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Journal of Agricultural Science

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Volume 8, issue 12, 2016

Ordered Logistic Analysis of Farmers’ Market Regulations: Who Finds Them Easy? pp. 1 Downloads
Jean Dominique Gumirakiza and Amber Daniel
Co-Granulated and Blended Zinc Fertilizer Comparison for Corn and Soybean pp. 9 Downloads
Matthew Caldwell, Kelly Nelson and Manjula Nathan
Using Rare Breeds in Animal-Assisted Activities: A New Model Proposed at the “Animal Farm†in Ladispoli (Rome, Italy) pp. 27 Downloads
Antonio Piccoli and Agnieszka Kaczmarczyk
Farmer Perception and Adaptation Strategies on Climate Change in Lower Eastern Kenya: A Case of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) Production pp. 33 Downloads
Madegwa Yvonne, Onwonga Richard, Shibairo Solomon and Karuku George
Genetic Variations in the Bovine Fatty Acid Desaturase 6 (FADS6) Are Associated with Fatty Acid Composition in Hanwoo Cattle pp. 41 Downloads
Krishnamoorthy Srikanth, Eunjin Lee, Anam Kwan, Youngjo Lim and Hoyoung Chung
Production Diversity and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Household Farms pp. 50 Downloads
Regina Sambuichi, Rodrigo Pereira, Ernesto Galindo and Michel Constantino
Nodulation, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Common Bean Inoculated with Rhizobia and Trichoderma in an Acid Soil pp. 61 Downloads
Alice Mweetwa, Gwen Chilombo and Brian Gondwe
Silicon Release from Local Materials in Indonesia under Submerged Condition pp. 72 Downloads
Linca Anggria, Husnain Husnain, Kuniaki Sato and Tsugiyuki Masunaga
Influence of Water Management and Silica Application on Rice Growth and Productivity in Central Java, Indonesia pp. 86 Downloads
Adha Siregar, Ibrahim Sipahutar, Husnain Husnain, Heri Wibowo, Kuniaki Sato, Toshiyuki Wakatsuki and Tsugiyuki Masunaga
Effect of Storage Methods on Carbohydrate and Moisture of Cassava Planting Materials pp. 100 Downloads
Baraka Mdenye, Josiah Kinama, Florence Olubayo, Benjamin Kivuva and James Muthomi
Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Various Quantitative Traits in Desi Chickpea Genotypes under Rainfed Conditions in Ethiopia pp. 112 Downloads
Megersa Tadesse, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete, Nigusie Girma, Lijalem Korbu, Ridwan Mohamed, Dagnachew Bekele, Assefa Funga and Chris Ojiewo
Survey on Phytophthora Species in Aliabad and Gharetapeh Villages from Varamin City of Iran by GIS Software pp. 119 Downloads
Majid Shahi-Bajestani and Kheyzaran Dolatabadi
Chemical Composition of Drilled Wells Water for Ruminants pp. 127 Downloads
Daniel Manera, Tadeu Voltolini, Daniel Menezes and Gherman Araújo
Chemical Composition of Saline Sources as Suppliers of Minerals for Ruminants pp. 138 Downloads
Daniel Manera, Tadeu Voltolini, Daniel Menezes and Gherman Araújo
Improving Soil Fertility and Crops Yield through Maize-Legumes (Common bean and Dolichos lablab) Intercropping Systems pp. 148 Downloads
Prosper Massawe, Kelvin Mtei, Linus Munishi and Patrick Ndakidemi
The Impact of the Use of Agricultural Accounting on the Financial Performance of Broiler Industry: A Comparative Evaluation Approach on Broiler Industry in Jordan pp. 164 Downloads
Ali Al-Sharafat
Analyzing Farm Accounting Skills Related to Financial Performance of Dairy Industry: An Evidence from Jordan pp. 174 Downloads
Ali Al-Sharafat
Taro (Colocasia esculenta)-An Important Staple Food for the General Population of Fiji Islands pp. 181 Downloads
Laurence Sundar
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Duckweeds, Lemna sp. and Spirodela sp., in the Treatment of Tilapia Effluents pp. 188 Downloads
Itzel Galaviz-Villa, Cinthya Sosa-Villalobos, Alicia Garcia-Sanchez, Ma. Refugio Chavez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso and Isabel Amaro-Espejo
The Influence of Lime and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soil Acidity, Growth and Nitrogen Uptake of Corn in Total Reclaimed Potential Acid Sulphate Soil pp. 197 Downloads
Yuli Lestari, Azwar Maas, Benito Purwanto and Sri Utami
Searching about Resistance of Common Cultivated Varieties in Varamin to Separated Fungal Phytophthora drechsleri from the Same Place pp. 206 Downloads
Majid Shahi-Bajestani and Kheyzaran Dolatabadi
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 12 pp. 214 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 11, 2016

Nutritional Value of Crisphead ‘Iceberg’ and Romaine Lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) pp. 1 Downloads
Moo Jung Kim, Youyoun Moon, Dean Kopsell, Suejin Park, Janet Tou and Nicole Waterland
Shade’s Benefit: Coffee Production under Shade and Full Sun pp. 11 Downloads
Valdir Alves, Fernando Goulart, Tamiel Jacobson, Reinaldo Filho and Clarilton Ribas
Influence of Management Practices on Selected Cowpea Growth Attributes and Soil Organic Carbon pp. 20 Downloads
E. T. Sebetha and A. T. Modi
Identification and Bioassay of Allelopathic Substances from Plant and Rhizosphere Soil Extracts of Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis [Willd.] Ohwi & H. Ohashi.) pp. 30 Downloads
H. Song, P. P. Zhang, X. L. Gao, S. X. Xu, Q. Zhou, B. L. Feng, Y. Fan and Y. P. Xie
Effects of Fertilizer Levels on the Absorption, Translocation, and Distribution of Phosphorus and Potassium in Rice Cultivars with Different Nitrogen-Use Efficiencies pp. 38 Downloads
Yongjian Sun, Yuanyuan Sun, Hui Xu, Chunyu Wang, Zhiyuan Yang, Na Li, Fengjun Yan, Yinghong Li, Haiyue Wang and Jun Ma
Genetic Divergence among Camu-Camu Plant Populations Based on the Initial Characteristics of the Plants pp. 51 Downloads
Bardales-Lozano Ricardo Manuel, Edvan Chagas, Oscar Smiderle, Abanto-Rodriguez Carlos, Pollyana Chagas, Adamor Mota Filho, Olisson Souza and Antonio Carlos Cordeiro
