Environment in Jordan from the Perspective of Jordan Investments Commission pp. 116

- Mohammad Anhier Al-Froukh
- A Conceptual Research Paper on Tax Compliance and Its Relationships pp. 134

- K. G. Asela Gamini Bandara and W. M. R. B. Weerasooriya
- Differentiation Strategy and Performance of Long-distance Bus Companies in Kenya pp. 146

- Orucho Michael Ngala and Chemutai Patricia
- The Impact of the Structural Characteristics of Poker on Market Evolution and Competitive Dynamics in the Internet Poker Industry in Italy pp. 155

- Paolo Calvosa
- The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety Management on Performance in the Banking Sector, Ghana pp. 172

- Gilbert Joshua Atteh Sewu, Emmanuel Gyabeng, Adelaide Angela Dadzie and Nana Kwame Nkrumah
- The Introduction of Management Control in the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region pp. 185

- Pietra Paola Amata, Leonardo Draghetti, Sabrina Galiotto, Rebecca L. Orelli and Marco Tieghi
- A Community-Based Social Marketing Strategy to Prevent HIV and Fight Stigma pp. 196

- Valerio Brescia, Myriam Caratù and Giacomo Scaioli
- Moderating Effect of Planning on the Relationship between Administration of Devolved Water Services and Water Provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya pp. 214

- Mohamud Mohamed Gedi, Michael Ngala and Leonard Wambua
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 10 pp. 229

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 9, 2021
- The Impact Psychological Empowerment in Achieving Job Satisfaction at the Police College, Qatar pp. 1

- Khaled M. A. AL-Hajri and Abdallah Mishael Obeidat
- Factors Influencing the Implementation of International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Pakistan pp. 15

- Javed Miraj and Zhuquan Wang
- Knowledge Workers Mobility in Innovative Organizations: The Role of Individual Differences pp. 23

- Mahmoud Ibrahim Fallatah
- Premium Private Labels Products: Drivers of Consumers’ Intention to Buy pp. 36

- Elisa Martinelli and Francesca De Canio
- Enterprise Risk Management Implementation and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Malaysian Oil and Gas Industry pp. 47

- Muhammad Kashif Shad and Fong-Woon Lai
- Factors in the Sharing of Tacit Knowledge among Volunteer Firefighters pp. 54

- Oliveira Márcio and Pinheiro Paulo
- Ride-sharing Service in Bangladesh: Contemporary States and Prospects pp. 65

- Saiful Islam, Ekramul Huda and Farjana Nasrin
- Organizational Climate and Knowledge Sharing towards Employees’ Innovative Behavior in Design Industry pp. 76

- Mohamad Hisyam Selamat and Yanyu Zhang
- The Effect of Internal Control on the Competitive Advantage of the Bank pp. 91

- Bader Mustafa Mahmoud AlSharif and Zaher Abdel Fattah Al-Slehat
- Impact of Federal Funds Rate on Monthly Stocks Return of United States of America pp. 105

- Sarfaraz Javed, Baaeth Atallah Aldalaien, Uvesh Husain and Mohammed Shahfaraz Khan
- Challenges Encountered by Scientific Searchers in Cote D’Ivoire pp. 114

- Sylla Mamadou and Grafoute Amoro
- The Strategic Evolution of Fashion Flagship Stores pp. 123

- Edoardo Sabbadin and Simone Aiolfi
- The Effect of Business Process Re-Engineering on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Information and Communications Technology pp. 132

- Aysar Mohammad Khashman
- Developing and Validating an Organizational Forgiveness Measure: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach pp. 150

- Parizad Khezri
- Measurement of the Effectiveness of Off-the-Job Training Methods in Commercial Banks of Bangladesh pp. 160

- Shahin Akther, Javed Tariq and Nazrul Islam
- The Mediating effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Organizational Justice and Organizational Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise of China pp. 173

- Mohamad Hisyam Selamat and Guo Wan Ran
- Earnings Announcement and the Performance of Security Prices of Companies Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya pp. 188

- Raude John O. Messo and John Byaruhanga
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 9 pp. 202

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 8, 2021
- Impact of Using Technology in Auditing on Reducing the Fees of Auditors Offices and Companies in Jordan pp. 1

- Ali Mustafa Magablih
- Career Path Management between the Theory and Application: Measuring its Relationship with Satisfying Employees’ Needs: A Study on the Jordanian Commercial Banks pp. 10

