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Journal of Agricultural Science

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Volume 9, issue 13, 2017

Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Zerumbone on WEHI 7.2 Wild Type Murine Thymoma Cells pp. 1 Downloads
Asmah Hamid, Nor Fadilah Rajab, Tay Shu Shen and Mohd Nazir Nasrom
Effect of Energy Substrate Dynamics on Mitochondrial Activity and Oxidative Stress Levels of in vitro Maturing Bovine Oocytes pp. 14 Downloads
Zulaiha Rahman, Siti Fatimah Ibrahim, Nurul Atikah Osman, Farah Hanan Jaafar and Khairul Osman
Improvement of Post-Thaw Sperm Kinematics and DNA Integrity of Cross-Bred Bovine Sperm by Incorporating DGC as Selection Method Prior to Cryopreservation pp. 24 Downloads
Nur Hilwani Ismail, Khairul Osman, Farida Zuraina Mohd Yusof, Syarifah Faezah Syed Mohamad, Farah Hanan Fatihah Jaafar and Siti Fatimah Ibrahim
Physical Properties, Antioxidant Content and Anti-Oxidative Activities of Malaysian Stingless Kelulut (Trigona spp.) Honey pp. 32 Downloads
Chan Keng, Hasnah Haron, Ruzita Abdul Talib and Ponnusamy Subramaniam
Nutrient Compositions and Total Polyphenol Contents of Selected Dried Fruits Available in Selangor, Malaysia pp. 41 Downloads
Muhammad Fawwaz Khairuddin, Hasnah Haron, Hanis Yahya and Nur Ain Hafizah Che Malek
Physicochemical Properties, Total Phenolic and Antioxidant Activity of Mixed Tropical Fruit Juice, TP 3 in 1TM pp. 50 Downloads
Siti Nur Aqilah Abdul Malek, Hasnah Haron, Wan Aida Wan Mustafa and Suzana Shahar
The Mutagenicity and Antimutagenicity of Canarium odontophyllum (Dabai) Acetone Leaves Extracts pp. 62 Downloads
Ahmad Ghazali, Farah Khairuddin, Tava Nagapan and Dayang Basri
The Effect of Density Gradient Centrifugation and Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting with the Combination of Both on Bovine Spermatozoa Kinematics, Viability and Acrosome Status pp. 73 Downloads
Khairul Osman, Noraina Mohd Bakri, Farah Hanan Fathihah Jaffar, Nurul Atikah Osman and Siti Fatimah Ibrahim
Evaluation of Trace Elements in the Nails and Hair of Farmers Exposed to Pesticides and Fertilizers pp. 79 Downloads
Zariyantey Abdul Hamid, Ismarulyusda Ishak, Syarif Husin Lubis, Nihayah Mohammad, Hidayatulfathi Othman, Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Siti Zakiah Abdul Rahim and Mohammad Roff Mohd Noor
Bacterial Contamination on Beef Sold at Selected Wet Markets in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur pp. 89 Downloads
Siti Shahara Zulfakar, Norfarisya Baharudin and Nur Faizah Abu Bakar
Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Selected Canned Fruits pp. 96 Downloads
Hanis Yahya, Wendy Ann Roger and Hasnah Haron
The Effect of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Ginger) on Dentin Microhardness: An in vitro Study pp. 102 Downloads
Siti Khadijah Mohd Zaki, Safura Baharin, Jasmina Qamaruz Zaman, Hsu Zenn Yew and Shahida Mohd Said
In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Zingiber officinale and Orthosiphon stamineus on Enterococcus faecalis pp. 112 Downloads
Zamirah Zainal-Abidin, Nor Akmal Abdul-Wahab, Muhamad Kamil Ghazi-Ahmad and Shahida Mohd-Said
Pesticide Exposures Induce Male-Mediated Reproductive Toxicity: A Review pp. 122 Downloads
Nur Afizah Yusoff, Siti Balkis Budin and Izatus Shima Taib
Effect of Alcohol Consumption on the Sperm DNA Integrity: A Systematic Review pp. 136 Downloads
Farah Hanan Jaafar, Khairul Osman, Jaya Kumar and Siti Ibrahim
Current Knowledge on Honey and Its Derivatives with Genomic Stability: A Mini Review pp. 145 Downloads
Malisanurhidayu Yaacob, Anne Jesscy Stanis, Nor Fadilah Rajab, Suzana Shahar and Razinah Sharif
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 13, Special Issue pp. 156 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 12, 2017

Characterisation of Protein Isolates Prepared from Processed Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Flours pp. 1 Downloads
Daniel Skylas, Mark Molloy, Robert Willows, Christopher Blanchard and Ken Quail
Weed Interference and Control in Cowpea Production: A Review pp. 11 Downloads
O. Adewale Osipitan
Genotype by Trait Associations among Drought Tolerant Maize Inbred Lines pp. 21 Downloads
Cousin Musvosvi and Mruthunjaya C. Wali
Effect of Selected Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Stem Height of Spring Wheat in Ontario pp. 30 Downloads
Yuxue Zhang, Shengnan Su, Mirko Tabori, Junjie Yu, Denise Chabot, Bahram Baninasab, Xuelian Wang, Bao-Luo Ma, Chunyan Li and Shahrokh Khanizadeh
Behavior, Displacement and Pregnancy Loss in Pigs under an Electronic Sow Feeder pp. 43 Downloads
Ryosuke Iida, Carlos Piñeiro and Yuzo Koketsu
Geophysical Quantification of Water Percolation Quotient in an Alluvial Agricultural Soil pp. 54 Downloads
Florence Cassel and Shankar Sharma
Assessing the Effectiveness of Zn Acetate and Oxide as Alternatives for Corn and Soybean Seed Treatment in Sandy and Clay Soil pp. 63 Downloads
Matheus Nirschl, Risely de Almeida, Eduardo Zavaschi, Lílian Moreira, Godofredo Vitti and Rafael Otto
Salt-Stress Induced Protein Pattern Related to Seed Germination Indices in Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) pp. 74 Downloads
Roghayeh Dehghani, Daryush Talei, Tayebeh Radjabian and Azra Saboora
Physiological Potential of Bean Seeds under Different Storage Temperatures pp. 82 Downloads
Camila Hendges, Douglas Luzzi, Ricardo Walcker, Jéssica Finger, Donizete Carmelo, Cleonice Lubian, Luanna Rinaldi, Tatiane Chiapetti, Cristiani Belmonte, Lana Chidichima and João Kaefer
Fatty Acids Profile of Coffea arabica L. Resistant to Leaf Rust Grown in Two Environments of Minas Gerais, Brazil pp. 88 Downloads
L. Fassio, M. Malta, G. Carvalho, G. Liska, P. Lima, D. Nadaleti, A. Fonseca and C. Pimenta
Size of Containers in the Production of Flamboyant Seedlings pp. 99 Downloads
Alan Zuffo, Fábio Steiner, Aécio Busch, Joacir Zuffo Júnior, Wéverson Fonseca, Everton Zambiazzi, Alan Mendes, Isabella Borges, Sérgio Godinho and André Pinto
Effects of Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium Ratios in Soil on Their Uptake and Fruit Quality of Pummelo pp. 110 Downloads
Hien Huu Nguyen, Somsak Maneepong and Potjaman Suraninpong
Anatomic Characterization and Photosynthetic Rate in Cotton Genotypes due the Mepiquat Chloride pp. 122 Downloads
Amanda Paixão, Aline Martins, Simone Hiraki, Liliane Camargos, Luis Henrique Machado, Mariana Yamada and Enes Furlani
Sowing Depth on Emergence of Different Safflower Genotypes (Carthamus tinctorius L.) pp. 135 Downloads
Natasha Lenz, Reginaldo Santos, Maikon Lenz, Luciene Tokura and Marinez Sampaio
Quantification of the Carbon Content of the Fractions of Humic Substances and Total Organic Carbon in Different Production Systems pp. 152 Downloads
Carlos Rocha de Moraes Rego, Jonas Egewarth, Marcio Francziskowski, Felipe Cremonez, Paulo Rabello de Oliveira, Maria do Carmo Lana, Bruna Costa, Eloisa Mattei, Marinês Sampaio, Vanessa Egewarth and Juan de Herrera
Responses of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases to Changing and Variable Climate: A Review pp. 160 Downloads
Rumbidzai D. Katsaruware-Chapoto, Paramu Mafongoya and Augustine Gubba
Comparative Evaluation of some Physical and Biochemical Quality Attributes of Cocoa Beans Produced in Assin Fosu, Assin Bereku and Nkawie Cocoa Districts of Ghana pp. 169 Downloads
Bonaventure Kissinger Maalekuu and Nicholas Teye
Assessing the Efficiencies and Competitiveness of the Fresh Cassava Storage Root Production Systems in Sierra Leone pp. 178 Downloads
Osman Nabay, James Whyte, Brice Gbaguidi, Vodouhe Tonakpon, Fallah Kassoh, Tamba Bandabla, Martin Koroma, Keiwoma Yila, Lansana Sesay, Alhaji Massaquoi and Raymond Bangura
Farmer Knowledge of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in the Management of Vegetable Insect Pests in Zimbabwe pp. 194 Downloads
Rumbidzai Katsaruware-Chapoto, Paramu L. Mafongoya and Augustine Gubba
Factors Affecting the Joint Adoption of Herbicides and Conservation Tillage Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Zambia pp. 205 Downloads
Godfrey Mutale, Thomson Kalinda and Elias Kuntashula
Organic Fungicides with Adjuvants in the Prevention of Diseases at Wheat pp. 223 Downloads
Silvio Ferreira, Adriana Salvalaggio, Jaqueline de Barbosa and Neumarcio Costa
Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Streptomyces sp. on Bipolaris sorokiniana and the Growth Promotion of Wheat Plants pp. 229 Downloads
Priscila Monteiro, Marcela Borba and Sueli Van Der Sand
Effect of Soil Moisture Regimes on Seed Iron and Zinc Concentration of Biofortified Bean Genotypes against Malnutrition in Sud-Kivu Highlands pp. 241 Downloads
Casinga Clérisse, Neema Ciza Angélique, Kajibwami Cikuru Marie-Angélique, Nabahungu Leon and Mambani Pierre
Topical Toxicity of Esenbeckia pumila Extracts on Leaf-Cutting Ants Atta laevigata and Acromyrmex balzani pp. 248 Downloads
Brenda Souza, Gustavo M. Coelho, Ednaldo C. Rocha, Flávio G. Jesus, Antônio C. S. Menezes and Márcio S. Araújo
Consequences of Seed Priming with Salicylic Acid and Hydro Priming on Smooth Vetch Seedling Growth under Water Deficiency pp. 259 Downloads
Amin Namdari and Abolfazl Baghbani
Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase and Source-Flow-Sink Related Attributes in Rice Genotypes Subjected to High Night Temperatures pp. 268 Downloads
Diogo Moura, Giovani Brito, Ângela Campos, à talo Moraes, Paulo R. Fagundes and Sidnei Deuner
Effect of Coloured Agro-Net Covers on Insect Pest Control and Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill) pp. 283 Downloads
Langà t Jelagat Caroline, Mwanarusi Saidi and Arnold Opiyo
Using Tannery Sludge to Manage Soybean Cyst Nematodes in Soybean Crops pp. 294 Downloads
Jéssica Mello, Janaina Moreira, Guilherme Malafaia and Fernando Araújo
Non-Structural Carbohydrates Accumulation in Contrasting Rice Genotypes Subjected to High Night Temperatures pp. 302 Downloads
Diogo Moura, Giovani Brito, Ângela Campos, à talo Moraes, Fabiane Porto, Sheila Teixeira, Paulo Fagundes, André Andres, Fábio Schreiber and Sidnei Deuner
Gas Exchanges of Yellow Capsicum Fertilized with Yellow Water and Cassava Wastewater pp. 316 Downloads
Jailton Ramos, Vera Lucia Lima, Ronaldo do Nascimento, Rafaela Basílio Guimarães, Mariana Pereira, Narcísio Araújo, Daniele Melo and Sabrina Lima
Photosynthetic Pigments and Photochemical Efficiency in Soursop under Saline Water Irrigation and Nitrogen Sources pp. 325 Downloads
Evandro Silva, Geovani Lima, Hans Gheyi, Reginaldo Nobre, Francisco Vanies Sã¡, Leandro Souza, Lauriane Soares and Pedro Fernandes
Physiological Panel of Some Feed Additives for Turkey Toms pp. 335 Downloads
Sohair Saleh, N. S. El-Toukhy, H. I. Abass, S. I. El-Samannoudy, M. A. Tony and A. M. Hassanin
Fatty Acids Profile, Physicalchemical Properties and Minerals with Quantify Indicador of Astrocaryum aculeatum Pulp Oil pp. 352 Downloads
Bernardo M. Linhares, Ana Marcia D. C. Costa, Herliana D. F. Abreu, Ana Cristina G. Reis de Melo, Pedro R. E. Ribeiro, Ismael F. Montero, Antonio A. Melo Filho and Ricardo C. Santos
A Fast and Effective Progressively Delivered In-Tree Fruit Bagging Apparatus pp. 359 Downloads
Yanbin Hua, Baotong Yang, Lichun Quan, Jiangang Yang, Yahong Tian, Xin-Gen Zhou, Juang-Horng Chong and Liulin Li
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 12 pp. 361 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 11, 2017

