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Oxford Economic Papers

1938 - 2025

Current editor(s): James Forder and Francis J. Teal

From Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.

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1997, volume 49, articles 4

Wealth Inequality and Efficiency in the Commons: Part I: The Unregulated Case pp. 451-82 Downloads
Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Platteau
Adapting to North-South Trade: A General Equilibrium Approach to Policy Options pp. 483-503 Downloads
Robert Rowthorn, Richard Kozul-Wright and Yilmaz Akyuz
Bilateralism Is Good: Trade Blocs and Strategic Export Subsidies pp. 504-20 Downloads
David Collie
Investment in Fixed Capital and Competitive Industry Dynamics pp. 521-42 Downloads
Martin Currie and Ingrid Kubin
Competition between Intermediated and Direct Trade and the Timing of Disintermediation pp. 543-56 Downloads
John Fingleton
Rationing, Spillover, and Interlinking in Credit Markets: The Case of Rural Punjab pp. 557-85 Downloads
Clive Bell, T. Srinivasan and Christopher Udry
Poverty, Land Degradation and Climatic Uncertainty pp. 586-608 Downloads
Sverre Grepperud
Stagflationary Consequences of Prudent Monetary Policy in a Unionized Economy pp. 609-22 Downloads
Peter Skott
Sheepskin Effects by Cohort: Implications of Job Matching in a Signaling Model pp. 623-37 Downloads
Dale Belman and John Heywood
Occupational Attainment of Men in Britain pp. 638-50 Downloads
Barry Harper and Mohammad Haq
An Open Shop, Wage Bargaining, and Taxation--A Note pp. 651-57 Downloads
Laszlo Goerke

1997, volume 49, articles 3

Three 'I's of Poverty Curves, with an Analysis of UK Poverty Trends pp. 317-27 Downloads
Stephen Jenkins and Peter J Lambert
Male-Female Salary Differentials in British Universities pp. 328-43 Downloads
Robert McNabb and Victoria Wass
The Impact of Acquisitions on Company Performance: Evidence from a Large Panel of UK Firms pp. 344-61 Downloads
Andrew Dickerson, Heather Gibson and Euclid Tsakalotos
Labour Market Flexibility and Employment Adjustment: Micro Evidence from UK Establishments pp. 362-79 Downloads
Jonathan Haskel, Barbara Kersley and Christopher Martin
Aging, Job Mobility, and Compensation pp. 380-403 Downloads
Wim Groot and Maartje Verberne
Wage Determination under Non-linear Taxes: Estimation and an Application to Panel Data pp. 404-18 Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Magnus Wikstrom and Runar Brannlund
An Application of Wage Bargaining Models to Norwegian Panel Data pp. 419-40 Downloads
Fredrik Wulfsberg
A Comment on Andersen and Risager (1991) [The Role of Credibility for the Effects of a Change in the Exchange-Rate Policy] pp. 441-44 Downloads
Gregor Irwin
Credibility and Multiple Equilibria in Policy Games: A Reply to Irwin pp. 445-50 Downloads
Torben M Andersen and Ole Risager

1997, volume 49, articles 2

The Empirical Failure of the Life Cycle Model with Perfect Capital Markets pp. 129-51 Downloads
James Pemberton
Stabilization Policy, Learning-by-Doing, and Economic Growth pp. 152-66 Downloads
Philippe Martin and Carol Rogers
Entry and Exit, Cycles, and Productivity Growth pp. 167-87 Downloads
Casper Ewijk
Personal Sector Money Demand in the UK pp. 188-206 Downloads
Leigh Drake and K Alec Chrystal
The Competitiveness of UK Manufacturing: Evidence from Imports pp. 207-27 Downloads
Paul Temple and Giovanni Urga
Regionalism and the Rest of the World: The Irrelevance of the Kemp-Wan Theorem pp. 228-34 Downloads
L. Winters
Wage Bargaining, Holdout, and Inflation pp. 235-55 Downloads
Steinar Holden
The Distribution of Male and Female Earnings 1973-91: Evidence for Britain pp. 256-72 Downloads
Blackaby, David H, et al
The Demand for Training by the Unemployed: Israel 1989-91 pp. 273-90 Downloads
Michael Beenstock
Firm Restructuring and the Optimal Speed of Trade Reform pp. 291-306 Downloads
Philippe Bacchetta and Harris Dellas
Farm Size and the Intensity of Land Use in Gujarat pp. 307-15 Downloads
Andrew Newell, Kiran Pandya and James Symons

1997, volume 49, articles 1

Investment and Employment Dynamics in the Short Run and the Long Run pp. 1-20 Downloads
Avinash Dixit
Exploiting an Advantage--Declining an Advantage pp. 21-28 Downloads
Kenneth Burdett and John Walsh
Aging and Public Pensions in an Overlapping-Generations Model pp. 29-42 Downloads
Lex Meijdam and Harrie A A Verbon
Evaluating Alternative Tax and Transfer Schemes with Endogenous Earnings pp. 43-56 Downloads
John Creedy
Monetary Policy Games and Coalitions in a Two-Country Model with Unionised Wage Setting pp. 57-76 Downloads
Athina Zervoyianni
Is There a Trade-Off between Employment and Growth? pp. 77-88 Downloads
Clas Eriksson
Booming Sector and Wage Effects: An Empirical Analysis on Norwegian Data pp. 89-103 Downloads
Rolf Jens Brunstad and Jan Morten Dyrstad
Industrial Economics of the Transition: Determinants of Enterprise Efficiency in Czechoslovakia and Hungary pp. 104-27 Downloads
Josef Brada, Arthur E King and Chia-Ying Ma