The Influence Factors Decomposition of Grain Output Increase in China: 2003-2014 pp. 59 Downloads
Xiaoquan Hua
Morphological Variation in Selected Accessions of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) in South Africa pp. 69 Downloads
Amara Unigwe, Abe Gerrano, Patrick Adebola and Michael Pillay
Helminth Parasites of Lane Snapper, Lutjanus synagris from Santiaguillo Reef, Veracruz, Mexico pp. 81 Downloads
Jesús Montoya-Mendoza, María Castañeda-Chávez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso and Salvador Rojas-Castañeda
Adoption and Use of Precision Agriculture in Brazil: Perception of Growers and Service Dealership pp. 89 Downloads
Emerson Borghi, Junior Avanzi, Leandro Bortolon, Ariovaldo Luchiari Junior and Elisandra Bortolon
Mint Extract Present Antioxidant Action on the Erythrocytes of Dairy Cows Suffering from Mastitis? pp. 105 Downloads
Cecilia Possenti, Roberta Horn, Jorge Diaz, Queli Seifert, Diego Golle, Jana Koefender, Natacha Mori and Vanderlei Júnior
Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Secondary Growth Parameters to Conservation Agriculture and Conventional Tillage Systems in Zimbabwe pp. 112 Downloads
Regina Hlatywayo, Blessing Mhlanga, Upenyu Mazarura, Walter Mupangwa and Christian Thierfelder
The Evaluation of Asymmetry in Price Transmission and Market Power in Iran Sugar Production Industry pp. 127 Downloads
Mohammad Omrani, Mohammad Tash and Ahmad Akbari
Combining Ability Analysis of Blast Disease Resistance and Agronomic Traits in Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn] pp. 138 Downloads
Lawrence Owere, Pangirayi Tongoona, John Derera and Nelson Wanyera
Mixed Cropping System on Diversity and Density of Plant Parasitic Nematodes pp. 147 Downloads
Kingsley Osei, Haruna Braimah, Umar Issa and Yaw Danso
Knowledge and Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Technologies by the Farming Community in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Tamilnadu State in India pp. 154 Downloads
M. Ramasubramaniyan, J. Vasanthakumar and B. Hansra
Assessment of Fisherfolk Information Seeking Behaviour with Mobile Phone for Improve Extension and Advisory Services pp. 170 Downloads
Philip Ifejika
Dust Reduction in Bauxite Waste: Role of Gypsum, Carbonation, and Microbial Decomposition pp. 179 Downloads
Mark Harris
Hydrocarbon-Contamination of Soils: The Potential of Sodium Clays to Decelerate Soil Toxicants pp. 193 Downloads
Mark Harris
Environmental Contamination from Industrial Bitter Cassava: Implications for Moisture-Pressure Combination Treatments pp. 204 Downloads
Mark Harris
Evaluation of Serenade Max to Control Fruit Rot of Grapes pp. 212 Downloads
T. Thomidis, S. Pantazis and K. Konstantinoudis
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 11 pp. 215 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 10, 2016

Spring Triticale Varieties Forage Yield, Nutrients Composition and Suitability for Beef Cattle Production pp. 1 Downloads
Kabal Gill and Akim Omokanye
Effect of Summer Annual Forage and Type of Shade on Grazing Behavior of Beef Stocker Heifers pp. 15 Downloads
Guillermo Scaglia
Cultivar, Planting Date, and Row Spacing Effects on Mungbean Seed Composition pp. 26 Downloads
Harbans Bhardwaj and Anwar Hamama
The Content of Sulphur in the Soil and Plant from Park Areas Exposed to Traffic Pollution pp. 33 Downloads
Hanna Jaworska, Anetta Siwik-Ziomek and Katarzyna Matuszczak
Using an “Index of Merit†to Evaluate Winterhardy Pea Lines pp. 45 Downloads
Azize Homer and Robin Groose
Confirmation of Glyphosate- and Acetolactate Synthase (ALS)-Inhibitor-Resistant Kochia (Kochia scoparia) in Nebraska pp. 54 Downloads
Neha Rana and Amit Jhala
Efficient Gene Transfer into Chicken Gonads by Combining Transposons with Polyethylenimine pp. 63 Downloads
Saisai Wang, Yali Wang, Dan Shen, Li Zhang, Songlei Xue, Hengmi Cui, Chengyi Song and Bo Gao
Few Journal Article Organizational Structure Characteristics Affect Article Citation Rate: A Look at Agricultural Economics Articles Using Regression Analysis pp. 73 Downloads
Joe Parcell, Glynn Tonsor and Jason Franken
Comparison of Removal Efficiencies of Different Household Cleaning Methods in Reducing Imidacloprid and Triabendazole Residues on Cherry Tomatoes pp. 83 Downloads
Zhi-Yuan Meng, Yue-Yi Song, Xiao-Jun Chen, Ya-Jun Ren, Chun-Liang Lu, Li Ren, Hua-Chen Gen, Jia-Xin Zhu, Quan Yuan, Teng-Fei Li and Zhi-Ying Xu
Evaluation of Spatial Variability of Soil Physico-Chemical Characteristics on Rhodic Ferralsol at the Syferkuil Experimental Farm of University of Limpopo, South Africa pp. 92 Downloads
Kopano Phefadu and Funso Kutu
Mapping Soil Moisture as an Indicator of Wildfire Risk Using Landsat 8 Images in Sri Lanna National Park, Northern Thailand pp. 107 Downloads
Kansuma Burapapol and Ryota Nagasawa
Characterization and Antibacterial Mode of a Novel Bacteriocin with Seven Amino Acids from Lactobacillus plantarum in Guizhou Salted Radish pp. 120 Downloads
Meizhong Hu, Lijuan Dang, Haizhen Zhao, Chong Zhang, Yingjian Lu, Jiansheng Yu and Zhaoxin Lu
Effects of Nitrogen on Seedling Growth of Wheat Varieties under Salt Stress pp. 131 Downloads
Muhi Eldeen Ibrahim, Xinkai Zhu, G. Zhou and Eltayib Abidallhaa
E2, an Aquatic Hazard Worldwide pp. 147 Downloads
Nagwa Elnwishy and Nada Sedky
Case Study of Viability of Bioenergy Production from Landfill Gas (LFG) pp. 165 Downloads
John Vourdoubas and Vasiliki Skoulou
Socioeconomic Analysis of Rural Credit and Technical Assistance for Family Farmers in the Transamazonian Territory, in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 177 Downloads
Galdino Paula Filho, Miquéias Calvi and Roberta Castro
Ion Exchange Resin Membrane Sensitivity Analysis of Selected Parameters for Soil Nutrient Extraction pp. 189 Downloads