- Sahar Moh’d Abu Bakir
- Demographic Differences in Protean Career Behavior: A Study of a High Demographic Inequality Labor Market pp. 25

- Ikhlas A. Abdalla, Moudi A. Al Homoud and Ali A. Muhammad
- Fashion and New Luxury Digital Disruption: The New Challenges of Fashion between Omnichannel and Traditional Retailing pp. 41

- Simone Aiolfi and Edoardo Sabbadin
- Vertical and Shared Leadership as Predictors of Team Effectiveness: Insights from Healthcare Sector in a Developing Country pp. 52

- Mirko Perano, Xhimi Hysa, Drinalda Durmishi and Bice Della Piana
- Nexus between Social Capital and Firm Performance: A Critical Literature Review and Research Agenda pp. 70

- Kaberia S. Kanini and Stephen M. A. Muathe
- Performance Appraisal and Employee Development in the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana pp. 83

- Moses Segbenya and Ernest Osei Bonsu
- The Concept of Slack and the Comprehensive Opportunity and Lost Opportunity Control Model pp. 95

- Akira Nishimura
- The Effect of Macro Economic Variables on Stock Return of Companies That Listed in Stock Exchange: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia pp. 108

- Aminullah Assagaf, Etty Murwaningsari, Juniati Gunawan and Sekar Mayangsari
- Sustainable Development and Achieved Success Stories in Competitiveness: Evidences from Arab Countries pp. 117

- Mansour Lotayif
- The Relationship between Patients Referring Time at Hospitals and the Success of Operating Surgery Using Module Number (9): An Exploration Study in Ophthalmic Hospitals pp. 126

- Maysoon Abdulkareem Mohammad and Khalaf Reshem Felah
- A Study of Trade Imbalance in Eurozone pp. 138

- Khaled Mohammed Alqahtani
- Blood Donation Systems in Bangladesh: Problems and Remedy pp. 145

- Md Sahariar Hasan Jiisun, Rasheda Akter Rupa, Monzur Hussain Chowdhury, Hasina Mushrofa and Md. Rakibul Hoque
- The Effect of Speed and Accuracy in Accounting Information Systems on Financial Statements Content in Jordanian Commercial Banks pp. 160

- Fares Jamiel Hussein Alsufy
- Forward-Looking Intellectual Capital Information in Integrated Reporting: An Empirical Analysis pp. 167

- Elisa Menicucci and Guido Paolucci
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 8 pp. 187

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 7, 2021
- How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media for Fundraising: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 1

- Stefano Di Lauro, Aizhan Tursunbayeva and Gilda Antonelli
- The Effect of Gender on Career Progression: A Conceptual Model pp. 23

- Ranitha Sachinthana Weerarathna and Suchira Hapurugala
- The Nature of the Relationship between GDP and Energy Consumption in Saudi Arabia pp. 28

- Mohamed Noureldin Sayed and Mahmoud M. Hussein Alayis
- Abnormal Loan Growth and Bank Profitability: Some Evidence from the Recent Crisis pp. 36

- Simone Rossi, Mariarosa Borroni, Mariacristina Piva and Andrea Lippi
- Critical Challenges in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation pp. 54

- Sreekumar Menon, Marc Muchnick, Clifford Butler and Tony Pizur
- Discussion on the Impact of Sino-US Trade War on Taiwanese Manufacturing pp. 70

- Jui-Lung Chen
- Earnings Management Incentives and the Pricing of Discretionary Accruals pp. 77

- Sondes Draief
- Power and Discipline: The Role of Accounting in the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna between 18th and 19th Centuries pp. 93

- Carlotta del Sordo, Massimo Fornasari and Rebecca L. Orelli
- Does Love Money Affect Vocational Behavior? Empirical Evidence from Italian Entrepreneurs pp. 110

- Diego Matricano and Mario Sorrentino
- Impact of Process Oriented Business Culture in Transforming Organizational Performance: A Case of Texaco pp. 124

- Shafi F. Al Dousari
- Goal Ambiguity in Public Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 137

- Antonio Botti and Antonella Monda
- Factors Affecting Service Share Prices at Amman Stock Exchange pp. 149

- Abdul Aziz Farid Saymeh and Rashed Mohamad Salameh
- The Relationship between LBOs, IPOs and Market Risk Premium: An Empirical Analysis of the European Market pp. 160

