Journal of Agricultural Science
2009 - 2025
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Volume 15, issue 12, 2024
- A Multi-sensor Analysis of Selected Reflectance-Based Crop Coefficient Models for Daily Maize Evapotranspiration Estimation pp. 1

- Edson Costa-Filho, José L. Chávez and Huihui Zhang
- Control of Volunteer Glyphosate-Resistant Corn in Soybean With Clethodim Plus Adjuvants pp. 26

- Nader Soltani, Christy Shropshire and Peter H. Sikkema
- Damage Assessment of Melanagromyza sojae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on Soybean in Brazil pp. 33

- Rafael Paz Marques, Henrique Pozebon, Júlia Guimarães Bevilaqua, Guilherme Padilha, Paulo César Ramon, Léo Augusto de Cezaro, Alberto Rohrig, Ivair Valmorbida, Rubens Fiorin, Alberto Cargnelutti Filho, Janine Palma, José Domingos Jacques Leão, Pedro Parisi, Bruna Wojahn, Giulian Rafael da Luz and Jonas André Arnemann
- Comparison of Temporary Immersion Bioreactor (SETISTM) and Classical Solid Culture in Micropropagation of ‘Grand Naine’ (Musa spp.) Banana Cultivar pp. 51

- Taner Bozkurt, Sezen İnan and İjlal Dündar
- Growth Performance and Biochemical Composition of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Reared in Membrane Bioreactor Treated Wastewater pp. 61

- Rachel Mwendwa, Michael Wawire, Peter Kahenya and Edwin Oyoo
- Microbial Biotransformation of Agro-waste Into Biovanillin as Flavor: A Process Optimization by Response Surface Methodology pp. 74

- M. Sujatha, R. Jaya Madhuri and K. Thagaraju
- Aroma Chemicals Identification by Sophisticated Technique and Their Role Against Pathogens pp. 92

- N. Sekhar, M. Srimannarayana and N. Deepika
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 12 pp. 102

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 11, 2024
- Effect of Class Act NG Adjuvant on Glyphosate Efficacy in Corn pp. 1

- Nader Soltani, Christian A. Willemse and Peter H. Sikkema
- Evaluation of Mungbean Varieties for Adaptation to Rice-Based Cropping Systems and Profitability in North-West Cambodia pp. 10

- Robert J. Martin, Pao Srean, Sophea Yous, Harry Campbell-Ross, Chariya Korn, Ratha Rien, Sokunroth Chhun, Santik Kheav, Saro Ratt and Daniel K.Y. Tan
- Bat Guano Application Rate in Horticulture in Cambodia: An Experiment With Tomato pp. 24

- Longdy Korn, Channaty Ngang, David R. Ader and Pao Srean
- Analysis of Labor Productivity in Single and Multi-household Grassland Management Patterns: A Case Study in Maqu County, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau pp. 31

- Sanqiang Du
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Herders’ Household Business Scale in the Multi Household Grassland Management Patterns: A Case Study of Maqu County in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau pp. 44

- Sanqiang Du
- Antixenosis in Constitutive Resistance in Maize Genotypes to the Stink Bug Diceraeus melacanthus pp. 57

- T. M. Pascutti Simão, F. C. Silva, J. C. Guerreiro and A. L. Boiça Junior
- Essential Oils in the Control of Fusarium solani pp. 71

- Rafaella Azevedo Aguiar, Sinara PatrÃcia Mendes da Costa, Isabela Oliveira Santos, Maria Josiane Martins, Marcilio Nunes Moreira, Isabelle Carolyne Cardoso Batista, Thais de Castro Moreira, Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro, Adelica Aparecida Xavier, Viviane Aparecida Costa Campos, Lorena Gracielly de Almeida Souza, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues Matrangolo, Renato Martins Alves, Natan Cantuária Nunes, Max Pereira Gonçalves, PatrÃcia Nirlane da Costa Souza, Silas Silva Santana, DenÃlson Ferreira Oliveira, Polyana Danyelle dos Santos Silva, Mary Ingrid Alves e Santos, Raquel Venceslau Santos, Sindy Natany Martins Barbosa, Mariany de Jesus Limas, Wander Guilherme da Silva Leles, Helena Souza Nascimento Santos, Nathalia Lélis Faria, Marcelo Ramos de Jesus, Taylor Johnny Patricio Silva, Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa, Sabrina Gonçalves Vieira de Castro and Geisla Garcia Leal
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 11 pp. 78