Comparative Performance of Sugarcane Bagasse and Black Polyethylene as Mulch for Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Production pp. 1 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Douglas Spaunhorst and Eric Petrie
Sugarcane Field Residue and Bagasse Allelopathic Impact on Vegetable Seed Germination pp. 10 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Derek Landrum, Douglas Spaunhorst and Darcey Wayment
Assessing Management of Nitrapyrin with Urea Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer on Corn Yield and Soil Nitrogen in a Poorly-Drained Claypan Soil pp. 17 Downloads
H. Habibullah, Kelly Nelson and Peter Motavalli
Helminth Parasites of Red Lionfish, Pterois volitans from the Veracruz Coral Reef System, Mexico, Southern Gulf of Mexico pp. 30 Downloads
Jesús Montoya-Mendoza, Tomás Camarena-Luhrs, María del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez and Fabiola Lango-Reynoso
Effect of Conservational and Conventional Tillage Systems on Functional Soil Archaea Diversity in Wheat-Pea Rotation Field pp. 34 Downloads
E. Essel, Lingling Li, Chaochao Deng, Junhong Xie, Renzhi Zhang, Zhuzhu Luo and Liqun Cai
Residue of Phosphorus Sources Broadcast and Applied on Rows in Forages during Off-Season Crops pp. 45 Downloads
Kássia Barbosa, Carlos Rodrigues, Polyanna Trindade, Raphaell Couto, Rosana Silva, à lisson Vanin, Carlos César Menezes, Tâmara Abreu, Lucas Nascimento Júnior, Marcos Gustavo Chagas, Tatiana Rodrigues and Thomas Cavalcante
Variability and Experimental Desing for Trials with Cucurbita pepo and Capsicum annuum pp. 58 Downloads
Alessandro Lúcio, Daniel Santos and Tiago Olivoto
The Revealed Comparative Advantage Index of Brazilian Natural Honey pp. 76 Downloads
Maristela Paula, Humberto Angelo, Alexandre Almeida, Eder Miguel, Pedro G. Vasconcelos, Ari Schwans, Marcio Facini, Ademir Ribas and Raquel Pompermeyer
Influence of Crop Growth Stages and Management Practices on Soil Water Content at Different Soil Depths under Dryland Conditions pp. 88 Downloads
E. T. Sebetha and A. T. Modi
Analysis of Factors Influencing Market Participation of Smallholder Bean Farmers in Nyanza District of Southern Province, Rwanda pp. 99 Downloads
Jean Mbitsemunda and Antoine Karangwa
Genetic Diversity of Isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina Associated with Cowpea from Brazil Semi-Arid Region pp. 112 Downloads
Fabiola Gomes-Silva, Clebia Almeida, Alexandre Silva, Mariele Leão, Karla Silva, Luciana Oliveira, Márcia Silva, Antonio F. Costa and Vera Lima
Spectrophotometric Determinations of Chloroplastidic Pigments in Physalis angulata L. Leaves Using Different Methodologies pp. 117 Downloads
Tamara Tanan, Marilza Nascimento, Romeu Leite and David Guimarães
Management of Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Using Biopesticides on Tomato Crop under Greenhouse Conditions pp. 123 Downloads
Abdel Kader El Hajj, Helen Rizk, Mariam Gharib, Maysaa Houssein, Vera Talj, Nour Taha, Soha Aleik and Zinette Mousa
Adequacy of the Electrical Conductivity Test Methodology for Millet Seeds pp. 130 Downloads
Luanna Rinaldi, Diandra Javorski, Maicon Javorski, Ana Simonetti, Tatiane Chiapetti, Maria Rocha, Mayra Abade, Camila Hendges, Cleonice Lubian, Jaqueline Barbosa, Guilherme Mascarello and Ivonei Perego
Hirsutella thompsonii and Pochonia chlamydosporia (Syn. Verticillium chlamydosporium) Mycelia Growth and Predation on Panagrellus redivivus pp. 137 Downloads
Cleonice Lubian, Danielle Martinha, Roberto Portz, Vivian Missio, Luanna Rinaldi, Tatiane Chiapetti, Camila Hendges, Maria Rocha and Mayra Ribeiro Abade
Gender and Transaction Costs in Crush-Pen Spraying for Trypanosomiasis Control in Kenya pp. 144 Downloads
Jared Mose
Pollen Toxicity from Seed-Treated Cotton on Bees and Pollen Collection Capacity pp. 154 Downloads
Ellen de Souza, Paulo Degrande, Rosalia Azambuja, Ricardo dos Santos, Valter Alves Junior, Rafael da Silva and Mateus Leal
Biomass and Rootstock Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Saline Water Irrigated under Nitrogen Fertilization pp. 162 Downloads
Evandro da Silva, Reginaldo Nobre, Geovani de Lima, Hans Gheyi, Leandro Souza, Joicy Barbosa, Jutahy Elias and Thiago Pimenta
Bromatology of Tifton 85 Grass Irrigated with Two Qualities of Water and under Organic Fertilization pp. 172 Downloads
Maria Teresa Cristina Coelho do Nascimen, Joelma Sales dos Santos, Carlos Alberto Vieira de Azevedo, Vera Lucia Antunes de Lima and Rubens Barrichello Gomes Barbosa
Initial Development and Tolerance of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Cultivars under Salt Stress pp. 181 Downloads
Francisco Sã¡, Lauter Souto, Emanoela Paiva, Erbia Araújo, Fernanda Oliveira, Evandro Mesquita, Miguel Ferreira Neto and Jussara Dantas
Dynamics of Ions in Soils Irrigated with Saline Reject pp. 190 Downloads
Andler Oliveira, Cezar Rebouças, Nildo Dias, Francisco Sousa Júnior, Francisco Sã¡, Osvaldo Sousa Neto, Alexandre Lima and Cleyton Fernandes
Weed Dynamics in No-Till Rainfed Crops in Chaouia, Semi-Arid Morocco pp. 198 Downloads
Abbès Tanji, Oussama El Gharras, Hassan Ouabbou and Todorovic Mladen
Mombaça Grass Responds to Partial Replacement of K+ by Na+ with Supplemental Ca2+ Addition in Low Fertility Soil pp. 209 Downloads
Jefferson Carneiro, Paulo Silva, Antonio Carlos Santos, Gilson Freitas, Antonio Santos and Rubens Silva
Characterisation of the Spectral-Temporal Pattern of the Crambe Crop Using Hyperspectral Sensors pp. 220 Downloads
Octavio Viana, Erivelto Mercante, Henrique Felipetto, Douglas Kusminski and Helmuth Bleil
HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicides Alone or in Tank-Mix with Atrazine in Elephant Grass pp. 234 Downloads
Alexandre Brighenti, Juarez Machado, Francisco Ledo, Leonardo Calsavara and Yago Varotto
Production of Hydroponic Lettuce under Different Salt Levels of Nutritive Solution pp. 242 Downloads
Rafaela Basilio Guimarães, Ronaldo Nascimento, Daniele Melo, Jailton Ramos, Mariana de Pereira, José Alberto Cardoso and Sabrina de Lima
Influence of Maltodextrin on Physicochemical Characteristics of Lyophilized Mangaba Pulp pp. 253 Downloads
A. J. R. Barroso, F. A. C. Almeida, L. M. M. Silva, D. S. Castro and A. Figueiredo Neto
Agrophysical and Biological Properties of Drainage Soils in Land Reclamation pp. 259 Downloads
Yu. I. Mitrofanov and G. Yu. Rabinovich
Intercropping of Cowpea with Eucalyptus in Northern Brazil pp. 267 Downloads
Manoel Santos, Gilberto Machado Filho, Rogel Prates, Raimundo Aguiar, Tania Sakai, Weslany Rocha and Rodrigo Fidelis
Initial Growth of Corn Using Human Urine, Cassava Wastewater and Cattle Manure as Source of Nutrients pp. 275 Downloads
J. Ramos, Vera Lúcia Lima, Leandro Sena, Narcísio Araújo, Mariana Pereira, Márcia Cristina Pereira and Vitória Borges
Tolerance of Basil Genotypes to Salinity pp. 283 Downloads
Renata Menezes, André Azevedo Neto, Hans Gheyi, Alide Cova and Hewsley H. Silva
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 11 pp. 296 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 10, 2017

