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Journal of Agricultural Science

2009 - 2025

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Volume 2, issue 4, 2010

Characterizing Fecal and Manure Phosphorus from Pigs Fed Phytase Supplemented Diets pp. 3 Downloads
Stephen Abioye, Dupe Ige, Oluwole Akinremi, Martins Nyachoti and Don Flaten
Preliminary Evaluation of White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) as a Forage Crop in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States of America pp. 13 Downloads
Harbans Bhardwaj, David Starner and Edzard van Santen
Sensory and Physicochemical Qualities of Palm Olein and Sesame Seed Oil Blends during Frying of Banana Chips pp. 18 Downloads
S.M. Abdulkarim, M.W. Myat, Ghazali H.m, K. Roselina and Abbas K.a
Molecular Characterization and Evolutionary Analysis of Alpha-gliadin Genes from Eremopyrum bonaepartis (Triticeae) pp. 30 Downloads
Guangrong Li, Tao Zhang, Yirong Ban and Zujun Yang
Farming Differentiation in the Rural-urban Interface of the Middle Mountains, Nepal: Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Modeling pp. 37 Downloads
Gopal Bhatta and Werner Doppler
Assessing Farm Record Keeping Behaviour among Small-Scale Poultry Farmers in the Ga East Municipality pp. 52 Downloads
Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum, Patrick Appiah and Fred Nimoh
Efficacy of Some Essential Oils on Controlling Powdery Mildew on Zinnia (Zinnia Elegans, L.) pp. 63 Downloads
Hegazi M. A. and El-Kot G. A. N.
Propagation Potentials of Genotypes and Different Physiological Ages of Stem Cuttings in Jatropha curcas L pp. 75 Downloads
A. K. M. Islam, Zahira Yaakob, Nurina Anuar and Mohamad Osman
Influence of Sowing Date on Yields of Fresh-harvested Chickpea pp. 83 Downloads
Hana Badani, Ishay Katzir, David Shemesh, Gavriel Gera, Ran Hovav, Aharon Segev and Shmuel Galili
Effects of Multi-enzyme Feed Additive “Kemzyme†or/and Sodium Bentonite “as a Feed Binder†on Sexual Activity and Some Fertility Parameters of Rabbit Bucks pp. 89 Downloads
Sohair Saleh, Kamal A. Attia, Manal A. Fouad and Maaly M. Nassar
Interrelationship and Path Coefficient Analysis of Some Growth and Yield Characterestics in Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) pp. 100 Downloads
M. A. Muhamman, S. G. Mohammed, A. Lado and M. D. Belel
Plant Growth Promoting Characteristics in Some Flavobacterium spp. Isolated from Soils of Iran pp. 106 Downloads
Ali-Ashraf Soltani, Kazem Khavazi, Hadi Asadi-Rahmani, Mahtab Omidvari, Payman Abaszadeh Dahaji and Hamed Mirhoseyni
The Evaluation of Comprehensive Traits of Sugarcanes Cultivated in and Introduced by Guizhou Province with Grey Relation Degree Analysis pp. 116 Downloads
Jiaju Lu, Lansong Zha and Yicheng Zhang
Yield and Nutritional Value of Swiss Chard Grown for Summer and Autumn Harvest pp. 120 Downloads
Eugeniusz Kolota, Katarzyna Sowinska and Kamila Czerniak
The Moisture Content Effect on Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Corn (Sc 704) pp. 125 Downloads
Mohammad Reza Seifi and Reza Alimardani
Actuality and Problems of the Financial Support of Agricultural Industrialization in Jilin Province pp. 135 Downloads
Su Zhang and Yu Gu
Estimation of the Cellulose Microfibril Angle in Acacia mangium Wood Using Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering pp. 139 Downloads
Tamer A. Tabet and Fauziah Haji Abdul Aziz
Control of Reproduction in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) Using Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis (Linn.) Leaf Meal as Reproduction Inhibitor pp. 149 Downloads
Temitope Jegede
Phenological and Growth Interactions between Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti M.) and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) pp. 155 Downloads
Cortes-Martín J.A., Mendiola-Ubillo M.A. and Castejon-Munoz M.
