From Edward Elgar Publishing
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- Nathan Rosenberg
- The Encyclopedia of Central Banking

- Edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi
- The End of Laissez-Faire?

- Damien Cahill
- The End of Marriage?

- Jane Lewis
- The Endogenous Formation of Economic Coalitions

- Edited by Carlo Carraro
- The Entrepreneur

- Mark Casson
- The Entrepreneur as Business Leader

- Silke Scheer
- The Entrepreneur in Youth

- Marilyn L. Kourilsky and William B. Walstad
- The Entrepreneurial Solution to Poverty and the Science of What is Possible

- James O. Fiet
- The Environment and Transport

- Edited by Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Kenneth Button and Peter Nijkamp
- The Environment in Corporate Management

- Jean-Baptiste Lesourd and Steven G.M. Schillizzi
- The Environment, Sustainable Development and Public Policies

- Edited by Clóvis Cavalcanti
- The Environmentalism of the Poor

- Joan Martínez-Alier
- The Ethics and the Economics of Minimalist Government

- Timothy P. Roth
- The Ethics of Competition

- Christoph Lütge
- The EU and the Global Financial Crisis

- Christian Schweiger
- The EU Reexamined

- Edited by Jörn A. Kämmerer, Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Kaushik Basu
- The Euro

- Philip Arestis, Andrew Brown and Malcolm Sawyer
- The Euro

- Chris Mulhearn and Howard R. Vane
- The Euro and Economic Stability

- Edited by Ewald Nowotny, Peter Mooslechner and Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald
- The European Banking Union and the Role of Law

- Edited by Gianni Lo Schiavo
- The European Challenges Post-1992

- Edited by Alexis Jacquemin and David Wright
- The European Macroeconomy

- Lee Craig and Douglas Fisher
- The European Monetary Union in a Public Choice Perspective

- Jennifer C. Martin-Das
- The European Service Regulation

- Edited by Apostolos Anthimos and Marta Requejo Isidro
- The European Social Model

- Nick Adnett and Stephen Hardy
- The European Social Model in Crisis

- Edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead
- The European Union and Developing Countries

- Edited by Yves Bourdet, Joakim Gullstrand and Karin Olofsdotter
- The European Union and East Asia

- Edited by Peter W. Preston and Julie Gilson
- The European Union and Globalisation

- Brigid Gavin
- The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances

- Edited by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Moa Mårtensson, Lars Oxelheim and Thomas Persson
- The Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies

- Edited by Jaap de Koning
- The Evolution of Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the Asia-Pacific

- Akhand Hossain
- The Evolution of Economic Institutions

- Edited by Geoffrey Hodgson
- The Evolution of Efficient Common Law

- Edited by Paul Rubin
- The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe

- Leonardo Meeus
- The Evolution of Korean Industrial and Employment Relations

- Edited by Young-Myon Lee and Bruce Kaufman
- The Evolution of Large Corporations in Korea

- Sung-Hee Jwa
- The Evolution of Markets for Water

- Edited by Jeffrey Bennett
- The Evolution of Organizations

- Edited by John Child
- The Evolution of Path Dependence

- Edited by Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson
- The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge

- Edited by Hans S. Jensen, Lykke M. Ricard and Morten T. Vendelø
- The Evolution of Social Innovation

- Edited by Frances Westley, Katherine McGowan and Ola Tjörnbo
- The Evolution of Supplementary Pensions

- Edited by James Kolaczkowski, Michelle Maher, Yves Stevens and Jakob M. Werbrouck
- The evolution of the single european market

- Edited by David Mayes
- The Evolution of the Stock Market in China’s Transitional Economy

- Chien-Hsun Chen and Hui-Tzu Shih
- The Evolution of the Theory of the Firm

- Edited by David J. Teece and Neil Kay
- The Evolution of the World Economy

- Terutomo Ozawa
- The Evolutionary Analysis of Economic Policy

- Edited by Pavel Pelikan
- The Evolutionary Complexity of Endogenous Innovation

- Cristiano Antonelli