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 10, 2024
- Tolerance of White Bean to Tiafenacil Herbicide Mixtures and Control of Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Horseweed With Tiafenacil Herbicide Mixtures pp. 1

- Nader Soltani, Christy Shropshire and Peter H. Sikkema
- Effect of Low Rate of Dicamba on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) at Different Growth Stages pp. 9

- Taghi Bararpour and Te Ming Tseng
- Seed Microbiolization Associate With Nitrogen Doses Increase the Nutrition of Tomato Fruits pp. 20

- Márcio Adriano Santos, Silvia Nietsche, Wagner Ferreira da Mota, José Augusto dos Santos Neto, Gleika Larisse Oliveira Dorasio de Souza, Marlon Cristian Toledo Pereira, Adelica Aparecida Xavier, Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro, Maria Josiane Martins, Mônica Romana Martins, Isabela Oliveira Santos, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues Matrangolo, Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa, LÃvian PatrÃcia da Silva Santos, Natan Cantuária Nunes, Taylor Johnny Patricio Silva, Débora Souza Mendes, Zenóbia Cardoso dos Santos, Josiane Cantuária Figueiredo, Janderson Raony Verissimo, Renato Martins Alves, Gevaldo Barbosa de Oliveira, Helena Souza Nascimento Santos, Eliene Almeida Paraizo, Ana Lúcia Figueiredo de Souza Nogueira, Fábio Cantuária Ribeiro, Flávio Cantuária Ribeiro and Laila Kristina Lopes Mendes
- Characterization and Analysis of Fair Sellers in the Municipality of Janaúba in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil pp. 31

- Patricia da Conceição Silva, Débora Francine Gomes Silva Pereira, Maria Josiane Martins, Isabela Oliveira Santos, Isabelle Carolyne Cardoso Batista, Renato Martins Alves, Sindy Natany Martins Barbosa, Gisele Martins Pereira, Débora Souza Mendes, Josiane Cantuária Figueiredo, Natan Cantuária Nunes, Wander Guilherme da Silva Leles, Polyana Danyelle dos Santos Silva, LouÃza Lourranne Mendes Pereira, Lorena Gracielly de Almeida Souza, Helena Souza Nascimento Santos, Irisléia Pereira Soares de Sousa, Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro, Andréia Marcia Santos de Souza David, Gevaldo Barbosa de Oliveira, Sabrina Gonçalves Vieira de Castro, Taylor Johnny Patricio Silva, Caik Marques Batista, Matheus Pinheiro Fonseca, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues Matrangolo, Laila Kristina Lopes Mendes, Fábio Cantuária Ribeiro, Flávio Cantuária Ribeiro and Paulo Cesar Mendes
- Integrating Non-photochemical Quenching (NPQ) Measurements for Identifying Flood-Tolerant Soybean Genotypes in the Era of Climate Change pp. 39

- Giovani Greigh de Brito, Angela Diniz Campos, Carlos Lásaro Pereira de Melo, Paulo Fernando Bertagnoli, Elsa Kuhn Klumb, Fabiane Grecco da Silva Porto, Ariano Martins de Magalhães, Paulo Ricardo Reis Fagundes, José Maria Barbat Parfitt, Giovani Theisen and Cley Donizeti Martins Nunes
- Effect of Demeter Adjuvant (Rizospray Extremo) in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Herbicide Mixtures for Effective Weed Control in a Matured Oil Palm Plantation in Western Ghana pp. 58

- V. T. Zutah, S. A. Avaala, K. B. Ofori, B. K. Adevu, G. Y. Assan, Daniel Akowuah and Isaac Addo
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 10 pp. 66

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 9, 2024
- What Are the Most Efficacious Herbicides Applied Postemergence for Control of Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Canada Fleabane [Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.] in Corn? pp. 1