- Antonio Salvi, Emanuele Teti and Anastasia Giakoumelou
- Experiences in Supply Chain Quality Management Practices in Vietnam: Studying on Steel Manufacturing Company A and Packaging Manufacturing Company B pp. 171

- Nguyen Thi Duc Nguyen
- Ethical Decision Making: A Role-Play Exercise pp. 185

- Ankur Nandedkar and David J. DiRusso
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 7 pp. 193

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 6, 2021
- The Impact of the Financial Flexibility on the Performance: An Empirical Study on a Sample of Jordanian Services Sector Firms in Period (2010-2017) pp. 1

- Zaher Abdel Fattah Al-Slehat
- Important Applications and the Perceived Benefits of Bamboo: A Comparison between Consumers and Businessmen pp. 12

- Daphney Francois and Shu-Yi Liaw
- A Silent Revolution in Rural Transportation System: A Study on Measuring the Popularity and Sustainability of ‘Easy Bike’ in Bangladesh pp. 29

- Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Md Saddam Hossain
- Factors Driving the Adoption of E-banking Services Based on the UTAUT Model pp. 43

- Gladys Chikondi Daka and Jackson Phiri
- Problems of Proper Planning In Effective Teaching of High School Students in Salt Schools pp. 53

- Mohammad Nemer Abdallah Alkhararbeh
- Development of Railway Silk Road as a Platform for Promoting Georgia’s Economic Growth pp. 64

- Davit Gondauri and Manana Moistsrapishvili
- Investment Horizon and the Choice of Mutual Fund pp. 76

- Felicia Y. Amadi and Confidence W. Amadi
- Complexity Theory: Insights from a Canadian ERP Project Implementation pp. 84

- Sreekumar Menon, Marc Muchnick, Clifford Butler and Tony Pizur
- The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Prices in Kuwait pp. 99

- Ahmad M. Al-Kandari and Sadeq J. Abul
- Role of Organizational Change in Developing Team Performance and Support Positive Work Environment pp. 113

- Khaled Al-Awar
- Designing Management Control Systems: Systemic vs Sectoral Approach pp. 130

- Paolo Popoli
- Impact of Intangible Assets (Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management) on Innovation: A Study on Tourist Agencies in Jordan (Tourist Agencies in Irbid) pp. 138

- Muthana Mohammad Omoush
- Human Resource Development Climate and Employee Engagement in Developing Countries pp. 150

- Theresa Obuobisa-Darko and Victoria Tsedzah
- Environmental Scanning Practices and CEO’s Profile pp. 160

- Afef Znaidi and Dorra Gherib
- Electronic Banking and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Anambra State, Nigeria pp. 173

- Stella Mbah and Jeffery Obiezekwem
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 6 pp. 181

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 5, 2021
- Compliance Issues with Public Procurement Regulations in Ghana pp. 1

- Godwin Uzoma Chikwere, Simon S. K. Dzandu and Mawuko Dza
- Brand Loyalty of Farmer to Plant Protection Products in Vietnam pp. 9

- Nguyen Quoc Dung and Tran Duy Nam
- Reviewing Corporate Crises: A Strategic Management Perspective pp. 21

- Gianpaolo Abatecola
- European Significant Bank Stock Market Volatility: Is there a Bail-In Effect? pp. 32

- Paola Leone, Pasqualina Porretta and Luca Riccetti
- Destination Strategies to Enhance Secondary and Niche Tourism Products: Literature Review and Case Study pp. 52

- Marco Remondino
- The Social Enterprising Success: Comparative Study of Social and Economic Entrepreneurs pp. 65

- Majda EL Agy
- An Examination of Prevalence of Earnings Management in Asia REITs pp. 75

- Siew Bee Thai and Ming Ming Lai
- Assessing the Access to Finance by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from Financial Institutions in Blantyre City-Malawi pp. 84

- Nelson Nanteleza Ndala
- Does Fintech Help to Improve the Private Enterprises Financing Situation?—— Evidence from the Chinese Market pp. 98

- Man Zhu and Xingyu Jiang
- esearch on Classification Reform of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises pp. 106

- Xu Lin, Zhang Guoyi, Yuan Wei and Jiang Yuan
- Structure and Its Reliability and Validity of Employees’ Trust in Organizational Safety pp. 115

- Su Xia Liu, Ying Zhou, Yao Cheng and Gilbert Joshua Atteh Sewu
- The Impact of Social Media on Customers’ Loyalty toward Hotels in Jordan pp. 123