The Effect of In-Field Rain Water Harvesting on Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato Biomass and Yield pp. 1 Downloads
S. Laurie, N. Nhlabatsi, H. M. Ngobeni and S. S. Tjale
Constraints to Vegetable Production Resulting from Pest and Diseases Induced by Climate Change and Globalization: A Review pp. 11 Downloads
Mutondwa Phophi and Paramu Mafongoya
Most Preferred Market Venues for Locally Grown Fresh Produce among Online Shoppers pp. 26 Downloads
Jean Gumirakiza and Sarah VanZee
Impact of Aquatic Earthworms on Methane Emission Reduction from the Paddy Field Soil in Japan pp. 36 Downloads
Priyanka Mitra and Nobuhiro Kaneko
Technological Characterization and Use of Babassu Residue (Orbygnia phalerata Mart.) in Particleboard pp. 47 Downloads
Nitalo André Machado, Hosana de Andrade, Luisa Parra-Serrano, Marileia Furtado, Raissa Rachel Silva-Matos, Maryzélia de Farias and Jomar Livramento Furtado
Recent Progresses on Industrialization of Sweet Sorghum at IMP pp. 57 Downloads
Xicun Dong, Wenjian Li, Ruiyuan Liu and Wenting Gu
Weed Control and Selectivity to Post-Applied Herbicides in Eucalyptus pp. 67 Downloads
Allan Bacha, Mariluce Nepomuceno, Willians Carrega, Pedro Martins and Pedro Alves
Characterization of the Genetic Resources of Farmed Tambaqui in Northern Brazil pp. 76 Downloads
Paola Fazzi-Gomes, Nuno Melo, Glauber Palheta, Jonas Aguiar, Iracilda Sampaio, Sidney Santos, Fabiano Moreira, Ândrea Ribeiro-dos-Santos and Igor Hamoy
Investigating of N and K Fertilizers on Yield and Components of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) pp. 85 Downloads
Elahe Shahkoomahally and Shirin Shahkoomahally
Grey Correlative Degree Analysis on the Cold-Resistant Traits of Parthenocarpic Eggplant pp. 95 Downloads
Ling Ling Lv, Wei Li, Xi Ou Xiao and Xiao Min Gao
Development of Database of Maize Hybrids and Open Pollinated Varieties Released and Notified for Cultivation in India pp. 105 Downloads
Jyoti Kaul, Ramesh Kumar, Usha Nara, Khushbu Jain, Dhirender Olakh, Tanu Tiwari, Om Yadav and Sain Dass
Glyphosate Effect on Nitrogen Fixation and Metabolization in RR Soybean pp. 114 Downloads
Nayane Cristina Bomfim, Beatriz Costa, Lucas Souza, Gilberto Justino, Leandro Aguiar and Liliane Camargos
Yam Breeding in Ghana pp. 122 Downloads
Emmanuel Otoo
Path Analysis in Soybean Cultivars Grown under Foliar Spraying and Furrow Inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense pp. 137 Downloads
Alan Zuffo, Joacir Júnior, Wéverson Fonseca, Everton Zambiazzi, Augusto Oliveira, Scheila Guilherme, Alan Mendes, Sérgio Godinho, Flaviane Ribeiro and André Pinto
Growth and Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in Physalis angulata L. at Two Different Periods in the Bahia Reconcavo, Brazil pp. 145 Downloads
Claudia de Abreu, Manuela de Souza, Fabrício Miranda, Torben Grael Rodrigues and Fabio Dias
Determinants of Milk Market Participation and Volume of Sales to Milk Collection Centres of the Smallholder Dairy Value Chain in Zimbabwe pp. 156 Downloads
Tafireyi Chamboko, Emmanuel Mwakiwa and Prisca Mugabe
Water Relations and Gas Exchanges of West Indian Cherry under Salt Stress and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Doses pp. 168 Downloads
Francisco Sã¡, Hans Gheyi, Geovani Lima, Emanoela Paiva, Pedro Fernandes, Romulo Moreira, Luderlândio Silva and Miguel Neto
Magonia pubescens (Sapindaceae) Seed Oil: Physical and Chemical Properties, Fatty Acid Profile and Biodiesel Production pp. 178 Downloads
Juliana Rocha, Elytania Menezes, Francine Fonseca, Murilo Brandão, Kamylla Santos, Dario Oliveira, Afrânio Melo Júnior and Vanessa Royo
Trinexapac-Ethyl Causes Stimulatory Effect on the Initial Growth of Eucalyptus urograndis Clones pp. 189 Downloads
Allan Bacha, Pedro de F. R. Martins, Willians Carrega, Pedro Alves and Rinaldo Paula
Germination of Pomegranate Seeds under Sarcotesta Extraction Methods and Drying pp. 198 Downloads
Deived U. de Carvalho, Maria A. da Cruz, Elisete A. F. Osipi, Jethro Osipe, Ronan C. Colombo, Jéssica Marinho, Maria A. F. Sorace and Conceição A. Cossa
Essential Oils in the Diet of Crossbred (½ Angus vs. ½ Nellore) Bulls Finished in Feedlot on Animal Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Characteristics pp. 205 Downloads
Dayane Rivaroli, Rodolpho do Prado, Mariana Ornaghi, Camila Mottin, Tatiane Ramos, Ana Barrado, André Jorge and Ivanor do Prado
Quality of Yellow Bell Pepper Fruits Cultivated in Fertilized Soil with Yellow Water and Cassava Wastewater pp. 213 Downloads
J. Ramos, M. T. do Nascimento, R. Guimarães, M. Pereira, V. Borges, N. de Araujo and J. dos Santos
Chemical Characterization of Soil with Superficial Application of Avian Bed in Succession to Canola Cultivation pp. 220 Downloads
A. G. C. C. Daronch, T. Chiapetti, L. Rinaldi, J. Barbosa, G. Ritter, M. Rocha, M. Abade, C. Hendges, G. Mascarello, C. Lubian, M. Javorski and I. Perego
Mineral and Metal Levels in Brown Sugar from Organic and Conventional Production Systems pp. 226 Downloads
Paulo Luchini, Silvia Bettani, Marta Bernardi and Maria Borges
Study of Heat Treatment in Processing of Pumpkin Puree (Cucurbita moschata) pp. 234 Downloads
L. C. O. Santos, Vanessa Simão, Júlia Almeida, Ana Carolina Moura de Sena Aquino, Eduardo Carasek and Edna Regina Amante
Seasonal Effects on Starch Contents Evaluated in Cassava Roots pp. 244 Downloads
Genilso Proença, Carla Schmidt and José Airton Santos
Viability of Biofertilizer Produced by an Indian Biodigester Prototype Applied to Sunflower Plants pp. 253 Downloads
Luciano Moura, Pedro Teixeira, Franklin Gondim, Francisco Nunes Junior, Rifandreo Barbosa, Julyanne Arruda, Daniel Albiero and Auzuir Alexandria
Response of Growth and Yield Components of Sweet Pepper to Tow Different Kinds of Fertilizers under Green House Conditions in Jordan pp. 265 Downloads
Hussein Alhrout
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 10 pp. 273 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 9, 2017