- Nader Soltani, Christian Willemse and Peter H. Sikkema
- Analyzing the Characteristics of Cropping Intensity’s Change of Cultivated Land in China During 2010-2019 pp. 10

- Yuanhong You, Yuhao Zhang, Haiyan Hou and Zhiguang Tang
- New Capital Relocation of Indonesia: Estimating Food Demand in East Kalimantan and Jakarta pp. 26

- Tri Wahyu Cahyono and Hiromi Tokuda
- Gene Characterization and Protein Expression Analysis of LsARF2 in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Under High Temperature pp. 42

- Xiyi Yang, Kai Jia, Junxuan Zhu, Yijun Zhang, Yufeng Tian, Zhengyang Qi, Yingyan Han, Chaojie Liu and Jinghong Hao
- Effect of Silicon Sources on Sugarcane Orange Rust, Ring Spot and Red Rot in Brazil pp. 60

- Bruno Nicchio, Fernando C. Juliatti, Hamilton S. Pereira, Marlon A. M. Vieira, Ideon C. Vasconcelos Filho, Robson T. X. de Sousa and Brenda S. Tubana
- Allelopathic Interactions of Solanum stramonifolium Jacq. Might Be Used for Meloidogyne incognita Management pp. 76

- T. G. Costa, Athamy S. de P. Cruz, ThaÃs C. de Sousa, Thomas Michel, Simoni C. Dias, Janice de A. Engler and Thales L. Rocha
- Importance of Silicon in the Growth of Jatropha curcas L. Plants Irrigated With Salina Water pp. 95

- C. L. Amaro, L. V. Rossato, P. G. F. Santos, L. P. Borges, V. A. Amorim, D. B. de Oliveira and F. S. Matos
- The Dynamic Nature of a Static Headspace Above Frozen Leaf Biomass From a Toxic Brazilian Plant pp. 105

- Mariah Ribeiro Rocha, Paulo de Moraes Ferreira, Márcio Wandré Morais de Oliveira, Maria Fátima Grossi de Sá and Thales Lima Rocha
- A Method to Determine the Feed Conversion Coefficient in Farm Pigs pp. 117

- V. L. Stass
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 9 pp. 126

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 8, 2024
- How Do Small-Scale Cassava Producers Overcome Global Issues? Cassava Profit and Technical Efficiency in Cambodia pp. 1

- Tamon Baba, Hisako Nomura, Tha Than, Pao Srean and Kasumi Ito
- Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Sheep Breeds in Saudi Arabia pp. 16

- M. F. Elzarei, S. A. AL-Sharari, M. S. Alhasyani, A. A. Aloufi and E. F. Mousa
- Phytosociological Survey of Weeds on Degraded and Well-Managed Pastures: Agronomical and Ecological Implications pp. 23

- Alexandre M. Brighenti, Tainá Linhares, Natássia M. Armacolo, Guilherme K. Donagemma, Ademir Fontana and Fabiano de C. Balieiro
- Growing Temperature Influence Lignocellulose in Sorghum and Could Lead to a Significant Variation in Feed Value of Fodder Sorghum Genotypes pp. 35

- Lilian Ouma, Erick Cheruiyot and Joshua Ogendo
- Valuing Pollination as an Ecosystem Services: The Case of Hand Pollination for Cocoa Production in Ghana pp. 48

- Salamatu Jebuni-Dotsey, Bernardin Senadza and Wisdom Akpalu
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 8 pp. 64

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 7, 2024
- Optimization of the Genetic Transformation System of Lettuce pp. 1

- Li Chen, Yong Qin and Shuangxi Fan
- Effects of COVID-19 on Food Demand in Rural Indonesia: The Case of Bengkulu Province pp. 18

- Melli Suryanty Sn and Toshinobu Matsuda
- Corn Plant Density Effects on Grain Yield and Palmer Amaranth Response to Dicamba pp. 35