- Faiz H. Zoubi and Diya Mohammad Al-Harazneh
- Does Organizational Structure Moderate the Relationship between Strategic Planning and Competitive Advantage? A Study of Large Manufacturing Firms in Kenya pp. 141

- Jackson K. Maingi, Zachary B. Awino, Peter O. KObonyo and Ganesh P. Pokhariyal
- Combining SERVQUAL and QFD to Evaluate and Improve Airline Service Quality pp. 154

- Jeffrey E. Jarrett, Xia Pan, Yi Yang, Youyou Huang, Lingyan Huang and Fenglin Li
- The Relationship between E-Service Quality and E-Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Egyptian Banks pp. 171

- Hany Aly Shared
- The Impact of External Shari'ah Auditing on the Efficiency of Jordanian Islamic Banks Performance pp. 183

- Mohammad Falah Al Samara, Osama Abdulmunin Al Ali and Jamal Hassan AL Afeef
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 5 pp. 192

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 4, 2021
- Empirical Analysis of Factors Impacting Turnover Intention among Manufacturing Workers pp. 1

- Yuting Li, Rapinder Sawhney and Guilherme Luz Tortorella
- Does Market Orientation Impact Customer Satisfaction? Evidence from the Banking Industry in Uganda pp. 19

- Kato M. I. Isaiah and Peter K. Turyakira
- Competitive Innovation Strategies and Their Effect on Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness: Talent Management as a Moderator pp. 24

- Azzam A. Abou-Moghli
- Data Quality Methods and Applications in Health Care System: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 35

- Paolo Pietro Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia and Davide Calandra
- Influence of Salary, Promotion, and Recognition toward Work Motivation among Government Trade Agency Employees pp. 48

- Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari, Nasina Mat Desa and Loganathan Subramaniam
- Prioritizing Short-Termism in Behavioural Strategy: Lessons from Enron – 20 Years On pp. 60

- Gianpaolo Abatecola
- Explanatory Power of Selected Proxies in Predicting Stock Returns of Large U.K. Companies pp. 72

- Daniel F. Rodriguez, Ali Malik, Nasser I. Abumustafa and Arshad Jamal
- Effect of Workforce Diversity on Job Performance of Hotels Working in Jordan pp. 85

- Ayat Mohammad Esam Saed Mohammad
- Assessing the Impact of Good Governance, Church Management and Structure on the Growth and Development of the Church pp. 99

- Ransford Kwabena Awuku- Gyampoh and Andy Ohemeng Asare
- Assets Utilization and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria pp. 107

- G. T. Akinleye and Adesina Olufemi Dadepo
- Network among Institutions: The Case of TORINO Model pp. 116

- Maura Campra, Silvana Secinaro and Valerio Brescia
- The Impact of Islamic Banks on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP): An Empirical Study in Dubai pp. 135

- Baaeth Atallah Aldalaien
- Exponential Atlases: A Metaphysical Approach to the Organizational Rapid Growth pp. 143

- Leonardo Pompa
- The Moderating Effect of Transformational Leadership on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Effectiveness: An Empirical Study in Food Companies Listed at the Amman Stock Exchange-Jordan pp. 157

- Ayman Faisal Habtoosh and Mohi-Adden Y. Al-Qutop
- Impairment Charges and Market Value of Insurance Firms in Nigeria pp. 171

- Gospel J. Chukwu and Godpower W. Obah
- Using Internal Marketing to Extract Value: An Empirical Study on the Algerian Private Health Organizations pp. 182

- Nahed Hebbaz and Khalil Chergui
- Empirical Analysis of Cognitive Dissonance Levels Validation in 3-Dimensional Relationship between Attitude and Behaviour (3D-RAB) Model among Students of King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah pp. 194

- Fattheia Hassan Abdulfattah
- The Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems in Reducing the Risks of Electronic Auditing: Applied Study on Irbid’s Electricity Company of Jordan pp. 205

- Thaker Abdulah Sayed
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 4 pp. 216

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 3, 2021
- A Stakeholder Relationship Framework for a Sustainable and Effective Business Strategy pp. 1

- Silvia Vernizzi, Andrea Beretta Zanoni, Sara Moggi and Silvia Cantele
- Online Communication and Luxury Heritage Brand towards the E-HBC Matrix pp. 15

