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Journal of Agricultural Science

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Volume 6, issue 12, 2014

Adjuvants Affect Duckweed (Lemna minor) Control with Pelargonic Acid pp. 1 Downloads
Charles Webber, James Shrefler and Merritt Taylor
Do Dairy Cattle Need Protection against Weather in a Temperate Climate? A Review pp. 9 Downloads
Rony Geers, Liesbeth Vermeulen, Melissa Snoeks and Liesbet Permentier
Role of Landscape Scale in the Distribution of Rodents in an Agroecosystem of Argentina pp. 22 Downloads
Jimena Fraschina, Vanina León and María Busch
Hymenoptera Parasitoid, a Suitable Biodiversity Resource for Vineyard Environmental Discrimination pp. 36 Downloads
Augusto Loni and Andrea Lucchi
Soil Physical Characteristics and Crop Productivity as Affected by Tillage in Rice-Wheat System pp. 107 Downloads
M. Kahlon
Morphometric Characterization of Attalea maripa (Arecaceae) from Roraima State, Brazil pp. 115 Downloads
Mahedy Passos, Otoniel Duarte and Kaoru Yuyama
Farmers’ Perceptions of Finger Millet Production Constraints, Varietal Preferences and Their Implications to Finger Millet Breeding in Uganda pp. 126 Downloads
Lawrence Owere, Pangirayi Tongoona, John Derera and Nelson Wanyera
Effect of Plant Age and Saline Water on Antioxidant and Peroxidase Activity in Sweet Pepper Fruit pp. 139 Downloads
Ana Serrano-Martinez, Francisco del Amor, Maria Fortea, Carmen Lucas-Abellán, Santiago López-Miranda and Estrella Núñez-Delicado
Multivariate Statistical Analysis of the UV-Vis Profiles of Wine Polyphenolic Extracts during Vinification pp. 152 Downloads
Roberta Sanna, Cristina Piras, Flaminia Marincola, Valentina Lecca, Sergio Maurichi and Paola Scano
Effect of Soil Characteristics on Potato Tuber Minerals Composition of Selected Kenyan Varieties pp. 163 Downloads
Martha Wekesa, Michael Okoth, George Abong’, Jane Muthoni and Jackson Kabira
Prevention of Whitefly Entry from a Greenhouse Entrance by Furnishing an Airflow-Oriented Pre-Entrance Room Guarded with Electric Field Screens pp. 172 Downloads
Teruo Nonomura, Yoshinori Matsuda, Koji Kakutani, Yoshihiro Takikawa, Junji Kimbara, Kazumi Osamura, Shin-ichi Kusakari and Hideyoshi Toyoda
Effect of Chimato Composts Made Using Optimal Blending Composition of T. diversifolia on Fertilizer Requirements and Maize Yield pp. 185 Downloads
Angstone Mlangeni, Sosten Chiotha, Elijah Kamundi and Shaibu Kananji
Linear Programming-Based Optimization of Synthetic Fertilizers Formulation pp. 194 Downloads
Bassam Aldeseit
Climate Change Perception and Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Land Management for Robust Adaptation in Cameroon pp. 202 Downloads
Ernest Molua
The Effects of Maize Planting Density and Weeding Regimes on Light and Water Use pp. 215 Downloads
Benjamin Kivuva, Mary Mburu, Jedidah Maina and Alistair Murdoch
Effects of Nitrogen on Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) Hybrid and Its Parents Grown under Field Conditions pp. 230 Downloads
Chengjian Huang, Gang We, Zizi Luo, Jianjun Xu, Siyi Zhao, Longchang Wang and Yucheng Jie
Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau Influenced the Morphological Evolution of Animals pp. 244 Downloads
L. Wen
Increases of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Membrane Lipids Protects Photosystem II from Photoinhibition under Salinity in Different Halophytes pp. 251 Downloads
Na Sui and Guoliang Han
Cover Crop, Reflective Polyethylene Mulch and Biofungicide Effects on Yield and Management of Diseases in Field-Grown Organic Tomato pp. 265 Downloads
Leopold Nyochembeng, Regine Mankolo, Srinivasa Mentreddy and Guru Mayalagu
Population Structure and Genetic Variability of Angus and Nellore Herds pp. 276 Downloads
Vanius Falleiro, Carlos Malhado, Ana Claudia Malhado, Paulo Carneiro, José Carrillo and Jiuzhou Song
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 12 pp. 286 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 11, 2014

The Role of Extension as a Profession Is Critical in Delivering Excellent Services: An Experience From Limpopo, South Africa pp. 1 Downloads
E. Zwane
Effect of Humic Acid Application on the Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco pp. 8 Downloads
Yuting He, Changquan Wang, Bing Li, Wanqiu Wang, Bin Li, Jinyou Xiang and Bo Lei
The Effect of Enriched Organic Fertilizer and Methanol Spray on the Greenhouse-Tomato Yield pp. 14 Downloads
M. Afshari, Gh. Afsharmanesh and Khatoon Yousefi
Evaluation of Composition and in vitro Dry Matter Disappearance of Alkali Treated Vegetable Soybean Residue pp. 21 Downloads
Adnan Yousuf, T. Brown, B. Zhang, L. Rutto, M. Kering and V. Temu
Evaluation of Damage Induced by Aspavia armigera Fabricius on Different Rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) Varieties pp. 30 Downloads
Abiodun Joda, Francis Ewete and Olufemi Pitan
Hydraulic Conductivity and Aggregation of Fine-Textured Soil Under Intensive Cattle Grazing pp. 37 Downloads
B. Udom and B. Nuga
Changes in Agroecosystem Structure and Function Along a Chronosequence of Taungya System in Chiapas, Mexico pp. 43 Downloads
L. Soto-Pinto and C. Armijo-Florentino
Complementary Diet of Cathartes burrovianus (Cathartidae) With Fruit Elaeis guineensis (Arecaceae) pp. 58 Downloads
José Batista-da-Silva and Antonio Souza
Determinants of Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Finance in Zambia pp. 63 Downloads
Christopher Sebatta, Mukata Wamulume and Chibamba Mwansakilwa
Azerbaijan’s Current and Potential Comparative Advantage: An Exploratory Study pp. 74 Downloads
Lal Almas and Nazim Hajiyev
Metabolites of Terrestrial Plants and Marine Organisms as Potential Regulators of Growth of Agricultural Plants in the Russian Far East pp. 88 Downloads
M. M. Anisimov and A. Klykov
Feeding Activity and Growth Performance of Shrimp Post Larvae Litopenaeus vannamei Under Light and Dark Condition pp. 103 Downloads
Noorsyarinah Sanudin, Audrey Tuzan and Annita Yong
Sequential Sampling of Adults and Nymphs of Euschistus heros (F) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on Soybean Bt and Non-Bt pp. 110 Downloads
Paulo Fonseca, Marcos Fernandes, Wagner Justiniano, Leonardo Cavada and João Silva
Performance of Micro Restaurant Enterprises in Cross River State, Nigeria pp. 118 Downloads
G. Umeze and S. Ohen
Growth-Stage-Specific Kc of Greenhouse Tomato Plants Grown in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Region pp. 132 Downloads
Danny Harel, Myron Sofer, Moshe Broner, Dovi Zohar and Shelly Gantz
Effects of Smoking and Freezing on the Nutritive Value of African Mud Catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 pp. 143 Downloads
Felix Akinwumi
The Determinants and Extent of Crop Diversification Among Smallholder Farmers: A Case Study of Southern Province Zambia pp. 150 Downloads
Kiru Sichoongwe, Lawrence Mapemba, Gelson Tembo and Davies Ng’ong’ola
Effects of Chitosan or Calcium Chloride on External Postharvest Qualities and Shelf-Life of ‘Holland’ Papaya Fruit pp. 160 Downloads
B. Chutichudet and Prasit Chutichudet
Early Evaluation of Camu-Camu Subsamples in Transition Savanna/Forest Area pp. 178 Downloads
Luis Felipe Almeida, Kaoru Yuyama, Edvan Chagas, Ricardo Manuel Lozano, Teresinha Albuquerque, Carlos Rodriguez and Fernando Queiroz
Polymorphism of Subunits Among Four Types of Seed Proteins on Common and Tartary Buckwheat pp. 187 Downloads
Yu-Zheng Guo and Qing-Fu Chen
Forage Yield and Quality of Lablab (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet) Intercropped With Maize (Zea mays L.) With Flooded Irrigation System in the Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria pp. 196 Downloads
M. Hassan, J. Amodu, I. Muhammad, G. Jokthan, S. Abdu, B. Abdullahi, H. Adamu, A. Musa, I. Sani and T. Akpensuen
Biodiesel and the “Social Fuel Seal†in Brazil: Fuel of Social Inclusion? pp. 212 Downloads
Marcelo Silva, Fábio Fernandes, Francisco Teixeira, Ednildo Torres and Angela Rocha
Histological Analysis of Female Redbelly Tilapia; Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) Ovary, Fed Bitter Melon, Momordica charantia (Cucurbitaceae) Leaf Meal pp. 229 Downloads
Bola Akin-Obasola and Temitope Jegede
Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Evaluate Pigeonpea Breeding Lines and Mungbean for Drought Tolerance pp. 238 Downloads
S. Narina, S. Phatak and H. Bhardwaj
Seed Protein and Starch Qualities of Drought Tolerant Pigeonpea and Native Tepary Beans pp. 247 Downloads
Satya Narina, Harbans Bhardwaj, Anwar Hamama, John Burke, Sharad Phatak and Yixiang Xu
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 11 pp. 260 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 10, 2014

The Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations in the Construction of Low Cost Houses in Newcastle, South Africa pp. 1 Downloads
Shadung Moja and Simphiwe Mnguni
The Status and Identification of Improvements of Sustainable Hazardous Waste Minimization in a Chemical Company in Krugersdorp pp. 9 Downloads
Shadung Moja and Spiwe Chimutashu
The Effect of Poor Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Implementation on the Wellbeing of the KwaMathukuza Community, Newcastle Municipality in South Africa pp. 18 Downloads
Shadung Moja and Simphiwe Mnguni
Analysis of Chickpea Value Chain and Determinants of Market Options Choice in Selected Districts of Southern Ethiopia pp. 26 Downloads
Tewodros Tefera
Genotype X Environment Interaction for Storage Root Yield in Sweetpotato Under Managed Drought Stress Conditions pp. 41 Downloads
Benjamin Kivuva, Stephen Githiri, Stephen Githiri, George Yencho, George Yencho, Julia Sibiya and Julia Sibiya
Effect of K+ and Salicylic Acid on Broccoli (Brassica oleraceae var. Italica) Plants Grown Under Saline Water Irrigation pp. 57 Downloads
Zohair Mirdad
Changes in Arthropod Fauna From Weed Management Practices in Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant Maize pp. 67 Downloads
Ramon Albajes, Belén Lumbierres, Xavier Pons and Jordi Comas
Influence of Iodine on Efficiency of Fish pp. 79 Downloads
A. Vasilyev, I. Poddubnaya, I. Akchurina, Ol. Vilutis and P. Tarasov
Marginal Water Productivity of Irrigated Durum Wheat in Semi-Arid Tunisia pp. 84 Downloads
Iheb Frija, Aymen Frija, Ali Chebil, Hatem Cheikh M’Hamed, Stijn Speelman and Mariem Makhlouf
Livelihood Strategies of Female Indigenous Vegetable Farmers’ in Osun State, Nigeria pp. 96 Downloads
Adeolu Ayanwale and Christianah Amusan
Stochastic Frontier Analysis of the Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Maize Farmers in Central Province, Zambia pp. 108 Downloads
Susan Chiona, Thomson Kalinda and Gelson Tembo
Dynamics of Ethametsulfuron-Methyl Residue in Paddy Soils Revealed by HPLC-MS/MS pp. 119 Downloads
Xiangwen Luo, Deyang Zhang, Pingmei Chen, Zhongyun Li, Jianyu Liu, Bo Xiao, Zhijun Li, Haoming Zhou and Yong Liu
Carcass Traits in Sheep Receiving Acacia mearnsii Condensed Tannin Extract to Control Endoparasites pp. 128 Downloads
Helder Louvandini, Franceska Cenci, Juliano Issakowicz, Ana Claudia Sampaio, Tiago Paim, Samuel de Araújo, Daniel Costa, Adibe Abdalla and Concepta McManus
Evaluation of Cytotoxicity, Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Innate Reveal Efficient Medications in Native Lactuca indica pp. 135 Downloads
Jeong-Hun Park, Jeoung-Hwa Shin, Swapan Roy and Hyeon-Yong Park
Regional Differences in Measuring the Technical Efficiency of Rice Production in Vietnam: A Metafrontier Approach pp. 147 Downloads
Diep Thanh Tung
Techno-Economic Analysis of an Improved Process for Producing Saturated Branched-Chain Fatty Acids pp. 158 Downloads
Helen Ngo, Winnie Yee, Andrew McAloon and Michael Haas
Effects of Climate Variations on the Mechanisms of Thermoregulation in Sheep in the Southern State of Piauí, Brazil pp. 169 Downloads
Carlos Monteiro Luz, Wéverton Lima Fonseca, Cícero Barros Junior, Gioto Terto e Sousa, José Guimaraes Campelo, André Araujo, Johnny Mendes Araújo, Gleissa Silva Vogado, Tatiano Santos and Severino Sousa Júnior
Evaluation of Cowpea Genotypes for Virus Resistance Under Natural Conditions in Uganda pp. 176 Downloads
Emmanuel Mbeyagala, Blasio Mukasa, Phinehas Tukamuhabwa and Jenipher Bisikwa
Biodegradation of Antinutritional Factors in Whole Leaves of Enterolobium cyclocarpum by Aspergillus niger Using Solid State Fermentation pp. 188 Downloads
A. Ayuk, E. Iyayi, B. Okon, J. Ayuk and E. Jang
Ethylene Inhibitors Increase Net Assimilation Rate and Cotton Boll Dry Matter Under Drought pp. 197 Downloads
Giovani Brito, Alexandre Ferreira and Ana Luiza Borin
Isolation and Expression Analysis of a SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) Gene in Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep pp. 207 Downloads
Kannaporn Sucharitakul, Rungroj Rakmit, Yada Boonsorn, Oranuch Leelapon, Tharathorn Teerakathiti, Sumontip Bunnag and Yindee Chanvivattana
Modified Atmosphere Storage of Minimally Processed Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L. var. Reticulatus cv. Glamour) pp. 218 Downloads
Syahidah Kamaruddin, Rosnah Shamsudin, Noranizan Adzahan, Zaulia Othman and Anvarjon Ahmedov
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 10 pp. 226 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 9, 2014