- Ivan Cuvaca, Randall Currie, Pat Gier, Anserd Julius Foster, Kraig Rozeboom, Jack Fry and Mithila Jugulam
- Effect of Insect Growth Regulator Insecticides Novaluron, Teflubenzuron and Lufenuron on the Morphology and Physiology of Euschistus heros pp. 44

- Paula G. Silva, Marizete C. de S. Vieira, Elizete C. de S. Vieira, Ivana F. da Silva and Crébio J. à Vila
- Biocontrol of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae With Bacteria Isolated From Passion Fruit pp. 56

- F. S. Silva, A. A. Melo Filho, D. A. Schurt and I. G. P. Santos
- Characterization of White Lupin Seed Coats pp. 64

- Jada Shaw and Harbans L. Bhardwaj
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 7 pp. 69

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 6, 2024
- Camu-Camu Flour Processed in Conventional Oven and Solar Dryer: Quality Product and Accessible Low Technology Products as an Opportunity to Family Agriculture pp. 1

- Pedro V. P. Guimarães, Maria F. B. Durigan, Edvan A. Chagas, Maria L. Grigio, Thiago à . N. da Silva, Antonio A. de M. Filho, Carolina S. Marques and José A. M. Mattioni
- Yield Responses of Upland Rice Varieties to Low N Conditions in Central Kenya pp. 19

- Sammy Kagito, Mayumi Kikuta, Hiroaki Samejima, Joseph P. Gweyi-Onyango, Esther W. Gikonyo, Emily W. Gichuhi, Daniel M. Menge, John M. Kimani, Akira Yamauchi and Daigo Makihara
- Impact of Trehalose as a Partial Replacement of Sugar on Physicochemical Properties of Brown Rice Tofu during Storage pp. 30

- Shihoko Tamai, Masataka Saito and Takeshi Nagai
- Evaluation of the Effect of Stone Lines and Microdosing Adoption on Sorghum Yield and Income: A Case of Smallholder Farmers in Burkina Faso pp. 41

- Didier Sawadogo, Ichizen Matsumura, Kumi Yasunobu, Cristhian Fernandez and Asres Elias Baya
- Irrigated Agriculture as an Adaptation Strategy Against Climate Change: A Review pp. 56

- F. Rosales-MartÃnez, L. Casanova-Pérez, C. Flota-Bañuelos, S. Fraire-Cordero and V. Rosales-MartÃnez
- The Impact of the Addition of Urea Ammonium Nitrate to 2,4-D on the Control of Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Canada Fleabane pp. 68

- Nader Soltani, Christy Shropshire and Peter H. Sikkema
- Assessment of Two Calcium Silicate Sources on Cucumber Under Water Restriction pp. 74

- Georgy Faroutine, Ramón Arteaga-RamÃrez, Joel Pineda-Pineda and Mario A. Vázquez-Peña
- The Effect of Matrix Nutrition by Sulfonated Silicon With S8 on Tuber Yield and Its Components of Potato Cultivars Under Water Deficit Stress Condition pp. 99

- Davoud Hassanpanah, Sayad Parastar Anzabi, Parviz Shirinzadeh Giglou, Ahmad Mousapour Gorji, Elham Parastar Anzabi, Hossein Hassanpanah, Yousef Jahani Jelodar, Fatemeh Parastar Anzabi and Morteza Shadbahr
- Ecology of Myrmecofauna (Genus: Crematogaster) Associated to Helixanthera mannii (Oliv.) Danser (Loranthaceae) to Cocoa Trees in Oboa: Center Region of Cameroon, Africa pp. 113

- Luc B. C. Yebga, Ruth Mony and Siegfried D. Dibong
- White Lupin as a New Crop for Plant Proteins pp. 124

- Henrina Torbo and Harbans L. Bhardwaj
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 6 pp. 129

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 5, 2024
- Prickly Sida (Sida spinosa L.), Hemp Sesbania [Sesbania herbacea (Mill.) McVaugh], and Pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea lacunose L.) Response to Selective and Non-Selective Herbicide in Mississippi, USA pp. 1

- Taghi Bararpour, Nicholas E. Korres, Alyssa Miller, Worlanyo Segbefia, Varsha Singh and Te-Ming Tseng
- Regional Weather Variations and Yields Achieved in Soybean Crops pp. 10