- Vittoria Marino and Raffaella Montera
- Effect of Members of the Audit Committee on the Quality of Jordanian Banks in Jordan pp. 28

- Fuad Suleiman Al-Fasfus
- Chinese Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Almonds as a Healthy Snack pp. 35

- Pei Xu, Junling Zhou and Srini Konduru
- Stakeholders Engagement and Water Provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya pp. 49

- Mohamud Mohamed Gedi, Michael Ngala and Leonard Wambua
- Impact of Strength of Human Resource Management System on Perceived Organizational Support pp. 60

- Li Sun and Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda
- The Evolution of Private Labels in Food Proposals: The Case of the Top Four Italian Retailers and the Purchase Propensity of Consumers pp. 69

- Domenico Morrone and Rosamartina Schena
- Devolution of Water Services, Transformational Leadership and Water Provision in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya pp. 78

- Mohamud Mohamed Gedi, Michael Ngala and Leonard Wambua
- The Impact of the Application of International Standard for Financial Reporting No (9) on the Faithful Representation of Financial Accounting Information in Jordanian Commercial Banks pp. 88

- Amer Sulaiman Alkhresat and Tareq Hammad Almubaydeen
- Cash Holdings and Investment Levels: An Empirical Study from Listed Companies on Viet Nam’s Stock Exchange pp. 98

- Hoang Thi Thuy, Duong Thi Nhan and Chen MiaoJian
- Providing 4P's in Extraordinary Management Services in Whatever Weather Condition pp. 104

- Ming Kwan, Anthony Kong and David Liu
- Thinking Critically about Intellectual Liabilities: A Practice-Based Perspective pp. 111

- Marco Giuliani
- The implementation of the Marketing Communication Mix using Internet Platforms on Turkish Cypriot Hotels pp. 124

- Zead M. Alhawamdeh
- The Impact of Traditional Direct Marketing on Creating Brand Awareness: Case Study on IKEA in Jordan pp. 130

- Yousef Ahmad El Dameh and Hamad AL Ghadeer
- The Impact of Strategic Decision-Making on Enhancing Competitive Capability: Case Study of the Royal Jordanian Airlines pp. 148

- Majda S. Rteimeh
- The New “European” Financial Statement and Its Implications in Italy pp. 163

- Mario Nicoliello and Simone Lazzini
- Social Responsibility and Its Impact on Financial Performance in Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange pp. 174

- Abed Alwahab AL-Rawashdeh and Faten Ameen Al Nuaimi
- Business like Solutions suggested for Two World Problems in a Developing Nation (Analytical Study) pp. 182

- Waiel Alkayed
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 3 pp. 190

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 2, 2021
- How do Family Firms Grow? The Strategic Goals of Innovation and Internationalization pp. 1

- Bice Della Piana, Alessandra Vecchi, Vittoria Marino and Mario D Arco
- Retired Yet Involved: How Even After the Succession Predecessors of Family Businesses Continue to Influence Their Firms pp. 19

- Sinan Caykoylu
- Contributing to Sustainable Healthcare Systems with Case Theory pp. 34

- Evert Gummesson, Debora Sarno, Luca Carrubbo and Carlo Sirianni
- Effect of International Direct Investments on Jordan’s Economy pp. 48

- Abdul Aziz Saymeh and Marwan Mohammad Abu Orabi
- Board Characteristics and Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from Jordan pp. 57

- Ala Mohammad Rabi
- Evaluation of the Impact of Using Electronic Marketing in Marketing Illegal Products by Applying to Marketing of Digital Drugs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pp. 66

- Abeer Elsayed Fayed
- The Role of Vision, Mission, Objective and Strategic Choice on the Quality of Service Provided to Citizens Jenin Municipality in Palestine pp. 80

- Majeed Mustafa Othman Mansour
- Big4 Versus Non-Big4 Opinion about the Going Concern Assessment: A Survey pp. 87

- Fabrizio Bava and Melchior Gromis di Trana
- Factors Affecting Online Customer Satisfaction: The Sri Lankan Perspective pp. 99

- Piruni A. Deyalage and Dushyantha Kulathunga
- The Impact of Strategic Fit on the Marketing Performance of the Industrial Corporations in Jordan pp. 115

- Tareq N. Hashem and Ahmad Ismaiel Al Maani
- Determinants of Capital Structure in Industrial Companies: Conservative Policy—Applied Study on Jordanian Industrial for the Period (2014-2016) pp. 125