Cultivars, Planting Dates, and Row Spacing Effects on Sesame Seed Yield and Mineral Composition pp. 1 Downloads
Harbans Bhardwaj, Anwar Hamama, Mark Kraemer and D. Langham
Phosphate Solubilization and Growth Promotion of Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) by Trichoderma Strains pp. 8 Downloads
Athakorn Promwee, Montree Issarakraisila, Warin Intana, Chiradej Chamswarng and Punnawich Yenjit
Effects of Treatment of Sorghum Stover Residue With Ammonium Hydroxide on Cell Wall Composition and in vitro Digestibility pp. 21 Downloads
Adnan Yousuf, A. Dismuke, M. Kering and A. Atalay
Relationship Between Lignin Metabolism and Lodging Resistance of Culm in Buckwheat pp. 29 Downloads
Can Wang, Renwu Ruan, Xiaohui Yuan, Dan Hu, Hao Yang, Yan Li and Zelin Yi
Growth Responses of Two Kenaf Varieties (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Applied by Different Levels of Potassium, Boron and Zinc pp. 37 Downloads
Rabar Salih, Khalina Abdan and Aimrun Wayayok
The Impact of Agricultural Expansion on Forest Cover in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia pp. 46 Downloads
Sanara Hor, Izuru Saizen, Narumasa Tsutsumida, Tsugihiro Watanabe and Shintaro Kobayashi
An Effective Method for Screening and Testing the True Phosphate-Solubilizing Fungus That Enhances Corn Growth pp. 60 Downloads
Mingbo Gong, Peng Du, Xue Liu and Changxiong Zhu
Growth Response of Tapinanthus bangwensis (Engl. and Krause, Danser) Seeds in vitro and Artificial Infestation in the Field pp. 71 Downloads
I. Amoako-Attah, S. T. Lowor, A. Y. Akrofi, P. K. Adu-Gyamfi, F. Owusu-Ansah, M. K. Assuah and E. Kumi-Asare
Effecte of NPK Fertigation Rate and Starter Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber Grown in Greenhouse pp. 81 Downloads
Mostafa Fleafel, Zohair Mirdad and Abdishakur Hassan
Characterization of Phytochemicals in Petals of Different Colours From Viola × wittrockiana Gams. and Their Correlation With Antioxidant Activity pp. 93 Downloads
Monika Skowyra, M. Calvo, M. Gallego, Nurul Azman and Maria Almajano
IgY Production by Taiwan Native Tsaiya Ducks and White Leghorn Laying Hens pp. 106 Downloads
Yi-Fan Lin, Jenn-Fa Liou, Lih-Ren Chen and Tu-Fa Lien
Thermoregulatory Traits of Native Sheep in Pregnancy and Supplemented in Grazing System pp. 113 Downloads
Alécio Pereira, Ana Mirtes Bonifácio, Camila Santos, Irenilde Silva, Tairon Dias e Silva, Katiene Silva Sousa, Fernanda Gottardi, Carlo Marques and Jacira Torreão
Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Acid-pretreated Sweet Sorghum Straw Using Response Surface Methodology pp. 120 Downloads
Sukanya Phuengjayaem, Aphisit Poonsrisawat, Amorn Petsom and Siriluk Teeradakorn
Occurrence of Black Scurf Disease of Potato in Multan (Punjab) Alongwith Its in vitro Chemical and Biotic Elicitor Mediated Management pp. 134 Downloads
Owais Malik, Sobia Chohan and Syed Atif Naqvi
The Establishment of Vegetable and Fruit Markets and Nurseries: A Case Study in the Greater Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province, South Africa pp. 144 Downloads
Phokele Maponya, David Modise, Erika Van Den Heever, Sandile Mahlangu, Sandile Mahlangu, Ntsako Baloyi, Risinga Maluleke, Dikeledi Chauke, Koena Manamela, Mapurunyane Mphahlele, Morongwa Mojapelo, Maria Mphahlele, Johan Carstens and Marjan Van der Walt
Histopathology of Avocado Fruit Infected by Avocado Sunblotch Viroid pp. 158 Downloads
M. R. Vallejo-Pérez, D. Téliz-Ortiz, R. Torre-Almaraz, G. Valdovinos-Ponce, M. T. Colinas-León, D. Nieto-à Ngel and D. L. Ochoa-Martínez
Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies of Grain Yield and Related Agronomic Traits in Maize pp. 166 Downloads
F. Nzuve, S. Githiri, D. Mukunya and J. Gethi
Apparent Nutrient and Mineral Retention of Broilers Fed Periwinkle Flesh (Pachymelania aurita) and Palm Kernel Cake in Replacement to Fish Meal pp. 177 Downloads
B. I. Okon and A. A. Ayuk
Effect of Supplementary Irrigation on Agronomical and Physiological Traits in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Genotypes pp. 184 Downloads
Nadjim Semcheddine and Miloud Hafsi
Evaluation of Oil Content and Fatty Acid Compositions of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) Varieties of India pp. 198 Downloads
Vikas Pali and Nandan Mehta
Innovative Biocontrolling Method of Dengue Fever Vector, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) pp. 208 Downloads
Mohamed Madkour, Ahmed Zaitoun and Fatma Singer
Influence of Selected Ecological Farming Practices on Soil Moisture Retention and Yield of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and Cassava (Manihot esculanta Crantz) in Semi-Arid Yatta Sub-County, Kenya pp. 214 Downloads
N. L. Namoi, R. N. Onwonga, G. N. Karuku, C. M. Onyango and V. M. Kathumo
Book Review: Food Security in a World of Natural Resource Scarcity - The Role of Agricultural Technologies pp. 232 Downloads
Tunde Omokanye
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 9 pp. 236 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 8, 2014