Low Temperature Storage and in vitro Pollen Germination of Selected Spring Wheat Accessions pp. 1 Downloads
Bahram Baninasab, Mirko Tabori, Junjie Yu, Yuxue Zhang, Xuelian Wang, Ian Deschiffart and Shahrokh Khanizadeh
Foraging of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) on Flowers of Yellow Melon (Cucumis melo): Duration of Visits pp. 7 Downloads
Márcia Ribeiro, Eva M. S. Silva, Lúcia H. P. Kiill, Katia M. M. Siqueira, Mara P. Silva and Márcia S. Coelho
Towards the Selection of Superior Sesame Lines Based on Genetic and Phenotypic Characterisation for Uganda pp. 13 Downloads
Walter Okello-Anyanga, Karin Hansel-Hohl, Agnes Burg, Stephan Gaubitzer, Patrick Rubaihayo, Johann Vollmann, Paul Gibson, Silvia Fluch and Eva Sehr
Silage of Marandu Grass with Levels of Stylo Legume Treated or Not with Microbial Inoculant pp. 36 Downloads
Joao P. Rigueira, Odilon Pereira, Karina Ribeiro, Sebastião Filho, Andréia Cezário, Vanessa da Silva and Mariele Agarussi
Planting Dates and Harvesting Stages Influence on Maize Yield under Rain-Fed Conditions pp. 43 Downloads
Dolapo Akinnuoye-Adelabu and Albert Modi
Codon Usage Bias of the Wheat Flower Development Gene WAG-2 and Other AGAMOUS Group Genes pp. 56 Downloads
Wenhan Hu and Shuhong Wei
Effect of the Cymbopogon citratus Infusion on the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme and on the Redox Profile in Farmers’ Erythrocytes pp. 68 Downloads
Natacha Mori, Roberta Horn, Caroline Oliveira, Gabriela Gelatti, Jonatas Klafke, Ana Tissiani, Viviane Deuschle, Cecília Possenti and Bruna Tomazetti Micheloti
Sensory Profile and Chemical Composition of Specialty Coffees from Matas de Minas Gerais, Brazil pp. 78 Downloads
L. Fassio, M. Malta, G. Liska, S. Alvarenga, M. Sousa, T. Farias and R. Pereira
Distribution of Phosphorus Fractions down the Soil Depth in the Savanna Zone of Nigeria pp. 94 Downloads
A. O. Ojo, V. O. Aduramigba-Modupe, O. D. Adeoyolanu, O. A. Denton, A. O. Oyedele, A. O. Tayo-Aruna and I. O. Fademi
Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity from Bromelia macambira Seeds pp. 103 Downloads
Ana Beatryz Suzuki, Douglas Bertocelli, Guilherme Alves, Maurício Osawa, Gianne Stulzer, Josemeyre da Silva and Ricardo Faria
Performance, Carcass Percentage, and Production Cost for Awassi Lambs Fed High Energy Diet for Short Fattening Period pp. 108 Downloads
Mysaa Ata, Fatima Al-Lataifeh and Mohammad Altarawneh
Digestible Protein Requirement of Pirarucu Juveniles (Arapaima gigas) Reared in Outdoor Aquaculture pp. 114 Downloads
F. O. Magalhães Júnior, M. J. M. Santos, I. B. Allaman, I. J. Soares Junior, R. F. Silva and L. G. T. Braga
Development of Plants in Combination of Products Associated with the Inoculation in the Soybeans Seeds Treatment pp. 123 Downloads
Everton Zambiazzi, Adriano Bruzi, Frederico Silva, Eric Silva, Alan Zuffo, Scheila Guilherme, Fiorita Monteiro, Alan Mendes, Antonio Carvalho and Maria Carvalho
Beet Crop under Different Fertilization and Nitrogen Fertigation in Protected Environment pp. 131 Downloads
Vitoria Borges, Rigoberto Matos, Jailton Ramos, Patricia Silva, Thiago Sobrinho, Jose Neto and Maria Farias
Evaluation of the Addition of Urea or Calcium Oxide (CaO) on the Recovery of Dry Matter of the By-Product of Sweet Corn Silage pp. 141 Downloads
Dheynne Vieira, Andréia Santos Cezário, Tiago Neves Pereira Valente, Jeferson Corrêa Ribeiro, Wallacy Barbacena Rosa dos Santos and Paulo Rogério Nunes Ferreira
Initial Development and Tolerance of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Cultivars Irrigated with Saline Water pp. 149 Downloads
Francisco Sã¡, Lauter Souto, Emanoela Paiva, Rayane Andrade, Yuri Lima, Fernanda Oliveira, Miguel Ferreira Neto and Rener Ferraz
Off-Season Flower Induction in Mango Fruits Using Ethephon and Potassium Nitrate pp. 158 Downloads
Stephen Maloba, Jane Ambuko, Margaret Hutchinson and Willis Owino
Adoption and Impact of Conservation Agriculture on Smallholder Farmers’ Crop Productivity and Income in Luapula Province, Zambia pp. 168 Downloads
Stanford Nkhoma, Thomson Kalinda and Elias Kuntashula
The Effect of Irrigation Intervals on the Growth and Yield of Quinoa Crop and Its Components pp. 182 Downloads
Abdullah Algosaibi, Ayman Badran, Abdulrahman Almadini and Mohammed El-Garawany
Comparison of Response of Canola (Brassica napus L. cv Hyola 401) to Biofertilizer Inoculation in Optimal and Delayed Cropping Dates pp. 192 Downloads
Esmaeil Yasari
Comparative Assessment of Women Involvement in Farming and Family Life in Rural Parts of Nigeria pp. 201 Downloads
L. O. Ogunsumi, Victor A. Adeyeye and F. B. Fato
Maximizing Yields, Nutrient Uptake and Balance for Mustard-Mungbean-T. Aman Rice Cropping Systems through Nutrient Management Practices in Calcareous Soils pp. 210 Downloads
M. Quddus, M. J. Abedin Mian, H. M. Naser, M. A. Hossain and S. Sultana
Crossability Studies among Twenty Accessions of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) pp. 230 Downloads
J. Kwofie, H. M. Amoatey, W. Nunekpeku, J. K. Ahiakpa and C. Katsepor
Qualitative Characterization of Archachatina marginata Varieties in the Derived Savannah Zone of Ogun State, Nigeria pp. 237 Downloads
F. A. Aluko, E. A. Adesina, A. M. Akanji, A. M. Ogungbesan, E. S. Apata and G. A. Adeleke
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 9 pp. 241 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 8, 2017

Characterization of Northern Spring Flax as a Winter Crop for Southeast Texas pp. 1 Downloads
Abdul Mohammed, Leon Holgate and Lee Tarpley
Production, Forage Quality, and Performance of Holstein Cows under Intermittent Grazing on Tifton 85 pp. 11 Downloads
Valdevino da Silva, Kátia Aparecida Costa, Marco Antônio da Silva, Edmar Nicolau, Victor da Silva, Wender de Souza, Ruthele do Carmo and Eduardo Brandstetter
Exploring Wheat Value Chain Focusing on Market Performance, Post-Harvest loss, and Supply Chain Management in Ethiopia: The Case of Arsi to Finfinnee Market Chain pp. 22 Downloads
Tadesse Amentae, Tura Hamo, Girma Gebresenbet and David Ljungberg
Determination of Major and Minor Elements in Maltese Sheep, Goat and Cow Milk Using Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry pp. 43 Downloads
Ritianne Spiteri and Everaldo Attard
Preweaning Calf Survival of a Nellore Beef Cattle Population pp. 51 Downloads
Jairo Azevedo Junior, Juliana Petrini, Gerson Mourão and José Bento Ferraz
Categorical Visual Score Traits of a Nellore Beef Cattle Population pp. 63 Downloads
Jairo Azevedo Junior, Juliana Petrini, Gerson Mourão and José Bento Ferraz
Brief Overview of Sweet Sorghum Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beam pp. 74 Downloads
Xicun Dong, Wenjian Li, Ruiyuan Liu and Wenting Gu
Impact of Mustard Seed Meal Applications on Direct-Seeded Cucurbits and Weed Control pp. 81 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Rick Boydston and James Shrefler
Synthesis of DEAE-Soybean Starch Microspheres for Adhere Animal Cell Culture pp. 91 Downloads
Lei Zhang, Mingsheng Li, Zhongren Ma and Yuping Feng
Genetic Characterisation and Diversity Assessment of Potato Genotypes Using SSR Markers pp. 99 Downloads
Prossy Namugga, Julia Sibiya, Rob Melis and Alex Barekye
Effect of Nitrification Inhibitor and Cutting Heights on Degradability of Pearl Millet pp. 106 Downloads
Daniel Corrêa, Aldi França, Roberto Magalhães, Emmanuel Arnhold, Adesvaldo Silva-Junior and Leonardo Oliveira
Resistance of New Strawberry Genotypes to the Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) pp. 119 Downloads
Fernanda Esteca, Camila Dainese, Luis Rodrigues, André Lourenção, Francisco Passos and Gilberto Moraes
Socio-Economic Characteristics of Farming Community and Food Security Situation in Punjab, Pakistan pp. 130 Downloads
Bushra Pervaiz, Ninghui Li, Muhammad Qasim Manzoor and Muhammad Yaseen
Economic and Productive Assessment of an Ordinary Small-Sized Dairy Enterprise in Southeast Brazil: A Multi-Year Study pp. 143 Downloads
Severino Villela, Leandro Assis, Marcos Lopes, Luiz Silvestre, Roseli Santos, Elton Resende and Paulo Martins
Changes in Soluble Sugar Accumulation and Activities of Sucrose-Metabolizing Enzymes during Fruit Ripening of Jackfruit pp. 155 Downloads
Ying-zhi Li, Xiao-qiang Duan, Sheng-hui Liu, Ying Li, Xing-hai Zhang and Chun-hai Ye
Resistance Evaluation of the Acerola (Malphigia emarginata D.C.) Seed to Compression pp. 167 Downloads
A. Neto, Marcos Irmão, J. P. Alencar Junior and R. M. Carneiro
The Use of Constant Market Share (CMS) Model to Assess Brazil Nut Market Competitiveness pp. 174 Downloads
Giovanna Aguiar, João da Silva, José Frega, Lorena de Santana and Jaqueline Valerius
Comparison of the Postharvest Characteristics of Mango Fruits Produced under Contrasting Agro-Ecological Conditions and Harvested at Different Maturity Stages pp. 181 Downloads
Jane Ambuko, Nancy Kemunto, Margaret Hutchinson and Willis Owino
Growth and Molecular Expression of Okra Seeds Interacted with Fourteen Mango Cultivars in Mixed Cropping System pp. 193 Downloads
Ream Marzouk, Salama El-Darier, Mona Mabrouk and Kholod Khattab
Effects of Nitrogen Levels on Anatomy, Growth, and Chlorophyll Content in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Leaves pp. 208 Downloads
Santosh Kumari
Adapatation of Sowing Date for Improving Sorghum Yield in Rainfed Areas in Sudan Using AQUACROP Model pp. 220 Downloads
Mohammed Alshikh, Hassn Ibrahim M., Salah Salih, Ali Hussien Kadhim and Khalid Abd Almageed M.
The Genotypic and Phenotypic Basis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars for Irrigation-Based Production in Ethiopia pp. 229 Downloads
Nigusie Girma, Asnake Fikre and Chris O. Ojiewo
Assessing the Suitability of Agro-Waste from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches as Quality Eco-Composite Boards pp. 237 Downloads
Razak Wahab, Mohd Rasat, Hashim W. Samsi, Mohd Tamizi Mustafa and Siti Don
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 8 pp. 248 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 7, 2017