The Analysis and Predictions of Agricultural Drought Trend in Guangdong Province Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition pp. 170 Downloads
Zhiqing Zheng, Jiusheng Fan, Huiping Liu and Dang Zeng
Estimation of a Mechanization Index in Apple Orchard in Iran pp. 180 Downloads
Raheleh Fadavi, Alireza Keyhani and Seyyed Saied Mohtasebi
mRNA Differential Display of Tea Leavse under Polyethylene Glycol Stress pp. 186 Downloads
Guinian Qi, Jianbing Xia, Shengxiang Chen and Yingjuan Chen
Energy and Economic Evaluation of Farm Operations in Crop Production pp. 191 Downloads
Vivek Khambalkar, Jyoti Pohare, Sachin Katkhede, Dipak Bunde and Shilpa Dahatonde
The Effect of Microwave Treatment on Germination, Vigour and Health of China Aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees.) Seeds pp. 201 Downloads
Feng Han
Child Street - Trading Activities and Its Effect on the Educational Attainment of Its Victims in Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State pp. 211 Downloads
O.R. Ashimolowo, A.K. Aromolaran and S.O. Inegbedion
Biological Control of Powdery Mildew on Zinnia (Zinnia elegans, L) Using Some Biocontrol Agents and Plant Extracts pp. 221 Downloads
Mahmoud Abdelnabi Hegazi and Gabr Abdelwanes El-Kot
Various Hormonal Supplementations Activate Sugarcane Regeneration In-Vitro pp. 231 Downloads
Ghulam Zahra Jahangir, Idrees Ahmad Nasir, Riaz Ahmad Sial, Muhammad Aslam Javid and Tayyab Husnain
Study on the Collaborative and Interactive Development of the Primary Industry and the Tertiary Industry: Empirical Analysis of the Example of Dujiangyan City pp. 238 Downloads
Fuhui Yan and Qizhi Yang
Exploring the Solutions for Overcoming Challenges Facing Peasant Farming System in Iran pp. 244 Downloads
Seyed Abolhasan Sadati
A Study on the Application and Residues of Plant Growth Regulators in the Fruit Sugarcane Grown in the Sub-Suitable Region pp. 254 Downloads
Jiaju Lu, Chaoyun Lei, Lansong Zha, Xiaolang Li, Jing Fang and Wei Zhuang

Volume 2, issue 3, 2010

Trends in Agriculturally-Relevant Rainfall Characteristics for Small-scale Agriculture in Northern Ghana pp. 3 Downloads
Genesis Yengoh, Frederick Armah, Edward Onumah and Justice Odoi
Oxygation Improves Yield and Quality and Minimizes Internal Fruit Crack of Cucurbits on a Heavy Clay Soil in the Semi-arid Tropics pp. 17 Downloads
Surya Bhattarai, Jay Dhungel and David Midmore
Effects of Integrated Plant Nutrient Management (IPNM) Practices on the Sustainability of Maize-based Farming Systems in Nepal pp. 26 Downloads
Tejendra Chapagain and Gam B. Gurung
Empirical Research on the Priority Sequence of Entrepreneurial Factors of Agricultural Scientific Commissioners pp. 33 Downloads
Lei Xu, Xinhong Fu and Jun Li
Frozen Fish Markets and Marketing Problems in Ibadan, Nigeria pp. 39 Downloads
Teslim Bada and M.A.Y. Rahji
Study of Genetic and Phenotypic Variability among Somaclones Induced by BAP and TDZ in Micropropagated Shoot Tips of Banana (Musa spp.) Using RAPD Markers pp. 49 Downloads
Siamak Shirani Bidabadi, Sariah Meon, Zakaria Wahab and Maziah Mahmood
Post Harvest Physical and Nutritional Properties of Two Apple Varieties pp. 61 Downloads
Abbas Gorji Chakespari, Ali Rajabipour and Hossein Mobli
Mineral Composition and Amino Acid Profile of Mono-Culture Fungal Fermented Mango (Mangifera Indica) Kernel Cake pp. 69 Downloads
