From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this book series.
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- Carbon Pricing

- Edited by Larry Kreiser, Mikael S. Andersen, Birgitte E. Olsen, Stefan Speck, Janet E. Milne and Hope Ashiabor
- Carbon Pricing, Growth and the Environment

- Edited by Larry Kreiser, Ana Yábar Sterling, Pedro Herrera, Janet E. Milne and Hope Ashiabor
- Care Homes in a Turbulent Era

- Edited by Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley
- Carl Menger (1840–1921)

- Mark Blaug
- Carl Menger and the Evolution of Payments Systems

- Edited by Michael Latzer and Stefan Schmitz

- Edited by Erich W. Streissler and Monika Streissler
- Cartels and Economic Collusion

- Michael A. Utton
- Cartels, Competition and Public Procurement

- Stefan E. Weishaar
- Cartels, vol Two volume set

- Edited by Margaret Levenstein and Stephen Salant
- Case Studies in Family Business

- Edited by Roland E. Kidwell
- Cases in Technological Entrepreneurship

- Edited by Claudio Petti
- Cases on Born Globals

- Edited by Erik S. Rasmussen
- Cases on Digital Entrepreneurship

- Edited by Luca Iandoli and Carmine Gibaldi
- Cash-for-Childcare

- Edited by Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo and Tapio Rissanen
- Catch-up and Crisis in Korea

- Wontack Hong
- Catch-up and Radical Innovation in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

- Xielin Liu, Xiao Wang and Yimei Hu
- CE Marking, Product Standards and World Trade

- David Hanson
- Central and Local Government Relations in Asia

- Edited by Naoyuki Yoshino and Peter Morgan
- Central Bank Independence, Targets and Credibility

- Francesco Lippi
- Central Bank Reserve Management

- Edited by Age F.P. Bakker and Ingmar R.Y. van Herpt
- Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Muslim-Majority Countries

- Akhand Hossain
- Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the Asia-Pacific

- Akhand Hossain
- CENTRAL BANKING IN HISTORY, vol Three volume set

- Edited by Michael Collins
- Central Banking in the Modern World

- Edited by Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia
- Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Gender

- Edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon, Sylvio Kappes and Guillaume Vallet
- Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Income Distribution

- Edited by Sylvio Kappes, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Guillaume Vallet
- Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Social Responsibility

- Edited by Guillaume Vallet, Sylvio Kappes and Louis-Philippe Rochon
- Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment

- Edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon, Sylvio Kappes and Guillaume Vallet
- Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Future of Money

- Edited by Guillaume Vallet, Sylvio Kappes and Louis-Philippe Rochon
- Central Banking, Monetary Theory and Practice

- Edited by Paul Mizen
- Central Banks and Financial Markets

- Hasan Cömert
- Central Banks and Monetary Regimes in Emerging Countries

- Edited by Fernando Ferrari-Filho and Liuz Fernando de Paula
- Central Banks and Supervisory Architecture in Europe

- Edited by Robert Holzmann and Fernando Restoy
- Central Banks as Economic Institutions

- Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut
- Certification and Collective Marks

- Jeffrey Belson
- Challenges for European Innovation Policy

- Edited by Slavo Radosevic and Anna Kaderabkova
- Challenges to the Welfare State

- Edited by Henry Cavanna
- Challenging Neoliberalism

- Cal Clark and Evelyn A. Clark
- Challenging Time Series

- T. Stanley
- Change and Continuity at the World Bank

- Peter J. Hammer

- Kal J. Holsti
- Changing Behaviours

- Rhys Jones, Jessica Pykett and Mark Whitehead
- Changing Big Business

- Anna Hutchens
- Changing Climate, Changing Economy

- Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut
- Changing Institutions in the European Union

- Edited by Giuseppe Eusepi and Friedrich Schneider
- Changing Stocks, Flows and Behaviors in Industrial Ecosystems

- Edited by Matthias Ruth and Brynhildur Davidsdottir
- Chaos and Non-Linear Models in Economics

- Edited by John Creedy and Vance Martin
- Chaos Theory in Economics

- Edited by W. D. Dechert
- Charlatans or Saviours?

- Roger Middleton
- Charting Corporate Corruption

- Peter Fleming and Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos
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