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Oxford Economic Papers

1938 - 2025

Current editor(s): James Forder and Francis J. Teal

From Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.

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2001, volume 53, articles 4

Must the Growth Rate Decline? Baumol's Unbalanced Growth Revisited pp. 605-27
Nicholas Oulton
Optimal Tax Mix with Merit Goods pp. 628-41
Maria Racionero
Technology, Wages, and Skill Shortages: Evidence from UK Micro Data pp. 642-58
Jonathan Haskel and Christopher Martin
Work Councils in Germany: Their Effects on Establishment Performance pp. 659-94
John Addison, Claus Schnabel and Joachim Wagner
Ambition, Discrimination, and Occupational Attainment: A Study of British Cohort pp. 695-720
Barry Harper and Mohammad Haq
Dynamic Simulation and Environmental Policy Analysis: Beyond Comparative Statistics and the Environmental Kuznets Curve pp. 721-46
Dennis Anderson and William Cavendish

2001, volume 53, articles 3

Skills Measurement and Economic Analysis: An Introduction pp. 375-84
Lex Borghans, Francis Green and Ken Mayhew
Assessing Skills for Work: Two Perspectives pp. 385-405
Cathleen Stasz
Estimating the Determinants of Supply of Computing, Problem-Solving, Communication, Social, and Teamworking Skills pp. 406-33
Francis Green, David Ashton and Alan Felstead
Educational Mismatches versus Skill Mismatches: Effects on Wages, Job Satisfaction, and On-the-Job Search pp. 434-52
James Allen and Rolf Van der Velden
Measuring and Assessing the Impact of Basic Skills on Labour Market Outcomes pp. 453-81
Steven McIntosh and Anna Vignoles
Changes in Managerial Pay Structures 1986-1992 and Rising Returns to Skill pp. 482-507
K C O'Shaughnessy, David Levine and Peter Cappelli
Skill Measurement in Official Statistics: Recent Developments in the UK and the Rest of Europe pp. 508-40
Peter Elias and Abigail McKnight
International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications pp. 541-63
Robert Barro and Jong-Wha Lee
Measuring Low Skills in Europe: How Useful Is the ISCED Framework? pp. 564-81
Hilary Steedman and Steven McIntosh
Skill Compression, Wage Differentials, and Employment: Germany vs the US pp. 582-603
Richard Freeman and Ronald Schettkat

2001, volume 53, articles 2

Welfare Reform for Low Income Workers pp. 189-214
Richard Blundell
Is There Really a European Business Cycle? A Comment pp. 215-20
Robert Inklaar and Jakob de Haan
International Trade and Economic Convergence: The Credit Channel pp. 221-40
Philip Lane
Homeownership, Committed Expenditure Risk, and the Stockholding Puzzle pp. 241-59
Michael C Fratantoni
Pareto-Improving Intergenerational Transfers pp. 260-80
Berthold Wigger
Hedging and Nonlinear Risk Exposure pp. 281-96
Udo Broll, Kong Wing Chow and Kit Pong Wong
Unionization and European Antidumping Protection pp. 297-317
Hylke Vandenbussche, Reinhilde Veugelers and Jozef Konings
The Investment Tax Credit under Monopolistic Competition pp. 318-51
Peter Broer and Ben Heijdra
Optimal Employment Subsidies and Market Structures in Industries with Unemployment pp. 352-72
Pierre Picard

2001, volume 53, articles 1

Notes on 'A Code for Fiscal Stability.' pp. 1-19
Willem Buiter
Jobs for the Skilled: How Technology, Trade, and Domestic Demand Changed the Structure of UK Employment, 1979-90 pp. 20-46
Mary Gregory, Benjamin Zissimos and Christine Greenhalgh
Participation in Further Eduction in England and Wales: An Analysis of Post-War Trends pp. 47-66
Duncan McVicar and Patricia Rice
The Sources of Unemployment in Canada, 1967-91: Evidence from a Panel of Regions and Demographic Groups pp. 67-93
Pierre Fortin, Manfred Keil and James Symons
Monetary Policy, Central Bank Objectives, and Social Welfare with Strategic Wage Setting pp. 94-113
Phillip Lawler
Leadership and the Aggregation of International Collective Action pp. 114-37
Daniel Arce
General-Equilibrium Implications of International Product-Market Competition for Jobs and Wages pp. 138-56
Hian Hoon
The Impossibility of Underemployment with More Than One Product Market pp. 157-65
Laurence Lasselle and Serge Svizzero
Equilibrium Selection under Cyclical Disequilibrium Dynamics pp. 166-86
Reiner Franke
Efficiency and Equity Effects of Subsidies to Higher Education: Erratum pp. 187
Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa and Klaus Wälde