1996, volume 48, articles 4

On the Concept of Green National Income pp. 499-514 Downloads
Nico Vellinga and Cees Withagen
Global Carbon Cycle and the Optimal Time Path of a Carbon Tax pp. 515-36 Downloads
Y. Hossein Farzin and Olli Tahvonen
Evaluating Tax Reforms in the Presence of Externalities pp. 537-55 Downloads
Ronnie Schob
Marginal Tax Reform and the Specification of Consumer Demand Systems pp. 556-67 Downloads
David Madden
Method-of-Moments Measurement of UK Business Cycles pp. 568-83 Downloads
Gregor Smith
Unemployment and Consumption pp. 584-600 Downloads
Jim Malley and Thomas Moutos
Costly Verification and Banking pp. 601-17 Downloads
Kevin Dowd
Strike Behaviour When Market Share Matters pp. 618-39 Downloads
Simon Clark
Union-Oligopoly Sequential Bargaining: Trade and Industrial Policies pp. 640-63 Downloads
Michele Santoni
The Effects of Vertical Markets on Trade Policy Reform pp. 664-72 Downloads
Steve McCorriston and Ian Sheldon
Announcements and Credibility of Monetary Policy pp. 673-80 Downloads
Christian Schultz

1996, volume 48, articles 3

Fiscal Policy, Adjustment Costs, and Endogenous Growth pp. 361-81 Downloads
Stephen J Turnovsky
Budgetary Policies, Foreign Indebtedness, the Stock Market, and Economic Growth pp. 382-96 Downloads
Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
The Behaviour of Certificate of Deposit Rates in the UK pp. 397-414 Downloads
Keith Cuthbertson, Simon Hayes and Dirk Nitzsche
Was Japanese Growth Export-Led? pp. 415-32 Downloads
Andrea Boltho
The Employer Size-Wage Effect: Can Dynamic Monopsony Provide an Explanation? pp. 433-55 Downloads
Francis Green, Stephen Machin and Alan Manning
Promotions, Job Seniority, and Product Demand Effects on Earnings pp. 456-72 Downloads
Ioannis Theodossiou
Immigration and the Earnings of Young Native Workers pp. 473-91 Downloads
Rudolf Winter-Ebmer and Josef Zweimüller
Seniority Seating at the Royal Opera House pp. 492-98 Downloads
Jeff Frank and Eric Smith

1996, volume 48, articles 2

The Welfare Economics of Population pp. 177-93 Downloads
John Broome
Individual Rights and Social Evaluation: A Conceptual Framework pp. 194-212 Downloads
Prasanta K Pattanaik and Kotaro Suzumura
Trade Unions and Financial Performance pp. 213-41 Downloads
Stephen Machin and Mark Stewart
Are Nash Bargaining Wage Agreements Unique? An Investigation into Bargaining Sets for Firm-Union Negotiations pp. 242-53 Downloads
Carol Alexander and W Ledermann
The Danish Gender Wage Gap in the 1980s: A Panel Data Study pp. 254-79 Downloads
Michael Rosholm and Nina Smith
Gender-Bias in India: The Importance of Household Fixed-Effects pp. 280-99 Downloads
Ramesh Subramaniam
Economic Growth, Convergence Clubs, and the Role of Financial Development pp. 300-328 Downloads
Jean-Claude Berthélemy and Aristomene Varoudakis
Foreign Exchange Market Bid-Ask Spreads and the Market Price of Social Unrest pp. 329-41 Downloads
Michael Melvin and Kok-Hui Tan
Ownership and Efficiency in Nuclear Power Production pp. 342-60 Downloads
Michael Pollitt

1996, volume 48, articles 1

Rational Dynamic Choice and Expected Utility Theory pp. 1-19 Downloads
Robin Cubitt
Central Bank Independence, Wage-Bargaining Structure, and Macroeconomic Performance in OECD Countries pp. 20-38 Downloads
Michael Bleaney
On the Assessment and Implementation of 'Institutional' Remedies pp. 39-51 Downloads
James Forder
Fiscal Policy and Endogenous Growth in a Bequest-Constrained Economy pp. 52-74 Downloads
Peter Rangazas
Trade Unions, Efficiency Wages, and Shirking pp. 75-88 Downloads
George Bulkley and Gareth Myles
Insider Forces, Asymmetries, and Outsider Ineffectiveness: Empirical Evidence for Norwegian Industries 1966-87 pp. 89-104 Downloads
Kåre Johansen
The System-Wide Impact on the Recipient Region of a Regional Labour Subsidy pp. 105-33 Downloads
Frank Harrigan, Peter McGregor and John Swales
Deterministic, Stochastic, and Segmented Trends in Aggregate Output: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 134-62 Downloads
Yin-Wong Cheung and Menzie Chinn
On Measuring the Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Real GNP Growth pp. 163-75 Downloads
George Davis and Bryce Kanago
Page updated 2025-03-31