Impact of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as an Amendment on the Physical Properties, Nutrient Content and Seedling Growth of a Certified Organic Greenhouse Growing Media pp. 1 Downloads
Charles Webber, Paul White, Douglas Spaunhorst and Eric Petrie
Brewer’s Spent Grains Protects against Oxidative DNA Damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae pp. 12 Downloads
Manuela Moreira, Daniel Carvalho, Rui Oliveira, Björn Johansson and Luís Guido
14-3-3 Lambda Protein Affects Anthocyanin Production in Arabidopsis thaliana during Drought Stress pp. 22 Downloads
Fizal Nabbie, Jordan Smith, Serhiy Hnatyshyn, Bethanne Warrack, Huidong Gu, Daniel Merenich, Kenneth Myers and Bela Peethambaran
Occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Helminthosis in Santa Ines Sheep under Dry and Rainy Season pp. 39 Downloads
Bueno Abreu, Carlos Syllas Luz, Ronaldo Santos, Marcelo Oliveira, Geraldo Carvalho, Leonardo Farias, Severino Sousa Júnior and Karina Santos
Proximate Composition, Amino and Fatty Acid Profiles and Element Compositions of Four Different Moringa Species pp. 46 Downloads
T. Stadtlander and K. Becker
A Comparative Study on Root Traits of Spring and Winter Canola (Brassica napus L.) under Controlled and Water Stressed Conditions pp. 58 Downloads
Muhammad Arif Uz Zaman and Mukhlesur Rahman
Suppressive Effects of Puerariae Radix on the Breast Tumor Incidence in Rats Treated with DMBA pp. 68 Downloads
Chien-Hung Chen, Szu-Hsien Wu, Yang-Ming Tseng, Jia-Bin Liao, Hsiao-Ting Fu, Shih-Meng Tsai and Li-Yu Tsai
Histochemical Screening of Leaves Compared to in situ and in vitro Calluses of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq pp. 80 Downloads
Luciana Dantas, Anielly Melo, Paulo Pereira, Lucas Souza, Sebastião Vasconcelos Filho and Fabiano Silva
In vitro Assessment of the Antioxidant Effect of Cunila microcephala Benth Infusion (Poejo) on Erythrocytes from Individuals with HIV/AIDS pp. 97 Downloads
Roberta Horn, Natacha Mori, Juliana de Oliveira, Paulo Moreira, Janaina Coser, Janice Zanella, Diego Golle, Gabriela Gelatti and Rodrigo Salazar
Determinants of Inlet Choices of Sheep and Goats Traders in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi and Tamale pp. 105 Downloads
Fallah Kassoh, Jusufu Abdulai, Osman Nabay and Rebecca Bockarie
Effect of Egg Size on Hatchability and Subsequent Growth Performance of Fayoumi Chicken pp. 116 Downloads
Ewonetu Kebede Senbeta
Bioactivity of Indigenous Medicinal Plants against the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae pp. 123 Downloads
E. Hammad, M. Akkary, N. Saliba, M. Farran and S. Talhouk
Effect of Organic Manures on Nutrient Uptake and Seed Quality of Sesame pp. 135 Downloads
Paul Anguria, George Chemining’wa, Richard Onwonga and Michael Ugen
Animal Performance with and without Supplements in Mombaça Guinea Grass Pastures during Dry Season pp. 145 Downloads
Itânia Araújo, Gelson Difante, Valéria Euclides, Denise Montagner and Rodrigo Gomes
Meat Quality of Dairy Steers Fed Mesquite Pod Meal in Semi-Arid pp. 155 Downloads
Marina Almeida, Evaristo J. Souza, Antonia Sherlânea Véras, Marcelo Ferreira, Thaysa Torres, Edwilka Cavalcante, Ewerton Ivo Lima and Alisson Silva
Mesquite Extract as Phytogenic Additive to Improve the Nutrition of Sheep pp. 164 Downloads
Renato Alves Júnior, Evaristo Jorge Souza, Airon Aparecido Melo, Dulciene Karla Silva, Thaysa Torres, Gerfesson Felipe Perreira, Camila Silva and José Ricardo Silva
Viability and Dormancy of Rice Seeds after Storage and Pre-Treatment with Dry Heat and Chemical Agents pp. 175 Downloads
Yvonne Mutinda, James Muthomi, John Kimani, George Cheminigw’wa and Florence Olubayo
Farmers’ Perspective on Sociological and Environmental Issues of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: A Case Study from Western and Southern Regions of Sierra Leone pp. 186 Downloads
Osman Nabay, Abdul Conteh, Alusaine Samura, Emmanuel Hinckley and Mohamed Kamara
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Grain Yield, Nitrogen Uptake Efficiency, and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars in Eastern Ethiopia pp. 202 Downloads
Nano Daba
Ameliorating Plant Available Water by Addition of Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Sludge on Entisols pp. 218 Downloads
Mohd Nizar Khairuddin, Isharudin Md Isa, Abd Jamil Zakaria and Syahrizan Syahlan
Field Evaluation and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Detection of Potato Leaf Roll Virus, Potato Virus X and Potato Virus Y in Potato Germplasm pp. 229 Downloads
Romana Anjum, M. Aslam Khan, Kolawole Olawale and Raheel Baber
Effect of Moringa olifera Leaf Extract on Growth and Productivity of Three Cereal Forages pp. 236 Downloads
Awad Abusuwar and Refaat Abohassan
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 7 pp. 244 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 6, 2017

Above Ground Drip Application Practices Alter Water Productivity of Malbec Grapevines under Sustained Deficit pp. 1 Downloads
Krista Shellie
Alkaloids in White Lupin and Their Effects on Symbiotic N Fixation pp. 13 Downloads
Kristina Staples, Anwar Hamama, Regina Knight-Mason and Harbans Bhardwaj
Evaluation of Potential for Ethanol Production from Rice Straw Using Satellite Data pp. 22 Downloads
Chiharu Hongo, Eisaku Tamura, I. G. A. A. Ambarawati, I. Made Anom Wijaya and A. A. A. Mirah Adi
Conservation Tillage Practices Optimizes Root Distribution and Straw Yield of Spring Wheat and Field Pea in Dry Areas pp. 37 Downloads
Stephen Yeboah, Shirley Lamptey, Renzhi Zhang and LingLing Li
An Assessement of Paddy Production System in Central Kenya with Special Reference to Micronutrients pp. 49 Downloads
Caroline Kundu, Masaya Ishii, Kuniaki Sato, Raphael Wanjogu, Daigo Makihara, Akira Yamauchi and Tsugiyuki Masunaga
SCAR Marker for the A Genome of Bananas (Musa spp. L.) Supports Lack of Differentiation between the A and B Genomes pp. 64 Downloads
Lloyd Mabonga and Michael Pillay
The Common Agricultural Policy and the Increased Competitiveness of Spanish Regional Agriculture pp. 74 Downloads
Silvia González-Moralejo and Francisco Sanchís
Pearl Millet: A Green Bridge for Lepidopteran Pests pp. 92 Downloads
Bruna Favetti, Thaís Braga-Santos, Angélica Massarolli, Alexandre Specht and Alessandra Butnariu
Effects of Organic Residues on Soil Properties and Sesame Water Use Efficiency pp. 98 Downloads
Paul Anguria, George Chemining’wa, Richard Onwonga and Michael Ugen
Decomposition and Nutrient Release of Selected Cereal and Legume Crop Residues pp. 108 Downloads
Paul Anguria, George Chemining’wa, Richard Onwonga and Michael Ugen
Impact of Taxation on Price Formation in Agricultural Markets: Example from Antalya Greenhouse Production pp. 120 Downloads
C. Sayin, Rahmiye Ceylan, Makbul Yelboga, Meral Ozalp, Eda Ilbasmis and Oya Sav
Proteomics Analysis of Photo-Thermo-Sensitive Male Sterility Wheat Line BNS during Its Thermosensitive Period pp. 131 Downloads
Wang Xiuqin, Yu Song, Wang Yue, Weidong Zhang and Gao Qingrong
Inheritance Pattern of Earliness and Yield Related-Traits in Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) pp. 142 Downloads
A. Elakhdar, T. Kumamaru, M. Abd El-Aty, Kh. Amer, I. Eldegwy, I. Elakhdar and M. Noaman
Natural Fecundity and Germination Characteristics of Selected Cyclopia (Honeybush) Species: Preliminary Findings pp. 154 Downloads
Mlamuli Motsa, Cecilia Bester, Margaretha Slabbert, Mzabalazo Ngwenya and Mardé Booyse
Cost Analysis of Corn Cultivation in the Setup of the Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration System to Recover Degraded Pastures pp. 168 Downloads
Carlos Rocha de Moraes Rego, Victor Ribeiro Reis, Alcido Wander, Ilka Cantanhêde, Joaquim Costa, Luciano Muniz, Bruna Costa and Juan López de Herrera
Selection of Superior Genotypes in 37 Clones of Camu-Camu by Repetitivity Analysis pp. 175 Downloads
Mario Pinedo Panduro, Edvan Chagas, Elvis Davila, Carlos Rodriguez, Ricardo Lozano, Pollyana Chagas and Valdinar Melo
Sowing Dates and Soybean Cultivars Influence Seed Yield, Oil and Protein Contents in Subtropical Environment pp. 188 Downloads
Clovis Junior, Jackson Kawakami, Kélin Schwarz, Renan Umburanas, Murilo Del Conte and Marcelo Müller
Kinetics of Mango Fruits (Mangifera indica cv. ‘Nam Dok Mai Si Thong’) Quality Changes during Storage at Various Temperatures pp. 199 Downloads
Duangjai Noiwan, Panuwat Suppakul, Adisak Joomwong, Jamnong Uthaibutra and Pornchai Rachtanapun
Evaluation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Genotypes for Horticultural Characteristics on the Upland in Southern Sierra Leone pp. 213 Downloads
Salia Kanneh, Dan Quee, Patrick Ngegba and Peter Musa
Optimization Design and Simulation for Pricking Mechanism of Off-Centre Embedded Seed Metering Device pp. 221 Downloads
Mutong Li, Fujun Zhou, Tianyu Li and Yuan Wei
Development of Disease and Growth on Six Scion/Rootstock Combinations of Citrus Seedlings under Huanglongbing Pressure pp. 229 Downloads
Sri Widyaningsih, Sri Utami, Tri Joko and Siti Subandiyah
Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Wild Rice of Eastern India Using SSR Markers pp. 239 Downloads
Rosalin Swain, Shibani Mohapatra, Pritesh Roy, D. Swain, O. N. Singh, J. Meher, S. K. Dash, G. J. N. Rao and H. N. Subudhi
Improvement in Durability of Oil Heat Treated 16-Year-Old Acacia mangium in Laboratory Tests pp. 251 Downloads
R. Wahab, I. N. S. Ahmad Mazalan, M. T. Mustafa, A. R. Mojiol and M. S. Rasat
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 6 pp. 260 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 5, 2017