R.M.O. Kayode and A. Sani
Ascorbic Acid Distribution in Three Introgression Lines of Tomato pp. 75 Downloads
Maria Minutolo, Antonio Di Matteo, Carmine Amalfitano, Antonio Evidente, Luigi Monti and Angela Errico
Assessment of Selected Pea Genotypes Reaction to Ascochyta Blight under Field Conditions and the Impact of Disease Severity on Yield Components pp. 84 Downloads
Lech Boros and Joanna Marcinkowska
Effects of Nitrogen and Calcium Carbonate on Growth, Rosmarinic Acid Content and Yield of Satureja hortensis L pp. 92 Downloads
Mesbah Babalar, Hasan Mumivand, Javad Hadian and Seyed Mohamad Fakhr Tabatabaei
Grain Quality Evaluation and Organoleptic Analysis of Aromatic Rice Varieties of Goa, India pp. 99 Downloads
Shilpa Bhonsle and Krishnan Sellappan
Jiufeng Protected Area Biodiversity Threats Assessment pp. 108 Downloads
Antoine Sambou, Shenggao Cheng, Lei Huang and Charles Nounagnon Gangnibo
A Comparison of the Antioxidant Properties and Total Phenolic Content in a Diatom, Chaetoceros sp. and a Green Microalga, Nannochloropsis sp pp. 123 Downloads
Su-Hua Goh, Fatimah Md Yusoff and Su Peng Loh
Effect of Mg Deficiency on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities and Lipid Peroxidation pp. 131 Downloads
Ezatollahe Esfandiari, Majid Shokrpour and Siamak Alavi-Kia
Influence of Cellulolytic Bacterial Augmentation on Organic Carbon and Available Phosphorus in Sandy Loam Soil under Cultivation pp. 137 Downloads
Machiavelli Singh, Suneel Khanna and Tejo Prakash Nagaraja
The Utilization of Insect-resources in Chinese Rural Area pp. 146 Downloads
Chuanhui Yi, Qiuju He, Lin Wang and Rongping Kuang
Testing and Analysis of Drinking Water Quality in the Rural Areas of High-tech District in Tai’an City pp. 155 Downloads
Wu-yuan Jia, Chuan-rong Li, Kun Qin and Lin Liu
Market Delineation Study of the Fish Market in Nigeria: An Application of Cointegration Analysis pp. 158 Downloads
Teslim Bada and M.A.Y. Rahji
Screenhouse Assessment of Reaction of Fluted Pumpkin, Telfairia Occidentalis Hook F. to Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita pp. 169 Downloads
N. B. Izuogu, E.E.a Oyedunmade and J.O. Babatola
Study on Factors Affecting Performance of Non-profit Organizations in the Participatory Working Methods pp. 174 Downloads
Haixia Zhang and Tianhui Zhuang
Effect of Kemzyme - Bentonite Co-supplementation on Cecal Fermentation and Metabolic Pattern in Rabbit pp. 183 Downloads
M. A. Abdl-Rahman, F. A. R. Sawiress and Sohair Y. Saleh
Medicinal Plant Diversity and Vegetation Analysis of Logged over Hill Forest of Tekai Tembeling Forest Reserve, Jerantut, Pahang pp. 189 Downloads
Norhajar Eswani, Kamziah Abd Kudus, M. Nazre, A.G. Awang Noor and M. Ali
Digestible Lysine Requirement of Liuzhou Mahua Broilers at Different Growth Stages pp. 211 Downloads
Gang Jia, Ying Wang, Qiuhong Deng, Kangning Wang and Xiongxian Guo
Growth Indices and Grain Yield Attributes in Six Maize Cultivars Representing Two Era of Maize Breeding in Nigeria pp. 218 Downloads
Folusho Adebo and Gbadebo Olaoye
Evaluation of Sorghum-Cowpea Intercrop Productivity in Savanna Agro-ecology using Competition Indices pp. 229 Downloads
Tajudeen Oseni
Effects of Treated Municipal Wastewater on Soil Chemical Properties and Heavy Metal Uptake by Sorghum (sorghum bicolor L.) pp. 235 Downloads