Plinio Kroth, Clesio Gianello, Leandro Bortolon, Jairo Schlindwein and Elisandra Bortolon
Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi on Growth and Yield of Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plants pp. 204 Downloads
Firew Elias, Diriba Muleta and Delelegn Woyessa
Seed Germination and Growth of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus): Effect of Nano-Crystalline Sulfur pp. 219 Downloads
Luma Albanna, Nidá Salem and Akl Awwad
Yield and Quality Traits of Some Flax Cultivars as Influenced by Different Irrigation Intervals pp. 226 Downloads
Emad Rashwan, Ahmed Mousa, Ayman EL-Sabagh and Celaleddin Barutçular
Influence of Seed Storage Techniques on Germinability and Storability of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) pp. 241 Downloads
Hillary Bortey, Alimatu Sadia and James Asibuo
Efficacy of Paper Mill Sludge Along with Organic and Inorganic Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) pp. 249 Downloads
Bibhuti Dalei, Bibhuti Sahoo, Lalatendu Nayak, Manoj Meena, Amit Phonglosa, Pravamayee Acharya and Niranjan Senapati
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 10 pp. 254 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 9, 2016

An Extract of Sericea Lespedeza Modulates Production of Inflammatory Markers in Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP) Activated Ruminant Blood pp. 1 Downloads
Emmanuel Asiamah, Sarah Adjei-Fremah, Bertha Osei, Kingsley Ekwemalor and Mulumebet Worku
Regulated Lignin Structural Units and Soil Organic Carbon Content by Cowpea Peroxidase pp. 12 Downloads
Godson Osuji, Wenceslaus Madu, Eustace Duffus, Paul Johnson, Aruna Weerasooriya, Peter Ampim, Laura Carson, Sanique South, Dwiesha Johnson, Ali Fares and Alton Johnson
Effect of Biochar Amendment on Bioavailability and Accumulation of Cadmium and Trace Elements in Brassica chinensis L. (Chinese Cabbage) pp. 23 Downloads
Kiran Khan, Barkat Ali, Xiaoqiang Cui, Ying Feng, Peter Stoffella, Fengshan Pan, Lin Tang and Xiaoe Yang
Cassava Biomass Transformation by Aspergillus oryzae pp. 37 Downloads
Igor De Souza, Paulo Nascimento, Daniela Orsi and Claure Lunardi
Effects of Oat (Avena sativa) and Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa) Cover Crops on Nitrate Leaching, Soil Water, and Maize Yield in Subtropical Islands in Japan pp. 44 Downloads
Hide Omae and Fujio Nagumo
Morphological Characterization of Ugandan Isolates of Sphaceloma sp. Causing Cowpea Scab Disease pp. 55 Downloads
Emmanuel Afutu, Eric Agoyi, Fred Kato, Robert Amayo, Moses Biruma and Patrick Rubaihayo
Responses of Unsaturated Fatty Acid in Membrane Lipid and Antioxidant Enzymes to Chilling Stress in Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Seedling pp. 71 Downloads
Yuanyuan Guo, Shanshan Liu, Zhen Yang, Shanshan Tian and Na Sui
Anatomical Studies of Two Jatropha Species with Importance for Biodiesel Production pp. 84 Downloads
N. Tavecchio, H. Reinoso, M. Castiglione, C. Spanò and H. E. Pedranzani
Effect of Resource Reallocation on Pollen Limitation and Reproductive Assurance of Apocynum venetum L. in an Arid Region pp. 95 Downloads
Min Chen, Xue-yong Zhao, Xiao-an Zuo, Hao Qu, Wei Mao, Ya-yong Luo, Jie Lian and Liang-xu Liu
Mapping of QTLs Controlling Grain Shape and Populations Construction Derived from Related Residual Heterozygous Lines in Rice pp. 104 Downloads
Wenqiang Liu, Xiaoxiang Li, Kun Zhou, Xiaowu Pan, Yongchao Li, Tingting Lu and Xinnian Sheng
Discrimination Based on Volatile Compounds and Differential Analysis of Chinese Dark Tea pp. 115 Downloads
Hua-Feng He and Yang Ye
Research on the Effect of Antioxidant Tabernaemontana catharinensis (Apocynaceae) on Erythrocytes Exposed to the Herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid pp. 128 Downloads
Roberta Horn, Luana Junges, Luana Magni, Natacha Mori, Gabriela Gelatti, Tamiris Felippin, Ana Tissiani, Mariana Mayer, Diego Golle and Isis Thums
Stabilized Organic Matter Quantities May Strongly Affect the Mobility of Glyphosate into Soil pp. 135 Downloads
Paulo Dores-Silva, Fernanda Benetti, Bruno Silva, Maria Landgraf and Maria Rezende
Gender Differences in Attitude towards the Learning of Agricultural Science in Senior High Schools in the Assin South District of the Central Region, Ghana pp. 143 Downloads
Ransford Darko, Shouqi Yuan, Sarah Opoku, Christina Ansah, Junping Liu and Nancy Ansah
Soil Mapping in Chongwe, Zambia by Digital Analysis of Landsat Data pp. 152 Downloads
Chizumba Shepande, Marvin Bauer, Jay Bell and Victor Shitumbanuma
Facilitate Seed Germination of the Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula) in vitro Using TiO2 Nanoparticles and Scarification Treatments pp. 168 Downloads
Fatemeh Feizi and Mousa Mousavi
In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Methanolic Extract from Varthemia iphionoides Leaves pp. 178 Downloads
Moawiya Haddad, Saeid Abu-Romman and Ahmad Sharab
Main Impacts on Value of Milk Production in Different Regions from Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil pp. 184 Downloads
Julcemar Zilli and Júnior Candaten
Feeding Strategy of Ruminants and Its Potential Effect on Methane Emission Reduction pp. 199 Downloads
B. Suwignyo, B. Suhartanto, N. Umami, N. Suseno and Z. Bachruddin
Comparative Studies Using Homeopathic Globules for Leguminous and Non-Leguminous Crop Management against Root Rot Fungi pp. 205 Downloads
Asma Hanif and Shahnaz Dawar
Detection of Emerging Food Pathogens in Chicken Meat Using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction pp. 217 Downloads
Satheesh Raja, Appa Rao, Narendra Babu and Thamizhannal Thamizhannal
Evaluation of Pre- or Postharvest Application of Some Minerals and Organic Agents on the Growth, Flowering and Vase Life of Rudbeckia hirta, L pp. 226 Downloads