Food Sovereignty: The Case and the Space for Community Led Agricultural Autonomy within the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition pp. 1 Downloads
Robert Burdock and Peter Ampt
Assessment of Himalayan Nettle (Girardinia diversifolia) Value Chain Development Interventions: Evidences from Rural Households in the Far Western Nepal pp. 19 Downloads
Ghulam-Muhammad Shah, Manbar Khadka, Farid Ahmad, Nandakaji Budhathoki and Anu Shrestha
Coexistence in Oilseed Rape: Effect of Donor Variety Type and Discarding Field Edges pp. 33 Downloads
Maren Langhof and Gerhard Rühl
Variation in Nutritional Composition of Australian Mungbean Varieties pp. 45 Downloads
Daniel Skylas, Christopher Blanchard and Ken Quail
Social Behavior and Productive and Stress Parameters in Holstein Steers Fattened in Three Contrasting Production Systems pp. 54 Downloads
Oscar Blumetto, Andrea Ruggia, Jessica Pyñeyrúa and Aranzazu García
Evaluation of the Composition of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Fourteen Apricot Varieties of North India pp. 66 Downloads
Sajad Wani, Peerzada Hussain, Farooq Masoodi, Mukhtar Ahmad, Touseef Wani, Adil Gani, Sarver Rather and Prashant Suradkar
Trace Metal Distribution and Mobility in Soils after Silvicultural Thinning and Burning pp. 83 Downloads
Ngowari Jaja, Monday Mbila and Yong Wang
Biomass Production and Antioxidative Enzyme Activities of Sunflower Plants Growing in Substrates Containing Sediment from a Tropical Reservoir pp. 95 Downloads
Brennda Braga, Francisco Junior, Rifandreo Barbosa, Paulo Brito, Kaio Martins, Pedro Medeiros and Franklin Gondim
Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Emissions of Newly Developed Rice Varieties pp. 107 Downloads
Seied Taghavi, Teodoro Mendoza, Bart Acero, Tao Li, Sameer Siddiq, Jose Yorobe, Zhikang Li and Jauhar Ali
Adoption Intensity of Inorganic Fertilizers in Maize Production: Empirical Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Ethiopia pp. 124 Downloads
Mengstu Ketema and Degefu Kebede
A Diagnostic Appraisal of Sorghum Farming in Striga Endemic Areas of Eritrea pp. 133 Downloads
Tadesse Yohannes, Kahiu Ngugi, Emmanuel Ariga, Monday Ahonsi, Nasser Yao and Tesfamichael Abraha
A Methodological Proposal Based on Artificial Neural Networks for Evapotranspiration Assessment pp. 142 Downloads
Alberto Mirambell, Clayton Silva, Flavio Barbosa and Celso Ribeiro
An Overview of Wild Edible Fungi Resource Conservation and Its Utilization in Yunnan pp. 158 Downloads
Rong Hua, Zhen Chen and Wen Fu
Axial Pattern Flap from the Caudal Superficial Epigastric Artery for the Correction of Surgical Defects Created by the Resection of Tumors or Traumas in Cats and Dogs: 16 Cases (2012-2015) pp. 170 Downloads
Jorge Castro, Rafael Huppes, Arícia Sprada, Josiane Pazzini, Andrigo Nardi, Thayana Queiroz and Ana Pascoli
Effect of Whole Cottonseed or Protected Fat Dietary Additives on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Beef Cattle: A review pp. 175 Downloads
Erico Lima, Tiago Valente, Roberto Roca, Andreia Cezario, Wallacy Santos, Bruno Deminicis and Jeferson Ribeiro
Influence of Substrate Composition on Beta-Glucans Production and Growth of Ganoderma lucidum pp. 190 Downloads
Katia Atoji-Henrique, Douglas Henrique, Leonardo Glória, Sérgio Mazaro and Maira Casagrande
Biochar of Sawdust Origin in Passion Fruit Seedling Production pp. 200 Downloads
D. Barros, F. Rezende, A. Campos and C. M. Maia
Effects of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Broiler Performance and Carcass Characteristics pp. 208 Downloads
Kátia Cardinal, Mariana de Moraes, Rodrigo Borille, Gustavo Lovato, Marcos Ceron, Lucas Vilella and Andréa Ribeiro
Impact of Management on the Physical Attributes of a Dystrophic Yellow Latosol pp. 217 Downloads
Maryzélia Farias, Carlos Feitosa, Khalil Rodrigues, Liliane Teixeira, Mariléia Furtado and Luisa Parra-Serrano
Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency of Rubber Smallholders in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia pp. 226 Downloads
A. Aliyu, Ismail Latif, Mad Shamsudin and Nolila Nawi
Effect of Vermicompost on Yield and Forage Quality in Intercropping of Maize and Mung pp. 233 Downloads
Parastoo Shadab Niazi, Reza Monaem and Amin Azadi
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 5 pp. 240 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 4, 2017

