Oxford Economic Papers
1938 - 2025
Current editor(s): James Forder and Francis J. Teal From Oxford University Press Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2019, volume 71, articles 4
- Diverging trends of wage inequality in Europe pp. 799-823

- João Pereira and Aurora Galego
- Re-estimating the relationship between inequality and growth pp. 824-847

- Nathalie Scholl and Stephan Klasen
- Kuznets meets Lucas: structural change and human capital pp. 848-873

- Edgar Cruz
- Volatility and growth: a not so straightforward relationship pp. 874-907

- Dimitrios Bakas, Georgios Chortareas and Georgios Magkonis
- Monetary policy regimes and growth revisited: evidence from a de facto classification pp. 908-929

- Kin Ming Wong and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- The incentive and efficiency effects of affirmative action: does envy matter? pp. 930-951

- Rezina Sultana
- Social capital as an instrument for common pool resource management: a case study of irrigation management in Sri Lanka pp. 952-978

- Takeshi Aida
- The effects of bigger rewards in individual tournaments on efforts and risk taking: evidence from chess pp. 979-995

- Rasyad Parinduri, Hon Lee and Kung Ming Tiong
- It’s time for Westernization: the advantages of the early start for long-term economic development at the local level pp. 996-1025

- Sotiris Kampanelis
- The effects of fiscal stimulus: firm-level evidence from selective temporary consumption tax cuts pp. 1026-1049

- Florian Misch and Atılım Seymen
- Negative correlation between retirement age and length of contribution? pp. 1050-1070

- Erik Granseth, Wolfgang Keck, Wolfgang Nagl, Andras Simonovits and Melinda Tir
- Sustained investment surges pp. 1071-1095

- Emiliano Libman, Juan Antonio Montecino and Arslan Razmi
2019, volume 71, articles 3
- On the dynamics of gender differences in preferences pp. 503-527

- Thomas Baudin and Victor Hiller
- In-group and out-group biases in the marketplace: a field experiment during the World Cup pp. 528-547

- Sang-Hyun Kim and Fernanda L Lopez de Leon
- Get her off my screen: taste-based discrimination in a high-stakes popularity contest pp. 548-563

- Tom Lane
- The silent treatment: discrimination against same-sex relations in the sharing economy pp. 564-576

- Rishi Ahuja and Ronan Lyons
- Poverty, prosperity, and fiscal policies in a two-sector model with human capital externalities pp. 577-599

- Lei Shao and Jie Zhang
- The power of joint decision-making in a finitely-repeated dilemma pp. 600-622

- Kenju Kamei
- Positive illusions and the temptation to borrow pp. 623-644

- Eva Kløve and Halvor Mehlum
- The intellectual origins of the monetarist counter-revolution reconsidered: how Clark Warburton influenced Milton Friedman’s monetary thinking pp. 645-665

- George Tavlas
- Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture: 1690–1914 pp. 666-686

- David Maddison and Katrin Rehdanz
- Skills, personality traits, and gender wage gaps: evidence from Bangladesh pp. 687-708

- Christophe Nordman, Leopold R Sarr and Smriti Sharma
- Time is on my side: relational contracts and aggregate welfare pp. 709-732

- Bohdan Kukharskyy and Michael Pflüger
- Illustrating income mobility: new measures pp. 733-755

- John Creedy and Norman Gemmell
- On the relevance of contextual factors for socially responsible investments: an econometric analysis pp. 756-776

- Gunnar Gutsche, Anja Köbrich León and Andreas Ziegler
- Pricing and obfuscation with complexity averse consumers pp. 777-798

- Robert Edwards
2019, volume 71, articles 2
- Introduction to the special issue on sovereign debt restructuring pp. 309-319

- Sayantan Ghosal and Marcus Miller
- Sovereign debt: election concerns and the democratic disadvantage pp. 320-343

- Amrita Dhillon, Andrew Pickering and Tomas Sjostrom
- The macroeconomic effects of official debt restructuring: evidence from the Paris Club pp. 344-363

- Gong Cheng, Javier Díaz-Cassou and Aitor Erce
- Pre-emptive sovereign debt restructuring and holdout litigation pp. 364-381

- Kartik Anand and Prasanna Gai
- Deconstructing delays in sovereign debt restructuring pp. 382-404

- David Benjamin and Mark Wright
- Waiting for a haircut? A bargaining perspective on sovereign debt restructuring pp. 405-420