M. A. Hegazi
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 9 pp. 237 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 8, 2016

The Impact of Soil Erosion as a Food Security and Rural Livelihoods Risk in South Africa pp. 1 Downloads
Ikponmwosa Ighodaro, Francois Lategan and Wiseman Mupindu
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) as Sugarcane Cover Crops pp. 13 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Caleb Dalley, Eric Petrie, Ryan Viator and James Shrefler
Rice Farmers’ Attitudes toward Farm Management in Northeatern Thailand pp. 21 Downloads
Panatda Utaranakorn and Kumi Yasunobu
Mycorrhizal Fungi Collected from the Rhizospheres around Different Olive Cultivars Vary in Their Ability to Improve Growth and Polyphenol Levels in Leeks pp. 32 Downloads
Nasir Malik, Alberto Nuñez, Lindsay McKeever, Madhurababu Kunta, David Douds and David Needleman
Potential of Cover Crops in Promoting Mycorrhizal Diversity and Soil Quality in Organic Farms pp. 42 Downloads
P. G. Soti, Savannah Rugg and Alexis Racelis
Drivers of Multiple Cropping-Systems as Adaptive Strategy to Climate Change in Central-Benin (West Africa) pp. 48 Downloads
P. Degla, S. Adekambi and P. Adanhoussode
Gossypium barbadense: An Approach for in Situ Conservation in Cerrado, Brazil pp. 59 Downloads
Andrezza Castro, Lúcia Hoffmann, Thiago Lima, Aryanny Oliveira, Rafaela Brito, Letícia de Maria Mendes, Caio César Pereira, Guilherme Malafaia and Ivandilson Menezes
Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Types of Tomato Nutrient Solutions under Semi-Controlled Conditions pp. 68 Downloads
Lady Arbelaez, John Rivera, Alejandro Hurtado-Salazar and Nelson Ceballos-Aguirre
Performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed Diets Containing Blood Meal as a Replacement of Fish Meal pp. 79 Downloads
James Kirimi, Levi Musalia, Adiel Magana and Jonathan Munguti
Study on Germination of Seven Barley Cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Salt Stress pp. 88 Downloads
Najoua Abdi, Salma Wasti, Moncef Salem, Mouldi Faleh and Elhem Mallek-Maalej
Response of Pumpkin and Chinese Cabbage to Increasing Copper and Cobalt Levels in Irrigation Water on Sandy and Clay Loam Soils pp. 98 Downloads
John Volk and Benson Chishala
Effect of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth on Yield and Yield Components of Maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrids in Western Kenya pp. 112 Downloads
Peter Mbogo, Mathews Dida and Barrack Owuor
Red Pigment Content and Expression of Genes Related to Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) with Different Colored Flesh pp. 126 Downloads
F. B. Chen, C. Y. Xing, S. P. Huo, C. L. Cao, Q. L. Yao and P. Fang
Evaluation of Soil Chemical Properties under Paddy Production System in Central Kenya: Soil Exchangeable Cations pp. 136 Downloads
Caroline Kundu, Masaya Ishii, Kuniaki Sato, Tsugiyuki Masunaga, Raphael Wanjogu, Raymond Njagi, Akira Yamauchi and Daigo Makihara
Effect of N Fertigation Rates and Humic Acid on The Productivity of Crisphead Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Grown in Sandy Soil pp. 149 Downloads
Zohair Mirdad
An Algebraic Pedotransfer Function to Calculate Standardized in situ Determined Field Capacity pp. 158 Downloads
Theophilo Ottoni Filho, Isaias Leal, José de Macedo and Bruno Reis
Assessment of Seed Maize Systems and Potential Demand for Climate-Smart Hybrid Maize Seed in Africa pp. 171 Downloads
George Marechera, Grace Muinga and Patrick Irungu
Heterobeltiosis in French Marigold (Tagetes patula L.) pp. 182 Downloads
Kanwar Priyanaka, Y. C. Gupta, S. R. Dhiman, R. K. Dogra, Sharma Madhu and Bansal Monika
Photosynthetic Activity of Superior Varieties and Local Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Indonesia pp. 194 Downloads
Amarullah Amarullah, D. Indradewa, P. Yudono and B. H. dan Sunarminto
Biomass Distribution and Development of Allometric Equations for Non-Destructive Estimation of Carbon Sequestration in Grafted Mango Trees pp. 201 Downloads
A. N. Ganeshamurthy, V. Ravindra, R. Venugopalan, Malarvizhi Mathiazhagan and R. M. Bhat
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 8 pp. 212 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 7, 2016

Considerations for Choosing Appropriate Animal Models to Study Inflammatory Bowel Disease pp. 1 Downloads
Richard Uwiera, Trina Uwiera, Janelle Jiminez and G. Inglis
A Newly Practice to Mitigate N2O Emission from Winter Wheat Soil by Intercropping Isatis indigotica pp. 7 Downloads
Hong-Sheng Wu, Ji Li, Su-Yun Chen, Dong-Yang Liu, Joshua Kendall, Ya Xu, Lu-Ji Yu, Dong-Yang Wei, Shun-Yi Li, Ke-Ke Wang, Xiao-Xia Shang, Xiao-Hang Fang and Ya-Dong Liu
Analysis of Character Association of Quantitative Traits in Lupinus Species pp. 23 Downloads
Natalia Georgieva and Valentin Kosev
Soil Water Storage in Soybean Crop Measured by Polymer Tensiometers and Estimated by Agrometeorological Methods pp. 30 Downloads
A. P. Schwantes, Klaus Reichardt, Durval Neto, Angélica Durigon and Victor Pinto
Determinants of South Africa’s Orange Trade Flows in the Top European and Asian Importing Countries pp. 38 Downloads
Luyolo Matolo, Li Zhemin, Yu Wen and Huang Min
Economic Evaluation of Weed Control and Herbicide Residues on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Ghana pp. 47 Downloads
Dan Quee, Joseph Sarkodie-Addo, Stephanie Duku, Alusaine Samura, Abdul Conteh, Jenneh Bebeley and Janatu Sesay
A Research on Production of Rocket and Parsley in Floating System pp. 54 Downloads
Hale Duyar and Cenk Kiliç
Laboratory Populations: Is It Representative for Bioassays in Relation to Field Populations of Oriental Fruit Moth? pp. 61 Downloads
Rosangela Teixeira, Lino Monteiro, Izonete Guiloski, Helena Assis and Anderson Zanatta