- Abeer Al Abbadi
- Purchase of Consumer Behavior in the Event of Natural Disasters, Shows New Cultural Values? pp. 141

- Giulia Netti
- Facing the Post-Industrial Age, How to Choose the South Jiangsu Region? pp. 146

- Yingying Li
- Impact of Knowledge Management Process on Managerial Performance in the High Tech Sector pp. 155

- Bechir Brahmi and Malik Mustafa
- The Micro-Costing Approach to Foster the Effectiveness of Decision-Making Processes in the Healthcare System–Some Empirical Evidence from the Piedmont Region pp. 167

- Vania Tradori, Paola De Bernardi and Valerio Brescia
- Performance of Kenyan Listed Companies Pre and Post Chief Executive Officer Dismissal, Retirement and Resignation Events pp. 180

- James N. Ndegwa
- The Impact of Intellectual Capital Efficiency in Business Reengineering: An Empirical Study on the Industrial Companies Listed on the ASE pp. 187

- Omar Fareed Shaqqour
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 2 pp. 195

- Stephen Lee
Volume 14, issue 1, 2021
- Components of Procurement Reforms That Influence Expenditure Management in Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Focus on Tender Advertising pp. 1

- Eric Kibinu Kinuthia, Paul A. Odundo and Grace Nyagah
- Online Social Network Viability: Misinformation Management Based on Service and Systems Theories pp. 17

- Matteo Gaeta, Francesca Loia, Debora Sarno and Luca Carrubbo
- Ethical Firms and Web Reporting: Empirical Evidence about the Voluntary Adoption of the Italian “Legality Rating” pp. 36

- Fabio Caputo and Simone Pizzi
- E-Commerce Adoption and Growth of SMEs in Uganda pp. 46

- Wanzu Ibrahim, Peter Turyakira and Proscovia M. Katumba
- Assessing the Relationship between Efficiency, Capital and Risk of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh pp. 55

- Nazmoon Akhter
- When Geography Matters: The potential role of Saudi Arabia’s Geographical Branding in Promoting FDI pp. 64

- Megbel Aleidan
- Review of the Current Status of the Offshoring Industry: Insights for Practice pp. 76

- Liyanachchi Mahesha Harshani De Silva
- Factors Influencing Consumers' Intention to Use Mobile Applications for Online Shopping in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (KSA) pp. 86

- Khald S. Alatawy
- Traditional Marketing Practice Model and Entrepreneurship Marketing in SMEs in Indonesia pp. 95

- Ernani Hadiyati, Martaleni - and Suprayitno -
- Differentiated Leadership and Group Performance: The Mediating Effect of Group Cohesion pp. 114

- Yu-Chuan Tung, Yi-Ping Lin and Wen-Hsin Chang
- Does It Pay to Be Sustainable? Evidence from European Banks pp. 128

- Candida Bussoli, Danilo Conte, Graziana Letorri and Marco Barone
- Determinants of Entrepreneurial Competencies Development in Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 147

- Azmi Umar, Che Mohd Syaharuddin Che Cob, Che Mohd Zulkifli Che Omar and Mohd Sahandri Gani Hamzah
- Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: The Moderating Effect of Collaborative Climate pp. 159

- Raghda Abulsaoud Ahmed Younis
- Understanding the Potential Impact of IFRS 15 on the Telecommunication Listed Companies, by the Disclosures’ Study pp. 169

- Giorgia Mattei and Niccolò Paoloni
- Risk Management in the Healthcare Sector and the Important Role of Education and Training Activities: The Case of Regione Lombardia pp. 180

- Alessandro Capocchi, Paola Orlandini, Mariarita Pierotti, Loredana Luzzi and Lorenzo Minetti
- The Extent of Compatibility of Accounting Curriculum with the Requirements of Accounting Profession in Labor Market and IT Environment: Field Study in Jordanian Higher Education and Scientific Research Institutes pp. 192

- Reem Okab Kasswna
- Voting Premium in Italy: An Analysis over a 30-Year Period pp. 206

- Antonio Salvi, Emanuele Teti, Anastasia Giakoumelou and Felice Petruzzella
- Enhancing Brand Awareness, Reputation and Loyalty: The Role of Social Media pp. 216

- Roberto Chierici, Barbara Del Bosco, Alice Mazzucchelli and Claudio Chiacchierini
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14 No. 1 pp. 229

- Stephen Lee
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