- Sayantan Ghosal, Marcus Miller and Kannika Thampanishvong
- Resolving sovereign debt crises: the role of political risk pp. 421-444

- Christoph Trebesch
- Lost and found: market access and public debt dynamics pp. 445-471

- Antonio Bassanetti, Carlo Cottarelli and Andrea Presbitero
- The sovereign debt listing puzzle pp. 472-495

- Elisabeth de Fontenay, Josefin Meyer and Mitu Gulati
2019, volume 71, articles 1
- The changing distribution of wealth in the pre-crisis US and UK: the role of socio-economic factors pp. 1-24

- Frank Cowell, Eleni Karagiannaki and Abigail McKnight
- The ‘mighty girl’ effect: does parenting daughters alter attitudes towards gender norms? pp. 25-46

- Mireia Borrell-Porta, Joan Costa-Font and Julia Philipp
- Balancing family and work: transition to self-employment among new mothers pp. 47-72

- Sung-Hee Jeon and Yuri Ostrovsky
- Out of sight, out of mind? The education outcomes of children with parents working abroad pp. 73-94

- Joanna Clifton-Sprigg
- Helping with the kids? How family-friendly workplaces affect parental well-being and behaviour pp. 95-118

- Verena Lauber and Johanna Storck
- Job creation in a multi-sector labour market model for developing economies pp. 119-144

- Arnab Basu, Nancy Chau, Gary Fields and Ravi Kanbur
- Effective skill: a new theoretical perspective on the relation between skills, skill use, mismatches, and wages pp. 145-165

- Rolf Van der Velden and Ineke Bijlsma
- Temporary investment incentives and divestment by foreign firms pp. 166-186

- José Mata and Paulo Guimaraes
- R&D policy and competition in a Schumpeterian growth model with heterogeneous firms pp. 187-202

- Carmelo Parello
- Exploring heterogeneity in willingness to pay for the attributes of higher education institutions pp. 203-224

- Sharon Walsh, John Cullinan and Darragh Flannery
- Assessing activist fiscal policy in advanced and emerging market economies using real-time data pp. 225-249

- Tigran Poghosyan and Mehmet Tosun
- Winners and losers of corporate tournaments pp. 250-268

- Ian Gregory-Smith and Peter Wright
- The effect of language on foreign direct investment pp. 269-291

- Xiaoyun Feng, Faqin Lin and Nicholas Sim
- Bargaining and hold-up: the role of arbitration pp. 292-308

- Yannick Gabuthy and Abhinay Muthoo
2018, volume 70, articles 4
- Personality and pay: do gender gaps in confidence explain gender gaps in wages? pp. 919-949

- Leonora Risse, Lisa Farrell and Tim Fry
- What makes you ‘super-rich’? New evidence from an analysis of football players’ wages pp. 950-973

- Vincenzo Carrieri, Francesco Principe and Michele Raitano
- General education, vocational education and skill mismatches: short-run versus long-run effects pp. 974-993

- Dieter Verhaest, Jeroen Lavrijsen, Walter Van Trier, Ides Nicaise and Eddy Omey
- Overeducation in Europe: trends, convergence, and drivers pp. 994-1015

- Seamus McGuinness, Adele Bergin and Adele Whelan
- Endogenous real wage rigidity in a search frictions model pp. 1016-1035

- Christopher Martin and Bingsong Wang
- Political competition and rural welfare: evidence from Pakistan pp. 1036-1061

- Katrina Kosec, Hamza Haider, David Spielman and Fatima Zaidi
- Incentive for risk sharing and trust formation: experimental and survey evidence from Bangladesh pp. 1062-1083

- Masahiro Shoji
- Prices vs quantities for international environmental agreements pp. 1084-1107

- Ulrike Kornek and Robert Marschinski
- Effects of commodity price shocks on inflation: a cross-country analysis pp. 1108-1135

- Atsushi Sekine and Takayuki Tsuruga
- Prudent sovereign debt borrowing pp. 1136-1147

- Christopher Bliss
- Contests with ambiguity pp. 1148-1169

- David Kelsey and Tigran Melkonyan
2018, volume 70, articles 3
- Trust and signals in workplace organization: evidence from job autonomy differentials between immigrant groups pp. 591-612

- André van Hoorn
- Heterogeneous effects of high school peers on educational outcomes pp. 613-634

