From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this book series.
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- Handbook on Waste Management

- Edited by Thomas Kinnaman and Kenji Takeuchi
- Handbook on Wealth and the Super-Rich

- Edited by Iain Hay and Jonathan Beaverstock
- Handbook on Wellbeing, Happiness and the Environment

- Edited by David Maddison, Katrin Rehdanz and Heinz Welsch
- Happimetrics

- Peter A. Gloor
- Happiness in Economics

- Edited by Richard Easterlin
- Happiness, Economics and Politics

- Edited by Amitava Dutt and Benjamin Radcliff
- Harold Hotelling (1895–1973), Lionel Robbins (1898–1984), Clark Warburton (1896–1979), John Bates Clark (1847–1938) and Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973)

- Mark Blaug
- Harry Johnson (1923–1977)

- Mark Blaug
- Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe, Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes

- Edited by Howard R. Vane and Chris Mulhearn
- Hayek and Human Rights

- John C.W. Touchie
- Hayek Revisited

- Edited by Boudewijn Bouckaert and Annette Godart- van der Kroon
- Health Care and Public Policy

- David Reisman
- Health Care Systems in Developing and Transition Countries

- Edited by Diana Pinto MasÃs and Peter C. Smith
- Health Care, the Market and Consumer Choice

- Alain C. Enthoven
- Health Policy

- David Reisman
- Health Policy and High-Tech Industrial Development

- Edited by Marco Di Tommaso and Stuart O. Schweitzer
- Health Tourism

- David Reisman
- Health, Mortality and the Standard of Living in Europe and North America since 1700, vol Two volume set

- Edited by Roderick Floud, Robert Fogel, Bernard Harris and Sok Chul Hong
- Healthcare and Elderly Care in Europe

- Thomas Bahle, Mareike Ariaans, Katharina Koch and Claus Wendt
- Heat, Greed and Human Need

- Ian Gough
- Heat, Power and Light

- Roger Fouquet
- Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector

- Edited by Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer
- Henry George (1839–1897)

- Mark Blaug
- Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought

- Edited by John Laurent
- Henry Thornton (1760–1815), Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), James Lauderdale (1759–1839) and Simonde de Sismondi (1773–1842)

- Mark Blaug
- Herbert A. Simon, George J. Stigler and Ronald H. Coase

- Edited by Howard R. Vane and Chris Mulhearn
- Heterodox Analysis of Financial Crisis and Reform

- Edited by Joëlle Leclaire, Tae-Hee Jo and Jane Knodell

- Edited by Fred Moseley
- High Speed Rail and China’s New Economic Geography

- Zhenhua Chen, Kingsley E. Haynes, Yulong Zhou and Zhaoxin Dai
- High-Tech Entrepreneurship in Asia

- Marina Yue Zhang and Mark Dodgson
- High-Tech Industries in China

- Chien-Hsun Chen and Hui-Tzu Shih
- Higher Education in a Global Society

- Edited by D. Bruce Johnstone, Madeleine B. d’Ambrosio and Paul J. Yakoboski
- Historical Foundations of Globalization

- Edited by James Foreman-Peck

- Takuo Dome
- History of Economic Thought as an Intellectual Discipline

- D. P. O’Brien
- History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200–2000, vol Two volume set

- Edited by Mark Casson and Catherine Casson
- History of Islamic Economic Thought

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- Household Finance, vol Three volume set

- Edited by Michael Haliassos
- Household Labor Economics

- Edited by Pierre-André Chiappori and Costas Meghir
- Household Sustainability

- Chris Gibson, Carol Farbotko, Nicholas Gill, Lesley Head and Gordon Waitt
- Housing Markets and the Global Financial Crisis

- Edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai-Ming Yip
- How and When to Involve Crowds in Scientific Research

- Marion K. Poetz and Henry Sauermann
- How Capitalism Destroyed Itself
- William Kingston
- How Cartels Endure and How They Fail

- Edited by Peter Z. Grossman
- How Economics Should Be Done

- David Colander and Huei-Chun Su
- How Great Cities Happen

- John Stanley, Janet Stanley and Roslynne Hansen
- How Great Cities Happen

- John Stanley, Janet Stanley and Roslynne Hansen
- How Markets Work

- Robert Prasch
- How Markets Work and Fail, and What to Make of Them

- Bart Nooteboom
- How Not to Write a Thesis or Dissertation

- Mikael Sundström
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