Mohammad Galavi, Abbas Jalali, Mahmmod Ramroodi, Sayed Roholla Mousavi and Hadi Galavi
Role of Fluorescent Pseudomonads Siderophore to Increase Bean Growth Factors pp. 242 Downloads
Mahtab Omidvari, Roh Allah Sharifi, Masoud Ahmadzadeh and Payman Abaszadeh Dahaji
An Evaluation of Farmers’ Participation in Afforestation Programme in Kogi State, Nigeria pp. 248 Downloads
O.J. Saliu, Alao J.s and T Oluwagbemi
Analysis on Characteristics of Effective Agricultural Land System in China after the Founding of PRC pp. 258 Downloads
Xin Shang and Shanshuo Zhao
Sunflower Seed and Oil Yield Performance of Different Varieties Under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions at Pantnagar (Uttranchal) in India pp. 259 Downloads
Om Singh, P. C. Gupta and Ananya Singh
Grain Yield and Oil Quality of Sunflower Varieties on Government Farms Under Rainfed and Irrigated Situations as of Rabi and Kharif Seasons in Southern India pp. 264 Downloads
Om Singh, P. C. Gupta and Ananya Singh

Volume 2, issue 2, 2010

A Modelling Framework for Assessing Adaptive Management Options of Finnish Agrifood Systems to Climate Change pp. 3 Downloads
Heikki Lehtonen, Reimund Rötter, Taru Palosuo, Tapio Salo, Janne Helin, Yulia Pavlova and Helena Kahiluoto
Agricultural Contamination of Subterranean Water with Nitrates and Nitrites: An Environmental and Public Health Problem pp. 17 Downloads
Itzel Galaviz-Villa, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Ma del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez, Juan P. Martínez-Dávila, Arturo Pérez-Vázquez, Iourii Nikolskii-Gavrilov and Fabiola Lango-Reynoso
Estimation of Irrigation Water Demand for Barley in Iran: The panel Data Evidence pp. 31 Downloads
Ahmad Sadeghi, Mohd Ghazali B Mohayidin, Md. Ariff Bin Hussein and Jalal Attari
Genetic Polymorphism between Tobacco Cultivar-groups Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis pp. 41 Downloads
Jessada Denduangboripant, Tianrat Piteekan and Matchima Nantharat
Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Levels on Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Growth and Photosynthesis under Nutrient Solution pp. 49 Downloads
Md. Hossain, Mohamed Hanafi Musa, Jamal Talib and Hamdan Jol
Cloning of 3’ End cDNA of Ascorbate Peroxidase Gene from Fragaria × ananassa cv. Toyonaka pp. 58 Downloads
Yanxia Hou, Haoru Tang, Yong Zhang and Qing Chen
Mapping QTLs Related to Plant Height and Root Development of Eragrostis tef under Drought pp. 62 Downloads
Hewan Degu and Tatsuhito Fujimura
Sp-method: A Quantified Ecological Approach for Assessing Potential pp. 73 Downloads
Lu Bu, Yang Jin-zhong, Hao Jian-ping, Zhou Dian-xi and Wang Shu-an
Determining and Mapping of Vegetation using GIS and Phytosociological Approach in Mount Tahan, Malaysia pp. 80 Downloads
Mohd Hasmadi Ismail
Modified Starches and Their Usages in Selected Food Products: A Review Study pp. 90 Downloads
K. Abbas, Sahar K. Khalil and Anis Shobirin Meor Hussin
Breaking Seed Dormancy: Revisiting Heat-treatment Duration on Germination and Subsequent Seedling Growth of Oil Palm (EIaeis guineensis Jacq.) Progenies pp. 101 Downloads
Nicolas Fondom, Culbertson E. Etta and Afui M. Mih
Research on the Tail Dependence of Agriculture Listed Companies pp. 111 Downloads
Pei-song Mu and Xun-gang Zheng
