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Journal of Agricultural Science

2009 - 2025

From Canadian Center of Science and Education
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Volume 1, issue 2, 2009

Development of Physical and Optical Methods for In-shell Brazil Nuts Sorting and Aflatoxin Reduction pp. 3 Downloads
Fernanda de Mello and Vildes Scussel
In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity and Fungitoxicity of Syringic Acid, Caffeic Acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic Acid against Ganoderma Boninense pp. 15 Downloads
Khim Chong, Stephen Rossall and Markus Atong
Application of Enterococcus Faecalis FK-23 in Fattening of the Japanese Black Cattle pp. 21 Downloads
Qingzhu Yuan, Yoshihisa Kitamura, Takashi Shimada, Takao Nohmi, Ren Na, Xiao Jin, Yoshihisa Kitamura and Takashi Shimada
Antimicrobial Properties of Stem Bark Extracts of Ximenia Americana pp. 30 Downloads
Maikai V.a, Maikai B.V. and Kobo P.i
Soil and Agricultural Capability of UiTM Sarawak Campus Farm, Malaysia pp. 35 Downloads
Hasmah Mohidin, Radziah Jack, Sulaiman Man and Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Measurement of Dielectric Behavior of Fertilized Soil at Microwave Frequency pp. 42 Downloads
Vivek Yadav, Anil Kumar, Sudeep Sharan, Sinha Ak, Mahaveer Yadav, Gupta Vk and Jangid Ra
Studies on the Responses of Root, Shoot and Drought Resistance in the Seedlings of Forage Triticale to Water Stress pp. 50 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Cheng Li, Chuangjian Qian and Lianpu Cao
Phosphorus Kinetics in Calves Submitted to Single Infection with Cooperia punctata pp. 58 Downloads
Helder Louvandini, Renato Rodrigues, Solange Gennari, Concepta McManus and Dorinha Vitti
The Effect of Different Densities of Planting on Morphological Characters, Yield, and Yield Components of Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill cv. Soroksary) pp. 66 Downloads
Jalal Khorshidi, Mohammad Fakhr Tabatabaie, Reza Omidbaigi and Fatemeh Sefidkon
Aboveground Biomass of Selected Provenances of Acacia Mangium and Acacia Aulacocarpa Multiple-leadered Trees pp. 74 Downloads
Sapari Mat, Nor-Aini Ab-Shukor, Mohd-Zaki Hamzah, Rosenani Abu-Bakar, Mohd-Fauzi Ramlan, Hazandy Abdul-Hamid and Abdul-Latib Senin
Statistic Characteristics of Chinese Provinces’ and Municipalities’ Agriculture Sector at 2008 pp. 83 Downloads
Xiaoying Wu, Kejian Wu and Yuechao Ding
Lettucenin A and Its Role against Xanthomonas Campestris pp. 87 Downloads
Hong Yean, Markus Atong and Khim Chong
Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Capsicum Red Pigment pp. 94 Downloads
Dan Chen and Zanmin Wu
A Microcontroller-Based Monitoring System for Batch Tea Dryer pp. 101 Downloads
Marjan Javanmard, K.A. Abbas and Farshad Arvin
Effect of Every-Other Furrow Irrigation on Water Use Efficiency, Starch and Protein Contents of Potato pp. 107 Downloads
Mohammad Shayannejad and Ali Moharreri
Study of Integrate Methods Chemical and Cultural Control of Weeds to Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) pp. 113 Downloads
Zoheir. Y.Ashrafi, Sedigheh Sadeghi and Hamid. Mashhadi
Land Use and Cover Mapping with Airborne Hyperspectral Imager in Setiu, Malaysia pp. 120 Downloads
Kamaruzaman Jusoff
The Biocontrol Effect of Trichoderma and Bacillus Subtilis SY1 pp. 132 Downloads
Xin Liu, Jinzhao Pang and Zongzheng Yang
Evaluation of Sunflower Promising Varieties and Hybrids Released for Cultivation in Different States of India pp. 137 Downloads
Om Singh and P. C. Gupta
Performance of High Yielding Varieties of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Released for Different States of India pp. 145 Downloads
Om Singh, P. C. Gupta and Ananya Singh
Seed and Oil Yield Productivity of Sunflower (Helienthus annus L.) Hybrid Varieties in Different States of India pp. 151 Downloads
Om Singh, P. C. Gupta and Ananya Singh
Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2009, all in one file Downloads
Editor Jas

