RAND Journal of Economics
1984 - 2005
Continuation of Bell Journal of Economics. Continued by RAND Journal of Economics.
From The RAND Corporation
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Volume 15, issue 4, 1984
- Regulation, Asymmetric Information, and Auditing pp. 447-470

- David P. Baron and David Besanko
- Economies of Density versus Economies of Scale: Why Trunk and Local Service Airline Costs Differ pp. 471-489

- Douglas W. Caves, Laurits R. Christensen and Michael W. Tretheway
- Financially Constrained Entry in a Game with Incomplete Information pp. 490-499

- Jean-Pierre Benoit
- The Random Character of Merger Activity pp. 500-509

- William Shughart and Robert Tollison
- Interdependent Preferences and the Competitive Wage Structure pp. 510-520

- Robert Frank
- The Association between Insider Trading and Information Announcements pp. 521-536

- John Elliott, Dale Morse and Gordon Richardson
- Asset Salvageability and the Potential for Trade Restraint through Merger pp. 537-545

- Richard Dowell
- Price and Quantity Competition in a Differentiated Duopoly pp. 546-554

- Nirvikar Singh and Xavier Vives
- The Production of Housing Services and the Derived Demand for Residential Energy pp. 555-567

- John Quigley
- On Allocative Distortions in Problems of Self-Selection pp. 568-577

- Russell Cooper
- The Moral Hazard of Budget-Breaking pp. 578-581

- Mukesh Eswaran and Ashok Kotwal
Volume 15, issue 3, 1984
- Reputation and Product Quality pp. 311-327

- Franklin Allen
- The Determinants of Technology Adoption: The Case of the Banking Firm pp. 328-335

- Timothy Hannan and John McDowell
- Durable Good Monopolies with Rational Expectations and Replacement Sales pp. 336-345

- Eric Bond and Larry Samuelson
- Resale Price Maintenance and Quality Certification pp. 346-359

- Howard P. Marvel and Stephen McCafferty
- Optimal Pricing in Electrical Networks over Space and Time pp. 360-376

- Roger E. Bohn, Michael C. Caramanis and Fred C. Schweppe
- Dual Equilibria and Discontinuous Response in Monopolistic Competition with Two Classes of Consumers pp. 377-384

- Norman J. Ireland
- Integration of the Sales Force: An Empirical Examination pp. 385-395

- Erin Anderson and David C. Schmittlein
- On the Economics of Repeat Buying pp. 396-403

- Jacques Crémer
- Litigation and Settlement under Imperfect Information pp. 404-415

- Lucian Bebchuk
- The Walrasian Tâtonnement Mechanism and Information pp. 416-425

- Patrick Joyce
- Noncooperative Behavior by a Cartel as an Entry-Deterring Signal pp. 426-433

- Joseph Harrington
- Conditions for Investor and Customer Indifference to Transitions among Regulatory Treatments of Deferred Income Taxes pp. 434-446

- A. Lawrence Kolbe, William B. Tye and Miriam Alexander Baker
Volume 15, issue 2, 1984
- Tobin's q, Unionization, and the Concentration-Profits Relationship pp. 159-170

- Michael Salinger
- Monopoly with Incomplete Information pp. 171-196

- Eric Maskin and John Riley
- Competition with Lumpy Investment pp. 197-212

- Richard Gilbert and Richard Harris
- The Learning Curve and Pricing in the Chemical Processing Industries pp. 213-228

- Marvin B. Lieberman
- A Policy to Prevent Rational Test-Market Predation pp. 229-243

- David Scharfstein
- The Effects of Entry Regulation on Oligopolistic Interaction: The Uruguayan Banking Sector pp. 244-254

- Pablo Spiller and Edgardo Favaro
- Job Assignments, Signalling, and Efficiency pp. 255-267

- Michael Waldman
- A Model of the Optimal Use of Liability and Safety Regulation pp. 271-280

- Steven Shavell
- Learning and the Behavior of Potential Entrants pp. 281-289

- Gautam Bhattacharya
- Ex ante Randomization in Agency Models pp. 290-301

- John C. Fellingham, Young K. Kwon and D. Paul Newman
- Axelrod's The Evolution of Cooperation pp. 305-309

- Paul Milgrom
Volume 15, issue 1, 1984
- Strategic Deterrence of Sequential Entry into an Industry pp. 1-11

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Estimating Effective Concentration in Deregulated Wholesale Electricity Markets pp. 12-26

- Richard Schmalensee and Bennett W. Golub
- An Economic Theory of Vertical Restraints pp. 27-38

- G.F. Mathewson and Ralph Winter
- Efficient Reliance and Damage Measures for Breach of Contract pp. 39-53

- William P. Rogerson
- Agency Theory, Managerial Welfare, and Takeover Bid Resistance pp. 54-68

- Ralph A. Walkling and Michael S. Long
- Market Contestability in the Presence of Sunk (Entry) Costs pp. 69-84

- Don Coursey, R. Isaac, Margaret Luke and Vernon Smith
- Rate Base Selection and the Structure of Regulation pp. 85-95

- Bruce C. Greenwald
- Oligopolistic Competition, Product Variety, Entry Deterrence, and Technology Transfer pp. 99-107

- Jonathan Eaton and Henryk Kierzkowski
- On Delegating Price Authority to a Regulated Firm pp. 108-115

- Michael Riordan
- Time-of-Day Pricing in the U.S. Electric Power Industry at the Turn of the Century pp. 116-126

- William J. Hausman and John Neufeld
- Socially Optimal Pricing with Rivalry and Economies of Scale pp. 127-134

- Ronald R. Braeutigam
- Resolution of Conjectures on the Sustainability of Natural Monopoly pp. 135-141

- Thijs ten Raa
- Controlling Stochastic Pollution Events through Liability Rules: Some Evidence from OCS Leasing pp. 142-151

- James Opaluch and Thomas A. Grigalunas
- Uncovering Regulators' Social Welfare Weights pp. 152-155

- Thomas Ross