Assessment of Improved Ladder Terraces in Controlling Soil Erosion on Uluguru Mountains-Tanzania pp. 69 Downloads
S. T. Materu
Combining Ability and Heterosis for Grain Yield and Rust Resistance in Pearl Millet pp. 80 Downloads
G. Lubadde, P. Tongoona, J. Derera and J. Sibiya
Production Determinants of the Pearl Millet Cropping System in Uganda and Implications to Productivity pp. 97 Downloads
G. Lubadde, P. Tongoona, J. Derera and J. Sibiya
Absorption Curve and Germination of Jucá Seeds under Different Salts pp. 112 Downloads
Danielle Marie Sousa, Celsemy Maia and Elis Regina Morais
Screening of Diazotrophs as Plant Growth Promoters and Their Effect in the Development of Maize Seed pp. 120 Downloads
Phokoane Monokoane, Sissay Mekbib and Li Haiying
Effect of Partial Root-Zone Drying Irrigation Technique (PRD) on the Total Dry Matter, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Potato under Tunisian Semi-Arid Conditions pp. 129 Downloads
Béchir Nouna, Mourad Rezig, Hassouna Bahrouni and Haroun Ammar
Best Irrigation Practices Designed for Pesticides Use to Reduce Environmental Impact on Groundwater Resource in the Tunisian Context pp. 142 Downloads
Béchir Nouna, Mourad Rezig and Hassouna Bahrouni
Evaluation of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties under Drought and Rain-Fed Conditions: A Rainforest Location pp. 153 Downloads
Abimbola Oluwaranti and Oluwatosin Ajani
Genetic Variability and Phylogenetic Relationship of Pakistani Snapmelon (Cucumis melo var. Momordica) by Using Microsatellite Markers pp. 163 Downloads
Ghulam Rasool, Muhammad Jaskani, Amjad Ullakh and Rashid Ahmad
Conservation Horticulture in Mango Orchards: Comparative Effects of Conventional and Conservation Management Practices on Soil Properties of an Alfisol under Seasonally Dry Tropical Savanna Climate pp. 173 Downloads
A. N. Ganeshamurthy, V. Ravindra, P. Panneerselvam, K. Sathyarahini and R. M. Bhat
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 7 pp. 189 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 6, 2016

Comparison of Chemical Composition and Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Three Forages: Whole Plant Barley, Whole Plant Foxtail Millet and Grass-Legume Hay pp. 1 Downloads
H. Lardner, R. Kumar, E. Darambazar, D. Damiran and J. McKinnon
Combustion and Spectral Methods for Quantifying Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations in Pacific Northwest Douglas-Fir Forest Soils pp. 8 Downloads
Christina Tonitto and Ali Bilgili
Integrating Record Keeping with Whole Farm Nutrient Mass Balance: A Case Study pp. 22 Downloads
Jack van Almelo, Quirine Ketterings and Sebastian Cela
Mapping Chinese Rice Suitability to Climate Change pp. 33 Downloads
Tianyi Zhang and Xiaoguang Yang
Comparative Different DNA Isolation Protocols from Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Leaves through RAPD and ISSR Markers pp. 49 Downloads
Fatemeh Bina, Zabihollah Zamani, Vahideh Nazeri and Daryush Talei
Phosphorus Biofertilizers from Ash and Bones—Agronomic Evaluation of Functional Properties pp. 58 Downloads
Magdalena Jastrzebska, Marta Kostrzewska, Kinga Treder, Wieslaw Jastrzebski and Przemyslaw Makowski
Bioconversion of Non Edible Vegetables from Market into Biofertilizer for Crop Improvement pp. 71 Downloads
Geetha Karuppasamy, Michael D'Couto and Anant Achary
The Role of Microfinance on Growth of Small-Scale Agribusinesses in Malawi: A Case of Lilongwe District pp. 84 Downloads
Jayne Chetama, Joseph Dzanja, Sera Gondwe and Dyton Maliro
Why the World’s Food Basket Became the Largest Grains’ Importer Country? “Comparative Statement on Main Crops’ Self-Sufficiency in Egypt and in China†pp. 94 Downloads
Shahat Sabet Mohamed Ahmed Elmorshdy, Wang Jimin and Hu Zhiquan
Comparative Productivity and Adaptive ability of Forage Pea (Pisum sativum L.) and Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Cultivars pp. 109 Downloads
Natalia Georgieva and Valentin Kosev
Soil Physical Quality of Brazilian Crop Management Systems Evaluated with Aid of Penetrometer pp. 120 Downloads
Daniel Gomes Junior, Rubismar Stolf, José Peres, Victor Pinto and Klaus Reichardt
Factors Influencing Residents Dealing with Municipal Organic Waste in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rural Areas of Hoi An, Vietnam pp. 129 Downloads
Loan Le, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe
Empirical Study on Effect of Silicon Application on Rice Blast Disease and Plant Morphology in Indonesia pp. 137 Downloads
Adha Siregar, Husnain Husnain, Kuniaki Sato, Toshiyuki Wakatsuki and Tsugiyuki Masunaga
Fatty Acid Composition and Fat Stability of Raw Milk and Pasteurized Milk from Laoshan Goats pp. 149 Downloads
Cunfang Wang, Xinman Lou and Jianmin Wang
Effects of Microcredit on the Financial Performance of Small Scale Cooking Oil Processors in Central Malawi pp. 159 Downloads
Lovemore Mtsitsi, Joseph Dzanja, Sera Gondwe and Bonet Kamwana
Awareness, Training Needs and Constraints on Fishing Technologies among Small Scale Fishermen in Ondo State, Nigeria pp. 169 Downloads
Joshua Ogunremi
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 6 pp. 174 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 5, 2016

Relationships between Soil Properties and Rice Growth with Steel Slug Application in Indonesia pp. 1 Downloads
Linca Anggria, Husnain Husnain, Antonius Kasno, Kuniaki Sato and Tsugiyuki Masunaga
Effects on Soil and Crop Properties of Forms of Sowing, Deferral Intervals and Fertilisation of the Annual Winter Forage in a Crop-Livestock Integration System pp. 15 Downloads
Milton Veiga, Carla Pandolfo, Alvadi Junior and Leandro Durigon
Climate and Phenology: Behavior of Autochthonous Italian Grapevine Varieties in the Uplands of Southern Brazil pp. 26 Downloads