Gametoclonal and Somaclonal Variation among Head Cabbage Androgenic Lines of R1 and R2 Generations Obtained from Jaguar F1 Hybrid pp. 119 Downloads
Piotr Kaminski
Study of Behavior of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) to Relative Turgidity, Diffusion Pressure Deficit and Transpiration Intensity under Arid Conditions of Western Rajasthan pp. 129 Downloads
Pankaj Swami, Shamindra Saxena and Suman Lata Tripathi
Income and Calorie Intake among Farming Households in Rural Nigeria: Results of Parametric and Nonparametric Analysis pp. 135 Downloads
Raphael Babatunde, Adedeji Adejobi and Segun Fakayode
Screw Conveyors Power and Throughput Analysis during Horizontal Handling of Paddy Grains pp. 147 Downloads
Hemad Zareiforoush, Mohammad Komarizadeh, Mohammad Alizadeh and Mahdi Masoomi
An Analysis on Total Factor Productivity and Influencing Factors of Soybean in China pp. 158 Downloads
Mingming Liu and Dongmei Li
Wheat Production in India: Technologies to Face Future Challenges pp. 164 Downloads
Rajbir Yadav, S S Singh, Neelu Jain, Gyanendra Singh and Prabhu Kv
In vitro Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation Efficiency by Fumaric acid – Bentonite Coupled Addition as an Alternative to Antibiotics pp. 174 Downloads
M. A. Abdl-Rahman
Micropropagation of Nerium Oleander through the Immature Pods pp. 181 Downloads
T. Soundararajan and C.M. Karrunakaran
Studies on the Potential Ecological Risk and Homology Correlation of Heavy Metal in the Surface Soil pp. 194 Downloads
Haiyuan Qiu
Rehabilitation of Artisanal Mining Gold Land in West Lombok, Indonesia: 2. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Status of Tailings and Surrounding Soils pp. 202 Downloads
B. Prasetyo, B. Dewi Krisnayanti, Wani Utomo and C.W.N. Anderson
Research Progress in Biological Package for Aquaculture Wastewater Treatment pp. 210 Downloads
Xi-dong Mu, Yin-chang Hu, Guang-jun Wang, Jun Chen and Jian-ren Luo
The Drying Effect of Varying Light Frequencies on the Proximate and Microbial Composition of Tomato pp. 214 Downloads
O. M. Kolawole, R. M. O. Kayode and J. Aina
Combining ability studies for development of new hybrids in rice over environments pp. 225 Downloads
P. Saidaiah, S. Sudheer Kumar and M.S. Ramesha
Effects of Environment on Gestation Ratio of Sheep Embryo Transfer and its Control Measures pp. 234 Downloads
Shangxin Sun
Effects of Transplanting Dates and Insecticide Frequency in the Control of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) on Onion (Allium cepa L.) in Sokoto, Nigeria pp. 239 Downloads
N. D. Ibrahim and A. A. Adesiyun
The Role of the State in the Process of Institutional Evolvement in Agricultural Land after the Founding of PRC pp. 250 Downloads
Xin Shang and Qinghai Guo

Volume 2, issue 1, 2010

Mineral Nitrogen and Microbial Biomass Dynamics under Different Acid Soil Management Practices for Maize Production pp. 16 Downloads
Richard Onwonga, Joyce Lelei and Benson B. Mochoge
Assessment of Plant Species Diversity at Pasir Tengkorak Forest Reserve, Langkawi Island, Malaysia pp. 31 Downloads
M.S. Hayat, Kamziah Kudus, I. Faridah-Hanum, A.G. Noor and M. Nazre
Rice Husk Biochar for Rice Based Cropping System in Acid Soil 1. The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and Rice Growth in West Kalimantan, Indonesia pp. 39 Downloads
Agusalim Masulili, Wani Utomo and Syechfani Ms
