RAND Journal of Economics
1984 - 2005
Continuation of Bell Journal of Economics. Continued by RAND Journal of Economics. From The RAND Corporation Bibliographic data for series maintained by (rje@rand.org). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 4, 1986
- Studying Firm-Specific Effects of Regulation with Stock Market Data: An Application to Oil Price Regulation pp. 467-489

- Rodney T. Smith, Michael Bradley and Greg Jarrell
- Efficient Labor Contracts with Employment Risk pp. 490-507
- Robert Topel and Finis Welch
- The Revealed Objective Functions of Nonprofit Firms pp. 508-526

- Richard Steinberg
- An Analysis of Cooperative Research and Development pp. 527-543
- Michael Katz
- The Competitive Effects of Resale Price Maintenance pp. 544-556

- Thomas W. Gilligan
- Settlement, Litigation, and the Allocation of Litigation Costs pp. 557-566

- Jennifer Reinganum and Louise L. Wilde
- The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Regulation, 1973-1983 pp. 567-580

- W Viscusi
- Optimal Dynamic R&D Programs pp. 581-593

- Gene Grossman and Carl Shapiro
- Portfolio Choice in Research and Development pp. 594-605
- Sudipto Bhattacharya and Dilip Mookherjee
- Cost Function Estimation and Quality Bias: The Regulated Automobile Insurance Industry pp. 606-617

- Ronald R. Braeutigam and Mark V. Pauly
- Price Competition vs. Quantity Competition: The Role of Uncertainty pp. 618-638

- Paul Klemperer and Margaret Meyer
- Crandall, Gruenspecht, Keeler, and Lave's Regulating the Automobile pp. 641-645

- Timothy Bresnahan
Volume 17, issue 3, 1986
- Greenmail, White Knights, and Shareholders' Interest pp. 293-309

- Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny
- Price Effects of Energy-Efficient Technologies: A Study of Residential Demand for Heating and Cooling pp. 310-325

- Jeffrey A. Dubin, Allen K. Miedema and Ram V. Chandran
- Bidding for Contracts: A Principal-Agent Analysis pp. 326-338

- Randolph McAfee and John McMillan
- Optimal Monitoring Policies in Agencies pp. 339-350

- Ronald A. Dye
- Informational Regulation of Consumer Health Risks: An Empirical Evaluation of Hazard Warnings pp. 351-365

- W Viscusi, Wesley A. Magat and Joel Huber
- A "Signal-Jamming" Theory of Predation pp. 366-376

- Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole
- Most-Favored-Customer Pricing and Tacit Collusion pp. 377-388

- Thomas E. Cooper
- Estimating Monopoly Behavior with Competitive Recycling: An Application to Alcoa pp. 389-403

- Valerie Suslow
- Long-Run Competition in Capacity, Short-Run Competition in Price, and the Cournot Model pp. 404-415

- Carl Davidson and Raymond Deneckere
- Measuring the Multilateral Allocation of Rents: Wyoming Low-Sulfur Coal pp. 416-430

- Scott Atkinson and Joe Kerkvliet
- Nash Equilibrium in Duopoly with Products Defined by Two Characteristics pp. 431-439

- Nicholas Economides
- Moral Hazard as an Entry Barrier pp. 440-449

- Joseph Farrell
- Efficient Contracting with Reliance and a Damage Measure pp. 450-457

- Akira Konakayama, Toshihide Mitsui and Shinichi Watanabe
- Bailey, Graham, and Kaplan's Deregulating the Airlines pp. 461-466

- J.R. Meyer
Volume 17, issue 2, 1986
- Reputation and Contractual Performance in Long-Term Projects pp. 141-157

- Tracy Lewis
- Rational Behavior in the Presence of Coverage Ceilings and Deductibles pp. 158-175

- Randall Ellis
- The Nash Bargaining Solution in Economic Modelling pp. 176-188

- Ken Binmore, Ariel Rubinstein and Asher Wolinsky
- Trademark Licensing in a Monopolistically Competitive Industry pp. 189-200

- Martin K. Perry and Robert H. Groff
- Regional Effects of Energy Price Decontrol: The Roles of Interregional Trade, Stockholding, and Microeconomic Incidence pp. 201-213

- Joseph P. Kalt and Robert A. Leone
- Capital Investments and Price Agreements in Semicollusive Markets pp. 214-226

- Chaim Fershtman and Eitan Muller
- Insurance Markets with Loss-Prevention Activity: Profits, Market Structure, and Consumer Welfare pp. 227-238

- Harris Schlesinger and Emilio Venezian
- Second-Best Pricing and Cooperation pp. 239-250

- Daniel Spulber
- von Stackelberg and Cournot Duopoly: Choosing Roles pp. 251-260

- Steve Dowrick
- Concurrent Renting and Selling in a Durable-Goods Monopoly under Threat of Entry pp. 261-275

- Sam Bucovetsky and John Chilton
- Williamson's The Economic Institutions of Capitalism pp. 279-292

- William Baumol
Volume 17, issue 1, 1986
- Business Cycles and the Relationship Between Concentration and Price-Cost Margins pp. 1-17

- Ian Domowitz, Robert Hubbard and Bruce Petersen
- Relying on the Information of Interested Parties pp. 18-32

- Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
- The Diffusion of New Technology and the Market for an Innovation pp. 33-47

- Herman C. Quirmbach
- Free Entry and Social Inefficiency pp. 48-58

- N. Gregory Mankiw and Michael Whinston
- Incentives, Learning, and Compensation: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Managerial Labor Contracts pp. 59-76