Luciane Malinovski, Hamilton Vieira, Claudia Camargo Campos, Marco Stefanini and Aparecido Silva
Plant Mutation Breeding with Heavy Ion Irradiation at IMP pp. 34 Downloads
Xicun Dong, Xia Yan and Wenjian Li
Understanding the Vegetable Contamination Process with Parasites from Wastewater Irrigation and Its Impact on Human Health in Hidalgo, Mexico pp. 42 Downloads
Saúl Montero-Aguirre, Iourii Nikolskii-Gavrilov, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Oscar Palacios-Vélez, L. Traversoni-Domínguez and Juan Hernández-Pérez
Diagnosing Maize Growth for Determination of Optimum Fertilizer Application Time in Northern Malawi pp. 50 Downloads
Naohiro Matsui, Koji Nakata, Chisambi Cornelius and Moyo Macdonald
Cloning of TaPRP from Wheat and Its Cold Tolerance Analysis in Transgenic Tobacco pp. 61 Downloads
Zhang Baolei, Li Da, Zhang Weidong, Liu Dasheng, Gao Qingrong and Tian Jichun
Influence of Groundnut Populations on Weed Suppression in Cassava-Groundnut Systems pp. 72 Downloads
Josephine Amosun and Vincent Aduramigba-Modupe
Spring Wheat Cultivation Using a New Bioproduct pp. 79 Downloads
Galina Rabinovich and Yu. D. Smirnova
Genetic Variation and Correlation among Seedling and Mature Plant Traits of Soybean Evaluated in Acid Sand Culture and on Acid/Neutral Soil Fields of Nigeria pp. 86 Downloads
G. O. S. Ojo and S. A. Ayuba
11-Year Rainfall and Maize Yield Variation (2003-2013) in Four Northern Districts of Malawi pp. 95 Downloads
Naohiro Matsui
Screening of Cotton Genotypes for Protein Content, Oil and Fatty Acid Composition pp. 107 Downloads
Yuksel Bolek, Halil Tekerek, Khezir Hayat and Adem Bardak
Effect of Root-Zone Temperature on the Growth and Fruit Quality of Hydroponically Grown Strawberry Plants pp. 122 Downloads
Sakamoto Masaru, Mayuka Uenishi, Kengo Miyamoto and Takahiro Suzuki
Studies of the Old Romanian Apple Varieties Involved in New Breeding Programs for Resistance to Venturia inaequalis pp. 132 Downloads
Ligia Ion and Liliana Badulescu
Effect of Biofertilizer on Growth, Yield and Bioactive Component of Plumbago zeylanica (Lead Wort) pp. 141 Downloads
Hetal Patel, Ramar Krishnamurthy and Musibau Azeez
Seasonal Climate Prediction and Adaptation Using Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Agriculture Systems in Southern Africa: A Review pp. 156 Downloads
Obert Jiri, Paramu Mafongoya, Chipo Mubaya and Owen Mafongoya
Modification of American Institute of Nutrition Rat Diet in Mammary Cancer Research pp. 173 Downloads
Hiba Al-Sayyed and Hamed Takruri
The Agronomical Performances of Doubled Haploid Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Derived from Anther Culture pp. 177 Downloads
M. Fazaa, A. El Sabagh, G. Anis, I. EL-Rewainy, C. Barutcular, R. Hatipoglu and M. Islam
Grain Quality of Doubled Haploid Lines in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Produced by Anther Culture pp. 184 Downloads
M. Fazaa, A. El Sabagh, G. Anis, I. EL-Rewainy, C. Barutçular, M. Yildirim and M. Islam
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 5 pp. 191 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 4, 2016

Enhancement of Salt Uptake with the Application of Rotary Magnetic Field in Brining Cucumber pp. 1 Downloads
Yamei Jin, Na Yang, Yuyi Zhou, Dandan Li, Haiying Chen, Qunyi Tong and Xueming Xu
An Electrostatic Nursery Shelter for Raising Pest and Pathogen Free Tomato Seedlings in an Open-Window Greenhouse Environment pp. 13 Downloads
Yoshihiro Takikawa, Yoshinori Matsuda, Teruo Nonomura, Koji Kakutani, Kiyotsugu Okada, Shinya Morikawa, Manabu Shibao, Shin-ichi Kusakari and Hideyoshi Toyoda
Analysis of Leaf Area Index Dynamic and Grain Yield Components of Intercropped Wheat and Maize under Straw Mulch Combined with Reduced Tillage in Arid Environments pp. 26 Downloads
Wen Yin, Qiang Chai, Yao Guo, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu and Falong Hu
Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of the Spent Substrate of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes pp. 43 Downloads
A. Zepeda-Bastida, D. Ojeda-Ramírez, S. Soto-Simental, N. Rivero-Perez and M. Ayala-Martínez
Substitution in Consumer Demand for Coffee Product Categories in Japan pp. 50 Downloads
Michael Yohannes, Toshinobu Matsuda and Naoko Sato
Impact of Agricultural Diversification and Commercialization on Child Nutrition in Zambia: A Dose Response Analysis pp. 60 Downloads
Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka and Christian Kuhlgatz
Crop Water Production Functions—A Review of Available Mathematical Method pp. 76 Downloads
Manijeh Mahmoudzadeh Varzi
Seedlessness and Fruit Quality Traits of Gibberellin Induced Parthenocarpic Fruit in Seven Tomato Genotypes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) pp. 84 Downloads
Agus Setiawan, Rudi Murti and Aziz Purwantoro
The Effect of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis of Dairy Cows on Productivity, Digestibility and Greenhouse Gas Emission pp. 92 Downloads
Chuang Xu, Taiyu Shen, Wei Yang, Hongjiang Yu, Sansi Gao and Baoyin Huang
Study on Physicochemical Properties of Rice Varieties in Fiji pp. 101 Downloads
Hemalatha Palanivel, Kamlesh Puran, Ravneel Kumar, Salesh Kumar and Paras Nath
Effect of Seasons on Enteric Methane Emissions from Cattle Grazing Urochloa brizantha pp. 106 Downloads
J. J. A. A. Demarchi, M. Q. Manella, O. Primavesi, R. Frighetto, L. Romero, A. Berndt and M. Lima
Modeling Lactation Curve in Primiparous Beef Cattle pp. 116 Downloads
Ana Espasandin, Verónica Gutierrez, Alberto Casal, Ana Graña, Oscar Bentancur and Mariana Carriquiry
Combined Traditional Water Harvesting (Zai) and Mulching Techniques Increase Available Soil Phosphorus Content and Millet Yield pp. 126 Downloads
Boubacar Moussa, Abdoulaye Diouf, Salamatou Abdourahamane, Jørgen Axelsen, Karimou Ambouta and Ali Mahamane
