From Edward Elgar Publishing
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- Chicago Price Theory, vol Three volume set

- Edited by J. D. Hammond, Steven Medema and John Singleton
- Children, Changing Families and Welfare States

- Edited by Jane Lewis
- China and its Regions

- Edited by Mary-Françoise Renard
- China and the Global Economy

- Edited by Shahid Yusuf
- China and the Global Energy Crisis

- Tatsu Kambara and Christopher Howe
- China and the Multinationals

- Edited by Robert Pearce
- China in the Global Economy

- Edited by P. J. Lloyd and Xiao-guang Zhang
- China, India and Beyond

- Edited by Natalia Dinello and Shaoguang Wang
- China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia

- Edited by Christopher M. Dent
- China, the European Union and Global Governance

- Edited by Jan Wouters, Tanguy de Wilde, Pierre Defraigne and Jean-Christophe Defraigne
- China–Japan Relations in the Twenty-first Century

- Edited by Michael Heazle and Nick Knight
- China’s Global Vision and Actions

- Peter J. Rimmer
- China’s Capital Markets

- Edited by Kam C. Chan, Hung-Gay Fung and Qingfeng ‘Wilson’ Liu
- China’s Consumer Revolution

- Yanrui Wu
- China’s Economic Development

- Lu Ming, Zhao Chen, Yongqin Wang, Yan Zhang, Yuan Zhang and Changyuan Luo
- China’s Economic Growth Prospects

- Cai Fang
- China’s Economic Miracle

- Sumei Tang, Eliyathamby Selvanathan and Saroja Selvanathan
- China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment

- Edited by Lilai Xu
- China’s Integration with the Global Economy

- Edited by Chunlai Chen
- China’s Long-Term Economic Development

- Hongjun Zhao
- China’s New Industrialization Strategy

- Y. Y. Kueh
- China’s Offshore Investments

- Dexin Yang
- China’s Telecommunications Market

- Ding Lu and Chee K. Wong
- China’s Trade and Investment after the Asia Crisis

- Edited by Tran Van Hoa
- China’s Urban Century

- Edited by François Gipouloux
- China’s Urbanization and the World Economy

- Fan Zhang
- Chinese Economic Development and the Environment

- Shunsuke Managi and Shinji Kaneko
- Chinese Technology Transfer in the 1990s

- Edited by Charles Feinstein and Christopher Howe
- Choice and Economic Welfare

- Edited by Viktor J. Vanberg
- Choice Experiments in Developing Countries

- Edited by Jeffrey Bennett and Ekin Birol
- Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy

- Edited by Ekin Birol and Phoebe Koundouri
- Choice Modelling

- Edited by Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly
- Choice Modelling and the Transfer of Environmental Values

- Edited by John Rolfe and Jeffrey Bennett
- Choice Modelling: Foundational Contributions

- Edited by David Hensher and John Rose
- Christian Theology and Market Economics

- Edited by Ian R. Harper and Samuel Gregg
- Circular Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

- Edited by João J. Ferreira, Magnus Klofsten and David Urbano
- Circular Practices in Buildings and Construction to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

- Usha Iyer-Raniga
- Cities and Partnerships for Sustainable Urban Development

- Edited by Peter Karl Kresl
- Cities and Private Planning

- Edited by David Andersson and Stefano Moroni
- Cities and Regions in Crisis

- Martin Jones
- Cities and the Urban Land Premium

- Henri de Groot, Gerard Marlet, C. N. Teulings and Wouter Vermeulen
- Cities in International Decision-Making

- Agnieszka Szpak, Robert Gawłowski, Joanna Modrzyńska, Paweł Modrzyński and Michał Dahl

- Edited by Barbara Einhorn, Mary Kaldor and Zdenek Kavan
- Citizenship, Sustainability and Environmental Research

- John Barry and John Proops
- City Distribution and Urban Freight Transport

- Edited by Cathy Macharis and Sandra Melo
- City Innovation in a Time of Crisis

- Edited by Peter Karl Kresl
- City Taxes, City Spending

- Edited by Amy Schwartz
- Civil Forfeiture of Criminal Property

- Edited by Simon N.M. Young

- Allen Oakley
- Classical Economic Theory and the Modern Economy

- Steven Kates