- Kevin Murphy
- Executive Effort and Selection of Risky Projects pp. 77-88

- Richard A. Lambert
- Long-Term Bilateral Monopoly: The Case of an Exhaustible Resource pp. 89-104

- Tracy Lewis, Charles Lindsey and Roger Ware
- Sunk Capacity Costs, Long-Run Fixed Costs, and Entry Deterrence under Complete and Incomplete Information pp. 105-121

- Larry Arvan
- Equilibrium and Optimality in a Mean-Variance Model pp. 122-132

- Robert M. Costrell
- Is the Market Biased Against Risky R&D? pp. 133-139

- Tor Klette and David de Meza
Volume 16, issue 4, 1985
- The Nonpecuniary Costs of Automobile Emissions Standards pp. 437-455

- Timothy Bresnahan and Dennis A. Yao
- Two-Tier Pricing of Shared Facilities in a Free-Entry Equilibrium pp. 456-472

- Suzanne Scotchmer
- Incentives to Form Coalitions with Bertrand Competition pp. 473-486

- Raymond Deneckere and Carl Davidson
- Workers' Compensation Insurance, Experience-Rating, and Occupational Injuries pp. 487-503

- John Ruser
- On the Licensing of Innovations pp. 504-520

- Michael Katz and Carl Shapiro
- Cournot Oligopoly with Information Sharing pp. 521-536

- Lode Li
- Estimating Potential Social Losses from Market Failure: Oil Exploration in Alberta pp. 537-552

- Daniel R. Siegel
- Noncooperative Regulation of a Nonlocalized Externality pp. 553-568

- David P. Baron
- Some Examples of Dynamic Cournot Duopoly with Inventory pp. 569-578

- Larry Arvan
Volume 16, issue 3, 1985
- The Incidence of Regulatory Rents in the Motor Carrier Industry pp. 299-318

- Nancy Rose
- A Theory of Yardstick Competition pp. 319-327

- Andrei Shleifer
- Quality Testing and Disclosure pp. 328-340

- Steven Matthews and Andrew Postlewaite
- Commercial/Industrial Customer Response to Time-Of-Use Electricity Prices: Some Experimental Results pp. 341-355

- Dennis J. Aigner and Joseph Hirschberg
- Repeated Insurance Contracts and Learning pp. 356-367

- Thomas Palfrey and Chester S. Spatt
- Reconsidering Cournot: The Cournot Equilibrium is Consistent pp. 368-379

- Andrew Daughety
- Price Discrimination in Free-Entry Markets pp. 380-397

- Severin Borenstein
- The Economics of Regulatory Tiering pp. 398-409

- William Brock and David Evans
- The Impact of Pollution Charges on Productivity Growth in Canadian Brewing pp. 410-423

- Barry Smith and William Sims
- Intertemporal Price Discrimination and Sales Strategy under Incomplete Information pp. 424-430

- Michael Landsberger and Isaac Meilijson
- Conditions for Economies of Scope in the Presence of Fixed Costs pp. 431-436

- Ian E. Gorman
Volume 16, issue 2, 1985
- Credible Spatial Preemption pp. 153-166

- Kenneth Judd
- Measuring the Effects of Regulation with Stock Price Data pp. 167-183

- John J. Binder
- Exit pp. 184-194

- Pankaj Ghemawat and Barry Nalebuff
- New Car Sales and Used Car Stocks: A Model of the Automobile Market pp. 195-214

- James Berkovec
- A Dynamic Empirical Analysis of Household Vehicle Ownership and Utilization pp. 215-236

- Fred Mannering and Clifford Winston
- Licensing in the Theory of Innovation pp. 237-252

- Nancy Gallini and Ralph Winter
- Dealer and Manufacturer Margins pp. 253-268

- Timothy Bresnahan and Peter C. Reiss
- Common Marketing Agency as a Device for Facilitating Collusion pp. 269-281

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Michael Whinston
- Sophisticated Entry in a Model of Spatial Competition pp. 282-297

- B. Eaton and Myrna Wooders
Volume 16, issue 1, 1985
- The Effects of Technological Change, Experience, and Environmental Regulation on the Construction Cost of Coal-Burning Generating Units pp. 1-17

- Paul Joskow and Nancy Rose
- Contestable Markets under Uncertainty pp. 28-40

- Elie Appelbaum and Chin Lim
- Imperfect Information and Dynamic Conjectural Variations pp. 41-50

- Michael Riordan
- Monopoly Behavior, Decentralized Regulation, and Contestable Markets: An Experimental Evaluation pp. 51-69

- Glenn Harrison and Michael McKee
- Standardization, Compatibility, and Innovation pp. 70-83

- Joseph Farrell and Garth Saloner
- Learning, Preemption, and the Degree of Rivalry pp. 84-92

- Chester S. Spatt and Frederic P. Sterbenz
- Is Regulation Necessary for Value-of-Service Pricing? pp. 93-102

- Richard Beilock
- Product Warranties and Double Moral Hazard pp. 103-113

- Russell Cooper and Thomas Ross
- Supportability, Sustainability, and Subsidy-Free Prices pp. 114-126

- Leonard Mirman, Yair Tauman and Israel Zang
- Price Determination in a Competitive Industry with Costly Information and a Production Lag pp. 127-140

- Reuven Glick and Clas Wihlborg
- Collusion and the Choice of Auction pp. 141-145

- Marc S. Robinson
- Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Equilibria: A Geometric Approach pp. 146-152

- Leonard Cheng
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