Echinacea purpurea Extract Affects the Immune System, Global Metabolome, and Gut Microbiome in Wistar Rats pp. 1 Downloads
Chongchong Wang, Yuanlong Hou, Yingfang Lv, Shaoqiu Chen, Xueying Zhou, Rui Zhu, Jingcheng Wang, Wei Jia and Xiaoyan Wang
Resource Collection by Honeybees (Apis mellifera) on Yellow Melon (Cucumis melo) Flowers pp. 15 Downloads
Márcia Ribeiro, Eva Silva, Lúcia Kiill, Katia Siqueira, Márcia Coelho and Mara Silva
The Effect of Live Yeast Supplementation on Beef Cattle Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis pp. 21 Downloads
Everton Sartori, Maria Canozzi, Daniele Zago, Ênio Prates, João Velho and Júlio Barcellos
Mortality and Survival Probability of Female Pigs in Southern European Commercial Breeding Herds pp. 38 Downloads
Satomi Tani, Carlos Piñeiro and Yuzo Koketsu
Skin Grafts Associated with Platelet Rich Plasma and Surgical Sponge - Literature Review pp. 51 Downloads
Josiane Pazzini, Eduardo Serafim, Ricardo Uscategui, Vivian Almeida, Carlos Oliva, Fátima Gärtner, Irina Amorim, Fátima Faria, Alexandra Rêma, Nazilton Filho, Marília Ferreira, Ana Silva, Rafael Huppes, Paola Moraes, João Oliveira and Andrigo De Nardi
Azadirachta indica Reduces Black Sigatoka in East African Highland Banana by Direct Antimicrobial Effects against Mycosphaerella fijiensis without Inducing Resistance pp. 61 Downloads
Alfred Kumakech, Hans. Jørgensen, David Collinge, Richard Edema and Patrick Okori
Innovative Approach for the Use of Huwa-San TR50 in Controlling Cotton Aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover) pp. 77 Downloads
Saleh Alhewairini
Hosts of Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) Native to the Brazilian Amazon pp. 86 Downloads
Cristina Gómez-Moya, Talita Lima, Elisângela Morais, Manoel Gondim and Gilberto De Moraes
Early-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Application Improved Physiological Performances of Sugarcane Seedling and Further Growth in the Dry Land pp. 95 Downloads
Wawan Sulistiono, Taryono Taryono, Prapto Yudono and Irham Irham
Calculation of Agricultural Drain Spacing Taking into Account Regularity of Water Exchange in the Vadose Zone pp. 109 Downloads
I. Nikolskii-Gavrilov, V. V. Pchyolkin, C. Landeros-Sánchez and Montero-Aguirre Saul
Crop Identification by Using Seasonal Parameters Extracted from Time Series Landsat Images in a Mountainous Agricultural County of Eastern Qinghai Province, China pp. 116 Downloads
Xia Zhao, Xingchuan Wang, Guangchao Cao, Kelong Chen, Wenjia Tang and Zhijun Zhang
Seedling Growth and Recovery in Response to Waterlogging of Wheat Cultivars Grown in the Yangtze River Basin of China from Three Different Decades pp. 128 Downloads
Jinfeng Ding, Shengnan Su, Yuxue Zhang, Chunyan Li, Xinkai Zhu and Wenshan Guo
Alleviating Salt Stress in Barley by Use of Plant Growth Stimulants and Potassium Sulfate pp. 136 Downloads
M. S. EL-Sharkawy, T. R. EL-Beshbeshy, S. M. Hassan, E. Mahmoud, N. I. Abdelkader, R. M. Al-Shal and A. Missaoui
Sward Structure and Herbage Accumulation of Massai Guineagrass Pastures Managed According to Pre-Grazing Heights, in the Northeast of Brazil pp. 155 Downloads
João Emerenciano Neto, Gelson Difante, Angela Lana, Nathália Campos, Emmanuel Veras and José Moraes
Genetic Diversity of Moroccan Orobanche crenata Populations Revealed by Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism Markers pp. 164 Downloads
Mounia Ennami, Fatima Briache, Joseph Mansi, Fatima Gaboun, Lamiae Ghaouti, Loubna Belqadi and Rachid Mentag
Physiological Parameters of Pigs Raised with and without Environmental Enrichment pp. 176 Downloads
Carlos Monteiro Luz, Leonardo Farias, José Luiz Araujo Pimenta, Joisiane Santos, Richard de Sousa, Luciana Machado, Leilane Dourado, Geraldo Carvalho and Severino Sousa Júnior
The Efficiency of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Promoting Alfalfa Growth in Acid Soils pp. 186 Downloads
Lei Huang, Yuji He and Yanjun Guo
Control of Postharvest Fungal Rots on Grapes Using Essential Oil of Foeniculum vulgare Mill pp. 205 Downloads
Carine Pedrotti, Rute Ribeiro and Joséli Schwambach
Effect of Different NaCl Concentrations on Germinations Period of Oil Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) Grown in the Black Sea Region pp. 217 Downloads
Volkan Gül, Burcu Dinler and Ufkun Sarisoy
Combining Ability and Gene Action of Tropical Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines under Low and High Nitrogen Conditions pp. 222 Downloads
Mafouasson Noëlle, Kenga Richard, Gracen Vernon, Yeboah Martin, Mahamane Laouali, Tandzi Liliane and Ntsomboh-Ntsefong Godswill
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Its Application Efficiency on Two Local Sorghum Cultivars Sorghum bicolor L. Moench pp. 236 Downloads
Abdulla Muflahi and Ahmed Basuaid
Effect of Packaging Materials and Time Period for Damage in Packaging and Weight Loss in Packed Wheat Flour (Triticum aestivum L.) by Red Flour Beetles Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pp. 242 Downloads
Muhammad Yar, Muhammad Waqar Hassan, Mansoor Ahmad, Farhan Ali and Moazzam Jamil
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 4 pp. 248 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 3, 2017

Preparation of Starch-Based Biodegradable Film and the Application in Agriculture pp. 1 Downloads
Lei Xu, Xizhi Jiang, Yongfu Zhao and Liru Xia
Weaning of Burbot, Lota lota (L.) from Live to Dry Feed Using NaCl as Dietary Attractant pp. 7 Downloads
Franz Lahnsteiner and Manfred Kletzl
Carbon Mineralization in Soils Irrigated with Treated Swine Wastewater pp. 19 Downloads
Sarah Moretti, Edna Bertoncini and Cassio Abreu-Junior
Evidence for Mangrove Restoration in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia, Based on Households’ Willingness to Pay pp. 30 Downloads
Heru Susilo, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe
Genetic Dissection of Stem Water-Soluble Carbohydrates and Agronomic Traits in Wheat under Different Water Regimes pp. 42 Downloads
Khan Nadia, Xiaoping Chang and Ruilian Jing
Farm-Boarding School Management: Linear Programming Contributions in the Search of Self-Sufficiency and Optimization pp. 59 Downloads
Carina Barros, Gabriela Mendonça and Augusto Gameiro
Land Suitability Assessment for Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Production in Kabwe District, Central Zambia pp. 74 Downloads
Prisca Munene, Lydia Chabala and Alice Mweetwa
Aspects of Acidosis in Ruminants with a Focus on Nutrition: A Review pp. 90 Downloads
Tiago Valente, Cláudia Sampaio, Erico da Lima, Bruno Deminicis, Andréia Cezário and Wallacy Santos
Effect of Bio-Rational Approaches on the Larval Population and Pigeonpea Pod Damage by Exelastis atomosa (Wlsm.) pp. 98 Downloads
Paras Nath, R. S. Singh, S. N. Rai and Ram Keval
Profitability Analysis of Small Scale Fishery Enterprise in Nigeria pp. 107 Downloads
Oni Olukunle
Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Fields of the East of Algeria pp. 117 Downloads
Wassila Nadji, Nadir Belbekri, Nadia Ykhlef and Abdelhamid Djekoun
Determinants of Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture: The Case of Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange in Bungoma County, Kenya pp. 128 Downloads
Amos Wawire, Sabina Wangia and Julius Okello
Combining Ability for Drought Tolerance in Upland Rice Varieties at Reproductive Stage pp. 138 Downloads
G. M. Malemba, F. M. Nzuve, J. M. Kimani, M. F. Olubayo and J. W. Muthomi
Genetic Study of Nutritional and Physicochemical Characters of Chickpea Lines and Cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) pp. 151 Downloads
Kaouthar Bayahi and Salah Rezgui
Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.) in Response to Biological and Chemical Fertilizers pp. 160 Downloads
Reza Hajagha, Saliha Kirici, Leila Tabrizi, Ahmad Asgharzadeh and Aydin Hamidi
Different Treatments for Breaking Dormancy of Leucaena Seeds (Leucaena leucocephala) pp. 172 Downloads
Tiago Valente, Erico Lima, Bruno Deminicis, Andréia Cezário, Wallacy Santos, Luana Souza and Vitória Lima
Natural Antioxidant Activity and Compounds Content from Wastes of Euterpe edulis Berries pp. 178 Downloads
Beatriz Frasao, Marion Costa, Bruna Rodrigues, Bruno Lima and Carlos Conte-Junior
Nitrogen Use and Protein Yield of Two Maize Cultivars in Cohesive Tropical Soil pp. 193 Downloads
Georgiana Marques, Alana Aguiar, Vinicius Macedo, Ester Alves and Emanoel Moura
Performance of Vegetable Production and Marketing in Peri-Urban Kumasi, Ghana pp. 202 Downloads
Jusufu Abdulai, Fred Nimoh, Samuel Darko-Koomson and Kassoh Kassoh
Multivariate Analysis for Yield and Its Component Traits in Experimental Maize Hybrids pp. 219 Downloads
Ramesh Kumar, G. K. Chikkappa, S. B. Singh, Ganapati Mukri, J. Kaul, A. K. Das, D. Sravani, D. S. Olakh and D. Bhatia
The Performance of Steers Fed on Sugarcane in natura or Ensiled with Concentrate pp. 226 Downloads
Dheynne Vieira, Andréia Cezário, Wallacy Santos, Jeferson Ribeiro, Tiago Valente, João Rigueira and Kátia Costa
Nutrients Use Efficiency and Uptake Characteristics of Panicum virgatum for Fodder Production pp. 233 Downloads
Kyriakos Giannoulis, Dimitrios Bartzialis, Elpiniki Skoufogianni and Nicholaos Danalatos
Heterosis and Specific Combining Ability in Sweet Corn and Its Correlation with Genetic Similarity of Inbred Lines pp. 245 Downloads
Purwito Yuwono, Rudi Murti and Panjisakti Basunanda
Indicators of Food Security in Various Economies of World pp. 254 Downloads
Jolly Masih, Amita Sharma, Leena Patel and Shruthi Gade
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 3 pp. 263 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 2, 2017