Cost-, Cumulative Energy- and Emergy Aspects of Conventional and Organic Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivation pp. 140 Downloads
Anna Kuczuk
Diversity of Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Genotypes from Eritrea Assessed by Morphological Traits pp. 156 Downloads
Brhan Saleh, Remmy Kasili, Edward Mamati, Woldeamlak Araia and Aggrey Nyende
A Study of Salt Content of Different Bread Types Marketed in Amman, Jordan pp. 169 Downloads
Fatema Abu Hussain and Hamed Takruri
Sulfur Nanoparticles Improves Root and Shoot Growth of Tomato pp. 179 Downloads
Nidá Salem, Luma Albanna, Amany Abdeen, Qusay Ibrahim and Akl Awwad
Plant Density Effect on Silage Yield of Maize Cultivars pp. 186 Downloads
Mohammad Haddadi and Masoud Mohseni
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 4 pp. 192 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 3, 2016

The Impact of Diet on Expression of Genes Involved in Innate Immunity in Goat Blood pp. 1 Downloads
Mulumebet Worku, Ahmed Abdalla, Sarah Adjei-Fremah and Hamid Ismail
Evaluating Farm-Level Crop Insurance Demand in China: A Double-Bounded Dichotomous Approach pp. 10 Downloads
Ruojin Zhang and Dan Fan
Modulation of Bovine Wnt Signaling Pathway Genes by Cowpea Phenolic Extract pp. 21 Downloads
Sarah Adjei-Fremah, Emmanuel Asiamah, Kingsley Ekwemalor, Louis Jackai, Keith Schimmel and Mulumebet Worku
Overview of the Use of Sustainable Energies in Agricultural Greenhouses pp. 36 Downloads
John Vourdoubas
Livestock Precision Farming and the Kit Radicaux Libres Test: Two Simple Approaches to Detect Variation in Piglets’ Behaviour and Welfare pp. 44 Downloads
Grazia Pastorelli, Raffaella Rossi, Marcella Guarino, Federica Borgonovo, Paolo Candotti and Carlo Corino
Rainfall Patterns Associated with the Oceanic Niño Index in the Colombian Coffee Zone pp. 56 Downloads
Andrés Peña-Q., Carolina Ramírez-C., L. Bermúdez-F. and Néstor Riaño-H.
The Nutritional Value of Sweet Potato Tubers [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamb.] Consumed by Infants and Children of Dani Tribe in Kurulu District, Baliem-Jayawijaya pp. 64 Downloads
Antonius Suparno, Saraswati Prabawardani and Andrew Pattikawa
Analysis of Namibian Main Grain Crops Annual Production, Consumption and Trade—Maize and Pearl Millet pp. 70 Downloads
Theresia Shifiona, Wang Dongyang and Hu Zhiquan
Activity of Acid Phosphatases in Ectomycorrhizal Fungi pp. 78 Downloads
Francilina Costa, Joselita Souza, Josimara Rondon and Maria Kasuya
Assessment and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Fruits from Different Tucuma Palm Tree Accesses for Keeping Their Preservation in Central Amazonia pp. 88 Downloads
Kaoru Yuyama, J. Aguiar, B. Araújo and E. Coelho
Agronomical and Physiological Response of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes to Low Soil Fertility at the Southern Highland Region of Yemen pp. 92 Downloads
Y. Molaaldoila and K. A. A. Al-Hakimi
Determination of General and Specific Combining Ability of Five Upland Cotton Cultivars pp. 106 Downloads
Habib Lakho, Ayaz Soomro, Muhammad Rashid and Shabana Memon
Effects of Deficit Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Onion Crop pp. 112 Downloads
David Rop, Emmanuel Kipkorir and John Taragon
Genotyping and Phenotyping of the Potential Clones, Biotypes and Variants of Grapevine Cultivar Korinthiaki Staphis (Vitis vinifera L.) pp. 127 Downloads
Maritina Stavrakaki and Katerina Biniari
Efficiency of Vegetable Marketing in Peri-Urban Areas of Ogun State, Nigeria pp. 142 Downloads
Samuel Isitor, Abiodun Otunaiya and Joel Iyanda
Pest Complex of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with Special Reference to Management of White Grub in Northern Districts of Kashmir Valley pp. 151 Downloads
Mohmmad Munib, Abdul Wani, Shabir Khan and Arshad Abbas
Reducing Fat Content of Fried Potato Pellet Chips Using Carboxymethyl Cellulose and Soy Protein Isolate Solutions as Coating Films pp. 162 Downloads
Malak Angor
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 3 pp. 169 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 2, 2016

Glyphosate-Resistant Weed Control and Soybean Injury in Response to Different PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides pp. 1 Downloads
Jatinder Aulakh, P. Chahal and Amit Jhala
Development and Fertility Restoration of CMS Eggplant Lines Carrying the Cytoplasm of Solanum violaceum pp. 10 Downloads
Konstantinos Krommydas, Zisis Tzikalios, Panagiotis Madesis, Fotios Bletsos, Athanasios Mavromatis and Demetrios Roupakias
Impact of Supra-Optimal Temperatures on Physiology and Yield in Rice Field pp. 27 Downloads
Giovani Brito, Paulo Ricardo Fagundes, Gustavo Teló, Aluana Abreu, Ariano Júnior, Daniel Franco, Andre Andres, José Maria Parfitt, Renato Kunh and José Petrine
Effects of ZnO Nanoparticle on Photo-Protection and Insecticidal Synergism of Rotenone pp. 38 Downloads
Xiao-jun Chen, Zhi-yuan Meng, Ya-jun Ren, Hao-tian Gu and Chun-liang Lu
Production of New Cotton Interspecific Hybrids with Enhanced Fiber Fineness pp. 46 Downloads
Nacoulima Nafissatou, Diouf Hassedine, Konan Olivier and Mergeai Guy
Development of End-User Preferred Sweetpotato Varieties pp. 57 Downloads
Ernest Baafi, Joe Manu-Aduening, Vernon Gracen, Kwadwo Ofori, Edward Carey and Essie Blay
Climate Change and Food Production in Nigeria: Implication for Food Security in Nigeria pp. 74 Downloads
Felix Idumah, Chimezie Mangodo, Uyinmwen Ighodaro and Paul Owombo
Influence of Socio-Economic Conditions of Farmers on the Control of Insect Pests of Citrus in Benue State, Nigeria pp. 84 Downloads
T. A. K. Anzaku, D. A. Anda and I. B. Umar
In Vivo Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Vine Multiplication Technique: The Plausible Solution to Seed Yam Generation Menace pp. 88 Downloads
