From Edward Elgar Publishing
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- Contingent Workers’ Voice in Southern Europe

- Edited by Sofía Pérez de Guzmán, Marcela Iglesias-Onofrio and Ivana Pais
- Contract Law and Economics

- Edited by Gerrit De Geest
- Controlling Air Pollution in China

- Therese Feng
- Controlling Global Warming

- Edited by Christoph Böhringer, Michael Finus and Carsten Vogt
- Controlling Modern Government

- Edited by Christopher Hood, Oliver James, B. Guy Peters and Colin Scott
- Controlling Pollution in Transition Economies

- Edited by Randall Bluffstone and Bruce A. Larson
- Controlling Public Expenditure

- Edited by John Wanna, Lotte Jensen and Jouke de Vries
- Controlling Public Expenditure: Budgeting, Performance and Public Policy
- Edited by
- Controversies in Economics and Finance

- Imad A. Moosa
- Controversies in Monetary Economics

- John Smithin

- John Smithin
- Controversies in Post Keynesian Economics

- Paul Davidson
- Convenience Triangle in White-Collar Crime

- Petter Gottschalk
- Conventions and Structures in Economic Organization

- Edited by Olivier Favereau and Emmanuel Lazega
- Convergence Issues in the European Union

- Edited by Wim Meeusen and José Villaverde
- Conversations on Growth, Stability and Trade

- Brian Snowdon
- Conversations with Leading Economists

- Brian Snowdon and Howard R. Vane
- Cooperation, Networks and Institutions in Regional Innovation Systems

- Edited by Dirk Fornahl and Thomas Brenner
- Cooperative Enterprise

- Stefano Zamagni and Vera Zamagni
- Cooperative Networks

- Edited by Panos Pardalos, Don Grundel, Robert A. Murphey and Oleg Prokopyev
- Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development

- Edited by Jos Bijman, Roldan Muradian and Jur Schuurman
- Copyright and Economic Theory

- Richard Watt
- Copyright in the Cultural Industries

- Edited by Ruth Towse
- Corporate Compliance

- Sharon Oded
- Corporate Governance Adrift

- Michel Aglietta and Antoine Reberioux
- Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

- Edited by Jeremy Moon, Marc Orlitzky and Glen Whelan
- Corporate Governance and China’s H-Share Market

- Alice de Jonge
- Corporate Governance and Complexity Theory

- Marc Goergen, Christine A. Mallin, Eve Mitleton-Kelly, Ahmed Al-Hawamdeh and Iris H-Y Chiu
- Corporate Governance and Development

- Edited by Thankom Gopinath Arun and John Turner
- Corporate Governance and Ethics

- Alejo José G. Sison
- Corporate Governance and Financial Performance

- Marc Goergen
- Corporate Governance and Globalization

- Edited by Stephen S. Cohen and Gavin Boyd
- Corporate Governance and the Business Life Cycle

- Edited by Igor Filatochev
- Corporate Governance in Banking

- Edited by Benton E. Gup
- Corporate Governance in Modern Financial Capitalism

- Markus Kallifatides, Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall and Sven-Erik Sjöstrand
- Corporate Governance in Russia

- Edited by Daniel J. McCarthy, Sheila M. Puffer and Stanislav V. Shekshnia
- Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Firms

- Edited by David Audretsch and Erik Lehmann
- Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Financial Development

- Ding Chen
- Corporate Governance, Market Structure and Innovation

- Edited by Mario Calderini, Paola Garrone and Maurizio Sobrero
- Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm

- Edited by Mario Morroni
- Corporate Governance, The Firm and Investor Capitalism

- Alexander Styhre
- Corporate Governance: Political and Legal Perspectives

- Edited by Mark Roe
- Corporate Governance, vol Four volume set

- Edited by Kevin Keasey, Steve Thompson and Mike Wright
- Corporate Power and Responsible Capitalism?

- Bryn Jones
- Corporate Restructuring, vol Two volume set

- Edited by John J. McConnel and David J. Denis
- Corporate Social Responsibility

- Edited by Christine A. Mallin
- Corporate Social Responsibility

- Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee
- Corporate Strategies and the Clean Development Mechanism

- Søren E. Lütken and Axel Michaelowa
- Corporate Strategies in the Age of Regional Integration

- Edited by Jong-Kil Kim and Pierre-Bruno Ruffini
- Corporate Strategy and Firm Growth

- Angelo Dringoli