Potential of Organic Wastes as Liming Materials in Low Input Rainfed Agricultural System pp. 1 Downloads
T. P. Swarnam and A. Velmurugan
Evaluation of Crop Production Practices by Farmers in Tshakhuma, Tshiombo and Rabali Areas in Limpopo Province of South Africa pp. 10 Downloads
Sylvester Mpandeli
Effects of Various Cooking Methods on Content, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and Bioaccessibility of Caffeoylquinic Acids in Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz, Gom-Chi pp. 19 Downloads
Yu-Ra Son and Soon-Mi Shim
Genotype X Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) for Growth and Yield Performances in Southwest Nigeria pp. 28 Downloads
O. Adeniyan, O. Aluko, S. Olanipekun, J. Olasoji, J. Adetumbi, C. Alake and M. Adenekan
Growth and Yield Performance of Cassava/Maize Intercrop Under Different Plant Population Density of Maize pp. 35 Downloads
O. Adeniyan, O. Aluko, S. Olanipekun, J. Olasoji and V. Aduramigba-Modupe
Role of Foliar Application of Nicotinic Acid and Tryptophan on Onion Plants Response to Salinity Stress pp. 41 Downloads
M. Hussein, S. Faham and A. Alva
Effect of Growth Medium and Nutrient Solution on Phytochemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassaDuch.) pp. 52 Downloads
Robabeh Asghari
Perceptions, Knowledge, Adaptation and Socio-Economic Cost of Climate Change in Northern Nigeria pp. 60 Downloads
Fanen Terdoo and Olalekan Adekola
Preliminary Studies of Insect Diversity and Abundance on Twelve Accessions of Tomato, Solanum lycopersicon L. Grown in a Coastal Savannah Agro Ecological Zone pp. 72 Downloads
E. S. K. Ofori, S. Yeboah, J. Nunoo, E. Quartey, W. Torgby-Tetteh, E. Gasu and E. Ewusie
Evaluating Starter N Application to Soybean With CROPGRO-Soybean Model in the Southern Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecology of Nigeria pp. 83 Downloads
Olukayode Oyatokun and Kolapo Oluwasemire
Effect of Potassium Sulphate on the Growth and Uptake of Nutrients in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Under Salt Stressed Conditions pp. 101 Downloads
Abida Kausar and Munazza Gull
Seed Coat Shininess in Phaseolus vulgaris: Rescuing a Neglected Trait by Its Screening on Commercial Lines and Landraces pp. 113 Downloads
Eneas Konzen and Siu Tsai
Efficacy of Pre-Emergence and Post-Emergence Soybean Herbicides for Control of Glufosinate-, Glyphosate-, and Imidazolinone-Resistant Volunteer Corn pp. 131 Downloads
Parminder Chahal, Greg Kruger, Humberto Blanco-Canqui and Amit Jhala
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Production Efficiency and Constraints Among Small Scale Farmers in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria pp. 141 Downloads
Titilayo Ayodele and Banake Sambo
Evaluation and Modeling of Microbial Population Dynamics of Degraded Sandy Quarry for Their Rehabilitation and Revegetation pp. 149 Downloads
Hassiba Delal, Hassini Tsaki, Meriem Bekki and Abdelkader Bekki
Biodiesel in Brazil: A Market Analysis and Its Economic Effects pp. 160 Downloads
Marcelo Silva, Francisco Teixeira, Ednildo Torres, Angela Rocha, Francisco Gaudêncio Freires, Tito Santos and Pieter de Jong
An Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Mangrove Rice Production in the Guinean Coastal Area pp. 179 Downloads
Boubacar Balde, Hajime Kobayashi, Makoto Nohmi, Akira Ishida, Mohamed Esham and Emmanuel Tolno
Factors That Contribute to Vegetable Sales by Hawkers in the Limpopo Province of South Africa pp. 197 Downloads
Mthombeni L., Anim F. D. K. and Nkonki-Mandleni B.
Study on Antifungal Ability of Water Soluble Chitosan Against Green Mould Infection in Harvested Oranges pp. 205 Downloads
Le Long, Nguyen Tien, Nguyen Trang, Tran Ha and Nguyen Hieu
Effects of Sample Storage on Spectral Reflectance Changes in Corn Leaves Excised From the Field pp. 214 Downloads
Matthew Lee, Yanbo Huang, Haibo Yao, Steven Thomson and Lori Bruce
Effect of Organic Manure and Zinc Fertilization on Zinc Transformation and Biofortification of Crops in Vertisols of Central India pp. 221 Downloads
Shahina Tabassum, Sabha Jeet, Ratan Kumar, C. M. Dev, Pramod Kumar and Rehana Rehana
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 8 pp. 232 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 7, 2014

Changes in Grain Yield and Root Morphology and Physiology of Mid-Season Rice in the Yangtze River Basin of China During the Last 60 Years pp. 1 Downloads
Lijun Liu, Hao Zhang, Chenxin Ju, Yiwei Xiong, Jinglong Bian, Buhong Zhao and Jianchang Yang
Characterization of Three Types of Quorum-Sensing Mutants in Burkholderia glumae Strains Isolated in Japan pp. 16 Downloads
Taro Kato, Tomohiro Morohoshi, Seiya Tsushima and Tsukasa Ikeda
Optimization of Methane Gas Production From Co-Digestion of Food Waste and Poultry Manure Using Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology pp. 27 Downloads
Tengku Yusof, Hasfalina Man, Nor’ Aini Rahman and Halimatun Hafid
The Establishment of Vegetable and Fruit Markets and Nurseries: A Case Study in the Waterberg District, Limpopo Province, South Africa pp. 38 Downloads
P. Maponya, D. Modise, E. Van Den Heever, S. Mahlangu, N. Baloyi, A. Maluleke, D. Chauke, R. Mkhari, J. Carstens, M. Van Der Walt, L. Sole, M. Duba, J. Malebana and M. Mphahlele
Development of Defense Signaling Pathways Against Bacterial Blight Disease in Rice Using Genome-Wide Transcriptome Data pp. 48 Downloads
Ki Jung, Muho Han, Nguyen Van, Youngchul Yoo, Minh-Phuong Nguyen, Chanhui Lee, Sang-Won Lee and Jong-Seong Jeon
Relations Between Barley Root Traits and Osmotic Adjustment Under Terminal Drought Stress pp. 112 Downloads
Sanaz Afshari-Behbahanizadeh, Gholam A. Akbari, Maryam Shahbazi and Iraj Alahdadi
Effect of Spirulina (Arthrospira plantensis) Supplementation on Wool Quality in Purebred and Crossbred Merino Lambs Fed Pasture and Lucerne Hay Basal Diets pp. 120 Downloads
B. Holman and A. Malau-Aduli
Molecular Characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis cyt Genes and Their Effect Against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda pp. 128 Downloads
Maria Costa, Ubiraci Lana, Emerson Barros, Luciano Paiva and Fernando Valicente
Spent Mushroom Compost as a Substrate for the Production of Lettuce Seedlings pp. 138 Downloads
E. Marques, E. Martos, R. Souza, R. Silva, D. Zied and E. Dias
Impact of Essential Oils Blend on Methane Emission, Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Nutrient Digestibility in Barki Sheep pp. 144 Downloads
Mariam Ahmed, Samir El-Zarkouny, Khaled El-Shazly and Sobhy Sallam
Adoption of Hybrid Rice in Bangladesh: Farm Level Experience pp. 157 Downloads
M. Shah, Will Grant and Sue Stocklmayer
The Use of Remotely Sensed Data for Estimating of Rice Yield Considering Soil Characteristics pp. 172 Downloads
Chiharu Hongo, Gunardi Sigit, Ryohei Shikata, Katsuhisa Niwa and Eisaku Tamura
Quality Seed: An Innovative Sorting Technique to Sustainable, Uniform and Effective Seedling Establishment in Nursery for System of Rice Intensification pp. 185 Downloads
Zubairu Bashar, Aimrun Wayayok, Amin M. S. M. and Razif M. Mahadi
Insecticide Activity of Weeds to Pests of Stored Product and Crops pp. 194 Downloads
Juno Diniz, Paulo Silva, Marcelo Reis, Ricardo Endo, Rodrigo Ramos, Flávio Fernandes and à talo Silva
Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Harvesting Time on the Seed Quality of Four Okra Cultivars pp. 200 Downloads
Ghadir Mohammadi, Ebrahim Khah, Spyridon Petropoulos, Dimosthenis Chachalis, Fariba Akbari and Garip Yarsi
Effects of Biogas byproducts “three-dimensional†Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Lettuce pp. 212 Downloads
Hairong Yuan, Xin Huang, Xiujin Li, Libin Tian, Chao Zhu and Dexun Zou
Effect of Three Storage Methods on the Quality and Shelf-Life of White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Cultivars Pona and Tela pp. 221 Downloads
Bonaventure Maalekuu, Joseph Saajah and Alphones Addae
Family Farming and Biodiesel: The Difficulties of Socioeconomic Inclusion in the Northeast of Brazil pp. 231 Downloads
Marcelo Silva, Francisco Teixeira, Ednildo Torres, Fábio Fernandes and Angela Rocha
Effects of the Maize Input Subsidy Program on Groundnuts Production in Zambia pp. 253 Downloads
Peter Zulu, Thomson Kalinda and Gelson Tembo
The Effect of Hydrolyzed Render Meal, Enzyme Treated Swine Skin Meal, and Cattle Skin Meal on Egg Production Performance, Eggshell Quality, Egg Quality, and Blood Characteristics in Laying Hens pp. 265 Downloads
M. Hossain, J. Cho and I. Kim
Studies of Seeding Millet in Accurate Grooves and Holes Under Water-Permeability Plastic Film pp. 276 Downloads
Jianmin Yao, Wengang Li, Ruiping Yang, Yichao Wei and Wanrong Shi
Phenology, Yield and Yield Components of Maize as Affected by Humic Acid and Nitrogen pp. 286 Downloads
Kamran Azeem, Shad Khalil, Farmanullah Khan, Shahenshah Shahenshah, Abdul Qahar, Muhammad Sharif and Muhammad Zamin
Does the Use of Atrazine in Maize Grown Under Conservation Agriculture Adversely Affect Soybean Productivity in Maize-Soyabean Rotation in Zimbabwe? pp. 294 Downloads
Tarirai Muoni, Leonard Rusinamhodzi, Stanford Mabasa, Joyful Rugare and Christian Thierfelder
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 7 pp. 303 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 6, 2014