2000, volume 52, articles 4

Knowledge Dissemination, Capital Accumulation, Trade, and Endogenous Growth pp. 637-50
Dan Ben-David and Michael Loewy
Carbon Emissions and Income Inequality pp. 651-69
Martin Ravallion, Mark Heil and Jyotsna Jalan
Human Capital: Level versus Growth Effects pp. 670-76
Edmund Cannon
The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model pp. 677-701
Ben Heijdra and Jenny Ligthart
Efficiency and Equity Effects of Subsidies to Higher Education pp. 702-22
Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa and Klaus Wälde
Women's Employment, Intra-household Bargaining, and Distribution: A Two-Sector Analysis pp. 723-44
Indraneel Dasgupta
Taxing and Spending in the Long View: The Causal Structure of US Fiscal Policy, 1791-1913 pp. 745-73
Kevin Hoover and Mark Siegler
A Wage Curve for Australia? pp. 774-803
Steven Kennedy and Jeff Borland

2000, volume 52, articles 3

Are UK Companies' Prices Sticky? pp. 425-46
Simon Hall, Mark Walsh and Anthony Yates
Regulatory Regimes and Efficiency in US Local Telephony pp. 447-70
Marcelo Resende
The Importance of Networks in the Market for University Graduates in Japan: A Longitudinal Analysis of Hiring Patterns pp. 471-96
Marcus Rebick
Evaluating Public Sector Sponsored Training in East Germany pp. 497-520
Bernd Fitzenberger and Hedwig Prey
Monetary Discipline and Inflation in Developing Countries: The Role of the Exchange Rate Regime pp. 521-38
David Fielding and Michael Bleaney
Social Capital and Technical Information Flows in the Ghanaian Manufacturing Sector pp. 539-59
Abigail Barr
On the Design of International Environmental Agreements for Identical and Heterogeneous Developing Countries pp. 560-83
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Optimal Taxation with Household Production pp. 584-94
Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Wolfram Richter and Peter Birch Sorensen
A Many-Person Corlett-Hague Tax Rule with Externalities pp. 595-605
Jukka Pirttilä
Capital Mobility in a Dynastic Framework pp. 606-25
Jean-Pierre Vidal
The I-r Hump: Irreversible Investment under Uncertainty pp. 626-36
Colin Rose

2000, volume 52, articles 2

Market Discipline and Monetary Policy pp. 249-71
Carl Walsh
Does Trade Always Harm the Global Environment? A Case for Positive Interaction pp. 272-88
Savas Alpay
Optimal Flat-Rate Taxes on Capital--A Re-examination of Lucas' Supply Side Model pp. 289-305
Hans Peter Gruner and Burkhard Heer
Corporate Tax Systems and Cross Country Profit Shifting pp. 306-25
Andreas Haufler and Guttorm Schjelderup
The Role of Regulation, Fiscal Incentives and Changes in Tastes in the Diffusion of Unleaded Petrol pp. 326-56
Paul Stoneman and Giuliana Battisti
The Arms Trade Game: From Laissez-Faire to a Common Defence Policy pp. 357-80
Paul Levine and Ronald Smith
Is It Worth Subsidising Regional Repertory Theatre? pp. 381-97
David Forrest, Keith Grime and Robert Woods
The Dynamics of Trade Integration and the Political Value of Commitment pp. 398-414
Carsten Hefeker and Daniel Gros
Galton's Fallacy and Economic Convergence pp. 415-19
Edmund Cannon and Nigel W Duck
Galton's Fallacy and Economic Convergence: A Reply to Cannon and Duck pp. 420-22
Christopher Bliss

2000, volume 52, articles 1

The Dynamic Effects of Shocks to Labour Markets: Evidence from OECD Countries pp. 3-23
Manuel Balmaseda, Juan Dolado and David Lopez-Salido
Unemployment Persistence pp. 24-50
Wiji Arulampalam, Alison Booth and Mark Taylor
Lessons in Natural-Rate Dynamics pp. 51-71
Edmund Phelps
Sources of Persistence in Employment Adjustment--Denmark 1974-93 pp. 72-95
Torben M Andersen and Svend Hylleberg
Labour Supply, the Natural Rate, and the Welfare State in The Netherlands: The Wrong Institutions at the Wrong Point in Time pp. 96-118
Lourens Broersma, Jan Koeman and C. N. Teulings
Cyclical and Structural Influences on Irish Unemployment pp. 119-45
Brendan Walsh
Regional Disparities and the Italian NAIRU pp. 146-77
Giorgio Brunello, Claudio Lupi and Patrizia Ordine
Adjustment Dynamics and the Natural Rate: An Account of UK Unemployment pp. 178-203
Brian Henry, Marika Karanassou and Dennis Snower
Education and the Natural Rate of Unemployment pp. 204-23
Francesconi, Marco, et al
Unemployment Dynamics in the UK pp. 224-47
Brian Henry and James Nixon
Page updated 2025-03-31