Mycorrhizal Inoculation Increases Growth and Induces Changes in Specific Polyphenol Levels in Olive Saplings pp. 1 Downloads
Nasir Malik, Alberto Nuñez and Lindsay McKeever
Morphological Characteristics, Nutritional Quality, and Bioactive Constituents in Fruits of Two Avocado (Persea americana) Varieties from Hainan Province, China pp. 8 Downloads
Yu Ge, Xiongyuan Si, Jianqiu Cao, Zhaoxi Zhou, Wenlin Wang and Weihong Ma
C-Repeat Binding Factor and Dehydrin Genes are Induced Co-Ordinately in Drought Tolerance Response of Wheat Cultivars pp. 18 Downloads
Csilla Deák, Katalin Jäger, Veronika Nagy, Réka Oszlányi, Beáta Barnabás and István Papp
Auxins Regulations of Branched Spike Development and Expression of TFL, a LEAFY-Like Gene in Branched Spike Wheat (Triticum aestivum) pp. 27 Downloads
Wang Yue, Sun Fulai, Gao Qingrong, Zhang Yanxia, Wang Nan and Zhang Weidong
Community Analysis of Endophytic Bacteria from the Seeds of the Medicinal Plant Panax notoginseng pp. 37 Downloads
Shuai Liu, Dinghua Li, Xiuming Cui, Limei Chen and Hongjuan Nian
Genetic Diversity of Remaining Populations of Mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) in Restingas of Brazil pp. 46 Downloads
Ana Silva, Julie Amorim, Marília Melo, Ana Ledo and Allivia Rabbani
Effect of Acacia angustissima Leaf Meal on the Physiology of Broiler Intestines pp. 53 Downloads
Sharai Ncube, Tinyiko Halimani, Marizvikuri Mwale and Petronella Saidi
Effects of Rainfall and Temperature Oscillations on Maize Yields in Buea Sub-Division, Cameroon pp. 63 Downloads
N. Sounders, Tata Sunjo and Mojoko Mbella
Identification of Resistance Sources to Wheat Stem Rust from Introduced Genotypes in Kenya pp. 73 Downloads
Molly Akello, Felister Nzuve, Florence Olubayo, Godwin Macharia and James Muthomi
Early Screening of Some Kurdistan Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars under Drought Stress pp. 88 Downloads
Nariman Ahmad, Shadia Kareem, Kamil Mustafa and Dastan Ahmad
Manually Produce Clay-Based Housing Materials in Rural Area pp. 104 Downloads
Baixin Wu, Haifeng Yan and Ao Sun
Physicochemical and Sensory Quality of Brown Sugar: Variables of Processing Study pp. 115 Downloads
Raphael Orlandi, Marta Verruma-Bernardi, Simone Sartorio and Maria Borges
Combining Ability and Heterosis of Selected Grain and Forage Dual Purpose Sorghum Genotypes pp. 122 Downloads
Sally Chikuta, Thomas Odong, Fred Kabi and Patrick Rubaihayo
Facile Green Synthetic Route to the Zinc Oxide (ZnONPs) Nanoparticles: Effect on Green Peach Aphid and Antibacterial Activity pp. 131 Downloads
Alaa Ghidan, Tawfiq Al-Antary, Nidá Salem and Akl Awwad
Enhancing the Defensive Mechanism of Lead Affected Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes by Exogenously Applied Salicylic Acid pp. 139 Downloads
Taskeen Arshad, Nazimah Maqbool, Farrukh Javed and Muhammad Arshad
Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Content of Fresh and Freeze-Dried Lepisanthes fruticosa Fruits at Different Maturity Stages pp. 147 Downloads
Mirfat Salahuddin, Zaulia Othman, Joanna Ying, Erny Noor and Salma Idris
Phylogenetic Relationship of Indonesian Water Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) Cultivars Based on DNA Marker Using ITS-rDNA Analysis pp. 154 Downloads
Purnomo Purnomo, Budi Daryono and Hironobu Shiwachi
Lactobacillus plantarum Exopolysaccharides Induce Resistance against Tomato Bacterial Spot pp. 162 Downloads
Juliane Blainski, Argus Neto, Caroline Luiz, Márcio Rossi and Robson Di Piero
Toxicity and Efficacy of Chlorantraniliprole on Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) on Cabbage pp. 180 Downloads
Qi Su, Hong Tong, Jiaxu Cheng, Guohui Zhang, Caihua Shi, Chuanren Li and Wenkai Wang
Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction of Improved Pearl Millet for Grain Yield and Rust Resistance pp. 188 Downloads
G. Lubadde, P. Tongoona, J. Derera and J. Sibiya
Multi Floral Honey Has a Protective Effect against Mammary Cancer Induced by 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene in Sprague Dawley Rats pp. 196 Downloads
Hamed Takruri, Maha Shomaf and Saida Shnaigat
Effect of Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) on Yield and Profitability of Cassava and Gari Production Enterprises in Sierra Leone pp. 205 Downloads
Alusaine Samura, Kepifri Lakoh, Osman Nabay, Sahr Fomba and Joseph Koroma
Biochemical Resistance Traits of Bitter Gourd against Fruit Fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) Infestation pp. 217 Downloads
Paras Nath, A. Pandey, Akilesh Kumar, A. Rai and Hemalatha Palanivel
Antixenosis Studies in Different Genotypes of Bitter Gourd Fruits against the Infestation of Melon Fruit Fly pp. 226 Downloads
Paras Nath, A. Pandey, Akhilesh Kumar and Hemalatha Palanivel
Factors Affecting Farmer’s Chemical Fertilizers Consumption and Water Pollution in Northeastern Iran pp. 234 Downloads
Hosein Mohammadi, Abdolhamid Mohammadi and Solmaz Nojavan
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 2 pp. 242 Downloads
Anne Brown

Volume 9, issue 1, 2016

Effects of Varied Nitrogen Supply and Irrigation Methods on Distribution and Dynamics of Soil NO3-N during Maize Season pp. 1 Downloads
Dongliang Qi and Tiantian Hu
Light Quality Effect on Corn Growth as Influenced by Weed Species and Nitrogen Rate pp. 15 Downloads
Thomas Butts, Joshua Miller, J. Pruitt, Bruno Vieira, Maxwel Oliveira, Salvador Ramirez and John Lindquist
Urea Fertilizer Placement Impacts on Corn Growth and Nitrogen Utilization in a Poorly-Drained Claypan Soil pp. 28 Downloads
Frank Johnson, Kelly Nelson and Peter Motavalli
Hydroponic Minituber Production in Growth Room Conditions and Carry-Over Effects of the Technique on Produced Minitubers pp. 41 Downloads
Elina Virtanen and Jussi Tuomisto
Tissue-Specific Expression Profiling of Seedling Stage in Early-Maturity Mutant Induced by Carbon Ion Beam in Sweet Sorghum pp. 49 Downloads
Xicun Dong, Xia Yan, Wenjian Li, Ruiyuan Liu and Wenting Gu
Comparison of Two Harvest Methods for Lettuce Production in an Aquaponic System pp. 64 Downloads
Gaylynn Johnson, Karen Buzby, Kenneth Semmens and Nicole Waterland
Year-Round Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Production in a Flow-Through Aquaponic System pp. 75 Downloads
Gaylynn Johnson, Karen Buzby, Kenneth Semmens and Nicole Waterland
Maize Response to Nitrogen: Timing, Leaf Variables and Grain Yield pp. 85 Downloads
Adilson Silva, Evandro Schoninger, Paulo Trivelin, Durval Dourado-Neto, Victor Pinto and Klaus Reichardt
Crop Suitability Mapping for Rice, Cassava, and Yam in North Central Nigeria pp. 96 Downloads
Roland Abah and Brilliant Petja
Factors for Culling Risk due to Pregnancy Failure in Breeding-Female Pigs pp. 109 Downloads
Satomi Tani and Yuzo Koketsu
Energy Consumption in Onion and Potato Production within the Province of El Hajeb (Morocco): Towards Energy Use Efficiency in Commercialized Vegetable Production pp. 118 Downloads
Khalil Allali, Boubaker Dhehibi, Shinan Kassam and Aden Aw-Hassan
Determining Optimal Dose of Chemical Fertilizer on Biofortified Bean in Sud-Kivu Highlands pp. 128 Downloads
Casinga Clérisse, Haminosi Ghislain and Cirimwami Legrand
The Tilapia Agrifood-Chain from a Sociopoietic Territorial Approach: A Theoretical Proposal pp. 134 Downloads
Veronica Lango-Reynoso, Juan Reta-Mendiola, Felipe López, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, Katia Figueroa-Rodríguez and Alberto Asiain-Hoyos
Effect of Drip Irrigation on Growth, Physiology, Yield and Water Use of Rice pp. 154 Downloads
Theivasigamani Parthasarathi, Koothan Vanitha, Sendass Mohandass, Eli Vered, Varadaraju Meenakshi, Dharmalingam Selvakumar, Arumugam Surendran and Naftali Lazarovitch
Estimation of Postharvest Quality of “Red Delicious†Apple Fruits Based on Fruit Nutrient Elements Composition pp. 164 Downloads
Mahshid Doryanizadeh, Mahmood Ghasemnezhad and Atefeh Sabouri
Different Methods for Overcoming Integumental Dormancy during in vitro Germination of Red Araza Seeds pp. 174 Downloads
Cassio Freire, João Gardin, César Baratto and Renato Vieira
Isolation, Characterization and Selection of Bacteria that Promote Plant Growth in Grapevines (Vitis sp.) pp. 184 Downloads
Gislaine Biasolo, Daniel Kucmanski, Sabrina Salamoni, João Peterson Gardin, Elisandra Minotto and Cesar Baratto
Lipometabolic Alteration in Mice Feeding Eatable Tissues of Chinese Mitten Crab pp. 195 Downloads
Jun Jing, Wenhui Wu, Xinfeng Xiao, Yu Zhou, Xiaoyu Wang, Shangqiao Chen, Shujun Wang, Yongxu Cheng, Xugan Wu and Bin Bao
Allelopathic effects of Psychotria viridis Ruiz & Pavon on the germination and initial growth of Lactuca sativa L pp. 204 Downloads
Amanda Andrade, Maria A. da Silva, Alison de Oliveira, Marcos dos Santos, Lilian Vandesmet, Maria Generino, Helen Coelho, Hemerson Landim, Ana Mendonça and Natália da Costa
Employing Phenology to Delineate Wheat Agro-Climatic Zones in Afghanistan pp. 218 Downloads
M. Q. Obaidi, Elias Mohmand, M. H. Azmatyar and Rajiv Sharma
Development of Traditional Jordanian Low Sodium Dairy Products pp. 223 Downloads
Moawiya Haddad, Maisa Al-Qudah, Saeid Abu-Romman, Maher Obeidat and Jafar El-Qudah
Book Review: Mason’s World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding pp. 231 Downloads
Francesco Vizzarri
Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 9, No. 1 pp. 234 Downloads
Anne Brown
Page updated 2025-03-28