Inheritance of Seed Protein Subunits of Common Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) Cultivar Sobano and Its Homostylous Wild Type pp. 1 Downloads
Jian-Hui Li and Qing-Fu Chen
The Organic Planting Ribbon (OPR) Made of Banana Sheath and Its Effect on Rice Growth in Direct Seedling System pp. 10 Downloads
G. Djoyowasito, W. Utomo, B. Suharto and Nur Basuki
Distribution and Variability of Pseudocercospora griseola in Uganda pp. 16 Downloads
G. Ddamulira, C. Mukankusi, M. Ochwo-Ssemakula, R. Edema, P. Sseruwagi and P. Gepts
Family Poultry for Poverty Alleviation and Gender Equality Promotion in Coastal Bangladesh: A Food and Nutritional Security Study pp. 30 Downloads
M. N. Islam, S. Islam, M. Salam, M. Tapu, M. Khan and M. Begum
Impact of Fertilizers on the Seed Quality of Aromatic Rice pp. 35 Downloads
M. Hossain
An Anti-Cancer Cordycepin Produced by Cordyceps militaris Growing on the Dead Larva of Bombyx mori Silkworm pp. 41 Downloads
Pornanong Aramwit, Nipaporn Bang, Juthamas Ratanavaraporn, Titpawan Nakpheng and Teerapol Srichana
Animal Performance, Feeding Behaviour and Carcass Traits of Feedlot Cattle Diet Fed With Agro-Industrial By-Product as Fat Source pp. 54 Downloads
Angelo Polizel Neto, Roberto Roça, Renata Branco, Sarah Bonilha, Ernani Andrade, Tatiane Corvino and Helen Gomes
Screening of Nitrogen Fixing Endophytic Bacteria in Oryza sativa L pp. 66 Downloads
Prathana Hongrittipun, Somchit Youpensuk and Benjavan Rerkasem
Smallholder Farmers’ Responses to Rainfall Variability and Soil Fertility Problems by the Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Chipepo, Southern Zambia pp. 75 Downloads
Kabwe Mubanga and Bridget Umar
The Value-Added Dog Food Market: Do Dog Owners Prefer Natural or Organic Dog Foods? pp. 86 Downloads
Jennifer Simonsen, Gaylene Faskeno and Jay Lillywhite
Evaluation of Soil Fertility Indices of Freshwater Irrigated Soils in Mexico Across Different Climatic Regions pp. 98 Downloads
I. Nikolskii-Gavrilov, I. Aidarov, C. Landeros-Sanchez, S. Herrera-Gomez and O. Bakhlaeva-Egorova
Effect of Transaction Costs on Marketing of Small Scale Maize Farming in Limpopo Province pp. 108 Downloads
Majory Meliko
Effects of Rural Livelihood Activities on Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction in the Guinean Coastal Area pp. 113 Downloads
Boubacar Balde, Hajime Kobayashi, Akira Ishida, Makoto Nohmi, Mohamed Esham, Ichizen Matsumura and Emmanuel Tolno
Spatial Distribution of Adults and Nymphs of Euschistus heros (F.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on Bt and Non-Bt Soybean pp. 131 Downloads
Paulo Fonseca, Marcos Fernandes, Wagner Justiniano, Leonardo Cavada and João Silva
Effect of Foliar Sprays on Seed Yield and Economics of Niger [Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass] pp. 143 Downloads
Bibhuti Dalei, Shyamal Kheroar, Pavitra Mohapatra, Somnath Panda and Mohan Deshmukh
Selection of Tomato Hybrids With Zingiberene Concentration for Breeding Programs to Pest Resistance pp. 148 Downloads
Maria Elisa Fernandes, Flávio Fernandes, Natália Silva, Derly Silva, Frederico Pinto and Rodrigo Ramos
Bio-Revegetation Impact on the Physicochemical Characteristics of a Sandy Quarry Soil in Terga Beach Region in Algeria pp. 155 Downloads
Amina. Mouffak, Hassini. Tsaki, Adelkader Bekki and Laid Krabia
Properties of the Mangrove Community Sediment on the Island of El Souda Western Saudi Arabia pp. 165 Downloads
Ebtisam Awari and Amal Jan Mullah
Sustainable Growth of Shrimp Aquaculture Through Biofloc Production as Alternative to Fishmeal in Shrimp Feeds pp. 176 Downloads
Mohamed Megahed and Khaled Mohamed
Hydropriming Treatment of Rice Seeds With Microbubble Water pp. 189 Downloads
Hiromi Ikeura, Fumiyuki Kobayashi and Masahiko Tamaki
Impact of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies’s on Farmer’s Economy of Panchmahal District of Middle Gujarat, India pp. 195 Downloads
Pinakin Asodiya, Parth Asodiya, Rakesh Dhandhukiya, Vinay Parmar and Jayant Makadiya
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 6 pp. 205 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 5, 2014

Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Fungi and Nematodes, and Low Risk Insecticides Against Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) pp. 1 Downloads
Khanobporn Tangtrakulwanich, Gadi Reddy, Shaohui Wu, John Miller, Victoria Ophus and Julie Prewett
Module of Integrated Insect Pest Management on Tomato With Growers’ Participation pp. 10 Downloads
Gadi Reddy and Khanobporn Tangtrakulwanich
Essential Mineral Elements Profile of 22 Accessions of Okra (Abelmoschus spp (L.)) From Eight Regions of Ghana pp. 18 Downloads
J. Ahiakpa, E. Quartey, G. Amenorpe, G. Klu, W. S. K. Agbemavor and H. M. Amoatey
Colonization of Streptomyces felleus YJ1 and Its Effects on Disease Resistant-Related Enzymes of Oilseed Rape pp. 26 Downloads
Guanglong Cheng, Fan Liu, Yun Huang, Hui Yang, Jia Yao, Huirong Shen and Jie Xu
Effects of Intercrop Population Density and Row Orientation on Growth and Yields of Sorghum - Cowpea Cropping Systems in Semi Arid Rongai, Kenya pp. 34 Downloads
S. M. S. M. Karanja, A. Kibe, P. Karogo and Mariam Mwangi
Effect of Rhizobium Inoculants and Reproductive Growth Stages on Shoot Biomass and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) pp. 44 Downloads
S. Lamptey, B. D. K. Ahiabor, S. Yeboah and D. Osei
Discrimination of Production Environments of Specialty Coffees by Means of Stable Isotopes and Discriminant Model pp. 55 Downloads
Juliana Barbosa, Flavio Borém, Helena Alves, Marcelo Cirillo, Maria Sartori and Carlos Ducatti
Effect of Overexpression of PDAT Gene on Arabidopsis Growth Rate and Seed Oil Content pp. 65 Downloads
Walentyna Banas, Anders Carlsson and Antoni Banas
Physiological Parameters in the Equine Competitions Rodeo Cow in the Southern State of Piaui, Brazil pp. 80 Downloads
Wéverton Fonseca, Carlos Luz, Wéverson Fonseca, Gioto Sousa, Darlon Sousa, Tatiano Santos, Laylson Borges, Leandro Guerra, Tiago Sousa and Severino Júnior
Anaesthetic Potential of Tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) on Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Fingerlings pp. 86 Downloads
Temitope Jegede
The Yield and Winter Hardiness of Selected Welsh Onion (Allium fistolosum L.) Cultivars Grown in Soil Fertilized with Polimag® S pp. 91 Downloads
Joanna Majkowska-Gadomska, Katarzyna Arcichowska-Pisarska and Artur Dobrowolski
Control of Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Activation of Enzymes Related to Resistance by Chemicals Under Field Conditions pp. 100 Downloads
Adriana Itako, João Tolentino-Júnior, Luis Rauer Demant and Antonio Maringoni
Agronomic and Ecological Evaluation on Growing Water-Saving and Drought-Resistant Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Through Drip Irrigation pp. 110 Downloads
Modinat Adekoya, Zaochang Liu, Eli Vered, Liguo Zhou, Deyan Kong, Jianying Qin, Ruifang Ma, Xinqiao Yu, Guolan Liu, Lin Chen and Lijun Luo
Using DSSAT-CENTURY Model to Simulate Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Under a Low-Input Maize Cropping System pp. 120 Downloads
Patrick Musinguzi, Peter Ebanyat, John Tenywa, Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, Twaha Basamba, Moses Tenywa and Cheryl Porter
Effect of Land Use on Abundance and Diversity of Nematode Destroying Fungi and Soil Nematodes in Embu County, Kenya pp. 132 Downloads
P. Wachira, J. Kimenju, S. Okoth, J. Wangu and T. Ng'ang'a
Effects of Drought Stress and Storage on the Metabolite and Hormone Contents of Potato Tubers Expressing the Yeast Trehalose-6-phosphate Synthase 1 Gene pp. 142 Downloads
Zsófia Juhász, Dirk Balmer, Anita Sós-Hegedus, Armelle Vallat, Brigitte Mauch-Mani and Zsófia Bánfalvi
Incidence of Multidimensional Poverty Among Riverine Households in Southwestern Nigeria pp. 167 Downloads
O. A. C Ologbon, A. O. Idowu, K. K. Salmonu and I. B. Oluwatayo
Carcass Traits and Growth Curve Parameters in Santa Inês Sheep pp. 180 Downloads
Natanael Santos, Cezario Neto, Jose Sarmento, Leilson Bezerra, Ronaldo Oliveira, Gleyson Santos, Aurino Neto and Daniel Biagiotti
Impact of Fusarium Head Blight in Reducing the Weight of Oat Grains pp. 188 Downloads
José Martinelli, Márcia Soares Chaves, Felipe André Sganzerla Graichen, Luiz Carlos Federizzi and Luiz Felipe Dresch
Soil Characterization and Land Suitability Evaluation to Cereal Crops in Yigossa Watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia pp. 199 Downloads
Yihenew Selassie, Gizachew Ayalew, Eyasu Elias and Mekonnen Getahun
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 5 pp. 207 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 4, 2014

Correlation Analysis Between Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemicals in Korean Colored Corns Using Principal Component Analysis pp. 1 Downloads
Kang Mo Ku, Hye Suk Kim, Soon Kwon Kim and Young-Hwa Kang
Using Geospatial Information Technology for Rural Agricultural Development Planning in the Nebo Plateau, South Africa pp. 10 Downloads
Brilliant Petja, Edward Nesamvuni and Albertina Nkoana
Results of Rearing Broiler Chickens Under Various Systems pp. 19 Downloads
Joanna Kuzniacka, Marek Adamski, Rafal Czarnecki and Miroslaw Banaszak
The Agro-Industrial Sugarcane System in Mexico: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities pp. 26 Downloads
Héctor Emmanuel Sentíes-Herrera, Fernando Carlos Gómez-Merino, Apolonio Valdez-Balero, Hilda Victoria Silva-Rojas and Libia Iris Trejo-Téllez
Effect of Pig Price Volatility on Sichuan Pig Farmers’ Behavioral Response in China pp. 55 Downloads
Miao Hao, Rong Chen and Xinhong Fu
Anti-Nutrient, Phytochemical and Antiradical Evaluation of 10 Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) Varieties Before and After Flowering pp. 68 Downloads
W. Nyonje, A. Makokha and M. Abukutsa-Onyango
Determination of Postharvest Pod Storage on Viability and Seedling Growth Performance of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) in the Nursery pp. 77 Downloads
Joseph Saajah and Bonaventure Maalekuu
Streptomyces felleus YJ1: Potential Biocontrol Agents Against the Sclerotinia Stem Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) of Oilseed Rape pp. 91 Downloads
Guanglong Cheng, Yun Huang, Hui Yang and Fan Liu
The Evaluation of Corn and Peanut Intercropping on Efficiency of Use the Environmental Resource and Soil Fertility pp. 99 Downloads
Mahdieh Rajaii and Mehdi DahMardeh
A Review of the Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections in Sheep and Goats in Ghana pp. 109 Downloads
Seth Blackie
Geo-Assessment of Chemical Composition and Nutritional Evaluation of Moringa oleifera Seeds in Nutrition of Broilers pp. 119 Downloads
A. Annongu, O. Karim, A. Toye, F. Sola-Ojo, R. Kayode, A. Badmos, O. Alli and K. Adeyemi
Enhancing Soil Water Content for Increased Food Production in Semi-Arid Areas of Kenya Results From an On-Farm Trial in Mwala District, Kenya pp. 125 Downloads
Anne Karuma, Peter Mtakwa, Nyambilila Amuri, Charles Gachene and Patrick Gicheru
Constraints and Challenges Facing the Small Scale Farmers in Limpopo Province, South Africa pp. 135 Downloads
Sylvester Mpandeli and Phokele Maponya
Ingestive Behavior of Cows in Pastures Andropogon gayanus and Brachiaria decumbens in Southern State of Piauí, Brazil pp. 144 Downloads
Wéverton Fonseca, Wéverson Fonseca, Paulo Araújo de Sousa, Leandro Guerra, Carlos Luz, Tatiano Santos, Gleissa Silva Vogado, Laylson Borges, Teobaldo Júnior and Severino Cavalcante Júnior
Changes in Stress Indicators of Egg-Type Chickens in Response to Different Intensive Housing Systems in Humid Tropics pp. 151 Downloads
Olufemi Alabi, Foluke Aderemi, Daniel Afolabi and Banwo Alabi
Shattercane X ALS-Tolerant Sorghum F1 Hybrid and Shattercane Interference in ALS-Tolerant Sorghum pp. 159 Downloads
Rodrigo Werle, Jared Schmidt, John Laborde, Angela Tran, Cody Creech and John Lindquist
Grain Yield and Yield Components of Quality Protein Maize Genotypes as Influenced by Irrigation and Plant Population in the Nigerian Savannah pp. 166 Downloads
B. Sani, I. Abubakar, A. Falaki, H. Mani and M. Jaliya
Evaluating Financial Viability of Olive Mills Enterprise in Jordan pp. 173 Downloads
Bassam Aldeseit
Evaluation of Maize Accessions for Nutrients Composition, Forage and Silage Yields pp. 178 Downloads
J. Amodu, T. Akpensuen, D. Dung, R. Tanko, A. Musa, S. Abubakar, M. Hassan, J. Jegede and I. Sani
Growth and Yield Performance of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp) as influenced by Row-Spacing and Period of Weed interference in South-West Nigeria pp. 188 Downloads
Joseph Adigun, A. Osipitan, Segun Lagoke, Raphael Adeyemi and Stephen Afolami
Evaluation of Agricultural Soil Resources Using Fuzzy Modeling pp. 199 Downloads
Dmitry Dmitry Kurtener and Paul Sukhanov
Book Review: Genetically Modified Crops in Africa: Economic and Policy Lessons from Countries South of the Shara pp. 205 Downloads
A. Obayelu
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 6, No. 4 pp. 207 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 6, issue 3, 2014

Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Transgenic Rice cv. Rojolele Expressing Lactoferrin pp. 1 Downloads
Diah Rachmawati, Budi Daryono, Tri Nuringtyas and Hiroyuki Anzai
Increasing Extender Viscosity Improves the Quality of Cooled Boar Semen pp. 12 Downloads
Maria Gil, Francisco Barón, Jesús Guerrero, Luis García-Marín and Javier Gil
Selenium Application Timing: Influence in Wheat Grain and Flour Selenium Accumulation Under Mediterranean Conditions pp. 23 Downloads
Sara Rodrigo, Oscar Santamaria and Maria Poblaciones
Evaluation of Selected Methods in the Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Infecting Carnation pp. 31 Downloads
J. Kimenju, P. Wachira, J. Langat, W. Otineo and G. Mutua
Susceptibility of Gossypium mustelinum Populations to the Main Cotton Diseases in Brazil pp. 39 Downloads
Ivandilson Menezes, Fernanda Gaiotto, Nelson Suassuna, Lúcia Hoffmann and Paulo Barroso
Intercropping of Corn With Some Selected Legumes for Improved Forage Production: A Review pp. 48 Downloads
M. Belel, R. Halim, M. Rafii and H. Saud
Measuring Agricultural Support for Tajikistan pp. 63 Downloads
Parviz Khakimov, Ira Pawlowski and P. Schmitz
Field Performance of Quatity Protein Maize With Zinc and Magnesium Fertilizers in the Sub-Humid Savanna of Nigeria pp. 84 Downloads
U. Chiezey
Effects of Spirulina Platensis Algae on Growth Performance, Antioxidative Status and Blood Metabolites in Fattening Lambs pp. 92 Downloads
Mabrouk EL-Sabagh, Mabrouk Abd Eldaim, D. Mahboub and Mohamed Abdel-Daim
Observations on Zambia’s Crop Monitoring and Early Warning Systems pp. 99 Downloads
Gelson Tembo, Bernadette Chimai, Nathan Tembo and Mukelabai Ndiyoi
Heavy Metals in Oysters, Shrimps and Crabs from Lagoon Systems in the Southern Gulf of México pp. 108 Downloads
María Castañeda-Chavez, Gabycarmen Navarrete-Rodriguez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Itzel Galaviz-Villa and Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez
Variety and N-Fertilizer Rate Influence the Growth, Yield and Yield Parameters of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.) pp. 118 Downloads
Md. Asaduzzaman, Mrityunjoy Biswas, Md. Islam, Mohammad Rahman, Rafeza Begum, Md. Sarkar and Md. Asaduzzaman
Preparation and Control Efficiency of Seed Coating Agent by Antagonistic Actinomycetes Against Clubroot pp. 132 Downloads
Yating Song, Yun Huang, Xuegui Wang, Jing Shang and Hui Yang
Comparative Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Livestock-Oil Palm Integration in Johor, Malaysia: Evidence from Full and Partial Frontier Estimators pp. 140 Downloads
B. Gabdo, Ismail Abdlatif, Zainal Mohammed and Mad Shamsuddin
Bacillus subtilis LBF02 as Biocontrol Agent Against Leaf Spot Diseases Caused by Cercospora lactucae-sativae in Lettuce pp. 151 Downloads
Kanchana Srimai and Angsana Akarapisarn
Comparison of Two Products of Direct-Fed Microbial Supplementation on the Nutrient Utilization and Ruminal Fermentation in Sheep pp. 159 Downloads
Sobhy Sallam, Ali Allam and Samir Najadi
Effects of Haulm Killing on Seed Potato Quality pp. 168 Downloads
E. Virtanen and Mervi Seppänen
Heavy Metal Accumulation in Roadside Soils and Grasses of Dhaka City, Bangladesh pp. 176 Downloads
Shihab Uddin, Shahnaj Parvin, Nahida Sultana and Zakir Hossain
Hybrid of Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm for Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration (ET?) in Arid and Semiarid Regions pp. 191 Downloads
Shafika Abdullah, M. Malek, A. Mustapha and Alihosein Aryanfar
Phytochemistry, GC-MS Analysis, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential of Essential Oil From Five Citrus Species pp. 201 Downloads
Shabnam Javed, Ayesha Javaid, Shaista Nawaz, M. Saeed, Zaid Mahmood, S. Siddiqui and Rauf Ahmad
Essential Oil Variation and Trace Metals Content in Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Grown at Different Environmental Conditions pp. 209 Downloads
Mohammad Abu Darwish
Dairy Farming Technologies and Tharparkar Native Cattle Breed Imrovement for High Fat-Quality-Milk Yield pp. 215 Downloads
Om Singh, A. K. S. Tomar and Ayushi Singh

Volume 6, issue 2, 2014

Shrimp Poly-Culture Development and Local Livelihoods in Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon, Vietnam pp. 1 Downloads
Quynh Chi Nguyen and Mitsuyasu Yabe
Measuring Spatial Integration in Niger Grain Markets pp. 15 Downloads
Seydou Zakari and Liu Ying
Biochar Can Enhance Potassium Fertilization Efficiency and Economic Feasibility of Maize Cultivation pp. 24 Downloads
Widowati Widowati and Asnah Asnah
Diversity, Composition and Population Dynamics of Arthropods in the Genetically Modified Soybeans Roundup Ready® RR1 (GT 40-3-2) and Intacta RR2 PRO® (MON87701 x MON89788) pp. 33 Downloads
Wagner Justiniano, Marcos Fernandes and Cácia Viana
It Was Found That Amino Sugar Nitrogen Was a New Source of Energy for Plant pp. 45 Downloads
Shushan Li, Lian Liu, Huimin Jiang, Jianfeng Zhang, Pan Pan, Shuiqin Zhang, Junmei Guo, Jinming Zhang and Juncheng Yang
Biological Control of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Pepper and Cherry Tomato by Streptomyces sp. A1022 pp. 54 Downloads
Hyi Jin Kim, Eun Jung Lee, Sung Hyo Park, Hoi-Seon Lee and Namhyun Chung
Water Use Efficiency in Irrigated Wheat Production Systems in Central Tunisia: A Stochastic Data Envelopment Approach pp. 63 Downloads
Ali Chebil, Kais Abbas and Aymen Frija
Potassium Nitrate Priming Affects the Activity of Nitrate Reductase and Antioxidant Enzymes in Tomato Germination pp. 72 Downloads
Tulio Lara, Jean Marcel Lira, Amanda Rodrigues, Miroslava Rakocevic and Amauri Alvarenga
Improved Induction of Somatic Embryo in Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai] pp. 81 Downloads
Li Zhang, Jia Lai, Yi Tang, Jianyao Ma and Huanxiu Li
Yield Ability and Yield Stability, the Effective Tools Through Selection Procedure of Classified Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Crosses pp. 90 Downloads
Charalampos Gogas and Metaxia Koutsika-Sotiriou
Livelihood, Agro Ecological Zones and Poverty in Rural Nigeria pp. 103 Downloads
Omobowale Oni
Transformation of Nutrients and Organic Matter in Vermicomposting of Sewage Sludge and Kitchen Wastes pp. 114 Downloads
Egge Haiba, Mari Ivask, Lilian Olle, Jane Peda, Annely Kuu, Sander Kutti and Lembit Nei
Effect of Supplemental Irrigation and Graded Levels of Nitrogen on Cotton Yield and Quality pp. 119 Downloads
Ruixiu Sui, Richard Byler, Daniel Fisher, Edward Barnes and Christopher Delhom
Analysis of Food Insecurity Status of Urban Food Crop Farming Households in Cross River State, Nigeria: A USDA Approach pp. 132 Downloads
Otu Ibok, Idiong Idiong, Itoro Brown, Iniobong Okon and Uwemedimo Okon
Occurrence of Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases of Livestock in Zambezi Region: A Review pp. 142 Downloads
Percy Mashebe, Japhet Lyaku and Fransisco Mausse
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Flood Incidence in Nigeria and Its Implication for Land Degradation and Food Security pp. 150 Downloads
Taiye Adewuyi and Emmanuel Olofin
Screening Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes for Tolerance to Witchweed (Striga asiatica L. Kuntze) Infection pp. 160 Downloads
Moreblessing Chitagu, Joyful Rugare and Stanford Mabasa
Estimation of Optimal Land Use Allocation Among Small Holder (A1) Farmer Households in Zimbabwe. A Case Study of Long Croft Farm, in Mazowe District pp. 170 Downloads
Douglas Mugabe, Nyasha Chipunza, Norman Mupaso, Vincent Munyati and Fungai Makarudze
Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Thai Inheritance Chickens pp. 182 Downloads
Nakarin Pripwai, Wiwat Pattanawong, Montri Punyatong and Tawatchai Teltathum
Characterisation of Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Chirumanzu District, Zimbabwe pp. 189 Downloads
Norman Mupaso, Charles Nyamutowa, Stein Masunda, Nyasha Chipunza and Douglas Mugabe