- Marcos V. M. Machado, Márcio F. Maggi, Antonio M. M. Hachisuca, Erivelto Mercante and Franciléia O. Silva
- Control of Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Canada Fleabane With Fall, Spring, and Sequential Herbicide Applications in Winter Wheat pp. 17

- Nader Soltani, Christy Shropshire and Peter H. Sikkema
- Expression of Herbicide Target-Site and Chloroplastic Genes in Response to Herbicide Applications in Italian Ryegrass [Lolium multiflorum ssp. multiflorum (Lam.)] pp. 23

- Shahniyar Bayramov, Vijay K. Varanasi, P. V. Vara Prasad and Mithila Jugulam
- Investigation of the Effect of Thermal Tension in Hot Seasons and Interruption of Irrigation at the End of the Growth Season by Silicon Nutrient Solution Sulfonated With S8 Elemental Sulfur on Fresh and Dry Fodder Yield and Protein Content of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) pp. 40

- Sayad Parastar Anzabi, Parviz Shirinzaheh Giglou, Elham Parastar Anzabi, Davoud Hasanpanah and Karamat Akhavan Giglou
- Examining the Predatory Relationship Between the Indigenous Firefly (Aspisoma ignitum) and the Invasive Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) in Trinidad, West Indies pp. 47

- Marcus N. A. Ramdwar, Jesse Harripersad and Shastri Badal
- Impact of Saline Water Irrigation (SWI) on Water Use Efficiency of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Under Tunisian Semi-arid Conditions pp. 57

- Mourad Rezig, Neserine Ben Yahia, Mohamed Allani, Hassouna Bahrouni, Ali Sahli and Mohamed Ali Ben Abdallah
- Impact of Salinity on the Radiation Use Efficiency of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Semi-arid Area in Tunisia pp. 67

- Mourad Rezig, Neserine Ben Yahia, Mohamed Allani, Hassouna Bahrouni, Mohamed Ali Ben Abdallah and Ali Sahli
- Correlations Between Pratylenchus and Meloidogyne Populations, Soil Chemical Properties, Soil Texture, and Nutritional Status of Soybean Crops in Paraguay pp. 78

- Nathalia Petronila F. Leiva, Simone M. de Santana-Gomes, Monique Thiara R. e Silva, André VinÃcius Zabini, Luz Marina G. Velázquez and Claudia Regina Dias-Arieira
- Characterization of Control Methods for Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) in the Maize (Zea mays L.) Cropping Systems in Central Benin pp. 93

- Codjo Jacques Houndété, Faustin Y. Assongba and Julien Gaudence Djego
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 5 pp. 106

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 4, 2024
- Physical Attributes of an Ultisol Under Different Uses in the North of EspÃrito Santo pp. 1

- Jeniffer Ribeiro de Oliveira, Thais Santana do Nascimento, André Orlandi Nardotto Júnior, Wanderson Alves Ferreira, Alexandre Morais Borges, Ivoney Gontijo, Fábio Ribeiro Pires, Robson Bonomo, Dalila Bonomo Cosme, Vanessa Chaves Lopes and Gabriel Barbosa da Cruz
- Influence of Glufosinate Rate, Ammonium Sulfate, and Weed Height on Annual Broadleaf Weed Control pp. 7

- Emily Duenk, Nader Soltani, Robert T. Miller, David C. Hooker, Darren E. Robinson and Peter H. Sikkema
- Remote Sensing and Aerodynamic Temperature-Based Energy Balance Models to Estimate Crop Evapotranspiration Rates pp. 15

- José L. Chávez
- Synergistic and Antagonistic Herbicide Interactions for Control of Volunteer Corn in Glyphosate/Glufosinate/2,4-D-Resistant Soybean pp. 27

- Emily Duenk, Nader Soltani, Robert T. Miller, David C. Hooker, Darren E. Robinson and Peter H. Sikkema
- Physiological Quality of Soybean Seeds Subjected to Industrial Treatment Before and After Storage pp. 37