The Influence of Drying Temperature on the Hygroscopicity of Rubberwood (Hevea Brasiliensis) pp. 48 Downloads
Huei Shing Sik, Kheng Ten Choo, Sarani Zakaria, Sahrim Ahmad, Maisarah Yusoff and Chin Hua Chia
Analysis of Profitability and Risk in New Agriculture Using Dynamic Non-Linear Programming Model pp. 59 Downloads
Rakesh Sharma, Prem Sankhayan and Ranveer Singh
Influence of Cowpea Mottle Virus and Cucumber Mosaic Virus on the Growth and Yield of Six Lines of Soybean (Glycine Max L.) pp. 72 Downloads
Olawale Arogundade, Olusegun Balogun, Olumide Shokalu and Taiye Aliyu
Analysis of Competition Power of Iranian Almond Export pp. 79 Downloads
Azizi Jafar and Saeed Yazdani
Candidate Genes Polymorphism and Its Association to Prolificacy in Chinese Goats pp. 88 Downloads
Yuanqing He, Xiaoke Ma, Xiaoyong Liu, Cunxia Zhang and Jun Li
Building the Capacity of Farmer Based Organisation for Sustainable Rice Farming in Northern Ghana pp. 93 Downloads
Quaye Wilhemina, Yawson Ivy, Manful Tawiah and Gayin Joseph
Seasonal Abundance of Onion thrips, Thrips Tabaci Lindeman. in Sokoto, Nigeria pp. 107 Downloads
Ibrahim N. D and Adesiyun A. A.
Influence of Rhizobacterial and Agrobacterial Inoculation on Selected Physiological and Biochemical Changes of Banana Cultivar, Berangan (AAA) Plantlets pp. 115 Downloads
Maziah Mahmood, Zuraida Rahman, Halimi Saud, Zulkifli Shamsuddin and Sreeramanan Subramaniam
Avian Influenza and Employment Decisions of Poultry Farmers in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria pp. 138 Downloads
Hassan Ibrahim, Hussaini Iliyasu, Hussaini Ibrahim and Napoleon Saingbe
Statistical Analysis of Main and Interaction Effects to Optimize Xylanase Production under Submerged Cultivation Conditions pp. 144 Downloads
Mullai P, N. Syed Fathima and Eldon Rene
Genotype-Environment Interaction and Genetic Parameters in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Landraces pp. 154 Downloads
Hayel ALwawi, Mohammad Moulla and Wafaa Choumane
An Empirical Simplification of the Temperature Penman-Monteith Model for the Tropics pp. 162 Downloads
Eric Kra
The Effects of Temperature Stress on the Quality and Yield of Soya Bean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill.] pp. 172 Downloads
Thuzar M, A. B. Puteh, N. A. P. Abdullah, M. B. Mohd. Lassim and Kamaruzaman Jusoff
Influence of Seedling Age at Inoculation and Cultivar on the Pathogenicity of a Virus Causing Yellow Mosaic Disease of Commelina Benghalensis L. on Cowpea pp. 180 Downloads
Taiye Aliyu, Olusegun S. Balogun and Olawale Arogundade
Damage and Management of Alien Species in China pp. 188 Downloads
Xidong Mu, Yinchang Hu, Hongmei Song, Peixin Wang and Jianren Luo
Effects of Medicinal Plant (Kigelia africana) on Sperm quality of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchel, 1822) Broodstock pp. 193 Downloads
Eunice Adeparusi, Adekunle Dada and Olakunle Alale
Genetic and Morpho-Agronomic Evaluation of New Tomato Breeding Lines Resistant to Bacterial Speck (Pseudomonas Syringae pv. Tomato) pp. 200 Downloads
Elzbieta U. Kozik and Marzena Nowakowska
An Evaluation of Groundnut Processing by Women in a Rural Area of North Central Nigeria pp. 206 Downloads
Hussaini Ibrahim, Napoleon Saingbe and Hassan Ibrahim
Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2010, all in two files, part I Downloads
Editor Jas
Page updated 2025-03-28