- Silvia Mendolia, Alfredo Paloyo and Ian Walker
- The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being pp. 635-657

- Melanie Jones, Kostas Mavromaras, Peter Sloane and Zhang Wei
- The role of museums in bilateral tourist flows: evidence from Italy pp. 658-679

- Nadia Campaniello and Matteo Richiardi
- How free admittance affects charged visits to museums: an analysis of the Italian case pp. 680-698

- Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia
- Currency depreciation and the monetary adjustment process: reconsidering Lord King’s contributions pp. 699-718

- Joseph T Salerno and Carmen Elena Dorobat
- Milton Friedman’s causal realist stance? pp. 719-740

- Edward Mariyani-Squire
- Smoking behaviour and individual well-being: a fresh look at the effects of the 2005 public smoking ban in Italy pp. 741-762

- Emilia Del Bono and Daniela Vuri
- Judging on thin ice: the effects of group membership on evaluation pp. 763-783

- Cheryl Litman and Thomas Stratmann
- Do people exaggerate how happy they are? Using a promise to induce truth-telling pp. 784-798

- Fredrik Carlsson and Mitesh Kataria
- Electricity market integration and the impact of unilateral policy reforms pp. 799-820

- Luigi Grossi, Sven Heim, Kai Hüschelrath and Michael Waterson
- Constraints on LTV as a macroprudential tool: a precautionary tale pp. 821-845

- Jose G Montalvo and Josep M Raya
- Partial employment protection and perceived job security: evidence from France pp. 846-867

- Alexandre Georgieff and Anthony Lepinteur
- How important is precautionary labour supply? pp. 868-891

- Robin Jessen, Davud Rostam-Afschar and Sebastian Schmitz
- The use of third-party information reporting for tax deductions: evidence and implications from charitable deductions in Denmark pp. 892-916

- Christian Gillitzer and Peer Skov
- Double limit analysis of optimal personal income taxation pp. 917-917

- Michael Sattinger
2018, volume 70, articles 2
- Top incomes and inequality in the UK: reconciling estimates from household survey and tax return data pp. 301-326

- Richard Burkhauser, Nicolas Hérault, Stephen Jenkins and Roger Wilkins
- Political institutions and economic growth in Africa’s ‘Renaissance’ pp. 327-352

- Robert Bates and Steven Block
- The moral and fiscal implications of antiretroviral therapies for HIV in Africa pp. 353-374

- Paul Collier and Olivier Sterck
- Growth spillovers and market access in Africa pp. 375-391

- Alexander J Moore
- Why do the econometric-based studies on the effect of warming on agriculture disagree? A meta-analysis pp. 392-416

- Kaixing Huang and Nicholas Sim
- Climate leadership by conditional commitments pp. 417-442

- Leif Helland, Jon Hovi and Håkon Sælen
- The thief’s wages: theft and human capital development pp. 443-467

- Geoffrey Williams
- Protest treatment and its impact on the WTP and WTA estimates for theft and robbery in the UK pp. 468-484

- José Ignacio Hernández, Alistair Hunt, Matteo Pazzona and Felipe Vásquez LavÃn
- More skilled, better paid: labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational education pp. 485-508

- Petri Böckerman, Mika Haapanen and Christopher Jepsen
- Matching skills of individuals and firms along the career path pp. 509-537

- Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz
- University education and non-cognitive skill development pp. 538-562

- Sonja C Kassenboehmer, Felix Leung and Stefanie Schurer
- Fiscal consolidation after the Great Recession: the role of composition pp. 563-585

- Iván Kataryniuk and Javier Vallés
- Optimum saving and growth: Harrod on dynamic welfare economics pp. 586-586

- Mauro Boianovsky
2018, volume 70, articles 1
- Assessing Piketty’s second law of capitalism pp. 1-21

- Jakob Madsen, Antonio Minniti and Francesco Venturini
- Women voters and trade protectionism in the interwar years pp. 22-46

- Alan de Bromhead
- Heterogeneous firms and informality: the effects of trade liberalization on labour markets pp. 47-72

- Dennis Becker
- Changing social preferences and optimal redistributive taxation pp. 73-92

- Jang-Ting Guo and Alan Krause
- Double limit analysis of optimal personal income taxation pp. 93-113

- Michael Sattinger
- Positional preferences and efficient capital accumulation when households exhibit a preference for wealth pp. 114-140

- Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner
- Status competition and benevolence in social networks pp. 141-162

- Yao-Yu Chih
- Financial strain in the United Kingdom pp. 163-182

- Declan French
- The welfare effects of involuntary part-time work pp. 183-205

- Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Etienne Lalé
- The German employment miracle in the Great Recession: the significance and institutional foundations of temporary working-time reductions pp. 206-224

- Alexander Herzog-Stein, Fabian Lindner and Simon Sturn
- Does altruism matter for remittances? pp. 225-242

- Alexis Antoniades, Ganesh Seshan, Roberto Weber and Robertas Zubrickas
- Information transmission within federal fiscal architectures: theory and evidence pp. 243-265

- Axel Dreher, Kai Gehring, Christos Kotsogiannis and Silvia Marchesi
- The cost of capital in a model of financial intermediation with coordination frictions pp. 266-285

- Oana Peia and Radu Vranceanu
- Multiple borrowing and adverse selection in credit markets pp. 286-299

- Eric Van Tassel
On this page- 2019, volume 71
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2018, volume 70
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 77
2024, volume 76
2023, volume 75
2022, volume 74
2021, volume 73
2020, volume 72
2017, volume 69
2016, volume 68
2015, volume 67
2014, volume 66
2013, volume 65
2012, volume 64
2011, volume 63
2010, volume 62
2009, volume 61
2008, volume 60
2007, volume 59
2006, volume 58
2005, volume 57
2004, volume 56
2003, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2000, volume 52
1999, volume 51
1998, volume 50
1997, volume 49
1996, volume 48
1995, volume 47
1994, volume 46
1993, volume 45
1992, volume 44
1991, volume 43
1990, volume 42
1989, volume 41
1988, volume 40
1987, volume 39
1986, volume 38
1985, volume 37
1984, volume 36
1983, volume 35
1982, volume 34
1981, volume 33
1980, volume 32
1979, volume 31
1978, volume 30
1977, volume 29
1976, volume 28
1975, volume 27
1974, volume 26
1973, volume 25
1972, volume 24
1971, volume 23
1970, volume 22
1969, volume 21
1968, volume 20
1967, volume 19
1966, volume 18
1965, volume 17
1964, volume 16
1963, volume 15
1962, volume 14
1961, volume 13
1960, volume 12
1959, volume 11
1958, volume 10
1957, volume 9
1956, volume 8
1955, volume VII
1954, volume 6
1953, volume 5
1952, volume 4
1951, volume 3
1950, volume 2
1949, volume 1
1947, volume os-8
1945, volume os-7
1942, volume os-6
1941, volume os-5
1940, volume os-4
1940, volume os-3
1939, volume os-2
1938, volume os-1
On this page- 2019, volume 71
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2018, volume 70
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2025, volume 77
2024, volume 76
2023, volume 75
2022, volume 74
2021, volume 73
2020, volume 72
2017, volume 69
2016, volume 68
2015, volume 67
2014, volume 66
2013, volume 65
2012, volume 64
2011, volume 63
2010, volume 62
2009, volume 61
2008, volume 60
2007, volume 59
2006, volume 58
2005, volume 57
2004, volume 56
2003, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2000, volume 52
1999, volume 51
1998, volume 50
1997, volume 49
1996, volume 48
1995, volume 47
1994, volume 46
1993, volume 45
1992, volume 44
1991, volume 43
1990, volume 42
1989, volume 41
1988, volume 40
1987, volume 39
1986, volume 38
1985, volume 37
1984, volume 36
1983, volume 35
1982, volume 34
1981, volume 33
1980, volume 32
1979, volume 31
1978, volume 30
1977, volume 29
1976, volume 28
1975, volume 27
1974, volume 26
1973, volume 25
1972, volume 24
1971, volume 23
1970, volume 22
1969, volume 21
1968, volume 20
1967, volume 19
1966, volume 18
1965, volume 17
1964, volume 16
1963, volume 15
1962, volume 14
1961, volume 13
1960, volume 12
1959, volume 11
1958, volume 10
1957, volume 9
1956, volume 8
1955, volume VII
1954, volume 6
1953, volume 5
1952, volume 4
1951, volume 3
1950, volume 2
1949, volume 1
1947, volume os-8
1945, volume os-7
1942, volume os-6
1941, volume os-5
1940, volume os-4
1940, volume os-3
1939, volume os-2
1938, volume os-1