- Renata C. Pereira, Breno G. Silva, Alessandro L. Braccini, Murilo F. Pelloso, Rafaela T. Costa, Julia M. Pegoraro and Yana M. Borges
- Isolation of Rhizobia From the Nodules of Bambara Groundnuts for Inoculant Production pp. 47

- Abdul-Wahab M. Imoro, Jonas Pobee and Fortune Akabanda
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 4 pp. 55

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 3, 2024
- Evaluation of Herbicides for the Control of Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L.) Under Non-Crop Conditions pp. 1

- Taghi Bararpour, Nicholas E. Korres, Josiane Argenta and Te Ming Tseng
- Morphological and Morphometric Parameters of the Reproductive Organs of Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Treated With a Sublethal Juvenile Hormone Analog pp. 10

- Paulo S. G. Cremonez, Janaina F. Matsumoto, Jermaine D. Perier, Thomas P. Dunn, Daniela O. Pinheiro and Pedro M. O. J. Neves
- Absorption and Translocation Capacity of Cadmium in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Plants With Addition of Organic Matter pp. 29

- Isabel A. Amaro-Espejo, MarÃa D. R. Castañeda-Chávez, JoaquÃn MurguÃa-González, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Karina P. Bañuelos-Hernández, MarÃa E. Galindo-Tovar and Ana M. Fernández-MartÃnez
- Taxonomy of Non-sporulating Bacteria Tested in Biological Control Against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) pp. 42

- Mariana Davanzo Miranda, Higor de Oliveira Alves, Ricardo Antônio Polanczyk, Joacir do Nascimento and Jackson Antônio Marcondes de Souza
- Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding pp. 58

- Luciana L. Benchimol-Reis
- Response of Ozone Treatment on Disease Incidence, Dissolved Oxygen Levels, Growth and Yield of Cucumber Crop Grown in Hydroponics in Cooled Green House. Season: Summer (June-August) at DGALR, Rumais pp. 85

- Muthir S. Al-Rawahy, Waleed S. Al-Abri, Alya S. Al-Hinai, Hussain A. Al-Abri, Siham H. Al-Mahrooqi, Narjis M. Al-Shmali, Zainab T. Al-Khatri and Khalifa S. Al-Subhi
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 3 pp. 91

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 2, 2024
- Impact of Acetochlor Rate and Application Timing on Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp Control in Corn and Soybean pp. 1

- Hannah E. Symington, Nader Soltani, Allan C. Kaastra, David C. Hooker, Darren E. Robinson and Peter H. Sikkema
- Agriculture System Modeling to Increase Productivity and Production Through Sustainable Resource Management pp. 10

- Erma Suryani, Rully Agus Hendrawan, Mudjahidin Mudjahidin, Damanhuri Damanhuri, Isnaini Muhandhis, Alifia Az-Zahra, Shuo Yan-Chou, Much Rony and Akhmad Jani Masyhudi
- Design of Venturi-Type Fertilizer Injectors to Low-Pressure Irrigation Systems pp. 25

- Arturo GarcÃa-Saldaña, MarÃa D. R. Castañeda-Chávez, Arturo Pérez-Vázquez, Juan P. MartÃnez-Dávila and Eugenio Carrillo-à Vila
- Insect Growth Disruptors Cause Mouthpart Malformations, Inhibition of Feeding, and Mortality in the Neotropical Brown Stink Bug Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) pp. 40

- Marcos A. Ferreira Agüero, Paulo S. G. Cremonez and Pedro M. O. J. Neves
- Interspecific and Intraspecific Rootstock Suitability for Vegetative Propagation of Petai (Parkia speciosa, Hassak.) pp. 50

- Pratiknyo Purnomosidhi, Iskak Nugky Ismawan, Mulus Surgana and Andi Prahmono
- Multivariate Analysis of Physical and Chemical Soil Attributes Under Forage Palm Cultivation and Agriculture Reuse in the Semiarid Region pp. 56