Volume 1, issue 1, 2009

Utility of Dried Distillers Grain as a Fertilizer Source for Corn pp. 3 Downloads
Kelly Nelson, Peter Motavalli and Randall Smoot
Zero-One Programming Model for Daily Operation Scheduling of Irrigation Canal pp. 13 Downloads
B. Ramesh, K. Venugopal and K. Karunakaran
The Grey Situation Decision Analysis on Regional Distribution of Grain and Oil Crops pp. 21 Downloads
Jun-an Chen, Fang Wang and Hong-an Xiao
Population Ecology of Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Brinjal pp. 27 Downloads
Mohd Rasdi Z., Fauziah I., Fairuz K., Mohd Saiful M.S., Md Jamaludin B., Che Salmah M.r and Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Automation and Emerging Technology Development of 2d Seed Sowing Robo pp. 33 Downloads
S.Chandika Amie and T. Mohanraj
Genetic Analysis of Scleropages formosus Golden Asian Arowana Using Microsatellite DNA pp. 53 Downloads
Xidong Mu, Yinchang Hu, Xuejie Wang, Xiaohui Li, Hongmei Song and Jianren Luo
Genotypic Variation in Responses of Citrus spp. to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi pp. 59 Downloads
Somchit Youpensuk, Sittichai Lordkaew and Benjavan Rerkasem
Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare) pp. 66 Downloads
Kaveh Mollazade, Hojat Ahmadi, Jalal Khorshidi, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi and Ali Rajabipour
Molluscicide from Tobacco Waste pp. 76 Downloads
Rochana Tangkoonboribun and Suriya Sassanarakkit
Treating Infertile Milk Cows by Traditional Chinese Medicine pp. 82 Downloads
Ruiqing Luo and Xinli Gu
Determining and Mapping Soil Nutrient Content Using Geostatistical Technique in a Durian Orchard in Malaysia pp. 86 Downloads
Mohd Ismail and Riduan Junusi
Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Endogenous Hormone Levels during the Period of the Red Globe Growth pp. 92 Downloads
Juan He, Songlin Yu and Chao Ma
Study Effects of Planting Methods and Tank Mixed Herbiciedes on Weeds Controlling and Wheat Yield pp. 101 Downloads
Zoheir. Ashrafi, Hamid. Mashhadi, Sedigheh Sadeghi and Robert E. Blackshaw
Determination of Soya Plant Population Using NDVI in the Dasht-e-Naz Agri-Industry pp. 112 Downloads
Hojat Ahmadi and Kaveh Mollazade
Effects of Different Fertilizer Application Level on Growth and Physiology of Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Kenaf) Planted on BRIS Soil pp. 121 Downloads
Hazandy Abdul-Hamid, Mohd-Hazimy Yusoff, Nor-Aini Ab-Shukor, Baharom Zainal and Mohamed-Hanafi Musa
The Effect of Acidification and Magnetic Field on Emitter Clogging under Saline Water Application pp. 132 Downloads
Khaled Ahmad Aali, Abdoulmajid Liaghat and Hossein Dehghanisanij
Precision Forestry Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor pp. 142 Downloads
Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Effects of Soil Texture and Water Retaining Agent on the Emergence of Processing Tomatoes pp. 148 Downloads
Feibi Chen and Xinde Lu
Effect of densities of planting on yield and essential oil components of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill Var. Soroksary) pp. 152 Downloads
Jalal Khorshidi, Mohammad Fakhr Tabatabaie, Reza Omidbaigi and Fatemeh Sefidkon
Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2009, all in one file Downloads
Editor Jas
Page updated 2025-03-28