Volume 6, issue 1, 2013

The Role of Biochar on Acid Soil Reclamation and Yield of Teff (Eragrostis tef [Zucc] Trotter) in Northwestern Ethiopia pp. 1 Downloads
Anteneh Abewa, Birru Yitaferu, Yihenew G.Selassie and Tadele Tadele Amare
Comparative Antioxidant Activities of Extracts of Vernonia amygdalina and Ocimum gratissimum Leaves pp. 13 Downloads
Kelly Oriakhi, Ehigbai Oikeh, Nkeiruka Ezeugwu, Ogechukwu Anoliefo, Omorede Aguebor and Ehimwenma Omoregie
Yield Performance of Potato Seed Tubers After Storage in a Diffuse Light Store (DLS) pp. 21 Downloads
Jane Muthoni, J. Kabira, D. Kipkoech, G. Abong and J. Nderitu
Solute Transport Under Water Table Fluctuations in a Fine Sand and a Sandy Clay Loam Soil pp. 29 Downloads
Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Itzel Galaviz-Villa, Ma. del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Alejandra Soto-Estrada and Iourii Nikolskii-Gavrilov
Automated Mango Fruit Grading System Using Fuzzy Logic pp. 41 Downloads
Yeong Kin Teoh, Suzanawati Abu Hasan and Suraiya Sauddin@Sa’duddin
Evaluation of Single Slop Solar Still Integrated With Evaporative Cooling System for Brackish Water Desalination pp. 48 Downloads
Emad Almuhanna
Feasibility of Low-Cost Seed Potato Storage in Kenya: The Case of Diffused Light Storage in Nyandarua County pp. 59 Downloads
Jane Muthoni, J. Kabira, D. Kipkoech, G. Abong and J. Nderitu
Household Requirements Versus Profit Optimization: The Win-Win Solution Strategies Among Small-Holder Farmers in South Western Nigeria pp. 66 Downloads
O. Adeniyi and C. Adesina
Using Salicylic Acid Treatment of Stored Canola Seed to Decrease the Adversely Effects on Oil quality under Long-Term Storage, High Storage Temperature and Seed Moisture Contents pp. 75 Downloads
Fathy El-Nakhlawy and Adel Al-Qurashi
Can Soil Organic Carbon Pools Indicate the Degradation Levels of Pastures in the Atlantic Forest Biome? pp. 84 Downloads
Paulo Rocha Junior, G. Donagemma, F. Andrade, R. Passos, F. Balieiro, E. Mendonça and H. Ruiz
Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Growth and Yield of Cassava Manihot esculenta (Crantz) pp. 96 Downloads
B. Odiyi and J. Bamidele
An Investigation of Challenges Facing Home Gardening Farmers in South Africa: A Case Study of Three Villages in Nkokonbe Municipality Eastern Cape Province pp. 102 Downloads
Ogundiran Adekunle
Heavy Metals Contents in Ziziphus Tree Leaves Under the Effect of Different Industrial Activities pp. 110 Downloads
Mohammed Shaheen, Fathy El-Nakhlawy, Fahd Almehmadi and Abdulmohsin Al-Shareef
Cassava Pests and Diseases’ Prevalence and Performance as Revealed by Adaptive Trial Sites in North Western Agro-Ecological Zone of Uganda pp. 116 Downloads
A. Abaca, M. Kiryowa, E. Awori, A. Andema, F. Dradiku, A. Moja and J. Mukalazi
Laboratory Assessment of Some Plants Latex as Biopesticide Against Cowpea Bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae] pp. 123 Downloads
K. Ileke, M. Oni and O. Adelegan
The Role of Home Gardens in Household Food Security in Eastern Cape: A Case Study of Three Villages in Nkonkobe Municipality pp. 129 Downloads
Ogundiran Adekunle, Nomakhaya Monde, Isaac Agholor and Akinwumi Odeyemi
Metals Accumulation in Grey Mangrove (Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.) Inhabiting Tarut Bay, Eastern Saudi Arabia pp. 137 Downloads
H. Almahasheer, W.A. Al-Taisan and M. Mohamed
Ovarian Structures During Sexual Receptivity at Mating and Post Coïtum Stage in Algerian Rabbits: A Comparative Study pp. 150 Downloads
Boumahdi-Merad Zoubida, Theau-Clément Michele, R. Rafik and Kaidi Rachid
Flax Inorganic Phosphate Deficiency Responsive miRNAs pp. 156 Downloads
Nataliya Melnikova, Maxim Belenikin, Nadezhda Bolsheva, Alexey Dmitriev, Anna Speranskaya, Anastasia Krinitsina, Nadezda Koroban, Tatiana Samatadze, Alexandra Amosova, Olga Muravenko, Alexander Zelenin and Anna Kudryavtseva
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Enzymes Feed Additive “Kemzyme†and Antibiotic Growth Promoter "Salinomycin" on Haemostatic Mechanism of Rabbit Bucks pp. 161 Downloads
F. Bughdadi, K. Attia and Sohair Saleh
Climate Change Variability and Mitigating Measures by Rural Dwellers: the Perception of Arable Farmers pp. 167 Downloads
C. Albert and I. Okidim
Cadherin Characterization and Cytochrome Oxidase (COI) HRM Analysis in Different Geographical Populations of the Mediterranean Corn Borer, Sesamia nonagrioides pp. 173 Downloads
Aliki Kapazoglou, Stefanos Andreadis, Vicky Drossou, Panagiotis Madesis, Matilda Savopoulou-Soultani and Athanasios Tsaftaris
Page updated 2025-03-28