- F. de O. Mesquita, E. S. A. G. de Vasconcelos, E. C. de Lira, E. dos S. Felix, R. O. Batista, L. A. L. de Paiva, E. F. Mesquita, D. M. A. de Melo, A. G. de Luna Souto, D. da C. L. Coelho, F. R. A. Pereira, A. P. Bakker and J. da S. Araújo
- Economic Feasibility of Management of Fertilization in the Soybean-Corn System Cultivated in Succession pp. 71

- Jonathan Mendonça dos Santos, Ricardo Francischini, Veridiana Cardozo Gonçalves Cantão, Raquel de Sousa Neta, Charles Barbosa Santos, Rose Luiza Moraes Tavares, Kamila Lobato Moraes, Jordana Fátima Moraes Carvalho, Gilmar Oliveira Santos and William Peres
- Diameter Distribution of Vouacapoua americana Aublet in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 82

- Rodrigo Antonio Pereira Junior, Ademir Roberto Ruschel, Denis Carlos Lima Costa, Dennys Chrystian Pinto Pereira and Ulisses Sidnei da Conceição Silva
- Potential for Use of Seaweed as a Fish Feed Ingredient: A Review pp. 96

- Rachel Mwendwa, Michael Wawire and Peter Kahenya
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 2 pp. 109

- Anne Brown
Volume 15, issue 1, 2024
- Inheritance of Secondary Metabolites Associated With Cowpea Resistance to Flower Bud Thrips pp. 1

- Hellen Wairimu Gitonga, Samuel Kyamanywa and Isaac Onziga Dramadri
- The Fruiting Wall: An Alternative Training System for Peach Orchards in Southeast Brazil pp. 12

- Graciela R. Sobierajski and Gabriel C. Blain
- Agronomic Efficiency of Grammy Crop® (Azospirillum brasilense) Under Different Application Methods in First- and Second-Crop Maize pp. 20

- Itacir Eloi Sandini, Margarete Kimie Falbo, Cláudia Cristina Leite Fiori, Bianca Rosini, Bruno Rosini and Angélica Miamoto
- Characterization and Stability of ‘de Russas’ Orange Juice From Organic Cultivation pp. 29

- Sheyla Maria Barreto Amaral, Felipe Sousa da Silva, Ana Paula Ferreira de Almeida, Maria JaÃne Bessa, Marjorie Beatriz Vidal Maia, Márcia Roberta Freitas Cavalcante, Francisca Nayara Ferreira de Freitas, Raimundo Alves da Costa Júnior, Renata de Oliveira Silva, Vitor Paulo Andrade da Silva, Maria Aparecida Liberato Milhome, Karlucy Farias de Sousa, Sandra Maria Lopes dos Santos, Cleilson do Nascimento Uchôa and Marlene Nunes Damaceno
- Introduction of Nutrient Solution of Silicon Sulfonated With Elemental Sulfur S8 for the Mini-tuber Production of Potato Cultivars from in vitro Micro-tuber pp. 55

- Davoud Hassanpanah, Sayad Parastar Anzabi, Parviz Shirinzadeh Giglou, Ahmad Mousapour Gorji, Yousef Jahani Jelodar, Elham Parastar Anzabi and Hossein Hassanpanah
- Plant Growth and Antioxidative Enzymes in Sunflower Supplemented With Selenium pp. 62

- Gabriela de Sousa Ferreira, Paulo Ovidio Batista de Brito, Tiago de Abreu Lima, Francisco à caro Carvalho Aderaldo, Gabrielli Teles de Carvalho, Elias do Nascimento de Sousa Filho and Franklin Aragão Gondim
- Reviewing the Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Kenyan Aquaculture Sector and Future Adaptive Strategies pp. 70

- Jonathan Munguti, Jacob O. Iteba, Nicholas Outa, James G. Kirimi, Daniel Mungai, Domitila Kyule, Kevin Obiero and Erick O. Ogello
- Agronomic Efficiency of Biotite in Soybean and Corn Silage Production pp. 80

- Eliana Paula Fernandes Brasil, Wilson Mozena Leandro, João Paulo Vilela de Castro, Isadora de Lima Araújo and Juarez PatrÃcio de Oliveira Júnior
- Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 1 pp. 95

- Anne Brown
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