Emmanuel Otoo, T. G. Anyakanmi, Hideniko Kikuno and Robert Asiedu
Influence of the Soil Solarization Management and Fertilizer on Soil Temperature under Different Soil Tillage Systems pp. 98 Downloads
Ahmed Al-Shammary, Jamal Al-Sadoon and Nabil Lahmod
Technical Inefficiency Effects in Agriculture—A Meta-Regression pp. 109 Downloads
Justice Djokoto, Francis Srofenyo and Akua Arthur
Comparative Pharmacokinetic of Three Sulfadiazine Suspensions by Oral Administration in Chickens pp. 122 Downloads
Zhi-Qiang Wang, Han-Song Li, Xia Xiao and Jian-Bing Wang
A Case Study for Evaluation of GUTD on Soil Compaction and Tractor Performance pp. 130 Downloads
Saadat Kamgar and Ehsan Savand Roomi
Effect of Square Planting and Nitrogen Scheduling on Yield and Micrometeorological Parameters in Maize pp. 141 Downloads
Dharmalingam Selvakumar, Kumaran Velayudham and Nallasamy Thavaprakaash
Environmental Soil Quality Research as Prediction for Sustainable Orchards Cultivation in Southern Serbia pp. 151 Downloads
Jelena Markovic and Svetlana Stevovic
Genetic Relationships between Elite Oil Palms from Nigeria and Selected Breeding and Germplasm Materials from Malaysia via Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers pp. 159 Downloads
M. Okoye, C. Bakoumé, M. I. Uguru, R. Singh and C. O. Okwuagwu
Metafrontier Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Wheat Farms in Sudan pp. 179 Downloads
Ali Chebil, Abdelaziz Hashim, Alawia Hassan, Ishtiag Abdalla, Izzat Tahir, Solomon Assefa and Ouambi Yameogo
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 2 pp. 187 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 8, issue 1, 2015

Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as a Seedling Growth Media Component pp. 1 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Eric Petrie, James Shrefler and Merritt Taylor
Endosulfan: Its Isomers and Metabolites in Commercially Aquatic Organisms from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean pp. 8 Downloads
Gabycarmen Navarrete-Rodríguez, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Alejandra Soto-Estrada, María Castañeda-Chavez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Arturo Pérez-Vazquez and Iourii Nikolskii G.
Healthy Pork Production through Dietary n6:n3 Ratio Regulation pp. 25 Downloads
Jyun-Ru Yang and Tu-Fa Lien
Determining Long-Term Trends of Four Fast-Eutrophicated Lakes in China and Finland pp. 39 Downloads
Mengna Liao, Ge Yu, Anne-Mari Ventelä and Xuhui Dong
Cork Oak Seedling Growth under Different Soil Conditions from Fertilisation, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Amino Acid Application pp. 55 Downloads
Cati Dinis, Peter Surovy, Nuno Ribeiro, Rui Machado and Maria Oliveira
Effects of 1-MCP on External Postharvest Qualities and Shelf Life of ‘Maha Chanok’ Mango Fruit pp. 68 Downloads
B. Chutichudet, Prasit Chutichudet and Usana Trainoak
A Gender Framework for Ensuring Sensitivity to Women’s Role in Pulse Production in Southern Ethiopia pp. 80 Downloads
Carol Henry, Patience Idemudia, Gete Tsegaye and Nigatu Regassa
Determinants of Loan Repayment among Small Holder Cooperative Farmers in Remo Division, Ogun State, Nigeria pp. 92 Downloads
S. Isitor, A. Otunaiya, A. Adeyonu and E. Fabiyi
Nutrient Uptake and Fruit Quality of Pummelo as Influenced by Ammonium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc Application pp. 100 Downloads
Hien Nguyen, Somsak Maneepong and Potjamarn Suranilpong
Effect of Birhi Vaiety of Date Palm Fruits, (Phoenix dactylifera L.) at the Tamr Stage on Serum Glucose Levels in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats pp. 110 Downloads
Mohammed Ibrahim, Mousa Ahmad, Hani Hamad and Wasfy Hamad
Impact of Oil Palm Expansion on Farmers’ Crop Income and Poverty Reduction in Indonesia: An Application of Propensity Score Matching pp. 119 Downloads
Widya Alwarritzi, Teruaki Nanseki and Yosuke Chomei
Effect of New Environmentally Friendly Fertilizers in a Commercial Vineyard pp. 132 Downloads
Thomas Thomidis, Nikitas Karagiannidis and Constantinos Karagiannidis
Future Arable Land Requirement of Pig Production in China pp. 139 Downloads
Xiaolei Liu, Xuefeng Cui and Reshmita Nath
Effect of African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) on Serum Calcium, Inorganic Phosphate, Uric Acid, and Alkaline Phosphatase Concentration of Male Albino Rats pp. 148 Downloads
Uchenna Eneh, Rita Orjionwe and Chukwuemeka Adindu
Tilmicosin Reduces PRRSV Loads in Pigs in vivo pp. 154 Downloads
Chao-Nan Lin, Yu-Jian Yang, Wei-Hao Lin, Hsien-Ching Wu, Zhixuan Xiong, Wouter Depondt, Alain Kanora, Min Cui, Danping Su, Dongsheng He and Ming-Tang Chiou
Methane Emission of Cattle Fed Urochloa brizantha Hay Harvested at Different Stages pp. 163 Downloads
C. Nascimento, A. Berndt, L. Romero Solorzano, P. Meyer, R. Frighetto, J. Demarchi and P. Rodrigues
Farmers’ Perception and Willingness to Pay for Climate Information in Burkina Faso pp. 175 Downloads
Beteo Zongo, Abdoulaye Diarra, Bruno Barbier, Malicki Zorom, Hamma Yacouba and Thomas Dogot
Green Synthesis of Nano-Sized Sulfur and Its Effect on Plant Growth pp. 188 Downloads
Nidá Salem, Luma Albanna, Akl Awwad, Qusay Ibrahim and Amany Abdeen
Evaluation of Some Technologies Developed by the Food Technology Laboratory of the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development: Case of Cocoa, Coffee and Rice pp. 195 Downloads
Guemche Irène, Patience Andoseh, Tchamba Joël and Pauline Mounjouenpou
Prevalence and Eco-Friendly Management of Some Important Nursery Diseases of Mango in Bangladesh pp. 205 Downloads
Suchana Sarker, Md. Islam and Ismail Hossain
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 8, No. 1 pp. 221 Downloads
Anne Brown
Page updated 2025-03-28